[ 𝟏.𝟎𝟒 ] Hunted

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━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀"𝙄 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙖𝙙𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧, 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙖 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙒𝙞𝙠𝙞𝙥𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 𝙥𝙖𝙜𝙚." Mrs. Gibson scolded.

⠀⠀She was a short-haired brunette woman in her early thirties. 

While Aibee was about to leave her class, she handed her a sheet of paper covered of notes written with red marker. After a closer observation, the teenager realized it was her psychology homework.

"What ?" She exclaimed, pretending to be surprised. "Wikipedia ?"

⠀⠀She laughed.

"What makes you say that ?"

"You forgot to hide the site's URL on the pages you printed."

⠀⠀Aibee gave her a forced smile.

"I suppose it's a good thing you're giving me my work back so I can do better next time." She said.

"There won't be a next time." Mrs. Gibson replied."I already corrected it."

⠀⠀She removed her hands from the sheet of paper. Aibee could see her grade without any difficulty. She had a F.

"Second chances are deserved." The teacher said. "When you will take your job seriously, we may consider discussing this again."

"You know what? That's right, I did not make any effort. I've been lazy and careless. Do not give me a good note and tell my parents how bad I am and I can assure you that I will have great admiration for you."

⠀⠀Mrs. Gibson raised an eyebrow, perplexed.

"Are you manipulating me by using reserve psychology ?" She asked.

"Of course not." Aibee replied.

⠀⠀She paused.

"Is it working ?"

"It's only the beginning of the year." The professor said. "You are able to do a lot more better. Study more seriously."

⠀⠀Disappointed, Aibee took the sheet of paper before moving away towards the school hallway.

"Something's wrong ?" Someone asked.

⠀⠀She looked up and met Andrew's eyes.

"I just got my grade for the psychology homework."

"Is it bad ?"

⠀⠀She waved the sheet of paper under his nose.

"Whoah, it's really bad." He said. "Why didn't you call me ?"

"You wanted me to ?" She asked, surprised.

⠀⠀Andrew laughed.

"Why didn't you do this homework ?" He asked.

"Yesterday was a busy day. Did you know the word "substantially" existed ?"

⠀⠀The young man seemed amused by her answer.

"I don't know what you're doing after school, but whatever it is, I'd like to try it someday." He said smiling. "We could play Scrabble. It could be funny."

"You think I'm funny ?"


"Oh, stop." She giggled, slapping his shoulder.

⠀⠀They laughed and a thought crossed the mind of the young girl.

"Are you stalking me ?" She asked.

"What ?" Andrew retorted.

"This is the third time we're unexpectedly meeting each other in the hallway. I'll start thinking you're spying on me."

"Can I say something for my defense ?"

"You can try, but anything you say will se used against you."

"That's unacceptable. I want to talk to my lawyer."

⠀⠀They laughed again and as they were talking, she could feel her mood light up. However, a cloud appeared on the horizon. It was named Rachel Edwards and had just pressed its lips on Andrew's.


⠀⠀She gently put her fingers on Andrew's mouth to wipe off the stains of her red lipstick.

"Hi." She said.

"Hi." Aibee replied.

"What's up ?"

"Aibee was showing me her home-"

"I love your necklace !" Aibee exclaimed, changing the topic of the conversation.

"Thank you." Rachel said. "I never take it off. I keep it even when I go to the pool."

"You swim ?"

"I used to, but this year I decided to try dancing. What did you choose ?"

"Oh no, I hate sport." Aibee replied. "It sucks, tiring and it makes you sweat. No thanks."

⠀⠀Andrew stared at her with surprise and she realized what she had just said.

"But I love sportive people." She added. "Without them, sport would not be so cool and enjoyable... to watch."

"Wait, so you didn't choose any of the extracurricular activities proposed in the program ?" Rachel asked.

"What program ?"

"The one they put on all the walls of the school."

"Oh really ?" Aibee looked around. "I never noticed. To be honest, that paint is kinda cheap."

"All activities on the program are mandatory." Rachel said.

"Well, I took ballet classes when I was younger so I guess it won't hurt me to do it again."

"I like dance." Andrew said.

⠀⠀A small smile appeared on Aibee's face.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀After the conversation Kate had with Peter in the sewers, she had accepted the proposal to spend the night at his loft. For the first time in several months, she had finally been able to sleep somewhere else than on a hard, cold floor.

"Finally." Peter said as she was walking down the stairs leading to the ground floor.

⠀⠀The strands of her hair were dripping on her black leather jacket.

"I know it's been ages since you've haven't been in a shower, but even with the most foaming soap in the world, you won't be able to completely get rid of that stench." He added.

⠀⠀Kate didn't answer and just watched the abundance of food decorating the kitchen table. She rolled her eyes then walked towards the front door.

"You're not eating with me ?" Peter asked, falsely upset. "It took me time to order all these things."

⠀⠀But Kate was not in the mood to enjoy a breakfast. Even less in his company. Although he was hospitable, she still continued to be suspicious of him.

"Why are you leaving ?" He asked, getting up from the table to join her. "I thought we had an agreement."

"I'm not a fan of collaborations." Kate retorted, facing him. "I don't really need you in my business."

"Really ? In this case, how do you plan to do anything if you're not prepared ? Isn't it war you're looking for ? Don't you want revenge on Scott McCall ? Do you really think that two Berserkers will be enough to eliminate him when you have the ability to create an entire army ?"

"What are you talking about ?" Kate replied, stunned.

"I'm saying I can teach you how to create your own Berserker army, or your own pack, if you prefer. They will be stronger, faster and more experienced. Do you want to know how to do it ?"

⠀⠀She narrowed her eyes and he approached her.

"The best way for them to be loyal to you is to turn them into werewolves first." Peter said. "After the bite, you will have to use your powers to transform them definitively."

"I could perform a ritual in the temple of Tezcatlipoca." Kate whispered.

"Legend has it that every soul who penetrates into the temple of the Jaguar Goddess gets transformed as her image as a punishment. Because of this, ome people have been forced to leave their villages, but your case is different. You didn't experience this transformation as a fatality, but as a rebirth. However, there is one thing you shoudn't forget. Even if you look like her, you're not her, but you have her powers, which is no less considerable. The Berserkers are under your absolute control now. If you want to create your army, you'll have to go back there, but you need training first."

⠀⠀The doorbell rang and he went to open.

"You ordered a pizza ?" A young man asked, brandishing a large pizza box under his nose.

⠀⠀Confused, Kate looked at Peter. She saw him smirking and they exchanged a knowing glance. Slowly, she walked towards the delivery man then clutched the collar of his polo shirt tightly just before closing the door, which slammed shut, covering the sound of his scream.

