𓆩:*¨༺✧ ♛ ✧༻¨*:𓆪Chapter 30: Girls wanna have fun! Pt. 1

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█▓▒­░⡷⠂ᴀ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇʀᴛ...⠐⢾░▒▓█

When you and Tala landed at LAX, excitement filled the air. Both of you wore light shorts, t-shirts, hoodies, and flip-flop sandals. Your chocolate brown hair casually lay loosely on your shoulders, with just a touch of mascara and natural-looking gloss on your lips. Despite minimal makeup, both you and Tala had flawless skin.

The warm weather greeted you as you eagerly collected your luggage after going through customs. Thanks to your high citizen status and A-level passports, the pilots and crew escorted you and Tala from the plane to the terminal.

Curiosity surrounded you from the crew, who speculated that you and Tala might be billionaire daughters, a secret you both maintained. Tala, with a smirk, called it 'Favor.' Before departing, the duke ensured Tala's passport and citizen status were updated, realizing that being mated to a prince elevated her to A-class citizen status

Upon reaching the arrivals terminals, you noticed your enthusiastic friends standing and waving, acting a bit over the top.

"Vicky! Vicky!'" 

 Tyrella was screaming, and Shaniqua shook her head a bit, feeling embarrassed due to the attention you were getting from other passengers and their families. When she ran up to you, her bouncy curls were flying everywhere. You were surprised by how beautiful they looked—so grown up. All four of you had recently graduated as lawyers.

She looked terrific in her sleeveless denim top, tight white shorts, and high-top blue Converse sneakers, showcasing her toned legs. Silver sleeper earrings adorned her ears, and her makeup was always perfect. She was the most stylish person in the group. Tyrella found her soulmate a few weeks ago—a guy with a late whisperer mark, part of the Billionaire Legacy Club in America, originally from the Maldives, and an upcoming R&B singer from old money. His parents are business tycoons specializing in diesel exports.

In contrast, Tyrella comes from a legacy of Harvard lawyers and doctors. Both she and Shaniqua interned at the same firm but in different branches in different states. Tyrella works and lives in New York City. The newly bonded soulmates complement each other well. Tyrella, full of energy and fun, wanted to share something interesting with you, and you hoped it wasn't about becoming a mother.

Tala blushed deeply because of Tyrella's loud screaming while you stood beside her with a wide grin and bright eyes. Tyrella opened her arms and gave you a big bear hug.

"Oh my BFF, it's been forever! Geez, you look so adorable—low-key but slaying!" she raved. You and Tala are proficient in English, so you understood what was said. Tala missed her new friends' slang. But in two weeks, she will be able to get their vibe.

Shaniqua rolled her eyes as she looked at you and Tala with a big grin, "Hey, girl, Tyrella's way of saying you look natural—no makeup vibes. Oh, is this Tala Bang? Seoul bestie! It's a pleasure meeting you, Tala. I hope you dig the US," she grinned while hugging you and Tala. Once Tyrella finally let go of her Anaconda arms,

Shaniqua was now the rocker chick of the group. She was sassy but calmer than Tyrella. A few months older than you, she found her soulmate right after her soulmark appeared. Her soulmate is a prominent, older chartered accountant from Lagos, Nigeria. He studied at the University of Florida but emigrated with his family almost twenty years ago. They planned to move to South Korea, as he got a lucrative offer from a top firm in Seoul, and Shaniqua would work for the new 'Choi and Bang Associates.' You and Talas'firm.

Her bushy hair had fancy cone rows, and she looked pleased to see you. Long golden chain earrings hung from her ears, and her lips were painted ruby red. Her caramel-fudge skin looked radiant, and she wore a dark denim minidress with black open sandals. Blessed with sexy curves and very fit and toned legs, she was older and taller than all of you.

You, the palest and thinnest Spanish-Filipino girl, loved going to the gym with them but never seemed to gain weight. However, you were healthy and happy with your slender but toned body and thin, well-shaped legs.

Smirking, you said, "Wow! It's only been less than six months. You guys seem super excited. Did you miss me that much?" You chuckled and looked at an amused Tala with a bright smile. "And yes, this is my high school best friend; it's her first visit to the States."

Tyrella grinned and gave Tala a big, welcoming hug, "Wow, she's cute! Have you met your soulmate yet?"

She looked at Tala curiously, who seemed hesitant to reveal her status, but you chuckled.

You all slowly left the terminal, and your two American friends took hold of your luggage trolley.

You smirked and waggled your eyebrows at the curious duo, "You won't believe who she's mated to... our favourite guard dog."

