𓆩:*¨༺✧ ♛ ✧༻¨*:𓆪Chapter 26: The Dedication

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So start to be glad, glad, glad, glad

Vicky Pov

Tala's grandparents were flabbergasted when they found out that Tala was mated to a real 'prince'.

Jin-Goo and his parents had a closed-door meeting with Talas' family to explain Jin-Goo and Talas' mishap almost four years ago.

Tala was just grimacing when her grandmother fell in love with the charming prince. The marriage negotiation was officially off, and Princess Francesca was in a state. She even canceled her attendance at the dedication of Hwannie. Hwannie was overjoyed that her grandmother came to see her.

She told her grandmother that her duke grandpa bought her a pony, and she took her grandmother to see the ducks in the pond.

The next day would be the dedication service. Tala and Jin-Goo looked awkward in each other's presence, which made you snicker inwardly. The protective string made Jin-Goo overbearing. He had two bodyguards to watch over Tala, which didn't sit right with her.

Tala almost catches snakes when Jin-Goo tells her grandparents that she and Hwannie will move in with him in his penthouse in the Seoul Trimage. You were in stitches at the gobsmacked look on Tala's face as she sat on your bed.

Her grandparents are having private tea with the royal family in the Queen's private lounge. Hwannie is with her dad, spending time on a boat ride. The Twins went shopping with two bodyguards.

"Oh, my goodness, your highness. Why am I mated to a guard dog?."She fell down, exasperated, on your bed.

You chuckled," You are his soulmate, and after you gave him some hot, tender love, he is smitten, and now he wants more of you," and you waggled your brows teasingly.

Her eyes widen. "Just great. How can I live with him, Your Highness? Seolhyun will literally kill me if she finds out he left her for plain old me." Her eyes seem to be sad. Jin-Goo only wants his daughter near him. It is not necessary for her to move in with him. Even if they are soulmates, she can't let him rule her. She has a life of her own, and she loves her privacy and her apartment.

"Just sit with him, Tala. You can come to an agreement on the visiting rights with Hwannie. She loves her dad, and he can use her to favor him. She wants to be with him." You told her.

"True, Hwannie wants us to be together like her friends' parents. How can we be secretive about our status, Your Highness? He is a famous TV presenter, and I'm an upcoming lawyer. Gosh, it's complicated. His parents are all for it," she said, looking apprehensive as she bit her lips. Why did she give him so much passionate love? There is no way he would set her free or date someone else. He wants her to be physical with him.

You grinned as your eyes lit up. "See it this way. The two of us will be neighbors, and if Jin-Goo gets on your nerves, you can come over and stay with me. Oh my gosh! Tala, I have a brilliant idea." You looked elated as you gazed into her perplexed expression.

"What?" she asked, flabbergasted at your obvious delight.

"Why don't you rent your apartment out, and you and Hwannie can move in with me there? Jin-Goo will be near Hwannie, he will still have his privacy and she can go visit him every day and spend time with him whenever she wants. The two of us will be together and go places together. I'm definitely going to buy a car when we get back." You look so excited. Being with your best friend will be glorious. You can have girls' night, go on dates, watch movies, and eat snacks till the wee hours of the morning.

Tala frowned. "Are you sure Prince Jerk will accept it?"

After two very 'intimate' nights with her Soulmate, she is not sure if he will set her free. He is behaving very strangely these days. She doesn't trust him one bit.

You nod, "If he wants to see Hwannie daily. He will agree to your pleas".

"He wants Hwannie to go to a very expensive pre-preparatory school. He had already assigned a driver for her. Gosh, he is too much. Hwannie will have to make new friends, and she just started at her new preschool. He already ordered a necklace with a spy camera." Tala doesn't look impressed.

"Oh, oh, the blue string protective daddy is already in the making. But we will butter him up". You comforted her.

"My grandma is so happy I found my soulmate in my child's father, and she wants me to be with my soulmate. She will go back and live full-time with my grandfather. He is so excited to get his wife back." Tala grimaced at the thought of not being with her grandmother constantly, but being with you daily makes her reconsider.

