Chapter 32

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" I can't hurt anyone but that doesn't means I can endure everything that hurts me... I too have a heart which hurts like hell..."

 Back to Present

Taehyung was shocked...he..he is bewildered to hear that Lia... his love is still alive. The one for whom he has suffered and still suffering..

Two years...two damn years he was dead as hell...His worst nightmare ...the reason for his traumas and sleepless nights.

Tears appeared in his eyes ....He felt an urge to see Lia but he was stopped by Y/n's thoughts.

Y/n... today's their can he ? How..just how can he accept Y/n ? Still a few minutes earlier he thought it was his fate to be bound with Y/n and not Lia but now on knowing about Lia's existence he just...he just can' can he accept Y/n when his heart belongs to Lia ?

Taehyung felt like his body was about to explode due to pain...he was beyond happy to know that Lia is alive but the pain of hurting Y/n was swallowing him ...

Not only Taehyung , his parents , and his friends were shocked on hearing about Lia.

They were so shocked and surprised to hear about Lia....Lia who died in front of their eyes is still alive ...They were happy on hearing about Lia's comeback but ...but Y/ what they will do with this poor girl who was head over heels willing to sacrifice her life for can they ask Y/n to backoff from this engagement which they all wished to happen a little earlier.

Taehyung wanted to see Lia but...but the fear of not meeting her again was killing him .

*What if she left after knowing about my engagement with Y/n ? Can I find her again ? How can I reject Y/n ? *

Hundreds of questions were boiling inside Taehyung but...but he...he can't find an answer to anything.

All wished to see Lia but...but she left and it added oil to the pain in their mind...

But one among them was not anxious about anything...seems like that person doesn't have any effect on witnessing others emotions... seems like that person has already decided what to happen

And it was Y/n . She was standing there with a neutral face reading everyone's mind.

Y/n roamed her eyes in the entire area and soon her lips curved into a smile when her gaze fell on someone special among the guests . And her eyes never betrayed her. She found her target and their eyes met . Their eyes rewinded the flashback that happened half an hour ago which Y/n purposefully hid from revealing to others.

Flashback - hidden part which Y/n didn't disclosed

"Thank you Y / n thank you very much. Thank you for giving me a chance and for showing a heart to listen to me "

Y/n snapped out for her thoughts when Lia spoke

She smiled " Now I have to go Y / n and I am not going to come back to your life. But remember I already consider you as my friend, best friend " she smiled more widely hiding her pain and Y/n sensed it .

Lia tried to stand up by holding her clutches but halted when Y / n stopped her by holding her hand ,

"You consider me as your best friend?"

Y/n looked at Lia .

Lia nodded her head as yes

"Then you should attend your best friend's engagement before leaving "

Y/n stated Lia got shocked on hearing Y/n.
Y/n sensed her. She can see the pain and sadness Lia holding which made Y/n internally smirk

" So that's it, you are coming with me, for my ENGAGEMENT "

Y/n said by giving some pressure to that engagement word.

" N..No Y/n. I ... I can't. I...I have to gh..go "Lia was stuttering.

Y/n smirked on realising the difficulty in her voice and eyes which she is trying hide

" please. you said you will never come back to our life again so you will not gonna come to our wedding, so come with me "

Lia gulped hard on witnessing Y/n's sudden change in behaviour and talks .

" Come on Lia are coming with me and it's final... '' Y/n tightened her grip on Lia's hands and stood up

" Ba..But..But Y/n...I..I ..."

" Nothing to worry ... You are coming with me in my car and after my engagement with Taehyung , you can leave . "

Y/n cleverly cut off Lia in the middle and without waiting for anymore talks slowly dragged Lia towards her car.

Lia's heart rate was increasing because of Y/n's strange behaviour * What if she is planning something bad *

Lia shivered in her thoughts

* Of course I am planning something Lia ...* Y/n replied in her mind like she sensed Lia's thoughts.

Y/n smirked

* I want you in my engagement to witness everything that gonna happen*

End of Flashback

Yes Lia too is here in the engagement ceremony ... She was covering her face and that's why no one noticed her.

She was already afraid of Y/n's sudden change in behaviour but it got increased when she revealed everything in front of others . Lia's eyes widened on seeing Y/n looking at her. Lia gulped in fear and looked around to go. She has already decided to go but Y/n have asked Zia , Jewel and Honey to always keep an eye on her so she can't but now she can cause all were shocked and now noone is looking at her.

Lia slowly turned to leave on seeing Y/n looking at something else. This is the chance Lia tightly held her clutches with her shivering hand and took fast steps with her weak legs .

But her whole soul shivered on hearing that voice ,

" Where do you think you are going ? "

It was Y/n and she sounds intimidating,

" Do you think I will leave you so easily ,huh ? "

All frowned on hearing Y/n addressing someone and they together diverted their looks following Y/n's stares

Taehyung frowned on seeing a girly figure standing there backfacing with those clutches . He felt something unusual , he is curious to see that person. His heart rate was increasing, what if she ...

But Lia's condition was worse . She was trembling in fear...fear of getting hurt again and now by Y/n .

Her clutches stumbled and were about to fall down but someone held her immediately .

Lia raised her head and gasped ,

" Y/n "

" I won't let you go that easily "

Y/n whispered making Lia breath to hitch

Y/n carefully held her hands and turned her . Now all can see her but her face is covered.
Y/n sighed and removed her mask from her face.

Taehyung stumbled back in shock. His whole body shivered...he can't believe his eyes ...the love of his life...his world... who once in front of eyes slipped down into death is now standing in front of him with those same eyes which he was dying to see in these 2 years.

" Li...Lia "

Rhea mouthed in utter shock

Not only Rhea all were once in the roller coaster of shock to see Lia in front of their eyes. They were happy on hearing Lia's existence but they never thought of seeing Lia again in that condition .

Y/n smirked on seeing others condition...she have already expected this earlier and it didn't amuse her now

" So... what Taehyung? Lia is alive but that doesn't mean you love her now because you loves me now , right ? "

Y/n looked at Taehyung but he couldn't reply anything but just bowed his head down in pain.

Y/n got his answer...she chuckled and turn towards Jimin who was the main head behind this cooked up love and engagement..

" So what did you say Jimin ? Taehyung loves me right ?And like you say we are getting engaged today right ? "

Jimin looked at Y/n with his begging eyes which once begged her to accept Taehyung but now begging her to stop this and back off from this engagement

Y/n smiled more widely like she sensed his feelings , Actually now she can understand everyone's thoughts and feelings by just looking at them and the thing was that all was asking the same thing to backoff from this engagement backoff from Taehyung's life and give Lia back to him

Not only Taehyung , his parents , and his friends all were asking the same thing from her which made her sigh in defeat. Only her friends who didn't know anything about this were eagerly looking at their Y/n who is bold and matured enough to solve her problems.

Y/n sighed ....she got the answer for every question ....

Taehyung loves Lia and she is his happiness.

Y/n once again looked at Taehyung whose head was still down in pity.

Y/n chuckled and turned towards Lia who was crying by now and pleading

Y/n got her answer too ,

* Lia loves Taehyung and she can't leave without him but I won't allow it so easily*

" So Lia , you can go now. " Y/n said 

Y/n seems to be cruel now , right ? Feeling pity for Lia...
Keep chapters may be interesting...

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