The two gasped audibly.

Tyrella's jaw nearly hit the floor, shocked. "No way! She's mated to Jin-Goo? This gorgeous, sweet girl has that overbearing guard dog boy as a soulmate! Oh, my word! Did you sin in your previous life??" She looked utterly flabbergasted at Tala, clicking her tongue regrettably. Jin-Goo was a nightmare at the university.

Tala nodded with a disapproving expression. "Yep, it's me. Blue-string. Now the fool is even more clingy and overprotective."

Shaniqua widened her eyes at you. "We need the lowdown on that dude's situation. Don't sweat it, Tala; you've got two weeks of complete freedom. There is no soulmate drama. Did he even let you and Vicky come to the US solo? 

You chuckled as you followed behind them."That was a very tiring story."

 They reached Tyrella's new black Mercedez C-class vehicle in the parking lot—a birthday gift from her doctor-dad. You were in awe at the beautiful, luxurious car. 

The air outside was hot, making everything around it feel like an oven. When you all step outside, it's like getting a blast of hot air on your face. You felt sweaty and hot. Tyrella and Shaniqua talked a lot about your plans first thing. Shaniqua put your bags in the car, and you all quickly got inside.

Tala fanned her face, saying, "Wow, it's so hot. I need a cold drink now." She swiftly tied her dark hair into a loose bun.

In the car, Tyrella turned the air conditioning up high, and you breathed a sigh of relief. Shaniqua sat in the front seat, looking back at both of you.

"Okay, so we snagged a room at the JW Marriott Hotel. Tyrella, me, and our soulmates are crashing there too. Your 'parents-security' is rolling in a day before the show, so we hooked them up with a room and their buddies," Shaniqua said, smirking and waggling her eyebrows.

After you foiled kidnapping in your second year, you came clean to your two friends, and they pledged that they would keep it a state secret. Tala was surprised, but it was better for them to know because they'd been best friends for four years at Harvard, and she had come to trust them with her life.

Tyrella grinned as she observed them in the mirror. We got a birthday surprise for you," she and Shaniqua smirked.

You groaned, "Please don't do anything weird like your past birthdays. I'm begging you."

The two girls in front burst into laughter. When you turned 18 during your first year at Harvard, as the youngest freshman, and you graduated before 21, they threw a particular BTS-themed birthday party in their sorority. It had cut-outs of Namjoon's face everywhere, like an Army celebration, complete with cake, music, and novelties. Some ARMY girls even danced and sang "Like a Butterfly" for you. Despite the initial embarrassment of everyone knowing your Namjoon bias, it turned out to be fun.

Tyrella grinned, "No sweat... It's going to be something incredible."

Shaniqua glanced at you with a puzzled look. "You want to grab lunch or dinner? Tyrella locked in a girl's night out at the rooftop spot Catch LA in West Hollywood. The food is killer. We want Tala to soak up every bit of USA culture."

You shook your head, looking at Tala, "We had a big breakfast on our flight, so I'm good. Maybe something icy will be okay. What about you, Tala?" Tala, busy capturing the scenery on her phone, furrowed her brows as she looked at you.

"I'm okay, still full; maybe a cold drink will do," she exclaimed.

"Alright, we can hit up the hotel bar, grab some cool cocktails, and then grab a bite. Shaniqua and I chowed down on a big breakfast this morning," Tyrella grinned.

Tala grinned, "LA is so beautiful; I love the palm trees—" she trailed off, resuming her selfies.

You chuckled, "We can go shopping after the shows. We have two weeks of fun before the hard work begins."

Tyrella nodded, "Absolutely. Let me cruise by the Staples Center, where the shows go down. I wanna show you how big our seven angels are." She turned into a section heading towards the big stadium, just a few minutes from your hotel.

Excitement bubbled in you as you saw the shops and nearby restaurants. This is your second time in Los Angeles. You vacationed here during your student years in Boston with your security 'parents.'

As you got into the said street, you all gasped. Some BTS fans were camping in front of the stadium. Colourful tents lined the pavements, and your eyes widened in shock. Tala took photos to capture this moment.

"Oh wow!" You looked amazed around.

Shaniqua laughed, "Yeah, the ARMY is crazy loyal. They've been camped here for three days to snag the best spot in line."

Tyrella nodded, "We rolled by here yesterday and asked some of them about roughing it out. Some jetted in from Nicaragua to catch BTS live, planning the trip for months. Another girl mentioned her crew had been camping for four days."