"After my birthday, we are flying to LA. Attending the BTS concert with Tyrella and Shaniqua. I want you to meet them. " You excitedly exclaimed Tala grinned. That will be awesome. She hadn't been to any BTS concerts since their debut. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet Joonie. Seeing Joonie in action will be a highlight. But Jin-Goo will be a problem. They must keep their whereabouts secret.

"Don't worry, our security detail will come with us and be near us incognito. Tyrella got us a great hotel near the stadium. We will be safe." You smile into her wary eyes, holding her hand in yours.

Tala hopes to either leave Hwannie with her dad for one week or send her little chatterbox to her Korean grandparents. She wants to enjoy herself for the first time in the USA.

The queen already has all your outfits for the dedication service with the royal family. It will be a very private ceremony. The press will obviously be in their hordes in front of the church and palace entrances.

Tala was so nervous because now she could understand the impact of royalty in Spain. Her grandparents love the Duchess and Duke. They have been received so well, and you are so excited that Hwannie was overly excited for her 'big day'.

You were all decked out in your cocktail attire. You opted for a lace off-white dress, and Tala and Hwannie looked gorgeous in brilliant white dresses. You just pressed Talas' hand when you all entered the royal vehicles. You, Tala, and Prince Jin-Goo were together with Hwaniie in one vehicle. You could sense the awkwardness of the bonded couple in your presence.

Tala looked solemn as Jin-Goo and an excited Hwannie waved to the people who were standing behind fence enclosures. There were screams and excitement among the people. The city police were standing in front of the people so that no over-hyped-up fan would run into the street procession.

You feel so overwhelmed, and you could understand how Jin-Goo might feel. The Spanish media was so excited when they covered the fact that the eldest son of the Duke found his soulmate and they have a beautiful toddler, which they believe that the Royal family kept under wraps for years to keep the girl hidden from the public eye. They wondered when the prince met his soulmate and if the girl was his girlfriend before they found out they were soulmates.

You look concerned in Talas' wary eyes as she stares out with visible nerves at the Spanish people. How will she handle the scrutiny of being part of the royal family? Hwannie made her an unofficial royal.

You took her hand in yours as she turned her eyes on you. She looked beautiful with her hair in an elegant bun on top of her head. A small tiara adorned her hair. Her makeup was impeccable.

Since early in the morning, all the royal women have been in the spa. You had three hours of pampering, from skincare to hair treatments. You felt so invigorated and refreshed. The twins looked beautiful in their pastel cocktail dresses. 

Your hair was in loose waves over your shoulders, with a tiara made of expensive pearls interweaving with diamonds. It belongs to the Queen Mother. Your makeup was flawless and you truly look like a Spanish princess.

All your brothers and their soulmates were in the procession in other royal vehicles. Security was tight around the Spanish royals.

Count Eduardo was also invited by his parents. Your dad only invited the immediate family and issued a decree that the dedication would be private, but the royal ball would be for all the royals later in the week for all who were invited. The kingdom was in awe, especially your extended family from London and Monaco. 

You haven't seen your cousin, Lady Beatrice von Adderly, in years, and you heard she met her soulmate, also a commoner, a Therapist from Kensington*.

"Everything will be fine, Tala. "You comforted her, "Just relax, okay?" Jin-Goo watched his beautiful soulmate with concern as he tapped into her volatile emotions. She was terrified to death. Hwannie loved being a princess because she wanted to know everything about royal subjects and if she, too, had subjects.

"Of course, baby. You are the queen of the palace's cats, dogs, pony, and those adorable ducklings." He grins as he kisses her round cheek tenderly. She was really lovely in her princess gown and diamond headband with a silk bow. When she glanced at her father, who had become her idol, her eyes sparkled.

"Tala, everything will go smoothly as we rehearse," Jin Goo stated to his very elegant-looking soulmate. "So just smile and wave," he smirked as he noticed her deadpan expression.

Tala snorts, her coral-pink lips pouting. "That's easy for you to say. These parades are nothing new to you. What if the footage ends up in our Korean newspapers? We won't be invisible any longer." She was wondering about her estranged family, who might be tempted to reconcile with her after four years apart.

You inhaled deeply and nodded. "We'll enter quietly. Inside the cathedral, no reporters or news media are permitted. Only private royal photographers will be permitted, and you and Jin-Goo have already taken a family portrait" The whole family already took official photos with Hwannie and Tala. 