⠀⠀The young man fell violently on the ground. The pizza box escaped from his hands. Frightened, he stepped back to get away from Kate, who had already transformed. In a rapid movement, she fiercely jumped on him and bit his arm. Her sharp fangs penetrated into the flesh of the boy who kept screaming as he was struggling. He managed to pull away from her by nudging her with his other arm and ran to the front door.

⠀⠀Before he could reach the handle, Kate got up and wrapped her arm tightly around his neck. Surprised, the young man moaned in a strangled voice while the muscles of his body contracted, alerted by the lack of oxygen.

"Listen." She whispered in his ear. "I want you to help me."

⠀⠀The delivery man gestured to try to free himself, but she tightened her hold around his neck.

"All you will have to do is to be at my service. I want you to follow my orders very carefully."

⠀⠀She grabbed his chin and tilted his head to plunge her emerald green eyes into his.

"At the next full moon, you'll come back alone." She said. "Until then, you won't tell anyone about our me or the bite on your arm. Is that clear ?"

⠀⠀He nodded, hypnotized by each of the words she uttered.

"Now, you'll go home quietly and pretend that all of this has never happened."

⠀⠀Satisfied, Kate released him and he walked calmly towards the door.

"A free delivery ?" Peter called, eating a slice of pizza. "I like it."

⠀⠀He approached Kate.

"Not bad." He said. "Do you like sushi ?"

⠀⠀She frowned. Moments later, the doorbell rang again. Immediately, a mischievous smile appeared on her lips as she slid her tongue over her fangs.

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Imagine Dragons - Natural

Skylar Grey - Back From The Dead

Whitney Houston -  I Wanna Dance With Somebody

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Malia ?" Mrs. Fleming said at the end of her class. Can I talk to you for a minute ?"

⠀⠀The young girl glanced at her friends with panic.

"We'll wait outside." Lydia said, leaving the classroom.

⠀⠀Stiles followed her before winking at Malia. Reassured, she grabbed her bag before getting closer to the teacher's office. Mrs. Fleming finished cleaning the chalkboard before turning towards her.

"I looked at your results and found I've noticed you had great difficulty keeping up with the program." She said.

"I don't really like math." Malia replied.

"It's not just about your mathematics results. I'm talking about all of your results in general. To be honest, I'm afraid you don't have the level required. In other words, if you don't improve quickly, you're running the risk of repeating a year."

⠀⠀Malia swallowed, worried.

"It's for this reason that I propose to you to pass a test which will allow us to judge and evaluate your level of aptitude. You'll be one of the only students to do it, the others will only do the final exam. I want to warn you, if you want to succeed, you will need a lot of motivation and perseverance."

"How many time I have left to do this test ?"

"If you get started today, I'd say a month."

"So it means I have a month left to write my cheat sheet ?"

⠀⠀Mrs. Fleming chucked, thinking she was joking. She left the room and Malia did the same. She searched for Stiles and Lydia, but didn't see them. However, on her left, near the lockers, a boy was staring at her insistently. He seemed to be in a discussion with Coach Finstock, but didn't seem to be interest by him. His eyes remained fixed on her. As she walked near them, she picked up a few bits of their conversation.

"I don't want to play again." The boy said.

"We need someone like you on the team !" Finstock insisted. "Our most promising player is injured, we need a new replacement and you have always been one of our best teammates. You are our last hope, Lahey."

"I'm sorry, coach, but my place isn't on the field this year."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀While Lydia was picking up some books from her locker, next to her, Stiles was looking around, waiting for Malia's return.

"Hey, are you okay ?" He asked, noticing her weary face. "You seem a little off today."

⠀⠀She sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"Aibee told me you almost had an accident last night. What happened ?"

"Nothing, I just... lost control."

"Of the car ?" Stiles exclaimed.

⠀⠀Lydia rolled her eyes.

"No, of my emotions. Aibee told me Kate had told her something very disturbing."

"What did she tell her ?"

"That she reminded her of Allison."

⠀⠀Stiles stiffened, frowning.

"What does that mean ?"

"I don't know." Lydia said, closing her locker. "But keep an eye on her."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Love triangle has always been a recurring theme in literature." Teresa told all of her students. "Think of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. In this novel, Elizabeth Bennett draws the attention of the tender and honest Mr. Darcy and the seductive Mr. Wickham. Throughout the book, it is obvious that she hesitates between the two suitors. However, in other cases, the narrative structure can become more complex and lead to a succession of unexpected events."

⠀⠀She suddenly interrupted her explanation.

"Miss ?"

⠀⠀The whole class turned towards Aibee. Sitting at the back of the classroom, she straigthened herself up in her chair.

"Huh ?" She retorted, removing her attention from Andrew, whom she had been staring for several minutes.

"Could you repeat what I just said ?" Teresa asked.

"Of course, you said that to attract prejudice you had to be in love and that triangles were very complex shapes."

⠀⠀All the students laughed.

"Are you sure you've read the book I recommended ?"

"Well, I don't know if I read it, but I opened it to take the hairpin I had put inside of it."

⠀⠀The laughters increased and Aibee took part in the general hilarity before meeting the disgruntled gaze of the teacher.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"I can't believe I'll have to write a book report !" The young girl grumbled at the end of the class. I can't even analyze a receipt ! What am I going to do ?"

"I don't know." Andrew said. "But don't count on Wikipedia."

⠀⠀Aibee sighed.

"On the other hand, you can always count on me." He added.

"Really ?" She exclaimed.

⠀⠀He nodded and she smiled with excitement.

"Awesome ! What can I do to thank you ?"

"Come to the tryouts ? You're an excellent supporter."

"Believe me, I would love to, but I just realized that I haven't studied much lately and I don't want to have more problems with my teachers. After all, school is important, right ?"

⠀⠀Andrew raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you and what happened to the old Aibee ?"

⠀⠀She smiled then flipped her hair before leaving, under his amused gaze.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"COME ON, STILINSKI !" Fintosck yelled as Stiles was running around the field as a warm up. "My grandfather on the back of a sloth would go faster !"

⠀⠀The face distorted by fatigue, Stiles ran through the last few meters that remained before collapsing at the coach's feet, his face buried in the grass.

"You arrived five minutes after the stopwatch !" Finstock exclaimed. "THAT'S PATHETIC !"

⠀⠀Furious, he whistled in Stiles' ears then walked away.

"You're okay ?" Scott asked, picking up his friend.

"Yeah, take me somewhere, I'm gonna throw up."

⠀⠀Sitting in the stands, a red highlighter in her hand, Malia was trying to understand her math book. If she wanted to pass the test, she had to start studying as soon as possible. Nevertheless, she struggled to concentrate and let out many grunts to express her annoyance.

