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New chapter, not proofread!! I'll be editing it soon, sorry if there's writing errors.

"Hey, what can you say? We were overdue,
but it'll be over soon, you wait."

UNCONTROLLABLE FEAR, that's just what I felt. Well, I wouldn't call it fear...I would call it nervousness, shyness, I don't even know actually. I just know that I felt weird following Steven, inside. Now he was the one angry and I wanted to stop him.

Nova: "Steven! Wait!"

I ran quickly towards the boy as he emerged deeper into our home, he was very annoyed and obviously not looking for a conversation but I didn't care. I stumbled across a pair of boxes on the ground, loosing the boy completely.

My attention was now focused on the boxes, they were filled with mom's old seashells and books. I wondered instantly what they were doing there, she usually store those on the garage.

I looked around the house in search for Mom, but she was nowhere near. On the distance, I heard what sounded like Jeremiah and Steven's voice connected. My eyes opened widely and my legs moved quick towards their direction.

Jeremiah: "Listen, Steven, I would never do anything to ever hurt her." -he whispered, looking over to the boy with apologetic eyes.

I hid behind the hallway's wall near the living room, peeking through it to see the pair. They both argued right in front of the doors that led into a small office at home. Mom, usually keeps the new paintings hidden there.

Steven: "Well, you still should've told me."

Jeremiah: "I should have. I'm sorry." -he apologized, receiving a glare from Steven, before he walked off quietly.

He walked right past the hallway I was in, but thankfully didn't noticed my presence.

Steven: "God, just, don't do stuff in front of me."

I chuckled over his complain, watching how he disappeared from my sight and no longer heard him around. My shoulder was then suddenly touched after a long silence, making me jump completely startled.

Nova: "Jeremiah, what the hell?!" -I exclaimed, pushing his chest back suddenly over the startle.

Jeremiah: "Why were you spying then?"

Nova: "Wha-what?! No! I wasn't spying?!"

He nodded continuously over my bad lying, beginning to laugh over how stupid I probably looked trying to defend myself.

Jeremiah: "You were totally spying, Nova."

Nova: "Okay, yes, I was. But it was for a good cause!"

Jeremiah: "Which was?" -he asked with a smirk formed on his face.

Nova: "Looking out for you...you know, in case you got your ass kicked."

He then rolled his eyes after hearing my reply, receiving another push by me, this time purposely.

Jeremiah: "Hey?!"

Nova: "Be grateful that I was protecting your ass, you could've seriously gotten yourself beat up."

Jeremiah: "I'm extremely grateful." -he mumbled sarcastically, receiving a slap on the chest by me.

He opened his eyes widely again, closing them shut suddenly. Then I was suddenly grabbed by him and placed across his shoulder, I shouted loudly around the home as he ran throughout the living room.

Nova: "Dude, put me down! Jeremiah!"

Jeremiah: "No, thank you." -he laughed, continuing running around the living room.

He then stopped his tracks suddenly, making me look back to see Mom, smiling our way brightly.

Susannah: "Put your sister down, Jere." -she chuckled, pointing at the ground.

Jeremiah, quickly placed me down while laughing, receiving a glare from me that it quickly turned into a laugh as well.

Nova: "What's up, Mom?"

Susannah: "You guys should start getting ready soon, I don't want us to arrive late." -she mentioned, rubbing her hands together excitedly.

She then grabbed my hands, lifting them up slowly while glancing at me up and down with a smile. I smiled back comfortably, receiving a wink from her soon after.

Jeremiah: "Do you girls need a moment or something?" -he joked, making the both of us laugh as he began to walk off.

Susannah: "Remember to wet your hair a little bit, your curls need some refreshing vibes in them."

Jeremiah: "I'll just put gel in it, don't worry."

Susannah: "Please don't."

Nova: "Yes, do not!" -I exclaimed, hearing Jeremiah's laughter.

Then rapid footsteps approached downstairs again, leading us to look towards the hallway. Jeremiah, quickly came back towards us and placed kisses on Mom and I's cheeks.

Susannah: "Thank you, honey."

