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- Family Ties

"Delicate flower vs. Naughty vixen?" Bonnie questioned the twins looking down at two different colour nail varnishes in her hands as she was at the Gilbert's household getting ready for tonight's founders party that'll be at the Lockwood's Mansion.

Elena hummed tilting her head in thought as she glanced between Bonnie and her sister who was too busy painting her nails to pay attention and replied, " tough call. Can we mix them?" Grace glanced up, looking at the two colours and nodding her head in agreement as both colours would look even better on the Bennett witch.

"Look at you, E, getting all pretty for your date" Grace teased her sister with a smirk on her face causing Elena to roll her eyes but smiled nonetheless as Bonnie smiled brightly looking between the sister and added in, " you both seem happy-ish"

Grace sighed pushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she explained, " Well, I decided I don't want to be the girl that pushes away her family and friends. I have a feeling that things might just go back to the way things were"

Elena smiled taking a seat next to her sister squeezing her hand in reassurance before turning her attention to Bonnie, " I am...ish. Tonight's going to be a good night, but don't let that stop you from telling me whatever it is you wanted to tell me as soon as you walked in the door"

Bonnie hesitated, staying silent for a moment glancing between the twins before a small sigh escaped her lips, " What if I tell you in the morning? I don't want to ruin the night" the Bennett Witch suggested raising her eyebrows at the brunette.

"Bonnie out with it" Grace demanded taking the nail varnish out of her hands with an expectantly look on her face causing bonnie to sigh in defeat glancing between the twins and exclaimed, " Okay, but it has to go in the vault because Caroline will kill me if it gets back to Damon that she squealed"

Grace and Elena both shared a look before they both looked back at Bonnie nodding their heads in agreement causing Bonnie to sigh as she informed, " Apparently, Stefan had a very interesting back story. Do you know what happened with his ex-girlfriend Katherine?"

" I know that they both dated her and that's why they have issues" Elena replied crossing her arms over her chest causing the red headed girl to nod her head in agreement as she heard the same exact thing from Stefan a couple of days ago.

Bonnie shook her head sending a sympathy look to the brunette and explained, " Yeah, they both dated her. Only she chose Damon and that drove Stefan mad, so, he did horrible things to try and break them up. He manipulated Katherine, he filled her head with all these lies until it worked and she turned against Damon"

Grace scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief as she knew Stefan and that is just something the youngest Salvatore wouldn't do, " that sounds like one person's side of the story, meaning Damon's" Grace stated rolling her eyes sharing a look with her sister who was shifting in her seat uncomfortably as even though Stefan wasn't like that there was also a chance that Damon was telling the truth as the two didn't really know each other that well.

" I just wanted you to know" Bonnie quickly said holding her hands up in mock surrender causing Elena to groan in frustration taking the nail varnish from Grace's hands when a small sigh escaped her lips and said, " anyway, his past relationships are none of my business"

Bonnie hummed rolling her eyes turning back to paint her nails as she sarcastically added in, " unless he's a calculating, manipulative liar. That is your business" Elena narrowed her eyes at her best friend and sternly told her, " Stefan is none of those things"

"Yeah?" Bonnie asked with a disbelief look on her face raising her eyebrows at the brunette, " How do you know" Grace rolled her eyes at the witch and exclaimed, " it just doesn't sound like Stefan. He's compassionate, kind, loyal and doesn't sound anything like the guy Damon is trying to make him out to be"

Elena nodded her head in agreement sending a grateful look to her sister as she wasn't the only one that didn't believe a word that came out the eldest Salvatore brother mouth knowing he was doing it to get under Stefan's skin and to somehow cause problems between Elena and his brother.

A little while later, Grace was sat on her bathroom counter staring at herself through the mirror as she was doing her makeup. The red headed girl had one eye closed as she was applying eyeliner to her eyes humming to the music that was playing in the background.

Bonnie was curling her hair next to the youngest twin while Elena was fixing her mascara before picking up her sisters peach lipgloss but before she could apply it to her lips the brunette phone rang causing her to rush out of the bathroom and into her sisters bedroom where she answered the phone.

"Hello?Hi, Mrs Lockwood. What do you mean? It is? Are you sure? 'Cause I saw it. Let me check, Mm-Hmm. I will find it and bring it. Ok. Bye." Elena spoke rolling her eyes as she hung up the phone shaking her head in disbelief.

