63 | Weaklings

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It was morning, I woke up early to go to my place and get ready to take Reality to her new school—yes, I slept at the beige man's place the previous night. A couple!
"Wraya, Are you okay?" I found Nova and Raven sitting on the couch in the great room, They stood up immediately they saw me walking in and Nova asked.

"We've texted and called you a million times but you weren't answering. We were so confused and worried when you suddenly got into the beige man's car and after what Azura said. Where have you been?"

"The beige man's place..." I didn't stop walking as I proceeded towards the stairs, "We're a couple now." I revealed. The previous night, after we made things official between us, the beige man had expressed his feelings, saying he didn't want to sneak around with me anymore, He doesn't have to have a reason to want to see me or come watch me dance at the club so we came to an agreement to let the girls know because it has been a while since we've been getting... physical.

After the revealing, I had expected the girls to scream or say they knew we'd end up together but they were quiet—Fortunately. The news must have rendered them speechless. I halted in my tracks and turned to look at them down the stairs; they were standing still with their mouth agape. I turned back and continued walking until I dropped my body on my bed and took a deep breath, relaxing.

Unbeknownst to me, the girls just needed a few seconds to process the information and when they were done, my door flew open so harshly that I could have sworn I saw it moving off its hinges. "AHHHHHH!!!" The girls came in running and screaming, and in just one second, they jumped on me—their translation must have been hugged.

"SERIOUSLY???!!!" I exclaimed, trying to push their body off mine. I didn't succeed.

After they were done with screaming and crushing my body, they pulled away and sat like normal human beings.
"No wonder she had his credit card," Raven Whispered to Nova. "When? How? How long has it been? What happened?!! How did the feelings confession happen? Tell us everything that happened, From A to Z!!!" I was bombarded with questions but I was relieved that the questions weren't related to what Gift had blurted out at the club.

"It wasn't really... We made things official last night but we've been—you know for over a month now,"

Raven gasped, "You've been fucking for over a month?" She screamed, coming to a conclusion based on my vague explanations. "...AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US???!!!" She pulled my arms repeatedly, almost breaking the balls and socket. "Geez, Raven!" I let out, yanking my arms off hers.

"We weren't fucking," I said but I knew the girls did not believe me. "...geez, he just asked me out the normal way and boom! We're dating. I have to get ready to take Reality to school, I'm busy!" I said and stood up walking towards the bathroom.

"We'll get your clothes ready, Mrs Kim!" I heard Nova saying.

A few minutes later, I was dressed in a lip purple slim fitted above-the-knee dress and black combat boots. Nova applied a light makeup on my face and Raven styled my hair down in a low ponytail. "I'll be down!" I said and carried my mini-purse, rushing down the stairs.

"What about breakfast???!!!" I heard Raven say but I dismissed her question and left the apartment. A few seconds later, I was on the nineteenth floor, in front of the beige man's apartment, I pushed in the passcode and stepped into the living room.

"Wraya!" Reality called and ran to hug me. She was already dressed in her school uniform but her hair was left unstyled. "How was your night, sweetheart?" I bent down to her height and asked. "It was nice," She responded with a smile but my gaze averted to the beige man who was coming out of his room.

My face heated up and I bit my lip to suppress the smile that was forcing itself on my lips. "Good morning, Wraya," He smirked and let out like I didn't sleep with him the previous night. "I figure you could style her hair since you're..." He paused and I immediately knew what he was going to say.

"I'll go style her hair... C'mon," I said before he could say anything else and pulled her towards her room. Entering, I sat her down on the bed and after a few minutes, her hair was styled in two pigtails with white bows; I had bought for her on each of them.

"Done!" I said and we headed out of the room. "Let's go, Daddy."

Minutes later, I was walking Reality to her classroom while the beige man was waiting in the car. "Good morning, Mrs Kim," Her new Homeroom teacher greeted. "Good morning, Ms. Yuko. Have a nice day, Sweetheart," I turned to Reality, bent down and gave a peck on her cheek.

As I walked out of the school premises, I bumped into Dabin's mom and her daughter, Tauntingly, I said, "Hello, Kitana. I'm just dropping my daughter off at school, as a good mother should, right?"

She rolled her eyes as she was clearly displeased with the way I spoke and angrily pulled Dabin's hand that was waving at me before stomping off. I smiled to myself as I walked towards the parking lot and got into the car.

"Hey," The beige man said and pulled me in for a kiss. "Hey," I repeated and cupped his face, pressing my lips on his. With our lips parting and his hands roaming around my body, it suddenly occurred to me that we were in the little kids' school's parking lot, making me abruptly pull away.

"The kids," I said. He looked out from the window and saw a man helping his son out of the car and turned to me, nodding understandingly. "Sorry..." He mumbled.

"Let's go out for breakfast," He said and started the car's engine. Driving off, I remembered the conversation we had in the car the previous night, and what led to the conversation.

"Hey, remember last night, I was asking you if your job was limited to only off-ing people? How can I shut a person up? Not off but just a little bit of hits here and there," I asked, hoping he would agree to help me beat Gift to oblivion. I knew I said the slap I gifted her was enough but when I deeply thought about it, the girls are the club wouldn't look at me with adoring eyes anymore, they would only see me as a Serial Killer's daughter so, The slap wasn't enough. She needed a good-ass whooping.

"Be clear," He let out.

"So last night, the reason why I was sad is because..." I started, placing my hand on his thighs and slowly rubbing it. One thing The social media, Richard Wilson and the Director of SYK, Marcus Sayoko made me realise was that I was impeccably attractive and most men are weaklings for beautiful women, especially for a woman they are attracted to. The beige man was attracted to me, he had feelings for me and if my pea brain could gather anything from the way he always groped me whenever he had the chance, It's that he was sexually deprived and a touch from me could make him do whatever I want—hopefully.

When we make out, the most intimate place my hand touches is his chest. The time I straddled him during a kiss, it almost led to getting intimate but the trauma of the night with Richard Wilson stopped it from happening.

"Yeah," He let out breathlessly. My eyes went to his face and traced down to his bopping Adam's apple. "A friend—a former friend of mine said some really hurtful things to me in front of all the girls at the club and I really wanted to pay back," I continue still rubbing his thighs but moving a little bit higher.

"You don't want her dead, What do you want me to do?" Breathlessly, he said and I could see that my actions were affecting him greatly as his breathing had become rapid too. "Well... I can't get her fired because she has some close relationship with the guy that runs the place so just send her to coma for a few days or at least break a few of her teeth and send her to the emergency room,"

"Okay, I'll call someone and have her beaten to a stupor. Her name is Gift Monica Wellington, right? Consider it done. I'll call my assistant and he'll go right now,"

I smiled in satisfaction, pulling my hands away from his thighs and resting my back, imagining how Gift would look with a broken tooth.

Happy 4k reads and also, we're almost at 1K votes. Hopefully before the next chapter, we reach 1K.


Or I'll have Wraya hold a grudge against you💀

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