Jeremiah: "Anytime." -he replied, walking off rapidly once again.

I turned to look at Mom, soon after and realized she was wearing a familiar robe currently. I smiled by the memory that had come back to me, looking up at her with widened eyes.

Nova: "That's the robe I gave you for your birthday, right?"

Susannah: "Yeah, isn't it pretty?"

Nova: "It looks great on you, Mom." -I smiled, rubbing the fabric of the robe.

She grabbed my hand gently, placing a kiss on the inside of my palm.

Susannah: "Are you feeling okay?" -she asked, only bringing confusion to me.

Nova: "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Susannah: "The Steven, thing...today."

I then completely remembered what happened this morning and couple of minutes ago, proceeding to nod in agreement.

Nova: "I guess everything's fine...we're not together again though."

Susannah: "Do you want to be with him again?" -she asked, bringing nerves to me by the question.

Nova: "I-I'm not sure...why?"

Susannah: "Nothing." -she replied, making me frown my eyebrows by her weird tone.

She then walked over to the stairs, looking back at me with a smile.

Susannah: "Your dress is upstairs in your room, go start getting ready."

Nova: "You got me a dress?"

Susannah: "Of course I got you a dress, sunshine." -she chuckled, flipping her hair back.

I laughed filled with excitement, quickly running upstairs to my room. I opened the door and instantly noticed the dress resting on top of the bed. It was a black dress with an open side on the back, it sort of looked like mom's but more my style.

I jumped completely happy with how beautiful the dress was, grabbing it carefully to put it on in an area where it wouldn't get squeezed.

Shortly after I took a shower and did my hair, I decided to go for straight hair since it was easier than curling it again. Mom, kept on coming inside of my room to check up on my makeup. She said she wanted to match with me on everything, which made me very happy cause we use to do that all the time.

I finished getting fully ready and put on my dress as the final touch. Mesmerized, I looked at my reflection. For the first time in a while...I felt pretty. I smiled at my reflection, rubbing my hands against the dress carefully.

A knock gained my attention, quickly after making me look over to my room's entrance. Mom, stood there with a smile, watching me with a lot of love. This one covered her entire face, it was pleasant to look at.

Susannah: "You look beautiful, honey." -she said, entering my room in between her words.

She also had gotten completely ready, her outfit was indeed similar to mine. I approached her carefully, pulling her into a tight hug soon after. She let out a gasp over the sudden action but was quick to hug me back, followed by her chuckle echoing in my room.

Nova: "I'm so excited for today."

Susannah: "Yeah, me too. We're all finally together...having fun." -she spoke, rubbing my back softly.

Nova: "You look amazing as well, Mom."

I pulled away and took a glance at her outfit again, smiling excitedly over how similar our outfits looked.

Something about matching with Mom, brought so much comfort to me. It brought memories I cherished a lot. You see, Susannah Fisher, would always be special to me. Not just because she's my mom, but because she's a path maker...my path maker. The only person who inspires me to continue, the one that has helped me throughout life. I'll forever be grateful for her and I hope she knows that.

Susannah: "Are you ready to start going?"

Nova: "Is Conrad, ready?" -I asked, receiving shrugged shoulders from her.

Susannah: "Last time I checked he was already wearing his tuxedo."

Nova: "I'll go check up on him, wait for me at the limo." -I mentioned, watching how she nodded and watched me leave my room.

I walked through the hallway quickly, approaching Conrad's room. His door was mid open which was rare to see, I instantly frowned my eyebrows confused.

My fist knocked the door carefully and a couple of seconds later I heard Conrad's voice. I opened the door completely and peeked inside, noticing Conrad, fully dressed.

Nova: "Well...hello there, handsome." -I grinned, seeing how he rolled his eyes with a smile plastered on his face.

Conrad: "Does this look fancy enough?"

Nova: "Yeah, you look like you're participating in the ball too."

Conrad: "Good...I guess." -he said, looking over to me then and focusing on my outfit.

He smile softly my way, clapping his hands silently.

Nova: "How do I look?"

Conrad: "Beautiful, as always." -he replied, moving a strand of hair away from my face.