⠀⠀Suddenly, she smell a scent. She looked up and then looked around. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the boy she had seen earlier in the hallway, sitting a few rows up. This time he wasn't looking at her but was paying attention to the field. Malia concentrated on her book again when she jumped suddenly, noticing Kira's presence next to her.

"I look that scary ?" She asked, her face covered with band-aids.

"Honestly, yes."

⠀⠀Kira lowered her head sadly.

"What's wrong with you ?" Malia asked. "You reek of anxiety."

"Something happened between me and Scott and when that happened, I thought it meant something new happened, but finally he made me realize nothing happened and now, I'm starting to think that it was never going to happen anyway."

⠀⠀Malia frowned.

"I didn't understand what you just said."

"Me neither." Kira sighed. "What are you doing ?"

"I'm trying to read this book, but it looks like it was written in a foreign language."

"I think it's because you're holding it the wrong way."

"I know, but even in the correct way, I still don't understand anything."

⠀⠀Malia sighed before closing her book.

"I can't concentrate. Do you see the guy sitting behind us ? I think he's following me."

⠀⠀Kira discreetly turned towards the indicated direction.

"You know him ?" Malia asked.

"Yes, it's Isaac Lahey, Allison's ex."

"Allison, Scott's ex?"

⠀⠀Kira sighed. It was obvious that Scott didn't recover from the loss of his first love, six months ago.

⠀⠀He wasn't ready for a new relationship.

"Can you say something to cheer me up ?"

"It's a good thing you don't have a mirror to look at your face right now." Malia said.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"As you all know, Dunbar, our rising star, broke his leg yesterday." Finstock said. "This tragic event has deeply shaken and weakened our team, but we must remain strong. We will not let ourselves be defeated because our best chance of winning the next game is stuck on a hospital bed."

⠀⠀He paused.

"Who am I going to fool ? That's a disaster ! I'm doomed ! I can go back to Tennessee to work on the farm and milk the cows of my cousin Betsy !"

"Do you know why that guy didn't come ?" Stiles asked Scott.

"No, but according to my mom, his condition didn't look that serious."

"Well, at least this situation is good for you, right ? He will no longer be a threat to you."

"McCall, Stilinski!" The coach yelled, catching both of them by the tips of their ears. "It's all your fault !"

"Ouch !" Stiles shouted. "Calm down, coach !"

"Calm down ?" Finstock retorted, pinching him even more. "I WILL NOT CALM DOWN UNTIL I GET A NEW PLAYER !"

⠀⠀He released the two boys and picked up a ball on the ground before throwing it angrily towards the stands.

⠀⠀Kira caught it with her hand, just before it hit Malia's face.

"Whoah, nice catch !" The coach exclaimed, gaping. "Send me the ball, girl with band-aids on her face !"

⠀⠀She got up to throw him the ball back. It violently hit the coach in the abdomen and he immediately fell on the ground.

"Oh God !" She panicked, eyes wide open.

"Someone ask her if she's ever played lacrosse !" Fintosck shouted, writhing in pain.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Hi, I'm coming to borrow a book." Aibee said to the librarian, sitting behind a counter.

⠀⠀The blonde and plump woman in her twenties looked up from her computer and stared at her for a moment.

"Do you have a library card ?" She asked her.

"No, but, my father is the sheriff of this town and my mother is a fashion designer."

⠀⠀Unimpressed, the librarian made a bubble with her chewing gum.

"What book are you looking for exactly ?"

"Pride and Prejudice by Mary-Jane Olsen."

⠀⠀The woman stopped typing on her keyboard.

"You mean Jane Austen ?" She corrected.

"Yeah, that one." Aibee replied.

"Shelf number 12. Section B."

⠀⠀Aibee frowned and nodded confusedly.

"Follow me." The librarian sighed.

⠀⠀She guided Aibee to the indicated spot before grabbing the book.

"Whoah !" The young girl exclaimed when she dropped the book in her hands. "It's heavy !"

⠀⠀The librarian rolled her eyes.

"By the way, it's Mary-Kate Olsen." She added before going back to her counter.

⠀⠀Aibee looked at the books around her for a moment when her gaze landed on a table a few feet away. A young man was sitting there. He was alone and seemed focused in his reading. However, she noticed another detail.

⠀⠀He looked like the boy she met on the bus.

"Hey !" She said as she approached him. "Fred, right ?"

⠀⠀He raised his head and adjusted the frame of his thick-rimmed glasses. When he saw her, he swallowed and moved awkwardly in his chair.

"My name is Jeff." He said.

"Whatever." She said, taking a seat in front of him. "What are you doing here alone ?"

"I'm stu-studying." He replied, stammering. "What are you doing here ?"

"I'm reading a book." Aibee said, putting her novel on the table.

⠀⠀She opened it then closed it.

"I'm trying." She sighed.

⠀⠀Jeff laughed.

"Do you have any favorite books ?" He asked.

"The ones with no pages and no words."

"You mean a blank sheet of paper ?"

"It all depends on the format."

⠀⠀She let out another sigh.

"I knew it, I should have go to the tryouts, it would have been much more exciting."

"Not really when you spend all your time on the substitutes' bench." He added in a low voice.

"Are you in the team ?"

"Only when the coach wants me to. He hates me."

"If you want, next time, I will come to encourage you."

"You... you would you do that ?" Jeff asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I do it for Andrew. You two are friends, right ?"

⠀⠀The young man looked tensed.

"N-not really."

⠀⠀Aibee frowned.

"You draw ?" She asked, staring at a black notebook from which scribbled sketches were visible.

"N-no." He replied, hiding the notebook under his elbow.

⠀⠀Aibee grabbed it and Jeff stiffened immediately, panicked. Without asking for permission, she opened it. She then discovered dozens of sketches, some made with pencils and others with pens, illustrating mostly disgusting creatures. Among them, the portraits of a bald man without a mouth came back every two pages. Her eyes widened.

"I... I can explain." Jeff stammered.

"You better."

⠀⠀He played with his fingers uncomfortably.

"You better explain to me why you're so talented !" She exclaimed, amazed.

"Shh !" A girl snarled, sitting at another table.

⠀⠀Aibee gave her a mean look. Meanwhile, Jeff, seemed confused.

"You... you don't think it's... weird ?" He asked.

"No, it's really good, although I have to admit that what you're drawing isn't really that great. I mean, why are you drawing tons of ugly monsters when you could draw rainbows, sunsets and girls that would look exactly like me ?"

⠀⠀He raised his eyebrows.

"I mean, I don't want to influence your choices." She added, laughing. "Did I specify that these girls will have to look exactly like me ?"

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"I have the pleasure and the relief to announce you that a new member will from now on complete our team." Finstock said to all of his players. "Let's welcome our new teammate, the girl with band-aids on her face !"