Jin-Goo appeared wary as well. "I'm glad the press isn't allowed in. But they might catch a glimpse of Tala, my elusive soulmate. The excitement is getting to my nerves, but we need to enjoy it and make this day a success. Hwannie and you, Tala, will be welcomed into the royal Ronquillo family." He abruptly and kindly stroked Tala's hand, and the electricity that passed through her made her feel some relief.

She only tried to smile as her gaze wandered outside at the throngs of enthusiastic people hoping to catch sight of the new princess. They were waving mini-national flags in red and gold. That is extremely patriotic. They appear to adore their monarchy.

The moment had arrived when the royal family all arrived at the Santiago Cathedral. The royal entourage entered through the private entrance, out of sight of the public.

Everyone was so excited for the service. The priest in charge was overseeing the dedication. There was a concise program of a sermon and prayers, and Hwannie was dedicated to God and introduced as the newest member of the royal family. You were sitting next to your dad and brothers. Tala sat with the Duchess and Duke in the front row on the other side. You just gave her a smile and a nod, saying that everything would be okay.

The service was only for an hour and a half, and when it was time for the dedication and declaring of the titles, the King and Queen stood with the Duke and Duchess in front of the altar with Jin-Goo, Tala, and Hwannie.

Everyone was sniggering when Hwannie loudly greeted the twins with a happy voice.

"Heya Kami and Ama. See, I'm a big girl. I'm not scared!" She yelled and wave cutely at her twin aunts who giggle loudly when she saw the priest with all his gold and red religious attire. Quiet snickers could be heard from the audience. The Duke and Dutchess smiled with deep adoration at their first grandchild as she looked wide-eyed at the Priest. 

You and your brothers had big grins on your faces at the antics of your little niece. Hwannie quickly adapted to the royal household, and she loves her grandmother, the big monarch, and his queen.

Jin-Goo and Tala only pressed their lips together for their confident child antics. Her dad picked her up and placed her on a velvet and gold chair that faced the priest. Her eyes were wide when the priest did a ritual according to royal decrees. Hwannie was blessed and dedicated.

Then the King stood in front of the nervous couple after Hwannie was dedicated and prayed for. Her eyes were huge when the King used his gold and diamond-encrusted scepter to touch Tala's small shoulders first. And introduce her as Lady Tala. There was a huge applause as Prince Jin-Goo, who was clothed in his royal attire, turned to Tala and kissed her hand. With a huge smirk on his face, Tala was wondering why he looked so smug. The whole royal gathering will accept her as Jin-Goo's official soulmate—a system marriage by royal decree.

Gosh, she knew immediately that by introducing her to the royal system---she will never be able to date other guys. Prince Jerk makes sure she is his in the eyes of the royals and the world. She told him she is going to go back home with her grandparents and start dating her neighbor's son. He can go date the type of girls he desired. She is so done with the jerk.

Then Hwannie got introduced as Princess Hwan-hee Elizabeth Ronquillo. There where again hearty applause when Hwannie looked so excited as she wave at all the people 'the princess waved' as her royal grandma taught her. She looked so adorable and the young princess and the princess's cousins were so excited to finally meet their new cousin and can't wait to play with her.

Numerous photos were taken in church and videos.

After the new family was officially introduced to the royals the Royals were escorted to the private vehicles. The media was stoked they can't wait to buy the rights to some footage of the church and family portrait of the new Royal Lady Tala. 

Back at the palace, the royals were in for a huge party. They all met inside one of the large art nouveau banquet halls. The tables were set with royal table linen, and there was enough memorabilia for the guests to enjoy. Vintage plates with the new family crest and flowers , gold, cutlery etc. The royals appreciated the large lunchtime ala carte buffet, and Hwannie couldn't wait to meet her other cousins from London and Monaco.

You and Tala, together with the twins, were enjoying the exquisite lunch. You were sharing a table with your third brother and his soulmate and count Edwardo and Prince Jerk. The palace staff was very attentive and did their job with precision and flair.