Grace had an confused expression on her face as she turned to look at her sister through the bathroom door and asked, " what's wrong?" The brunette ignored Grace as she stormed out of her sisters bedroom and headed straight for Jeremy's who was sat by his computer with his headphones on blasting music loudly.

Elena clenched her jaw together tightly as she took her brothers headphones off causing him to groan in annoyance, " Ahh! God, what now?" Jeremy complained with a roll of his eyes causing Elena to scoff as she narrowed her eyes at him and questioned, " the pocket watch. Where is it?"

"What watch?" Jeremy asked glaring at his sister who was standing in front of him with her eyebrows raised and a determined look on her face as she replied, " the one you stole from mom's box. Look, Mrs Lockwood just called me freaking out. It was on the list, Jeremy, she can't find it and thinks she lost it"

Grace sighed as she leaned against the doorframe, her arms folded loosely across her chest eyeing her brother from across the room as he shrugged his shoulders carelessly and said, " Maybe she did, maybe Tyler took it"

" don't even play that card. You took it!" Elena exclaimed throwing her arms in the air in disbelief narrowing her eyes at her brother, " if I go online, am I gonna find it on eBay? Is that how you pay for your pot?" Grace sent a warning glare to her sister and called out, " E! Back off"

Elena turned to face her sister staring at her with a frown on her face before turning to face Jeremy who stood up angrily as he pulled the pocket watch from his pocket and growled, " Screw you! I would never sell this, okay?" Slamming the watch into his sister hand.

"Then why would you take it?" Elena curiously asked causing Grace to send her brother a saddened look knowing exactly why he took the pocket watch in the first place making her turn her attention to Elena and softly explained, " because it's supposed to be his. Dad said it goes to the firstborn son, his father give it to him"

Elena eyes widened in realization on what her sister was telling her causing her to turn to look at Jeremy and mumbled, " and he was going to give it to you" causing Jeremy to nod his head in confirmation making Elena sigh in defeat, " Look, Jeremy, it's still yours, okay? Mom promised Mrs Lockwood, what do you want me to do"

"Just take it and get out" Jeremy snapped putting his headphones back on causing Elena to look down at the watch with a frown on her face but before she walked out of the room Grace took it off her making the red headed girl sigh as she explained, " I think Mrs Lockwood will be just fine without it. We'll just make an excuse or something"

Elena nodded her head watching her sister place it on the computer desk before kissing her brother on the head and walking out of the room with Elena and headed back towards her own to continue getting ready for tonight's party that she's going to with her Aunt Jenna.


Later on that evening, the Lockwood mansion was packed with the people of mystic falls greeting Mr Lockwood and his wife before heading inside the mansion. Grace had her arm looped with Jenna's wearing a pink dress as they walked up the stairs causing the red headed girl to sigh as she glanced at her aunt and quietly said, " You think Elena will notice if we ditch"

Jenna snorted in amusement shaking her head at her nieces antics, " Yeah, I don't think so. We've been spotted" the strawberry blonde told Grace gesturing towards Carol Lockwood who was making her way over towards the two with a beaming smile on her face with her husband following after her.

"Grace! You look beautiful" Carol greeted the red headed girl with a smile on her face as she pressed a kiss to her cheek before doing the same to Jenna causing Grace to send her a small smile and respond, "thank you"

Richard smiled at the two girls before a frown appeared on his face, " Tyler's here with Vicki. We were wondering why he's not here with you" Grace awkwardly shared a look with Jenna with wide eyes before turning to face the couple and explain, "Oh, we broke up a couple of weeks ago"

"Well, thank you for coming. Come on inside" Mayor Lockwood invited the two girls in who smiled in response making their way into the mansion as Jenna nudged the red headed girl beside her and muttered, "That wasn't awkward at all" causing Grace to chuckle with an amused smile on her lips.

Jenna and Grace were wondering around the mansion, looking at the relics from the towns founders. The red headed girl was stood staring at her parents wedding rings with a saddened look on her face when Jenna grabbed her hand squeezing it in reassurance, " Your parents would be so proud of you Grace"

"You think so? I just really wish they were here you know, with everything that's been happening lately. Mom would know what to do. I'm going to go look for Elena but I'll find you in a bit" Grace told her aunt who nodded her head watching her niece in concern.

Out of the three Gilbert siblings, Grace was the most sensitive and when her parents died she put a lot of blame on herself but now, Jenna, could see that she was trying to move on and get into the things that she was interested in before Miranda and Grayson died.

