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The winter break was about to commence, and as much as the three other Marauders wanted to help their friend, it would have to wait until after the break. This left Sirius a bit disappointed but at least he knew now that if he had more people on the search, he could eventually discover who has been writing letters to him. Sirius could not wait until he caught the secret admirer.

Sirius was packing his trunk the evening before they were supposed to board the train for home, when he heard a sudden pecking at the window. Sirius perked up as his eyes fell upon the familiar brownish-beige owl fluttering at his window. Rushing forth, he immediately thrust open the window and the owl flew in, dropping a small box along with a letter before perching itself on the window sill.

The Black heir eagerly opened the letter and once again found the familiar handwriting. The words of the person that had him going insane for the past while waiting to be read.

Dear Sirius,

Happy early Christmas!

I decided to send you a gift early on as I don't know your address and henceforth, would not have been able to send you a present on Christmas Day. I really hope you like it.

Hopefully, your break goes well, not sure how you're spending it but I'm flying with my family to Italy for the break. Super excited about it actually, I do love to visit places.

Anyways, enough about me. Please take care and once again, Happy early Christmas to you and your loved ones.

See you again after the New Year.


Your secret admirer

Sirius smiled, happy to hear a bit more from the secret admirer regarding their personal life. He gently put the letter down on his bed and turned his attention to the small box. Sirius picked up the box that was delicately wrapped in shiny red wrapping paper, with gold specks all over it. Gently unwrapping it, Sirius pulled open the lid.

It was a simple, plain, silver coloured ring.

Alongside it was another note.

This ring shows different colours based on emotions, and those would belong to me as I have the second ring. Of course, it will only work if it's worn on both sides. Not the outside, but the inside of the ring that touches the skin, will change colours depending on the other person's mood. Although that means you would need to take it off if you ever wanted to know how I'm feeling, if you wanted to anyways.

I've included a paper that explains which color stands for which emotion.

I really hope you like it, because otherwise this may have been a stupid idea.


Sirius smiled, as he gently slid on the ring on his right hand. A few seconds later he felt the ring turn warm, and when Sirius took it off he discovered that the inside had turned yellow. Sirius picked up the last piece of paper, and searched through the list.

Yellow means happy.

Sirius Black felt himself warm up upon reading that. His secret admirer was happy.

What Sirius did not know was that in a dormitory of another house, the secret admirer was full of joy as she looked at the now, yellow layer, inside of the ring. She was happy that Sirius had accepted her gift.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

"Mia! Oh how I missed you!" Sirius said, throwing his arms around Euphemia Potter, who lovingly embraced the boy.

The Potter parents had come to pick up James and Sirius from Platform Nine and three-quarters, to take them home for the holidays.

"I missed you too, Sirius." Euphemia replied, breaking the embrace to take a look at the boy. "How have you been?"


"That foul woman didn't send you anything to give you trouble now, did she?" Eupehmia asked, talking about Walburga Black.


"Good." Euphemia said satisfied. "No one is going to trouble my son."

At those words, Sirius felt his eyes gloss over. All his life he had been deprived of love and raised to be this horrendous image his birth parents had envisioned. Yet, the Potters had taken him in with open arms, and accepted Sirius for who he was. Even if he had only begun living with them since the summer, in the short amount of time, they had showered him with the same amount of love James received.

"Bye, Moony! Bye, Wormtail- OW!"

Sirius and Euphemia turned to find James jumping on the spot, as he held his foot, while a second year stood there clutching his trunk, looking at him horrified. Remus and Peter snickered at him, but made no movement to check upon their friend. Instead, they waved at Sirius and the Potters, before blending in within the crowd.

Euphemia shook her head. "James seems to have gotten his wits from his father, which isn't much, unfortunately."

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean, darling?"

Fleamont Potter turned to look at his wife, before his eyes moved over to Sirius, his lips turning up.

"Ah, Sirius!" He brought Sirius into a hug, ruffling his hair earning a groan from the latter, "How have you been, son?"

"Good. How about you, Mr. Potter?"

"Mr. Potter? Gosh, lad, that makes me feel old, to be honest."

Sirius hastily said, "I meant to say, how about you, Monty?"

"See? That sounds much better, and I am doing well, thank you very much." Fleamont replied with a cheeky grin and thumped Sirius on the back. "Where is our other son?"

"Here, dad." They heard a groan, and found James limping towards them.

Euphemia placed her hands upon her hips, "James Fleamont Potter, what did you do back there?"

James sheepishly grinned, "I may or may not have been looking as to where I was going, and that kid's trunk went over my foot."

"Well, maybe you need to tone that excitement down that you always seem to carry around, I don't know how your friends can even think clearly with your racket." Euphemia said, shaking her head. Sirius and Fleamont were silently snickering at James from behind the Potter woman, earning a pout from James.

"But mum-"

"Tut, tut, tut, no more now. Let's get going."