 After numerous meetings with the family and photo ops, Prince Jin-Goo took Lady Tala by the hand and introduced her to the rest of the immediate royal families. Tala just smiled, but she was fuming inside when Jin-Goo candidly told his cousin Your brother that he and Tala might tie the knot in less than six months. Everyone was shocked when they heard that Lady Tala and her royal highness were very intelligent law graduates.

You and Prince Edwardo spent the whole time together, and most of the family was informed that an arranged marriage was in the cards for the two royals after the soulmate had been found and the system had been rigged. You just smile because you really like  count Edwardo.

 Even if your heart was still in shambles, your affection was still for Namjoon, but you just hope to meet your soulmate and finally move on from the superstar. All your brothers' soulmates were blue blood, only Jin-Goo, and you felt it in your gut that your soulmate might also be a commoner which will make it easier to rig the system if he is not royal material. 

You introduced Tala to your older brothers and their soulmates. They were very friendly and immediately liked your soft-spoken best friend.

You grinned as you looked at your older brother, the crown prince, and say in Spanish, which Tala understood. " Lady Tala, conoce al príncipe heredero Alex y a su esposa, la princesa Iman, de Jordon. Son los padres de mis dos sobrinos malvados que enseñaron a Hwannie cómo "no comportarse como una princesa".Lady Tala, meet Crown Prince Alex and his soulmate wife, Princess Iman, from Jordon. They are the parents of my two naughty nephews who taught Hwannie how to 'not behave as a princess."  Tala bows respectfully and is pleasantly surprised when she sees some Asian features in Prince Alex. He was 29 years old. He hugged his sister tenderly, and he was very concerned about her safety in the USA after the foiled kidnapping.

Prince Alex smiled as his eyes gleamed in Tala's nervous ones. "Es tan bueno por fin conocer a mi otra hermana pequeña; bienvenido a la familia, Lady Tala".It is so good to finally meet my other little sister; welcome to the family, Lady Tala." They smile and bow to each other. His wife, Princess Iman grinned.

Then you joined arms with her, and you dragged her to introduce her to your two other older brothers, Prince Luciano, who was 26 years old and was mated to Princess Alexandra from Monacco, the granddaughter of Grace Kelly and daughter of Princess Caroline. They embraced her into the family as well, and they saw how much you adore your closest friend.

You cross the hall to locate your third brother, Prince Miguel, who is two years older than you at 23 and is mated to Lady Louis of Windsor, the Countess of Wessex's daughter. Tala was astounded to learn that all of your brothers were actually bonded to royals rather than in arranged weddings.

 If you opt to marry the count after meeting your soulmate, you will be the only person in an arranged marriage—but only if you are a yellow string. And if you don't connect with your true soulmate, you will marry Count Edwardo, who is madly in love with you and wishes to marry you, fortunately, he is willing to wait for you to meet your soulmate and then decide.

The celebration was a resounding success. It felt great to spend so much time with your family and brothers, safe and sound, following the ordeal of the previous few years. Talas' grandparents were completely merged into the royal household and were highly approved of. They all believe that Lady Tala and Prince Jin-Goo should live as a family with Princess Hwan-Hee.

Tala only wrinkled her nose. She is not willing to remain in a loveless relationship. Even if she is well aware that fate will allow them to fall in love gradually. She already has feelings for the jerk, and he will be the one who is at a loss for what to do with himself.

Later that night, after you and Edwardo had spent some quality time together in the maze garden, you sat on a bench fiercely making out in a secret space away from prying eyes.

Eduardos lovingly cupped your face, his eyes overflowing with love and admiration, "Princess...you make me so happy."

You open your eyes and look him in the eyes with a gentle grin, "I like being with you Eduardo, If I meet my soulmate and we happen to be yellow-stringed, I'll promise to give you a chance."

He smirked and slowly drew your face back, planting a slow kiss on your lips; you smiled into his kiss and immediately kissed him back with fervor.

He lift up his head and grinned playfully.

"After your birthday, I'd like to come to Seoul as a commoner...just to spend time with you and see how a commoner lives," he said with a grin.

You enthusiastically nod, "Oh, that'll be fantastic...Tala and I, as well as Jin-Goo, will show you the best of what Seoul has to offer. I'd be overjoyed."

You sat curled up on the seat, enjoying the peace and quiet.


