๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ—. ๐œ๐ก๐จ๐œ๐จ๐ฅ๐š๐ญ๐ž

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" ๐•ด got the chocolates!".

Jack glances down at the pair of fruit flavoured dark chocolate being pushed into the shopping cart in front of him as he stands in the middle of the line at checkout.

His face twists into a scowl.

Grabbing the packets, he pushes them into Trevor's chest with annoyance.

"That's dark chocolate. She hates it".

Trevor frowns, "It's flavoured. See, I even got a cherry one", he gestures to one of the packs.

"Not happening. She's gonna throw us out if we bring that into the house. Go get some milk ones, would ya? And no nuts or fruits, just plain milk chocolate".

Groaning, Trevor steps back with a shake of his head.

"This is never-ending".

"That's because you're dumb and you can't do anything right".

"Well, not all of us can be in love with her".

Both of them still, realising what has just left Trevor's mouth. Trevor stands wide eyed because he didn't mean to actually say it โ€” it just slipped out? Oops? โ€” and Jack looks at him with irritation trying to mask the rapid beating of his heart.

He's not in love with June. They're just . . . friends who occasionally have sex and cuddle, and also act like an old married couple at times but that's besides the point.

And anyway, it's not like June's in love with him either so.

And Trevor doesn't know shit, he's just being annoying as usual because apparently he's been a little suspicious since he saw the two together this summer?

He's only being nosy, no big deal.

Wait, why am I even thinking about this?

"Would you stop yapping and go get the damn chocolate?".

Scoffing, he moves away without another word โ€” both of them suddenly grateful for the fact that neither of them wants to address the unnecessary elephant in the room.

( ๐—๐—‹๐–พ๐— , ๐—ƒ๐—Ž๐—‡๐—‚๐—‰๐–พ๐—‹ )

** ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต **
these good?

ew no

but it's cranberry and
it's a milk chocolate

idc i only like the plain


shut up

** ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต **
this one?

that's white chocolate

so? chocolate is chocolate

i asked for the milk ones?

any specifications

there's an entire shelf
full of milk chocolates

idk which one to get

do they have galaxy bars

the normal one


** ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต **
which one is it

the gold one!

right, i've got it

anything else?

do they have cadbury oreo


get one






do any of the other children
want anything


thanks dad ๐Ÿฅฐ

or do u prefer daddy

dad's just fine, honey

ur bf and i will be home


nothing ๐Ÿค—

wtf is wrong with u

u can't speak to me like
that, i'm ur father

i'm ending this conversation




Trevor shows up with the right chocolates a few minutes later and soon it's their turn to get their stuff checked out.

The attendant bags their items and hands it over to them, Jack carrying just one small grocery bag โ€” since he has to start the car too โ€” and Trevor following with several brown grocery bags in his arms.

They step out of the store only for Jack to tut at the sight of a blonde accidentally tipping her entire bag of vegetables near her car in the parking lot.

"Go get these situated in the trunk", Jack thrusts the bag in his hand on top of the ones Trevor's already carrying and unlocks the car before hurrying over to help the tiny woman huffing as she collects everything.

"Hey!", Trevor retorts but sighs in a resigned manner when he gets a glimpse of Jack moving to help the woman โ€” because honestly what is he supposed to do? Say 'don't help her'? โ€” and walks over to their car instead.

He stuffs everything in the boot, running a hand through his hair and staring at the grocery bags for a few minutes when he senses Jack walking up behind him.

He glances back with a raised brow only to get a distracted response and watches his friend get in the driver's seat before realising that he's pretty sure they left their bill inside.


He taps on Jack's window and after it's rolled down, he leans in to ask, "Did you get the bill?".

"Uh . . . I don't think so", Jack frowns.

Heaving out a dramatic sigh, Trevor backs away.

"Fine, I'll get everything done here", he flails his hands around then enters the store again to politely request the attendant at the checkout counter to retrieve his bill for him.

Now a relieved man with his bill in hand, he walks out only to stop short a little ways out of the entrance when he sees a rogue tomato lying by one of the tires of the car the blonde woman had been stuffing her things inside.

Shaking his head, he walks up to the tomato and picks it up stepping over to the driver's side โ€” the engine is already running which is a clear indication that the woman is inside โ€” and taps on the window watching it slowly roll down and a careful face peek out.

His heart drops when those suspicious blue eyes connect with his, a familiar pain returning as if it had never temporarily faded away.

Suddenly, he's forgotten everything he's ever known.

It's just him with this damn tomato in his hand and the blonde staring up at him in half panic and half shock.

He's not sure which one's better.


Her voice is exactly the same which only worsens the anxiety rolling through him because that means she is who he thinks she is and there's no way he can pretend otherwise.

Her voice has always sounded so . . . . raspy with a hint of beautiful sweetness coated in every word that escapes her perfect lips โ€” lips that if he tried enough, he could still imagine tasting.

His throat feels dry and his body completely rigid but somehow he finds the strength to open his mouth and speak.

He clears his throat, "Your tomato was lying on the ground".

He offers her the bright red globe and gingerly, she accepts it pursing her peach glossed lips and breathing out an audible sigh which makes her bangs gently flutter against her forehead.

There's no way she's real.

"Thank you", she tries to smile but it only comes off as a tight lipped grimace.

He wants to walk away, act like none of this happened like he didn't just see her in the last place he'd expect to see her.

And like his heart isn't still running miles around its cage begging him to breathe properly and do something about the unstitched pieces still lying in the same position they were in six months ago.

So, he opens his mouth again.

"What are you . . . what are you doing in Michigan?".

She seems surprised hearing him speak, hearing him try to have an actual conversation but quickly shakes herself out of her daze.

"Vacationing", she simply states as if that's supposed to explain why she's in the same area as the Hughes' Lake House.

He stuffs his hands in his pocket.

"Vacationing? In Michigan? Are you with someone or . . . "

"Alone. I like my alone time".

"No, I'm sorry how are youโ€”this is where the lake house is. I'm here too. For the summer", he stares at her in a mixture of confusion, curiosity and hope.

So much of hope.

She looks up at him as if he's the dumbest man on this planet.

"I didn't follow you here, if that's what you're implying. I didn't even know this is where the lake house is located. Millie booked me a cottage for the summer and", she gestures towards herself, "here I am. So don't go feeling flattered or some shit", she scoffs, hands already returning to the steering wheel ready to leave.

He doesn't want her to leave.

Not anymore.

"No, uhm. No. I wasn't thinking that at all. I'm just surprised".

"Okay? I really have to get going now so . . . .", she raises a brow expectantly.

Reluctantly, he steps back letting her get the car out of the parking space.

"Nice seeing you here!", he yells when the car is almost about to turn into the exit.

She seems to hesitate at the wheel but it shows only for a second before she's pulling out of the lot without a second glance or any acknowledgement of his parting words.

This is going to be one hell of a summer.

once again reminding you that my trevor fic is connected to this one so the fmc will often make appearances here !

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