I then took a glance around his room, noticing how he had cleaned finally. His room had been messy for a while now, it was satisfying seeing how he organized it was.

Nova: "Did Mom, made you clean?"

Conrad: "Nah. Belly, obligated me to do it." -he chuckled, making me nod in agreement.

Nova: "At least she was able to convince you."

He nodded as well, motioning me to follow him outside of his room. I followed along and exited the room quietly.

Conrad: "Hey, do you know if Jeremiah, knows about...Mom?"

I stopped my tracks by his question, looking over to him with a saddened expression.

Nova: "Why are you asking that?" -I questioned, beginning to whisper since I didn't wanted anyone to hear.

He looked around the space carefully, letting out a deep breath after. I tapped his arm quickly, hurrying him to speak.

Conrad: "I don't know, he's just been acting weird and asking suspicious questions."

Nova: "Like what?" -I whispered, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

Conrad: "He asked me about her sm-"

Jeremiah: "Are y'all ready?"

Conrad and I, jumped completely startled by the boy's voice. He was standing still a couple of feet away from us, looking over to me with a confused expression.

Nova: "Hey! Yeah, we are." -I replied with a nervous chuckle coming out soon after.

Conrad: "Let's go."

The boy walked passed me and guided Jeremiah, downstairs with him. I then followed along with nerves still rooming through my body. The limo was already parked outside, leaving completely mesmerized over how long it was.

Laurel and Mom, waited inside with excitement clearly showing in their faces. They smiled brightly once we entered the vehicle, beginning to dance with the music.

Nova: "Wait, where's, Belly?" -I asked, looking behind me to see if the girl was coming along.

Laurel: "Oh, she's already at the club. She wanted to start getting ready much earlier."

I nodded after understanding, fully entering the car and proceeding to take a seat beside Mom, who was currently texting someone.

Laurel: "Where's, Steven?" -she questioned, looking over to me with confusion running through her face.

Nova: "I don't know, I didn't see him coming."

Jeremiah: "Don't worry, he's coming over now."

We all looked towards the outside, seeing the boy walking towards the vehicle with a smirk. He adjusted his suit confidently, proceeding to enter the car right after. The two of us made eye contact once he was inside.

Laurel: "What took you so long?"

Steven: "Relax, I'm here now. I was just getting my gift for, Belly and Shayla." -he explained, glancing my way after mentioning the girl's name.

Jeremiah: "You got a gift for, Belly?"

Steven: "Duh, she's my sister."

They laughed after his reply and I on the other hand began to look through the window. The vehicle proceeded to move and the music began to get louder now. Everyone sang along except for Conrad and I, both of us just tried to patiently sit there.
As we arrived to the club, everyone headed out of the limo quickly. I stayed behind as I cleaned some of the candy papers Jeremiah, left in his seat. I then headed out quickly and looked at the building, my heart sank over how nervous I felt just by seeing the place.

It sort of felt like everything was coming to an end soon and I didn't enjoy the feeling at all.

I watched how Steven approached the rest of the group after handling the limousine keys to one of the servers there. My chest raised up and down continuously, all the nerves continuing to eat me up.

I finally decided to approach everyone carefully, all of them continued to listen to Mom, speaking.

Susannah: "Everything's gonna be different next year. Conrad's going off to college." -she smiled towards the boy, receiving a nod from him.

I watched the pair with a faint smile, realizing then how Steven, was keeping an eye out for me. I frowned my eyebrows towards him, seeing how he shrugged his shoulders.

Susannah: "It may be the last summer we're all together."

I saw how Laurel's smile faded by mom's comment, making me instantly look over to Mom, with nothing but sadness running through me. I knew what she was really meaning by that...she was giving up.

Jeremiah: "Just don't forget I get a dance from you tonight." -he grinned, approaching Mom, carefully.

They both began to slowly dance in front of us, receiving smiles from everyone. Mom, then laughed out loud but suddenly lost her balance.

I tried maintaining calm but Laurel, couldn't pretend she was okay so I panicked and quickly grabbed Mom, by her waist.