Grace was walking around the mansion trying to find her sister when she saw Elena talking to Stefan making her sigh as she made her way towards the couple with a smile on her face, " Elena, thank god. I've been looking everywhere for you"

"Grace. Don't you look pretty" Elena greeted her sister with a smile as she checked out the pink dress she was wearing before turning her attention back onto the original founders party guest registry, " the founders families of Mystic falls welcome you to the inaugural founders council celebration. Wow, look it's the original guest registry"

Grace moved to stand by her sister as she scanned the names on the list with wide eyes as she spoke up, " Hey, look at all these familiar names. Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood, is that Damon Salvatore? And Stefan Salvatore?"

"What?" Elena asked in surprise looking between her sister and her boyfriend with an confused expression on her face when suddenly Damon and Caroline walked into the room and the eldest Salvatore brother spoke up and informed the twins, " the original Salvatore brothers, our ancestors. Tragic story, actually"

Grace rolled her eyes in annoyance with a sarcastic smile on her face as she turned to face Damon with her arms folded across her chest," Great. You're here" she boredly said causing Stefan to smile in amusement while Damon faked a hurt look placing his hand against his chest, " Oh, come on, Gracie, don't be like that" he teased the red headed girl with a smirk on his face.

"We don't need to bore them with stories of the past" Stefan stated narrowing his eyes at his brother who smirked raising his eyebrows in response when Elena turned her attention on her boyfriend and softly told him, " it's not boring, Stefan. I'd love to hear more about your family"

Stefan stiffened slightly which didn't go unnoticed by Grace who frowned with an confused expression on her face but before she could comment on it Caroline spoke up with a smile on her face, " Well, I'm bored. I wanna dance and Damon won't dance with me. Can I just borrow your date?" The blonde questioned the brunette.

Stefan smiled kindly as Elena stuttered over her words trying to find an excuse but the youngest Salvatore brother didn't want to leave Damon alone with either Grace or Elena as he shook his head and stated, " I don't really dance"

Damon scoffed in disbelief with a smirk on his face as he interrupted his brother and informed the three girls, " Oh, sure he does. You should see him, waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk. He does it all"

"You wouldn't mind, would you, Elena?" Caroline questioned the eldest twin with her eyebrows raised causing the brunette to shake her head with a forced smile on her face and told her, " it's up to Stefan" Caroline beamed at the Salvatore brother as she took his arm and exclaimed, " Well, sorry, but I'm not gonna take no for an answer" dragging the youngest Salvatore out of the room and towards the dance floor.

Grace looked between Elena and Damon with a sigh before clearing her throat and told them both, " I'm gonna look for aunt Jenna, no doubt she'll be at the bar drinking herself under the table" Elena chuckled in amusement watching her sister walk away but not before sending a glare to Damon who just shook his head with a smile on his face at her antics.


Later that night, Grace had left Jenna alone with Logan who was quite persistent for the strawberry blonde to give him another chance. The red headed girl was in the bathroom re applying her lipstick when Caroline walked into the bathroom smiling at her best friend and asked, " Hey, you having fun?"

"Yeah, if having fun means watching Jenna insult Logan Fell. I had to stop her from smashing a plate on his head" Grace told the blonde with an amused smile on her lips causing Caroline to snort at the red headed girl words knowing she wouldn't put it past Jenna to do something like that.

Caroline leaned towards the mirror putting some lipgloss on when Grace frowned at the bite mark that peeked out from the scarf she was wearing, " what is that?" Grace questioned with an concerned look on her face causing Caroline to hum in confusion turning to look at the red headed with her eyebrows raised.

Grace eyes widened as she went to move the scarf from her best friends neck causing Caroline to jump away from her touch and sternly told her, " don't" The Gilbert girl ignored the blonde as she moved the scarf away from her neck only to reveal a huge brutal bite mark on her neck.

"Oh, my god. Caroline, what happened?" Grace questioned in horror staring at the bite mark only for the blonde to move away from Grace as she readjusts the scarf shrugging her shoulders casually and told her, " it's nothing. Don't worry about it"

Grace scoffed in disbelief, narrowing her eyes at the Forbes girl and exclaimed, " that is not nothing! Did somebody hurt you?" She asked which made Caroline immediately shake her head as she stuttered over her words, " No, okay, it...nothing, it's just... my mom would kill me"

The red headed girl frowned in concern staring at Caroline but another bite mark caught her eye that was on her shoulder that was hidden by the shawl she was wearing causing her eyes to darken as she narrowed them at the blonde and questioned, " did Damon hurt you? I swear to god..."