"My name is Kira." She said.

⠀⠀The coach turned towards her.

"Maybe, but it doesn't change the fact that you have band-aids on your face." He retorted. "By the way, you'll take them off to play, right ? I don't want people to think that my players get hit by buses."

⠀⠀He moved away from the field. Kira sighed. Scott approached her.

"I can't believe you're in the team !" He exclaimed enthusiastically. "It's amazing !"

⠀⠀He took her in his arms and she froze instantly as she felt his skin against hers. Her pulse quickened, her heart drummed inside her chest and at that moment, she felt a deep relief at the thought that he couldn't see her blush under her band-aids.

⠀⠀She didn't know exactly what the current nature of their relationship was, but it didn't matter to her. She felt comfortable in his arms.

"Yeah, that's great." Stiles said, approaching them. "You're playing better than me."

"Everyone is playing better than you." Scott said, laughing.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that, thank you." Stiles retorted, grinding his teeth. "Congratulations anyway."

"Yes, thank you for preventing my face from looking like yours." Malia added as she joined them.

⠀⠀They all turned towards her.

"What ?"

"Believe it or not, that's progress, guys." Stiles said.

⠀⠀Suddenly, someone appeared at their side.

"Isaac ?" Scott asked, surprised. "What are you doing here ?"

"Yeah, what are you doing here ?" Stiles repeated, just as surprised. "Weren't you supposed to be in Scotland or anywhere else away from this town ?"

"I was in France and I didn't miss you either, Stilinski." Isaac retorted.

⠀⠀Malia looked at him, frowning.

"Wait." Scott said. "Chris left with you so, if you're back, does that mean he's back too ?"

"We jumped on the first plane as soon as we received your call."

"We ?" Stiles asked. "What do you mean ? You lived together ?"

"Chris has somehow become my legal guardian."

"You mean he adopted you ?" Scott asked, raising his eyebrows.

⠀⠀Isaac nodded as an answer.

"I go by Argent now."

"So now you're the son of your ex-girlfriend's father ?" Malia asked.

⠀⠀They all turned towards her.

"Okay, I know what you're thinking, but I swear that's progress." Stiles said.

⠀⠀Meanwhile, Isaac was staring at her.

"You must be Malia." He said. "I knew your face was familiar. Last time I saw you, you were naked in the woods."

⠀⠀He smirked at her and she frowned even more, confused.

"Are you planning to join the team ?" Scott asked.

"No, it doesn't really interest me anymore." Isaac replied. "Chris forced me to go back to school. If I'm here, it's because of him."

"I see. It's great to see you again."

⠀⠀But Scott was lying. His return brought back painful memories that he would have preferred to forget.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀Aibee had just finished her last class and was walking towards the exit when Rachel suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Seriously ?" She exclaimed. "Is it a tradition in this school to surprise people in the hallway ?"

"I was looking for you everywhere."

"What is happening ?"

"There's is a dance rehearsal in less than five minutes."

⠀⠀Aibee's eyes widened.

"What ?" She exclaimed again. "Now ? I didn't bring any outfit."

"Don't worry, I'll give you one."" Rachel said, grabbing her arm. "Come on."

⠀⠀The dance room was located near the gymnasium. Large mirrors were on the walls and speakers were decorating each corner. The sun's rays were penetrating through the large windows to reflect on the smooth and shiny parquet.

⠀⠀About twenty students were stretching on the bars. Among them were girls, but also boys, which didn't not fail to alert Aibee's attention. A smile appeared on her lips and all her reluctance flew away.

⠀⠀She already liked this place.

"No shoes allowed." Rachel said.

⠀⠀Aibee removed her boots and put them inside her purse. Rachel stared at her.

"What are you doing ?"

"What ? These are Louis Vuitton's."

⠀⠀They entered the locker room. Rachel put her bag on a bench and took out two outfits.

"Try that one." She said.

⠀⠀It was a pink tee-shirt and a gray jogging pants. Rachel was wearing for a black jogging pants and a green tank top. She had pulled her hair back into a ponytail and had kept her red lipstick.

"You seem to be getting along with Andrew." She said.

"Yes, he's very nice."

"He's fantastic. He's literally the best boyfriend ever. You know, when two people are made for each other, nothing can break their bond. We can't separate soulmates."

"That's what you think ?"

"That's what I believe."

"Whoah, you really love him."

"You'll know this feeling too when you'll fal in love." Rachel said.

⠀⠀Aibee didn't know why, but this conversation was starting to make her uncomfortable. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and applied a fresh layer of lipstick.

"What do you think ?" She asked once she had finished dressing.

"You're ready to dance."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Guys, this is Aibee, our new member." Rachel announced once they walked inside in the dance room.

"Hi, Aibee." All the students at the same time.

⠀⠀She greeted them when she noticed a boy standing at the other side the room. He was making movements while looking at himself in the mirror. She approached him discreetly.

"Hi." She said in a honeyed voice. "You dance really well."

⠀⠀He turned around and she felt immediately struck by his dark brown eyes. She detailed his face. His jawline was prominent and well-defined. His eyebrows were thick and his long, black hair reached down to his shoulders.

"Thank you," He said.

He walked away and she followed him.

"My name is Aibee."

"I'm Cole," He replied.

She fluttered her eyelashes, giving him a seductive smile.

"Do you have something in your eye ?" He asked, staring at her.

"Maybe you could blow on it ?"

⠀⠀She leaned towards him and he pulled back slightly.

"I think it would be better if you go see the high school nurse." He said.

⠀⠀He joined the rest of the group and Aibee pouted. She wasn't going to let him get away with it.

"Your attention, please !" A black woman suddenly exclaimed as she entered the room. "We are going to start."

⠀⠀Judging by her appearance, it wasn't difficult to guess that she was the one leading the class. With her orange dance socks, her purple tights and her red leotard, she looked like a dancer from the eighties. Aibee thought she looked like a clown.

⠀⠀She was a pretty woman in her forties, with big brown eyes and curly brown hair.

"To all the new students here today, I'm going to introduce myself." She said. "My name is Sheila Bloom, but you can call me Sheila or Auntie Sheila."

⠀⠀She smiled, revealing a row of white and shiny teeth.

"Sit down."

⠀⠀The students sat on the floor and Aibee imitated them.

"Alright, before we stretch, I'm going to make sure everyone's present."

⠀⠀She read a sheet aloud, naming each students.

"Aibee Stilinski ?" She asked after calling everyone.

⠀⠀The teenager raised her hand. Sheila stared at her for a long moment, squinting.

"Give me a color." She said.

"Blue ?" She replied.

⠀⠀Mrs. Bloom seemed to think.

"Little black owl is now your new name !" She exclaimed, imitating wings with her hands.

