Chapter 4

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                     " A single arrogance...a single misbehaviour can cause a big wrong ..."

*Oh ! Thank God it got stopped...I got a quick glance when the car passed and it seemed to be a young man ; whoever it is I should ask him to help*
Y/n thought before letting out a sigh of relief

She took fast steps towards the car which was stopped a few distance away from her in the front.

Y/n peeked inside the window and saw a young man looking at her with annoyed eyes ...

" hmm? What do you want?"

* he sounds rude , whatever*

" Sorry for troubling you sir but will you please help me to get that lady to the hospital. She got hit by a car and they drove off leaving her in pain " Y/n said in a single breath

* For that this girl blocked my way...ahh I would be in the studio by now..aish this girl , she would have asked someone else * he mentally blamed her

" Excuse me ...hello sir ??? " Y/n called him like bringing him back to reality...

He glared at Y/n and

" I am not available better ask someone else,okay "

Y/n was shocked to hear him...anger rose over her body but she controlled..

"Sir .. please she is badly injured and is bleeding ...please help us " Y/n again pleaded...

He took a deep breath " I am busy now to help you..if you are that desperate to help her..go and take some others help..Why bother me ? "

And that's it ...

Y/n lost her control

She shouted , " what type of a man are you ? Huh? I was begging you to help an innocent soul who is injured and in return you are arrogant .How can you be like this ? "

He scoffed ," I am like this and I don't want you silly to certify me, okay. I am arrogant and why do you care ? Now move back I want to go "

Y/n chuckled , " Yah , why should I care for you , such a useless human . And do you think I am so low to do that for you? " Y/n stooped and glared at him , " Idiot !!!! " She mouthed

" wh..what did you just call me ? "he pointed his fingers at her ," I heard you ,okay "

" I said it just to be heard ! " Y/n added

" What do you mean ? " he raised his brows

" What I said ! " Y/n spatted

Y/n and the unknown man's argument continued.. On the other side Zia lost her patience and walked towards Y/n . She saw Y/n yelling with someone and so Zia peeked inside and her heartbeat stopped for a minute .

" Ju..Jun...Jungkook !!! " Zia was shocked to see Jungkook ; the heartthrob of almost all girls sitting inside the car. But she was again shocked to see Y/n shouting at him whom thousands of them are drooling for.

" Y/n ..what do you think you are doing? He is Jungkook ... Jeon Jungkook " Zia tried to pull away Y/n .

But Y/n yanked away from her grip and ,

" I don't care who it is . I just don't care for a good for nothing man like him " Y/n shouted

Both Jungkook and Zia's eyes widened on hearing Y/n ..

" Y/n wh..what are you saying ? He is Jungkook ...the heartthrob of many people across this country. How can you argue with him about this silly matter ? " Zia explained

" So he can do and say whatever he can ? huh ? And how come you say this is a silly matter ? " Y/n traced his eyes from Zia back to Jungkook and said ,

" I wonder why you all are this much drooling over a cold heartless nasty creature like him ... feeling pity for you guys "

" are crossing your don't know who I am ? and who gave you the permission to call me that ? Don't you feel ashamed ? " It was Jungkook

" Listen Mr. , whoever you may be , I don't care ? My only concern is to help her . How come you have an animal mindset ?

ohh !!! What did I just say ? Even animals too have a heart to help others .You don't even have that ." Y/n mentally slapped herself " And what I called you is more worthy and I am not ashamed. I only felt ashamed for talking with you "

Jungkook was melting due to embarrassment . His face become so pale and Zia sensed it..,

" Y/n ...are you crazy ? Do you lose your mind ? He must be really busy or otherwise he would have really helped ...."

" Who needs his help? " Y/n said in the middle and stared at Jungkook for the last time , " I feel ashamed to talk to him ... how can someone be this cruel ? I even called him 'sir ' unlucky fate...listen Mr. , I don't need your help ..I myself should have taken her to the hospital instead I argue with bad . Let's hope to never meet again . "

With that she turned her shoes and went to the lady . She slowly managed to lift her without any help and she succeeded in it ...Y/n snaked one hand around her shoulder and slowly started walking with that woman .

Zia sighed and look back at Jungkook ,

" Sorry Jungkook ...don't feel bad..she is like this..she never hesitates to help others and will do anything for them..She is a pure girl don't feel bad on her, okay "

Zia waited for Jungkook to speak but he remained silent.

She again sighed and ran to Y/n who is now far off sight...

Jungkook was beyond shocked. He was completely pissed off.

*how can a simple girl say such nasty things to me .. Wait , what she said she was not aware of who I'm and did not want to care about me? In my knowledge all girls wanted me to have a look for them and all were flirting with me always and even her friend right now flirted . Why? She is the only girl who yelled towards me and called me a heartless cold nasty creature. Is she crazy for such talks ? looks like that friend of hers were also not interested for her doings of helping that lady , why it bothers her ?And what all things she said ? She even called her fate unlucky for talking with me. While others who only got a chance to see my picture praised their luck. How come my day turns out like this? *

Jungkook held a mental debate in his mind but his so-called debate came to an end when his phone began ringing..It was Jin

"Oh !!! What the hell ? That stupid girl pushed me to a tight situation and what I'm gonna do now .. They all will kill me . I should make a move and hope not to see that girl again."

Jungkook wished for a moment and left out a heavy sigh like airing out her talks which he hates to remember.

Within seconds he drove off at a higher speed than earlier.

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