You and Tala spent the evening speaking in your chambers because the young royals were still having a good time in the banquet hall. Jin-Goo and your brothers had a great time interacting till late at night. Some flew back to their "kingdoms' home," but the remainder of the close family stayed for the weekend.

You and Tala have already showered and are in your royal chambers in your pajamas. Hwannie chose to spend the evening with her Korean grandparents. Tala informed Jin-Goo that she would be enjoying a sleepover with the royal princess.

You and your best friend were snacking on an entire box of snacks on the bed.

"Oh my goodness, Tala, Shaniqua sent me all the details about our upcoming visit. I'm overjoyed!" You burst out laughing as you open your iPad to read her the news.

Talas'eyes' eyes widen with surprise. "Oh, my Gosh! Did she get the tickets? It has to be a rat race for all global ARMY's. Do you remember when we first went online in Korea? All of their stadiums near your friends were completely sold out. How in the world did they get it right?"

You smirk," Tyrella stated that they worked all night in front of their computers hours before tickets went on sale for the first time. She received eight tickets. Two for their boyfriends, two for my security detail's "parents," and two for us. We have front-row seats in the P1 section, as well as soundcheck tickets. Look, she sent us the Staples Center stadium layout. It was $250, but they bought it for me as a birthday gift. We have tickets for one of the four days in Los Angeles on September 7th. So, as a treat, we'll fly first class to the United States on Friday, August 31. I'm spending time with two friends before heading to the show on Thursday. They'd prepared an entire itinerary for us. I'm looking forward to seeing my two sassy friends."

Tala looked stoked, "Oh wow! I can't wait to go to America. It will be my first time and I can't wait to meet your lawyer friends," Tala grinned as she popped open another snack packet.

"We'll go to LA and take in the sights and sounds. They booked us into the JW Marriott Hotel, which is only around 200 meters from the center. My security detail will also be waiting for us in Los Angeles. But your soulmate has no idea we'll be gone for a week, so we'll make sure your bodyguard is nearby if Prince Jerk tries to be funny," you grin softly.

"I can't wait to see Namjoon live. I heard they're on fire!!!"Tala leaps onto the bed with glee. For the first time, you and your bestfriend will travel on your own. Tala has decided to stay and spend your birthday with you in a week. Eduardo will afterward leave for a two-week holiday with his family to Denmark to visit some family.

Namjoon almost makes you dizzy just thinking about him. Why are you still smitten by the megastar? He's dating another idol, and they're already having an intimate relationship.

He will never go after you. You may have seen photos of the famous Korean American rapper Park Jia, who collaborated on a single with the Trinidadian rapper Nicki Minaj. Namjoon got a very gorgeous girlfriend, to whom the Korean media has been linking him for years. Even if he claims that they are only casually dating till he finds his soul mate. But, from the looks of things, they are certainly dating if they even went on vacations together.

 He couldn't even contact you because Prince Jerk intercepted your communication lines and blocked or ensured that your calls were monitored...even if you were using private devices. The security detail is already aware of your vocal signature...

You only shrugged. He would have reached you a long time ago if he wanted to. Maybe he's found his soulmate and doesn't need you to find closure.

A/n: Hwannie and Tala are part of the royal family now.

Thank you to all my faithful and loyal readers. Kindly cast a vote so that I can meet you as a new friend and interact with you when you comment. 

Shout out to all the commenters, voters, followers an those who added the book to their readers'list. to Savannah3607  DinoArt0  Jisooishotasfuck Arron_Ackerman lolapolousa07  Hairess27  Majisa049  midnight_luna13  MarieKarlson3 mysticalnyla ArmyLovePurple andipandibanana Sandra_Annette EJane1234567890  Foodie2029  Kevrui Mishiachan xchi31  yalfavweeb

1. Do you think Jin-Goo is falling for Tala after she gave him his freedom?

2. Will Vicky and Tala get it right to go to America without Jin-Goos' knowledge?

3. Will Tala listen to Jin-Goo and not date other guys?

4. Will Vicky and Namjoon be able to meet at the show?

5. Does she have reason to think that Namjoon has moved on?

6. Is she serious about giving Eduardo a chance?

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