⠀⠀Aibee leaned over to Rachel, sitting next to her.

"Did she just compared me to a bird ?" She asked, whispering.

"Don't pay attention, I'm little red snake." Rachel said, imitating a snake with her arm.

"Remember that if you're a part of this class, it's because fate has decided for you." Sheila said, theatrically. "If there's one thing that is certain, it's that the alignment of your stars will never lie to you. So, all together, I want you to let yourself be carried by the caress of the setting sun that maintains the balance of our planet, because remember, dance is not a sport or a simple physical activity, but an art."

⠀⠀She accompanied each of her words with gestures and movements.

"It's a way of thinking and acting. It's for this reason that you must let your instincts speak. Free yourself !"

"Why is she talking like this ?" Aibee asked, confused.

"She was a yoga teacher and a writer for an astrological magazine." A girl said, sitting on her left.

⠀⠀Aibee turned towards her. She had hazel eyes and impressive disheveled blonde hair.

"How do you know that ?"

"I know it, because..."

⠀⠀The girl paused, hesitant.

"She's my mother. I was adopted when I was two."

"How do you survive this ?" Aibee asked, pointing at Sheila.

⠀⠀She was performing an improvised dance on I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston. She was stirring her voluptuous hips on the rhythm of the music while shaking her hair with frenzy.

"What's your nickmame ? Let me guess. Little pink bunny ?"

"My name is Catharsis."

⠀⠀Aibee gasped then put a hand on her mouth, horrified.

"To be honest, I prefer being called Cat."

"Perfect, now I want all of you to do the tree pose !" Sheila said.

⠀⠀All the students stood up to reproduce the pose she had just named.

"Don't you think we're in the wrong class ?" Aibee asked Rachel as she tried to balance on one leg.

"I thought the same thing the first time I came here, but believe me, it's not as crazy as it seems."

"Perfect, now touch your left ear with your right knee !" Mrs. Bloom ordered.

⠀⠀Aibee's eyes widened.

"I was joking." Sheila added, amused. "That pose is not planned for today."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀Since she had met that mysterious boy in the hallway of the high school, Teresa couldn't think properly. Innumerable questions tormented her mind. How did he knew her name ? Why did she left so quickly when she asked about him ? Most of her questions seemed to remain unanswered.

⠀⠀However, something in him had particularly struck her, especally his disturbing resemblance with Derek Hale, her best friend's little brother. She hadn't seen them since the fire that destroyed their house sixteen years ago.

⠀⠀After this unexpected encounter, her doubts had resurfaced and she had decided to start new research. She had discovered that Derek had returned to Beacon Hills a year ago and was currently living in a loft. This news was a shock to her. Now, all she wanted was to check that information with her own eyes.

⠀⠀Teresa knocked on Derek's door. When it opened a few moments later, the face of the young woman froze. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened in stupor.

"Teresa ?" Derek said, as he recognized her for the second time.

⠀⠀Something in his expression indicated that he was just as surprised as she was. The eyes of the young woman became misty with tears as she noticed his face didn't change much throughout the last decade. Without thinking, she threw herself into his arms and clung to him, fearing that he was a mere figment of her imagination, destined to evaporate.

⠀⠀When the palm of her hand brushed his face, she suddenly stepped back before repeating the same gesture.

⠀⠀His skin under her fingers was real.

⠀⠀He was real.

⠀⠀He held her tightly to him and she burst into tears.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Now we'll start with the most interesting part of this class." Sheila announced. "The improvisations You know the concept, I put a music and you dance on it. This will allow you not only to be more in tune with the universe that dominates your chakras, but also to become aware of your inner talents. Who wants to start ?"

⠀⠀Rachel raised her hand.

"Yes, little red snake !" Mrs. Bloom exclaimed enthusiastically. "Release your venom !"

⠀⠀Rachel walked towards the middle of the room and remained still until the very first musical note echoed through the speakers. Suddenly, the floor began to vibrate and a melody at once mysterious and melancholy resounded.

⠀⠀She raised her head and let herself be guided by the song. Her body was moving with grace. When she finished her dance, she got up a few moments later, under the applause of her comrades.

"Amazing !" Sheila said admiringly. "Someone else ? Let's see... little black owl ?"

⠀⠀She pointed at Aibee.

"How about you give us a little demonstration ?"


"Don't be afraid !" Mrs. Bloom said to encourage her. "Spread your wings and fly away !"

"If you insist." Aibee whispered, before walking towards the middle of the room.

⠀⠀She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When the first notes of the music touched her ears, she let herself be carried away by the catchy melody. She felt it in all her perfectly flexible limbs. Her hair swept the air as her body vibrated to the rhythm of her emotions.

⠀⠀She felt like she was all alone in the room. She seemed imperturbable. The music captivated her senses and made her feel free. Her dance was captivating.

⠀⠀When the song stopped, she was on her knees and her chest was moving as she was trying to take a regular breath. She opened her eyes and got up. All eyes were on her.

"Phenomenal !" Sheila exclaimed, clapping her hands.

⠀⠀Aibee was warmly applauded and she felt proud of herself. She loved being the center of attention.

"Well, our class is now over, you were wonderful today." Mrs. Bloom said, congratulating her students. "Surround yourself with positive vibrations to stay in symbiosis with nature and start the next week with enthusiasm !"

⠀⠀Aibee was heading towards the locker room when Sheila called her.

"I have rarely seen such a sensational performance since I started doing this job three days ago." She told her. "That was majestic !"

⠀⠀She paused, then seemed to think.

"From now on, your name will be big black owl !" She exclaimed in a high-pitched voice before jumping like a ballerina at the other side of the room.

⠀⠀As Aibee was about to enter the locker room, a figure in the doorway caught her attention. She met Andrew's eyes.

⠀⠀She realized that he had probably been there for a long time and that he had certainly had the opportunity to see her dancing. She smiled before entering the locker room.

⠀⠀When she got out, Andrew was still there. Rachel was in her arms and she just watched them from afar.

"So, how was it ?" He asked.

"Great." Rachel said. "Aibee gave us an amazing performance. You should have seen her."

⠀⠀He looked at her.

"We should go now, I'm tired." Rachel sighed as she left the room.

⠀⠀Aibee stooped for a moment to put on her boots when she felt a presence above her.

"I can pick you up, if you want." Andrew said.

⠀⠀She raised her head before grabbing the hand he was handing her. She smiled at him as an answer.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"So, it's been a year since you've been back." Teresa said, sitting on a couch next to Derek.

⠀⠀He nodded.

"But you were missing... Why didn't I hear anything on the news ?"

"I didn't want to be found." He replied.

⠀⠀Teresa bit her upper lip to hide her disappointment.