Shaniqua grinned at your impressed faces. "There are three different lines fans are queuing for one for merchandise, one to get into the show's general admission, and one to catch the band's soundcheck. You guys got the latest USB ARMY bombs?"

You furrowed your brows. You and Tala were too preoccupied with royal events to acquire concert merch.

Tala shook her head, "No, we thought about getting it here with all our other merch. We didn't have time to prepare."

Tyrella grinned, "Sweet, 'cause we snagged two for you as a welcome and belated birthday gift." She cruised past the hyped-up fans, some posted in camp chairs, jamming to BTS tunes. Others were busting BTS dance moves, entertaining the ARMY with their dance breaks. The vibe was electric, and you and Tala were blown away.

Posters and billboards around downtown LA advertised the upcoming shows.

Excited, you thanked them for their generosity, "Oh my gosh! Thank you. The merch lines will be very long. And it's so hot right now."

Shaniqua smirked, "We lucked out booking the hotel early. Loaded ARMYs were already on it back in May when the tickets dropped. Tyrella's soulmate hooked us up with the last executive suites. Our hotel is completely booked, and so are all the spots nearby. ARMYs from France, India, and some from Africa flew in for this USA trip."

You stared at them wide-eyed, "Whoa! The boys are huge now."

Shaniqua chuckled softly, "They're crazy famous. Tyrella scored us tickets for the Grammy Museum as audience members. We were gunning for the NY 'Love Yourself' shows, but those sold out in minutes. Luckily, we snagged tickets after a three-hour hustle on the computers and laptops. It was a real rat race." She shuddered at the memory.

"That's awesome, Ty. We'll see the boys up close," you gushed happily. You were excited to see Joon live. Oh gosh! You could feel the nervous tremors up your spine. You were dying to see a grown-up Joonie.

Tyrella grinned, her eyes shining, "I'll catch my hope and sunshine, Hobi all the way. But I was too late for those front seats. We're in the fifth row, but we'll still get a good eyeshot of them. Shaniqua is bouncing off to Mauritius for a romantic week with her soulmate Amadi before jetting to Seoul. I'm envious of her hanging with you guys in BTS land. She's been grinding on Korean lessons for four months now." She scrunched up her nose, showing how badly she wanted to join.

Shaniqua chuckled softly, "We want you to dive into the BTS craze in LA. We will also be audience members on 'America's Got Talent,' where BTS is set to bring the heat live. It's going to be freaking awesome. I can't wait for them to flaunt what they're made of. Tyrella, with a hand from your security detail, booked us this sick SUV limo. Girl, we're going to own these two weeks." She was pumped about the whole plan.

You looked amazed, "It seems that the surprises never stop. I'm flabbergasted."

You and Tala clapped hands and congratulated Shaniqua for taking on the challenge of learning Korean. You can speak five languages fluently and are still studying Japanese. Your brothers were surprised that you didn't choose politics as a career like Jin-Goo, but you want to defend the defenceless, giving justice to those who are bullied and marginalized.

Shaniqua grinned shyly, waving her hand off, "It was a must-do. I want to be a solid legal advisor and get the language down. Amadi can sling Korean like a boss after years at a Korean firm. I wanna roll up and order my foodstuffs in Seoul."

Tala smiled, "Seoul is wonderful. We're going to have a blast setting up our office."

You looked at Shaniqua and said, "So, Shan, you'll spend two weeks with us before going on your island vacay?"

"Yeah, we wanna give Tala the NYC experience, too. Tyrella's soulmate set up our NYC plans. We're jetting there two days after the show. That was another surprise we had in store.

You and Tala were blown away, "Oh my gosh! You guys went all-in for us? Thank you so much."

Tyrella grinned with unmistakable affection, "You're our little princess. You deserve to be pampered by your unnies."

You just smiled in wonder.

Tala was stoked. She was so happy to see you enjoying great friendships in the US after years of school bullying.

You reached your hotel, the JW Marriott Hotel, one of LA's most luxurious hotels in the vicinity, and the fact that it was near the Staples Center was an added advantage. The hotel was also next to the five-star Ritz Carlton Hotel.

You and Tala got your executive suite, with a room featuring two queen-size beds, a small TV lounge area, and a dining area. The rooms were in calming grey tones, offering the best city views where you could see the Staples Center from your floor. Shaniqua wanted you to relax and get refreshed. They would get you for supper at six, giving you ample time to unwind and unpack.

You and Tala took each other's hand and excitedly jumped around in the long area.

