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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐙𝐄𝐑𝐎. | ❛ Hell Breaks Loose. ❜

PIETRO MAXIMOFF'S EAR PERKED UP AT THE SOUND OF A CELL DOOR OPENING. It was yet another boring day for the Maximoff twins where they were experimented on and tested on their abilities. It was safe to say that Pietro was almost done with his tests and he was bored out of his mind, deeply wanting to get the hell out of this hellhole. However, his boredom slowly vanished when he heard the news about a new patient joining their project and he was curious. He heard a faint name, Heroine, and he was intrigued. Wanda in this case didn't put much attention to it and was placed on her tiny bed, her back facing him while she tried to shut down the loud noise from down the hall.

     Two guards held a limping body while they walked toward a cell. They had a harsh grip on the woman, but she didn't flinch once as they threw her inside the chamber. They quickly locked the door and left her on the hard ground. Pietro leaned closer to the railings and held them tight as he watched her making muffled sounds before slowly revealing herself. The cell was placed in front of the twins, so they could get a good look at the new prisoner.

     The older twin almost gasped at the sight of her. She was heavily bruised and by the looks of it, she looked very sick and pale. He noticed her skin and frowned, watching grey capillaries forming down her arms to her face. He watched her reach the bar, her trembling hands touching the cold metal. She leaned her head on the railings and gave it a harsh shake, startling both of them. Wanda sighed and was about to scold her brother but paused, noticing a new face in front of her.

     The prisoner's heavy breathing got more shallow and she kept hitting the cell door, using all her strength and power, but it didn't budge which left her growl in anger as her eyes turned dark. Wanda stepped out of her bed and sauntered in front of her cell, studying the female. She sat down on the cold floor, her butt flinching at the cold sensation.

     Jamie was still out of it and didn't notice her surroundings. She was too busy forming a plan inside her head, and to figure out how she ended up here in the first place. With a curse, she gave up and let out a long sigh and let her brain take in the environment. The cell she was inside was fairly small. It had a small bed and a sink and the walls were grey. Her heart thumped inside her chest as flashbacks entered her mind, making her close her eyes. It was suffocating as she felt a reign of pain prickling her chest. Her mind wandered, the memories of the trials haunting her.

     Wanda's heart clenched once she saw the girl's visions and memory. She didn't mean to, her powers sometimes got the best of her, and catch glimpses of someone's life once she studies them. Her lips formed into a downwards pout and took a closer look at her. Leaning her head against the bars, she turned her head and gave Pietro a sad look.

     Jamie had a hand on her throat, feeling her pulse rise and she tried to remind herself that her friends will come and save her. Natasha was probably worried sick, Steve would freak out and Sam, well, she didn't get to know him that much but she considered him as a friend. She inhaled and slowly exhaled, repeating it a few times before opening her eyes.

     Her eyes glazed over the room before she looked in front of her. She almost jumped out of fear when she noticed two people watching her with what looked like worry? She couldn't figure it out and felt too tired to do anything. Her body hurt and her mind hurt too. She didn't know where she was and she just wanted to go home.

     Once she looked at the two, they paused and held their breath. Guilt washed over them for being so nosy, and Wanda could already hear her mother's scoldings for minding their own business and not prying into people's lives. She looked calm, almost too calm to their liking and they were intimidated by her demeanor.

     "You guys enjoyed the episode earlier?" Jamie spoke for the first time, referring to her anger, and watched their faces turn pale. Pietro still held onto the bars and looked at her with a frown. Wanda bit her lip in anticipation and looked down shamelessly.

     Jamie chuckled, looking at the pair in amusement, "Not much of a talker, huh?" she asked them, her tired eyes darting back and forth between them. They didn't answer, only looked at her with curiosity filling their eyes.

     "Yeah, me too," she admitted, laughing at the end. Laughter filled the room, making Wanda's lip curve unknowingly at the sound, and smiled softly. Pietro furrowed his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side, observing her.

     "What's your name?" Pietro voiced out his thoughts, a wrinkle forming on his forehead as he leaned closer to the bars. Wanda gave him a look and silently shook her head.

     Jamie faintly smiled, fiddling with her necklace and they could tell it meant something to her. Wanda squinted her eyes and noticed it was a ring. She quickly turned her gaze back on her lap and sighed, feeling she was prying too much into her mind. "Jamie."

     Pietro hummed in satisfaction at his question getting answered whilst Wanda looked back at her once again, "Your full name is Jamilla Barzinji. You're 175 years old and an ex-soldier from H.R.N. You defeated the government and saved millions of people. You're the Heroine." Wanda confidently said, but once she realized what she said she covered a hand over her mouth. She felt bad for giving out that type of information in the room, knowing that security at this building was a top priority.

     Pietro gave her sister a glare and Jamie looked astonished and bewildered. "Huh..." she mumbled and frowned. "Well, I guess I don't need to say as much knowing you're reading my mind already," she said, pursing her lips together.

     Wanda's stomach churned and pouted, "I-I-m sorry, I-I didn't mean to-" she stumbled with her words, her Sokovian accent flowing through. Pietro put his head on the bars and sighed. Great job, sis. You're scaring her away. He thought.

     Soft laughs escaped Jamie's lips. Her chest vibrated while she shook her head. Wanda had an uneasy look and she felt the guilt slowly eating her up. You're an idiot. Stop prying too much. She thought, but once she looked at her again her body relaxed at her calm demeanor. "No, it's alright." she brushed her off whilst she shrugged her shoulders.

     "I'm Pietro and this is my twin sister, Wanda." The older of the Maximoff twins introduced themselves with a cheeky grin, causing Jamie's lip to tug upwards. Wanda rolled her eyes and sighed, shyly looking at her hands.

     Jamie raised her eyebrows with a hum, "Wanda and Pietro. I like it." she mumbled, enough for the two to hear and smiled. The twins got a feeling they would all get along. Jamie rubbed her eyes with her palms and sighed, watching her skin turning grey from a toxin they etched into her. "Where am I?" she said in a small voice, fear erupting inside her, forgetting a rather nice conversation between the two and getting back to reality.

     "A Hydra base," Wanda told her, a frown forming on her face as she watched her pause. Jamie looked up at her and shook her head, "No, no, no. I-I can't be-" she choked on her words and felt panic wash over her. She couldn't breathe and felt herself slipping. Her chest was heavy and she put her hands over the bars, aggressively shaking the cell door. "Let me out! Let me out of here! Goddammit!" she shouted while hitting the bars repeatedly.

     The twins could only watch, their eyes widened and being unable to speak. They watched her banging on the door with pleading eyes and they flinched at the loud sounds. Wanda gasped, watching her eyes turning black and the veins appearing under her eyes. "Let me out!" she screamed and hit the bars one last time.

     The sound of a door click made her stop. The guards from earlier came bursting into the room and dashed towards the cell, quickly entering her cell and grabbing her. Jamie tossed and squirmed from their grip and protested with kicking and screaming. The other guard pulled a small syringe out of his pocket before plunging it onto her neck, making her gasp. She looked at the guards, watching them putting her on the bed with hazy eyes. Her eyelids became blurry and she felt the darkness engulf her.

     Wanda kept yelling at them to stop. Her heart broke at the sight of her and she gave the guards a look of disappointment. She looked at her brother through the bars and he looked back at her with a sad expression.

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