"I see, in that case, maybe you should have thought of changing your name." She replied bitterly. "Your address is on the Internet."

⠀⠀She tried to read him, however, he seemed to avoid her insistent gaze.

"I didn't think I was going to stay, but things happened that made me change my mind."

"Why didn't you try to see me again ?" She spat.

⠀⠀Derek remained silent. He could detect sadness in her voice.

"After the fire, I thought you were still out there somewhere, waiting for the right moment to jump out from behind my back and tell me it was all just a joke. But jokes are supposed to be funny."

⠀⠀She paused.

"Where are the others ? Where is Laura ?"

⠀⠀He lowered his head. A ball formed in the throat of the young woman and a deep sorrow compressed her chest.

"What happened that night ? I want to know. Why did you leave ?"

⠀⠀He did not answer. Teresa let out a sigh.

"Look, if you don't want to tell me anything, then fine, don't tell me anything. Only, please, don't do that, don't try to push me away. You are not the only one who has suffered. When I read in the news that Kate was responsible for the whole thing, I couldn't help but feel guilty. After all, it was partly my fault that you two met. I felt bad for trusting her so much."

⠀⠀She paused again and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I always thought that after that horrible night, I would never be able to move on. I had anxiety attacks and nightmares to the point of paranoia. All I ask is that you don't disappear again. I need you. I need you to make a fresh start."

⠀⠀Derek put two reassuring hands on her shoulders and pulled her against him. She put her head in the hollow of his neck.

"I'm here now." He whispered.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀Aibee was enjoying her afternoon laying on her bed when a loud noise of squeaks and broken glass echoed in the next room. Stile's bedroom.

⠀⠀Immediately, she ran towards the room, and she came face to face with a girl who was trying to fix the window.

"Hands up !"

⠀⠀Aibee grabbed an umbrella that was hanging on a coat rack and pointed it threateningly towards the stranger.

"If you came here to steal things, you chose the wrong house ! My dad works for the police and he will put you in jail if you ever dare to touch anything in this room, so you better watch out ! I have an umbrella and I'm not afraid to use it !"

⠀⠀She twirled the object in her hands.

"I didn't steal anything." The girl said, raising her hands to prove her innocence. "I'm Stile's girlfriend."

"That's not true !" Aibee protested, brandishing the umbrella in her face. "Stiles doesn't have a girlfriend !"

"I'm telling the truth."

"Prove it !"

"He's obsessed with Stars Wars and he called his Jeep Roscoe."

"That's not enough !"

"He has a sixth toe on his right foot."

⠀⠀Shocked, Aibee lowered the umbrella.

"I can't believe it !" She exclaimed, gaping. "Stiles has a girlfriend "!"

"You must be Aibee. He told me a lot about you. I'm Malia."

⠀⠀She reached out her hand. At the sight of her blackish, hooked nails, Aibee stepped back while grimacing with disgust.

"If you're looking for Stiles, he's not here." She said.

⠀⠀Malia shrugged.

"I'll wait for him."

"He may not come home before an hour or two."

"I'll wait patiently for his return." Malia said, sitting quietly on Stiles' bed.

⠀⠀Aibee stared at her for a long time, disconcerted, then left the room. Seconds later, she reappeared in the doorway.

"Stay away from me." She added before returning in her bedroom.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀Back at home, Stiles walked entered the living room and noticed Aibee, sitting on couch. He stopped, surprised.

"You're reading a book ?" He asked surprised. "Since when ?"

"Since I'm using it as a pillow." She retorted while closing the novel. "What about you ? Since when do you have a girlfriend ?"

"What ? How-"

"You know, to be honest, I always thought you'd end up alone, but, this girl, I don't kow, she's really fishy. She was in your room an hour ago and..."

⠀⠀She leaned toward Stiles.

"I think she's still here." She whispered. "Just a tip, never leave a girl who doesn't cut her nails, let her leave you first."

⠀⠀Panicked, he rushed towards the stairs.

"Hey, what's going on ?" He asked, finding Malia on his bed.

"Nothing." She said, standing up. "I met Aibee. Don't worry, she didn't see anything she wasn't supposed to see."

⠀⠀She waved her clawed hand under Stiles' face and he stepped back.

"You're sure of that ?"

⠀⠀Malia looked at her hands.

"Crap. I'm sorry."

"Let's hope she didn't see anything." Stiles sighed. "You wanted to tell me something ? Is it about Mrs. Fleming ? What did she want to tell you ?"

"Nothing important. I'll come back later. See you tonight."

"Okay, but next time you leave use the-"

⠀⠀Malia jumped out of the window.

"Door." Stiles said as the window shattered again.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"You hired someone to find Kate ?" Derek asked as he read the agreement in his hands.

"That was the Calavera's idea." Scott said. "They are looking for her too."

"Why wouldn't we  find her ourselves ? Why should we need someone ?"

"Because I'm a mercenary." Braeden replied, walking inside the loft. "It is my job."

⠀⠀Derek stiffened on his couch.

"How did you come in here ?" He asked.

"The door was open." She said.

⠀⠀Braeden took a chair, sat in front of them and comfortably placed her feet on the coffee table.

"For years, I've fought spirits, demons, warriors, Alpha packs and other creatures you wouldn't thought existed." She added. "As a result, I believe I have enough experience to carry out this mission. However, if you refuse my cooperation, you will go against the Calaveras and it will cost you dearly."

⠀⠀She looked at Derek who didn't seem convinced by her presence.

"We accept your help." Scott said. "We want to find Kate so we can know what she's planning."

"When did you last see her ?" She asked.

"Yesterday, in front of the Hale vault hidden under high school."

⠀⠀Braeden raised her eyebrows.

"Your family vault is hidden under a high school ?" She asked, staring at Derek. "Discretion isn't really your thing, is it ?"

⠀⠀He clenched his jaw, annoyed.

"Kate was looking for something in particular ?"

"The Triskelion." Scott replied. "She wanted it for her transformation, but Peter told us that it has no magic properties and that it was nothing more than a scam."

⠀⠀Derek frowned.

"That's what he told you ?" He asked.

⠀⠀Scott nodded. Derek got up from the couch and paced the loft for a few moments.

"What ?" Braeden asked.

⠀⠀He turned towards them with a confused look on his face.

"The Triskelion was made from the Nemeton wood." He said. "If it wasn't magic, we would have known."

"So..." Scott said, stunned. "That means-"

"That means he lied to you." Braeden interrupted.

⠀⠀She took her feet off the table and straightened up.

"You also want my help on this case or you want to stay on your positions and miss an opportunity to defeat the enemy ?"

⠀⠀A short silence followed her question.