Jeremiah: "Oh, Mom, you okay?" -he asked, holding onto her tightly.

Susannah: "Yeah, no, it's just, uh...it's been way too long since I danced."

Nova: "Mom, do you want some water?" -I questioned, seeing how she mumbled a "no" and looked over to, Conrad.

Susannah: "I, um, must be out of practice."

I glanced at her completely worried, watching how she then held onto Conrad's arm gently and proceeded to be pulled by him.

Conrad: "Come on, um, we should go inside."

Susannah: "Yeah."

They both walked off, leaving Laurel and Jeremiah, alone with me. Steven, stood beside me then and looked around the space awkwardly. I motioned him to grab Laurel, so he quickly did and instantly received a smile from her.

They walked inside the building, leaving me with Jeremiah, who stood still and very quiet. I knew he was thinking of what had just happened.

Nova: "Hey, Prince Charming...time to go inside, right?" -I asked, seeing how he smiled and nodded.

I interlaced my arm with his, beginning to walk inside the building carefully. We entered the whole place and looked around fully mesmerized by how everything looked.

Jeremiah: "I'm gonna start getting ready and check up on some of the boys, see you later?"

Nova: "Of course." -I replied, watching him leave the area quickly.

I watched how everyone around the room talked amongst each other, their dresses and suits each time seeming more interesting to see. I couldn't lie, they were incredible and beautiful.

My hand reached over to my neck, beginning to rub the empty spot. I then realized I forgot to put on a necklace, and that's why I felt so empty somehow. I grunted over the sudden realization, looking around the space to see if I could spot Mom, anywhere. I did, but she was talking with some of the organizers of the event.

Steven: "Hey."

Instantly, my eyes closed quickly after hearing that extremely familiar voice. I heard a small giggle coming from the boy, making me open my eyes again to exchange a glare his way.

Nova: "Hey, Steven." -I mumbled awkwardly, rubbing my arm in the process.

Steven: "Everything...okay?"

I looked around nervously after his words, genuinely not knowing what to respond. The whole deb ball felt icky to me, I was excited to be here at first...but now, I don't really know.

With everything that's happened back at home, a ball doesn't seem fun anymore.

Nova: "Sorta, why?"

Steven: "I noticed you seemed quiet."

Nova: "You should've been used to that by now." -I mentioned, pointing my fingers towards him as if they were small guns.

He laughed after realizing what I meant, but then his eyes met mine and he noticed my expression.

Steven: "Hey...I never minded you being quiet."

Nova: "Steven, it's fine. I know you didn't and besides, I'm okay."

Steven: "Are you sure?" -he asked, receiving a nod from me.

He then glanced around the room, looking back at me with a smile plastered on his face.

Nova: "What?"

Steven: "Follow me."

He grabbed my hand all of a sudden, pulling me behind him towards a hall near the room we were in. I then spotted Jeremiah and Conrad, at the very end of the hall talking to one another.

Steven: "Gentlemen."

Jeremiah: "Prince and Princess." -he replied, finishing his sentence with a wink sent towards me.

Steven: "Are you guys ready for today?"

Conrad: "Nova and I, should be the one's asking y'all that."

Nova: "Yeah." -I laughed, looking over to Steven, right after.

He smiled my way for a couple of seconds, but then our attention was brought back by Conrad, who purposely coughed to bring us back to reality.

Conrad: "So, you guys are good now? Mom's been talking about it nonstop." -he asked, instantly making my smile fade away.

I felt awkward standing there now, I didn't know what to say to Conrad, without sounding mean. I think my expression gave it away though, my two brothers stared at each other with realization right after.

Conrad: "Hey, you guys ready for the escort dance?" -he questioned, helping the ambience feel less awkward after what happened seconds ago.

Steven: "Dude, I-I actually still can't believe you roped me into this."

Jeremiah: "Oh, come on, dude. The girls are gonna love it." -he chuckled, receiving a grin from, Steven.

Nova: "Belly's gonna probably kill y'all once we're home."

Jeremiah: "We won't let her, don't worry."

