02 | Assassin of the decades

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"The kids in my class kept talking about cocomelon and it's so annoying. Who enjoys that? They need to watch Shoujo Tsubaki." Reality ranted in the back seat of the car on her way to school.

"No, death trap, Don't tell them to watch Shoujo Tsubaki. They'll cry like the annoying babies they are." I replied as I pulled the car over at her overly expensive school parking lot.

Why were elementary school tuition fees more costly than college tuition fees? Is it because it's a private school?

Private or not, it's too expensive but I only want the best for my atomic bomb so I'll pay.

"You're right." She said as we got out of the car.

"omo omo, Reality's dad. It's so nice to see you." One of reality's classmates, Mono's mom's annoying voice scared the shit out of me.

"Mono's Mom." I greeted plainly and slightly bowed my head before I continued to walk into the school with Reality.

She had shown interest in me ever since Reality started school. I knew that, but I wasn't going to hook up with my daughter's classmate's mother. She was single and I didn't want her to start thinking she could be a mom to both mono and reality.

No one could be perfect enough for my little ticking bomb. Especially not a woman that killed her husband. Don't ask me how I know, I just know.

"It's been a while since I've seen you. How's work?" She questioned, earning an irritated sigh from me. I've always wanted to tell her 'FUCK OFF' but considering the fact that my poisonous cactus is involved in the whole situation, it was better for me to hint her with my attitude that I don't want to talk to her.

I'm a blunt person,

I've always been a blunt person but to the world, I was viewed as a rude person because humans are hypocrites and pretentious. I prefer serving the cold truth than turning to two-faced garbage.

...but humans don't want the truth.

"Work's fine." I kept my reply short and simple. "Have fun, death trap!" I turned to reality, bent down, and gave a peck on her forehead. I stood for a minute as I watched her enter the school premises.

Mono's mom did the same to Mono.

"I'm sorry Mr Kim, but did you just call reality, death trap? I must have misheard right?" She turned to me and questioned. "I can call my daughter whatever I want, how's that your concern mono's mom," I responded coldly with a sigh.

"I-I just." She stammered. I gave her one last glance wrapped with an eye roll before walking back to my car. I got in the car and drove off, leaving her dumbfounded.


"Why are you so late?" Jungkook's annoying voice rang in my ears, startling me. Almighty, how did I end up around these people?

"I can be late if I want to. It's not like this is a job interview, it's just a stupid, unnecessary party." I responded, grabbing a glass of wine from the waiter, who was just an assassin in training.

"Stupid, Unnecessary party?" He repeated and scoffed in disbelief. "This is your party and you think it's stupid and unnecessary?" He asked rhetorically but I replied with a nod and took a small sip from the wine.

"You are getting crowned as the Assassin of the decade and you think the party is stupid and unnecessary. I'd massacre an entire city just to have that title." He declared and chugged down his drink.

"Why can't the boss just crown me in his office? Does he have to go this far and throw a party?" I questioned rhetorically. These people are just looking for a reason to drink.

Assassin of the decade? No.

I was just doing my job diligently just like any other assassin in the room.

The company I work for, CHOMRHADE HOLDINGS, is a shell corporation for Hired Assassins. To a normal person, it's a financial service company that is extremely hard to work at. To the elites in the country, it's a criminal organisation that is protected by the government.

We do the work the police can't do.

Serial Killers get scouted by CHOMRHADE and are paid to kill, professionally. Arrested Murderers are also released from prison if the 'up top' think they have the potential to be a hired assassin.

We kill and leave the police to go on a goose chase.

One hundred percent of the employees in Chomrhade Holdings are psychopaths. It's a must to be a psychopath because the job is not for emotionally weak people.

In the company, there are rules that the employees strictly follow, and failing to follow the rules lead to death.

Number one, No employees are allowed to have any unsanctioned kills. The company is very strict about killing with the authorization of the boss. In other words, we can't kill unless the company says so.

Number two, Must keep the organisation a secret. Normal people mostly think CHOMRHADE HOLDINGS is an insurance company for the elites and one has to have connections with one of the employees to be able to work at the company. A lot of people had applied for a job at the company and just for it to look like a real company, they were called for an interview only to end up getting rejected.

Number three, Must cover and clean all the tracks made during a mission. Obviously, after a kill, the police would start investigating, looking for footprints or anything that could lead to the killer which is why it's a must to clean and cover all our tracks after a mission.

Number four, No personal objects should be taken on a mission. Objects like cell phones, keys, rings, watches, or bracelets cannot be taken on missions. Cellphones can be tracked, keys can fall.

Number five, Must kill anyone that witnesses a mission being carried out. If anyone should mistakenly witness a kill, the person would be killed.

Number Five, Must not get arrested by the police. If any of the employees should get arrested by the police, the company will find a way to assassinate the employee before he or she can expose the organisation.

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