"No. Of course not" Caroline quickly cut her off with her eyes widened like she was afraid of someone pushing Grace away from her who only went to look at the marks again making Caroline push her hands away once again and snapped, " just leave me alone, okay, Grace? God"

Grace raised her eyebrows watching Caroline grab her purse before storming out of the bathroom causing the red headed girl to sigh as she grabbed her own purse and headed out of bathroom searching for Damon Salvatore which she spotted him outside.

Grace's green eyes glared at Damon as she stormed over towards the eldest Salvatore with a cold look on her face shoving his chest harshly looking at him in disgust as she hissed, " There is something seriously wrong with you! You stay away from Caroline or I will go to her mother, the sheriff. Got it, stay away from her and stay away from my sister!"

The red headed girl turned around to search for her sister and Stefan who were dancing on the dance floor looking like they were having a heated argument. Grace sighed making her way towards them with a determined look on her face and told them, " I need to talk to you"

Elena and Stefan exchanged an confused look following after the red headed girl who led them away from the crowd, " you seriously need to sort out your brother! What kind of person does something like that to someone!"

"Whoa, Grace? What are you talking about? What did he do?" Elena asked in confusion seeing how angry her sister was she was practically shaking in rage as she narrowed her eyes at Stefan and explained, " there are bruises all over Caroline's body. Bite marks and he had her all confused and messed up in the head"

Elena gasped in shock at what her sister was telling them only to glance at Stefan who sighed looking down at the floor before glancing between the twins, " you don't look surprised" the brunette stated.

"I'm handling it" Stefan replied crossing his arms over his chest with a shake of her head causing both Grace and Elena to scoff in disbelief as the red headed girl spoke up and exclaimed, " handling it? Stefan, you should be having him arrested"

Stefan went silent for a moment before glancing between the twins, " Grace, Elena, please, I... I don't expect you both to understand" the twins exchange a look before Elena turned her attention back onto the youngest Salvatore and stated, " i don't understand anything, Stefan. So why don't you just clear it up for us"

"Look, there are things that you don't know, okay? Things that I want to tell you both but I can't and I may never be able to and I just need you to trust me" Stefan softly told them causing Grace to shake her head with a saddened look on her face, " trust is earned. We can't just magically hand it over." She responded giving him a look as she sighed in defeat, "Look, I have to go find Caroline I'll see you later"


"She took it off and I got flustered, okay? I didn't know what to say but I swear, I did not tell her, I just told her that you didn't mean to hurt me" Caroline cried out in tears, shaking in fear at the raven haired vampire who was dragging her away from the party

Damon had his jaw clenched together tightly in anger for when the red headed girl had cornered him about the marks she had found on her best friends body. Damon stared at the blonde in front of him circling around her until he was standing behind her with his hands on her hips.

The raven haired vampire pulled her close to his body as he breathed out heavily pushing her blonde hair away from her neck and whispered, " you make me crazy, you know that? It's okay. I forgive you"

" I swear, I didn't say..." Caroline started to say shaking her head only for Damon to cut her of as he shushed her and quietly told her, " it's okay. Unfortunately, I am so over you now" pressing sensual kisses to her neck before pulling back showing his fangs and biting viciously causing Caroline to let out an ear-scattering scream.

Grace, who furrowed her eyebrows at the sound turned her head only for her eyes to widened as she made her way down the stairs and towards the lake where she spotted Caroline and an unknown person biting into her neck.

The red headed girl rushed forward slightly as she held out her hand and chanted, "Ictus" causing damon to fly away from the blond landing on the ground with a groan as Grace rushed towards her best friends body that fell to the ground, "Oh, my god. Caroline"

Grace eyes widened in shock at the same bite mark that's all over her body. The Gilbert girl then realized that it was Damon that had attacked her friend but as she turned around Damon had disappeared making her frown in confusion but turned her attention to Caroline who was now slowly waking up.

Caroline glanced around in confusion before picking up the crystal necklace that was on the ground before turning to stare at Grace with tears in her eyes, " Care, are you okay?" The blonde nodded her head with tearful eyes as her voice cracked as she softly told her, "yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine" Grace sent a sympathy look to Caroline as her body was shaking in terror causing her to wrap her arms around the blonde tightly stroking her hair as she attempted to sooth the Forbes girl, " Your alright, Caroline. I won't let him hurt you"

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