I laughed by his reply, soon after feeling how Conrad, laid his arm around my shoulders comfortably.

Conrad: "Kind of wish we were all doing together, you know?"

Steven: "Uh, you wish you were doing a dance routine?"

Nova: "Yeah, do you actually wish that, Connie?" -I asked, seeing his instant regret expression.

Conrad: "No, no. No! I didn't mean that literally. I just, you know, we haven't hung out much this summer, so."

We all nodded in agreement, probably realizing how right Conrad, was.

Jeremiah: "Yeah, you've been pretty M.I.A."

I glanced towards Conrad's direction after hearing Jeremiah's words, seeing his expression changing into a saddened one.

Conrad: "Yeah. Yeah, I know. I know, that's on me." -he stuttered, nodding between his words.

I rubbed the boy's back comfortingly, waiting for him to continue speaking right after.

Conrad: "But I was thinking about it. We have, like, a week or so left of summer. What if we all went on an overnight fishing trip?"

Steven: "Dude, yeah, I'm in."

Conrad: "Yeah?"

Steven: "Yeah." -he said excitedly, looking over to Jeremiah, for approval.

Jeremiah: "Yeah, me too."

Nova: "Can I come too?" -I asked, hoping they would say "yes" even though I knew they wouldn't.

Jeremiah: "Absolutely not, last time you went...it was a disaster."

Nova: "I fell into the pond accidentally."

Steven: "Because you couldn't pull the rope." -he laughed in between sentence, hitting Jeremiah's fist bump.

Nova: "Oh, whatever."

Conrad: "We should plan something out with the girls too, we need to stop leaving them out."

Steven: "True."

Nova: "Thank you." -I smiled, receiving one from Conrad, as well.

We then heard the bell announcement, meaning that the ball was starting soon. I went to hug Jeremiah and Steven, quickly after I heard the sound. They both hugged me at the same time, laughing over my sudden excitement.

Nova: "I gotta find Mom, I'll leave you three alone."

They nodded in agreement and then watched how I walked off quickly.

I walked through the long hallway again and in a couple of seconds I arrived to the big room once again. There was already way more people than before in the ball room, I was thankfully able to spot Mom, on the crowd.

She waved over to me with a big smile, then I realized she was signaling to come to where she was so I did.

Nova: "Hey."

Susannah: "Hi, sweetheart." -she whispered, pulling the chair back so I could take a seat.

Susannah: "Were you able to see, Belly?"

Nova: "No, but it's fine...I can be surprised now." -I chuckled, seeing how she nodded after.

A couple of minutes after they announced a bunch of the girls, it was Belly's turn. Momย  and Laurel, held hand tightly over their excitement. I clapped loudly once she walked out and held onto Jeremiah's arm. I couldn't deny it, she looked like an actual princess.

Susannah: "Isn't she radiant?"

Nova: "She looks beautiful." -I whispered, smiling towards Mom, who did the same.

The pair walked towards us slowly, as we all smiled their way and waited for Belly to hand over the bouquet to, Laurel. The girl did it gracefully and went back to her spot right after, this with a proud smile beaming on her face.

I felt how my heart sank after hearing the next name though, I knew it was gonna happen but, why was I feeling the way I was?

Shayla Wang.

I looked over to small stage again, seeing the girl walking out accompanied then by Steven who smiled the way Belly, was. I clapped slowly towards the pair, suddenly getting touched by Mom, who realized my facial expression.

Nova: "I'm okay, don't worry." -I whispered, rubbing her hand gently and faking a smile right after.

Seconds kept passing by and all I could remember was hearing distant voices and clapping, I could tell I was zoning out. Thankfully my attention was brought by someone's voice being very close to me, I looked back and it was Laurel, but she was walking away and didn't seem very happy.

I could tell by everyone's expression something was wrong, specifically Mom's.

Nova: "Where is she going?" -I asked, receiving shrugged shoulders from her.

I then saw John follow Laurel, closely behind very quickly. I stood up from the chair shortly after, walking over to where I saw Laurel, going.