"You're hired." Derek said.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀Intrigued by Stiles' reaction, Aibee decided to follow him upstairs without making any noise. Once in front of the closed door of his bedroom, she pressed her ear against the lock, but all she could hear was the distant rustle of a tree branch and the slamming of a window. A few times after, the door opened and she straightened up, trying to adopt non suspicious posture.

"What are you doing ?" Stiles asked.

"Nothing ?"

⠀⠀He narrowed his eyes suspiciously and headed for the bathroom.

"Not so fast !" She said, standing in front of him.

"What ?"

⠀⠀She held out her hand.

"Give me twenty dollars."

"Why ?"

"Because I want twenty dollars."

"No." Stiles refused, moving away from her.

⠀⠀She stopped in front of him again. At the same moment, the front door slammed.

"I'm home !" Mr. Stilinski exclaimed from the ground floor.

⠀⠀Immediately, a mischievous smile appeared on the girl's face.

"Alright, give me thirty dollars or I'll tell dad you went into his files."

⠀⠀Stiles stiffened, widening his eyes.

"You... you would do that ?" He stammered.

"Daddy !" Aibee exclaimed. "Stiles-"

"Okay, okay." Stiles panicked. "I'll give you thirty dollars !"

"Fifty." She corrected.

"Fifty dollars ?" He exclaimed, bewildered.

"Ten for your refusal to cooperate and ten for refusing to give me your bedroom."

"You know, now that I think about it, it's not too late for us to negotiate on this."

"Sorry, but the idea isn't tempting anymore. Your window is broken and I don't want your girlfriend as a roommate. Seriously, she sleeps here every night."

"You've noticed ?"

"Of course, who do think I am ? You're not very discreet. Anyway, are you giving me those sixty dollars ?"

"What ? Sixty dollars ? I thought we stopped at fifty !"

"You want to try seventy dollars ?"

⠀⠀Stiles groaned in exasperation. He went to his room and came back with the money. He placed it in Aibee's hand, who hastened to count them triumphantly.

"I love doing business with you." She said.

⠀⠀She patted him on the shoulder before leaving proudly.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Do you know why Peter would want to hide the truth about the Triskelion ?" Braeden asked.

⠀⠀Scott shook his head and Derek sighed.

"You said Kate wanted it to control her transformation." She said." Did she steal it ?"

"No." Derek said. "I destroyed it before she could."

"I don't know much about all of this, but is it really possible to destroy a magical object ?"

"He broke it in two." Scott said. "The Triskelion fell into pieces."

"Are you sure of that ?" Braeden insisted. "Did you at least recovered these pieces before you leave just in case someone else find them ?"

⠀⠀Judging by their reactions, the answer seemed obvious to her

"You're not very smart, am I right ?"

⠀⠀Derek stared at her, exasperated by her arrogance.

"I have to go back to school to see if I find something." Scott said before leaving the room and leaving them alone.

⠀⠀Braeden leaned against the edge of a table. Her gaze was fixed on Derek. Sitting on his couch, he didn't take his eyes off her.

"You think you know a lot, don't you ?" He said.

"Not at all." She replied. "I know just more than you do."

"And what are you trying to do ? Impress me ?"

He got up and took a few steps towards her.

"I want you to trust me."

"Why should I trust you ?" He retorted. "I know nothing about you."

"But I do." The mercenary replied. "And I know you want to get back what Kate took you from you."

⠀⠀Derek tried to hide his surprise. Slowly, she approached him.

"The true nature of someone is reflected in their eyes." She said. "In your case, the color of your eyes."

⠀⠀He held her gaze for a few moments then she walked to the chair behind him to grab her black jacket. She put it on and Derek turned towards her.

"You have one week to find her." He said before throwing a shotgun at her.

⠀⠀She caught it before leaving.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"I'm impressed." Peter said once the last delivery man was gone. "You were incredible today."

⠀⠀He closed the door and walked towards Kate.

"Whatever." She retorted, licking her bloody lips. "I didn't really need all this staging."

"A staging that allowed you to rally three new members to your cause. That's not enough for you ?"

"I could have found them myself."

"How ? By hunting people down in the forest ?"

⠀⠀He chuckled.

"You may be good at this, but you're still lacking of experience. If I had let you do such a thing, you would have left evidences behind you and we can't let that happen. That's why you still need me."

"Do you really think I need you to bite someone ?" Kate laughed. "Did you forget your killing spree ? More than thirty dead bodies found in the woods, that's your definition of playing it safe ?"

⠀⠀Peter didn't answer and she headed for the door.

"Where are you going ?" He asked.

"I'm going to find my next prey." She said. "Without you."

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀Laying down on her bed, Lydia was studying when the doorbell rang. She covered herself with a purple silk robe and went down the stairs.

"Lydia Martin ?" Parrish said once she opened the door.

"Yes ?" She replied, leaning against the doorway. "It's me."

⠀⠀When the young policeman put his eyes on her, he looked at her insistently.

"My name is Jordan Parrish and I work at the police station." He said, showing him his badge. "Several complaints have been lodged against you for night-time disturbance."

"Night-time disturbance ?" Lydia asked.

"Absolutely. Some of your neighbors say they've heard strange noises, mostly screams."

⠀⠀She stiffened.

"Are you alone ?" He asked, looking over her shoulder.

"Yes, my mother is at her reading club. There's only me and my dog."

"You have a dog ? Does it bark a lot ?"

"Why this question ?"

"According to the complaints, the screams heard in your house do not correspond to human screams. Do you have other animals ? A parakeet or a parrot ?"

⠀⠀Lydia did her best not to look upset. She let out a small laugh and then moved away from the door.

"Do you want to come in ?" She suggested.

"Can... Can I ?" Parrish asked, surprised.

⠀⠀She nodded and followed her inside. He carefully detailed her house, while still looking at her. She turned towards him.

"Are you new here ?"

"Yes, I'm the sheriff's new deputy." He said as she looked at him from head to toe.

⠀⠀She continued on her way and guided him to the bathroom.

"We have an old washing machine and as you can see, it is very rusty." She said.

⠀⠀Parrish watched the machine, perplexed. Lydia started it and then kicked it discreetly. Immediately, it made a sharp and shrill sound.

"I see. You should change your washing machine."

"We'll think about it." She said.

"Well, I'm not going to bother you any more." He said as he walked back to the front door. "We will get back to you if you ever receive new complaints."

⠀⠀He looked at her one last time.

"Good night." He said before leaving.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀Back in the courtyard behind the high school, Scott was looking for the Triskelion but didnt find anything. Disappointed, he was about to leave when he heard grunts rising from the lacrosse field.

⠀⠀The lights of the stadium were lit and he saw the presence of a boy standing a few meters from him.

⠀⠀He came closer, curious to know his identity. When he was close enough, he noticed the slight swelling he had at his right ankle. Instantly, the evidence hit him.