Tala twirled happily around, "Omg! This is awesome. Staying in a luxurious hotel, attending my first BTS concert, vacationing with my best friend, meeting your cute friends... no mommy duties, being free for the first time in four years." Her eyes sparkled with happiness as she plopped down on the grey sofa, clutching the caramel-coloured cushion to her face.

You laughed loudly at her exuberance as you stood at the window, marvelling at the scene.

"I'm so excited, too. I feel like something awesome is waiting for us here in LA," you mused while pinning your dark hair into a high bun.

Tala jumped up, "I think I must watch some fan cams of their show. When are they arriving in LA?"

You furrowed your brows, "I think they'll be in LA by Wednesday or Friday. I'm not sure when the first day concert will be.  We have a week to explore and enjoy the sights. I can't wait. We'll be able to follow Joonie's speech. Gosh, that man makes me insane with his sexy brain," you dreamily said.

Tala snorted audibly, "You, my Princess Amaris, have it bad for the BTS president... are you sure you still want to get engaged with the handsome count?"

You pursed your lips, grabbed a cushion, and hurled it at her. Tala laughed loudly, sprinted to the room, and shut the door.

Tala yelled from the door, "I'm going to shower first, call my little princess, then watch fancams!

You grinned and shook your head with a bit of sadness. Namjoon is a taken man, soulmate or not... he loves that beautiful rapper Park Jia. You need to take your fragile heart off him. But deep inside, you know you'll love him until you meet your mutual 'red gold soul' soulmate.

Sipping from your strawberry and cream cocktail, you reminisced about your complicated life as a 'royal' commoner. You called your parents to inform them of your safe arrival. Your security details will arrive in a few days. Your mom was a little stressed out because there was no security around you. You assured your mom that you and Tala have bodyguards in your two streetwise friends.

After Tala refreshed, it was your turn to hit the showers. By 5:30, you and Tala were lounging and watching fan cams of the opening show in Seoul. You were both dressed in trendy summer dresses and high-heeled sandals. Tala wore a black and white polka-dot dress with thin black sandals, and her glossy dark hair was blown out. She looked lovely. If Jin-Goo saw her gorgeous look, he would jump on a plane. You had a custard-yellow designer-laced mini dress on with gold high-heeled sandals. All your accessories were gold and expensive. Your hair was styled in a silky side ponytail with wavy side bangs. You felt the anticipation of a beautiful, relaxing evening with good company and great food.

Tyrella called you, and you met them downstairs in the massive lobby.

Tyrella and Shaniqua looked stunning, seated at the lobby coffee shop. Tyrella wore shiny patent black leather shorts, a cherished pink chiffon top, and black pumps. Her hair was styled in a curly 'do, complemented by dramatic makeup. Shaniqua looked chic in a tight-fitting mini-red dress with diamond sandals. Her hair was in a loose perm. The four of them attracted numerous admiring glances.

In the opulent lobby, Tyrella made sure everyone took numerous selfies. She had already posted her pictures on her Instagram status. The atmosphere in the car was electrified as you all started singing 'Blood Sweat and Tears' and 'Fake Love' in high-pitched voices, having a lot of fun.

After an exciting 30-minute trip, you arrived in West Hollywood. The rooftop restaurant left you and Tala in awe. The atmosphere at Catch LA was electric and relaxing. You could see that it was a trendy spot for young and trendy twenty-somethings. The unmated guys' eyes lingered on the four of you as you stuttered up the stairs following the hostess. The rooftop was adorned with beautiful decorative floral bouquets featuring soft, colourful printed sofa seating and cute lamps illuminating the entire area. The floor was laid out in dark and light checkerboard tiles. Your group was placed near the entrance by an amiable waiter.

You couldn't help but stand in awe at the scenery of West Hollywood from the rooftop.

The girls will enjoy the week before the show...

A/N: Our princess is in for a treat in the USA...

Thank you so much for all the reads, votes, and comments, for adding the book to their reader lists, and for loving support of the soul-bound series.

Shout out to all Moonchild commenters; thank you. I truly enjoyed your interaction. 

 AnnikaPoe bluerosepetal2000  ArmylovesPurple  AnnaKNJ1994Ken   MarieKarlsson3  Girlnamjooning  jpn0214  Sandra_Annette  peaches4747

1. What are your thoughts on the two American -friends?

2. Do you have any ideas of what Tyrella wanted to tell Vicky?

3. Where do you think the bonding of the soulmates could take place?

4. Do you think Vicky will be able to handle it?

5. If they bond, will Namjoon let go of Jia for good or still be friends with her? 

                           █▓▒­░⡷⠂- ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2...⠐⢾░▒▓█

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