My head couldn't stay thinking of one specific thing, I was pretty much overthinking everything for nothing. Part of what I was doing was an excuse to get away from the ball, but I was also worried sick for Laurel, she just looked weird.

Then the flashback of Steven and Shayla, came back. Was I feeling jealous? Why? I said it myself, we weren't getting back together. But was that what I actually wanted? No, not at all.

My heels echoed through the hallway I walked through, but then another pair of footsteps echoed behind me. I turned around rapidly and noticed Jeremiah, following me.

Nova: "What are you doing?" -I asked, brushing my hair back nervously.

Jeremiah: "Is everything okay?"

Nova: "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

Jeremiah: "Everyone's been acting weird today, you as well." -he explained, walking closer to me.

I sighed after his comment, looking around the space to see if someone was around.

Nova: "I don't think we're acting weird, I think everyone's just excited and nervous at the same time."

Jeremiah: "Laurel, didn't look like she was excited or nervous. She...she looked sad, Nova."

Nova: "I'm sure she's fine, Jere. Let's just go check on her." -I reassured, knowing that the boy was completely right.

We walked alongside each other, hearing Laurel and John's muffled voices getting closer. We then reached a nearby room, peeking through to see the pair.

Jeremiah: "Laurel?"

The pair turned around as they heard Jeremiah's voice, instantly smiling and seeming to pretend like nothing was happening. I could tell they were having a deep conversation, they seem sad.

John: "Jeremiah, Nova....what is it?"

Jeremiah: "Um, the escort dance is about to start. Belly, really doesn't want you to miss it." -he explained, looking over to me nervously.

Laurel: "Thank you. We'll be right there."

Jeremiah: "Okay." -he smiled, walking off right after.

I watched him leave slowly, but I didn't follow. Instead, I stood there and made eye contact with the two adults.

Laurel: "Nova, everything okay?"

Nova: "Yeah, I was looking for a bathroom...I'm not feeling well." -I lied, seeing the woman's instant worried expression.

Laurel: "I'll guide you there, come on."

I nodded and grabbed the woman's hand as she approached me, we walked deeper into the hallway and eventually came across the bathroom that thankfully seemed empty.

Laurel: "What are you feeling, sweetheart?"

She questioned once we entered the bathroom, but I stopped my tracks in front of one of theย  mirrors.

Nova: "I know." -I mumbled, closing my eyes shut.

Laurel: "What?"

I took a deep breath after hearing her question, clenching onto the sink tightly as I then stared at my reflection.

Nova: "I...I know about, Mom."

Behind me I heard a sudden gasp, a short one though. I knew it belonged to Laurel, my eyes then met with hers through the mirror and they were instantly filled with tears.

Laurel: "Nova...how?"

Nova: "It doesn't matter how. Why isn't she saying anything? I've been lying and pretending everything's okay this whole time."

Laurel: "She doesn't want to ruin you guy's sum-"

Nova: "Fuck summer, we're family. I mean, I get it, but she's harming herself by lying to us without even knowing. Sooner or later, she'll know that Iย  know, and that will break her."

Laurel: "Can we talk about this later, hun? I promise I'll explain everything." -she whispered, grabbing my shoulders gently.

Nova: "I can't go back into that room...everything is making me feel shitty."

I then broke down into the woman's shoulder, hugging her back tightly and not having any intention to let go. She thankfully comforted me back, rubbing my back slowly while trying to shush me out.

Laurel: "It's okay, honey...it's okay."

She then pulled away and grabbed my cheeks gently.

Laurel: "How about you stay in the guest's living room? I'll tell Susannah, you weren't feeling well."

I nodded in agreement and walked off with the woman aside. She took me to the spot she had mentioned, leaving me there soon after completely alone.

All I could was listen to the background music that played nearby and hope that the ball will end soon.

Was everything actually gonna be okay after this?

[End of chapter]

Sofia's notes:
The way I thought this was actually gonna be
the last chapter ๐Ÿ˜ญ it's not but the next one will probably be the one. I'm so scared but excited for everything, hope you are too haha ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ

Love you all, I'll see you soon ๐Ÿ’•


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