⠀⠀It was Liam Dunbar.

"Are you okay ?" Scott asked.

⠀⠀Surprised, Liam turned towards him while violtenty hitting the hair with his lacrosse stick. Scott stepped back quickly to dodge his attack.

"Whoah, calm down !" He exclaimed, raising his hands.

⠀⠀Liam lowered his stick and looked at him sharply, contracting his jaw. He was wearing his sportswear.

"What do you want ?" He spat.

"What are you doing here ?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"Listen, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I never wanted to hurt you."

⠀⠀Liam shrugged, not interested in his apology. He picked up a ball from the ground, placed it inside his stick and shoot it right in the goal.

⠀⠀He was really good.

"Why didn't you come to the tryouts ?" Scott asked.

"I needed to get some fresh air." Liam said, shooting a second ball. "What do you care anyway ? You don't have to worry, I won't try to steal your place in the team."

⠀⠀He furiously grabbed his backpack from the ground and threw it on his shoulder before leaving with a furious step.

⠀⠀Scott sighed and headed for his motorcycle in the parking lot. Just before he put on his helmet, a loud scream echoed from the school.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

"Daddy, Stiles !" Aibee exclaimed. "Dinner's ready !"

"I'm coming, darling." Mr. Stilinski replied from the living room.

"Don't worry about me !" Stiles said from the first floor. "I'll order something !"

"Stiles !" His father scolded. "Come down immediately or I swear-"

⠀⠀Seconds later, Stiles was standing in the kitchen.

"Sit down." Aibee said. "Get comfortable. I have prepared some good dishes for you tonight. I cook for mom sometimes. She thinks I'm amazing."

⠀⠀She put her preparations on the table while Stiles and his father sat on their chairs.

"For you, Daddy, I made a ratatouille salad with eggplants, zucchinis, red and green peppers, tomatoes and a few slices of bacon in a special sauce."

⠀⠀She lifted the lid that covered his plate.

"That looks extremely delicious, sweetheart." Mr. Stilinski said.

"For you, Stiles, I cooked a little vegetable soup."

⠀⠀She gave him a bowl in which floated almost all the vegetables he hated the most in the world. The young man's face decomposed.

"Are you kidding me ?"

"Bon appétit !" Aibee exclaimed as she sat down with them.

"Dad ?"

"I can't do anything for you, son." Noah said. "Aibee is the only person in this room who can cook properly so shut up and eat everything on your plate."

⠀⠀Aibee bit her fork to hold back a laugh.

"How was your day ?" The sheriff asked.

"Very well. I met new students and joined the high school dance group. From now on, call me big black owl !"

⠀⠀She imitated the wings of a bird with her hands under the questioning eyes of Stiles and her father.

"You can't understand." She added, shrugging her shoulders.

━ ✧° ☾⋆⁺ ━

⠀⠀Liam was about to leave the school when he realized his medicine wasn't in his bag. Although he didn't feel the need to take them, he knew his parents would be mad so if they knew he lost them. It was the last thing he needed and he cursed before returning to the field.

⠀⠀Helped by the light of his phone, he found the box of Risperdal in the grass, damaged by his lacrosse stick . Liam was stunned by his own anger. Maybe his parents weren't not completely wrong. Maybe he had to start taking his medicine. He put the box inside his bag.

⠀⠀Suddenly, he was violently thrown to the ground. Something had jumped on him with force and speed. Panicked, he screamed as he struggled. His lacrosse stick fell to the ground. He crawled, hoping to grab it, but just before he could reach it, something gripped his feet and pulled him back. He screamed even more as he felt his wound waking up. He clenched his teeth, but the pain intensified over the seconds. Unable to move his legs, he let himself being dragged on the grass. Scratches appeared on his hands and forearms as he continued to struggle.

⠀⠀When he was out of the field, the assailant grabbed his tank top. It wasn't human. The gestures were brutal, almost bestial. Liam tried to turn around to see their face, but his limbs were so sore that he gave it up and let himself being dragged inside the school. The assailant crossed the main hallway then headed to the stairs that allowed access to the roof of the school.

⠀⠀Liam grabbed the rail, but the thing exerted a strong pressure on his ankle and he released his grip with a scream. As they climbed, the young man's anguish grew. His heartbeat was racing.

⠀⠀He was going to die. Tonight. On the roof of a high school.

⠀⠀He was going to die and no one was going to care about it.

⠀⠀Maybe he deserved it after all.

⠀⠀He was only good to attract problems.

⠀⠀When they were arrived on the roof, Liam tried one last time to escape, but the thing wrapped an arm around his throat to immobilize him. He suffocated, his eyes bulging with distress. Suddenly he was lifted from the ground. The next moment, he was suspended above the void. Six meters were separating him from death. In a last effort, he turned his head to see the face of his attacker.

⠀⠀A dark blue-skinned woman was looking at him with a carnivorous and mocking smile as her green eyes shone in the night like those of a cat. Horrified, Liam wanted to scream, but he no longer had the strength. Tears burst into his eyes.

⠀⠀He didn't want to die.

⠀⠀Not here.

⠀⠀Not like this.

"Kate !" Someone shouted behind them. "Don't do this. Don't hurt him."

⠀⠀She turned around with a sneer.

"You want to play the hero, McCall ?"

⠀⠀Liam's eyes widened as he realized she was talking to Scott.

"He's innocent." he said. "Let him go."

"I will." She replied. "But first, watch this."

⠀⠀She pulled Liam towards her and planted her fangs in his right shoulder. The young man screamed as the pain spread through his body and tetanized his muscles. Scott watched the scene helplessly.

⠀⠀When Kate pulled her fangs out of the bruised flesh, she pushed Liam back violently. Losing his balance, he slid on the edge of the roof.

"No !" Scott shouted, running towards him.

⠀⠀Kate pushed him and he stumbled to the ground. Meanwhile, Liam was trying to gather his last strengths. His shoulder was hurting him, but he was trying to hold on.

⠀⠀Scott crawled to get closer to the edge. He reached for Liam, but at the last moment, his right hand slid.

"I can't hold on ! " The teenager shouted in panic.

⠀⠀Scott tried to grab his other arm, but Kate came back and jumped on his back to strangle him. As he struggled, he firmly grasped her wrists and broke them. She stepped back, grunting. At the same moment, Liam's lost his grip.

⠀⠀Without thinking, Scott immediately entered his fangs into his left hand to hold him back. The young man screamed loudly.

⠀⠀Scott grabbed him and brought him back on the roof. After making sure he was safe, he looked around him and noticed that Kate had disappeared, but it didn't matter to him because it was the last of his worries. He looked at Liam, worried.

⠀⠀He had bitten him.

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