And the family of four headed towards the barrier, Sirius laughing at James who in return whacked Sirius on the head, and both boys were looking grumpy when they made it through the barrier and into the muggle world.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

Sirius watched as little snowflakes slowly drifted down, landing gently upon the blanket of snow. The small crystals moved as if they were dancing, and all Sirius did was watch them as he leaned against the wall of his room, gazing out the window. He could not help but wonder how his secret admirer was doing. He wanted to know more, but suddenly an idea sparked in his head and he grabbed his wand and a few other important things before leaving his room.

Sirius was adjusting his watch the Potters had gifted him for his seventeenth birthday, when he entered the kitchen.

"I'm heading out to Diagon Alley." He said.

Fleamont looked up from the newspaper he was reading, while Euphemia stopped stirring the pot and turned to look at Sirius.

"Sirius, dear, you're heading out now so suddenly? You know it's not entirely safe out there."

That was true. There were disturbances being caused in the peaceful world. Rumours were that a dark wizard was on the rise, promoting the idea of a pure-blood society and people were joining him. There was a war brewing somewhere out there, a war that threatened everything.

"I won't be gone too long-"

"Fleamont," Euphemia Potter turned towards her husband, "You go with Sirius and see if James also wants to go." Her eyes went back to her second son. "Sirius, I know you're of age, but that fear remains with what is happening out there. It's best to go out with one of us, so I'm sending Fleamont with you."

Sirius nodded, as he could not ever find it in himself to disagree with the Potters. They had after all, provided a roof over his head and given him love beyond his imagination.

And with that, after half an hour, the trio found themselves in Diagon Alley.

"So, son," Fleamont began saying, "what do you need from Diagon Alley?"

"A gift for a friend."

"A gift for who?" James asked, tearing his gaze from Quality Quidditch Supplies. "Didn't you already buy all the gifts?" He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"Shut it, Prongs."

"Well, whatever you need to do, go do it now." Fleamont declared, interrupting the two boy's sudden staring contest, as they glowered at one another.

"Sure thing, Monty." And with that, Sirius ran off and unfortunately, James was right on his tail as he wanted to know what Sirius was really up to. However, Sirius came out empty handed, shop after shop, until he finally found what he needed at Scribbulus Writing Instruments.

While James was off, snooping around in the back of the shop perhaps to buy another present for Lily to make her impressed, Sirius was once again at the counter asking for what he needed for the fifth or sixth time.

"Do you happen to hold anything in stock that allows two way communication? A paper of some sort or something?" Sirius questioned, while the lady who appeared to be in her twenties, placed her elbows on the counter, leaning forwards and narrowed her eyes in thought, whilst chewing on a piece of gum.

"Hmm. Like how muggles use a telephone, something of that sort?"

Sirius blinked, "A tele- what?"

The lady who had a badge on her t-shirt with the name Grace on it, waved a hand. "Nevermind that. I actually think we have a pair of those. Let me go grab them." With that, she walked away into the aisles of shelves.

Sirius leaned forth, tapping his fingers on the wooden counter as he waited. After a few minutes, the woman returned.

"Here, these two diaries are connected to one another. Whatever you write in one, it appears in the other." Grace said, and she demonstrated as she flipped both black coloured diaries open, and wrote "Hello" on one and to Sirius' amazement, he saw it appear in its counterpart.

"This is what you wanted, right?"

Tearing his eyes away from the diaries, he looked up at the woman and smiled. "This is exactly what I wanted, thank you so much."

"Of course, no problem. You're lucky to have gotten these now, it was the last one we had. These twin diaries are very rare to find. Hope you make good use out of it." She said, winking.

It had suddenly occurred to Sirius in his bedroom that perhaps if he could find something that would allow messages to go through quicker, perhaps he could get to know more about his secret admirer. It would serve as a gift and a way to connect more with each other.

With that, Sirius paid for the items and beckoned James to follow, who did as told but held a disappointed face.

Once out, Sirius glanced at his best friend, who was oddly quiet considering how he never can sit silently.

"What's wrong with you?"

James huffed, "I couldn't find anything special and impressive for my Lily-pad."

"Prongs, hate to break it to you mate, but Evans hates you. I'm sure she'll be ready to burn the present you're going to send her for Christmas Day, there's no need for a second one."

James grimaced at Sirius, "Shut up, Padfoot. I know she'll like me, eventually." He whispered the last part. "But," He perked up, "who is that for?" He said, pointing at the diaries in Sirius' hands.

"My secret admirer." Sirius simply answered.

"Oh." A grin slowly made its way onto James' face, "A gift for her, huh?"

"Keep your nose out of my business-"

"Actually, it became my business right when you decided to let it slip to the three of us." James interjected.

Sirius huffed, "Whatever, but please keep your mouth shut about this now."

Soon the two boys found the head of the Potter family, who was laughing merrily with a cheerful Arthur Weasley, after which the three headed back to Potter Manor. They got home to find Euphemia waiting for them, who wanted them to start preparing for the upcoming two days, as Christmas Eve was the following day and the day after would be a party to celebrate Christmas.ย 

*.ยท:ยท.โœง โœฆ โœง.ยท:ยท.*


I know this chapter wasn't the most exciting, but hopefully the next few chapters will seem better. Anyways, let me know what you think of the story so far and I'll see you in the next! <33


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