Chapter 5

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                " There is no use to regret the past which we messed up to the worst..."

The whole crew was waiting..They have been waiting for him for past half hour and still now no response...All were disturbed but no one dare to speak up because if they it will be like questioning one of the successful rising model , singer , dancer and all together an " All Rounder"

But he did , " where the hell is he for God's sake ? It's already late and still.."

It was Namjoon one among them who got the right to question him ; his Namjoon hyung

" Let's wait for a little bit Joon ..He is near , I called him " Jin like always was trying to make everyone calm for his younger brother

" You are the one who always pampers him and now look he is getting on my nerves ! " Suga too was annoyed.

" Oh God ! at last he came, " Jimin spoke before pointing to the one who they were waiting for.

All looked at direction Jimin pointing and gasped on seeing him ; Jeon Jungkook

Jungkook plastered his bunny smile like always as he knows it can make his hyungs forgive him . By the way, who won't fall for that bunny smile , SHOOT!

" Put that two pieces of teeth inside your damn mouth or I won't hesitate to be a dentist for you " Jimin warned Jungkook as he know all will surely whipped for that smile

Jungkook smiled more widely to make Jimin angry .

" C'mon Jiminsii , I know you don't like it but you love it " Jungkook teased Jimin .

Jimin was about to say something but Jhope interrupted him ,

" Enough , now all get ready..we are already late ...C'mon get ready fast "

All nodded to Jhope and got back to get ready for the shoot .

Jungkook instantly stopped smiling and now he is back to his irritated face. He still didn't forget about what happened on the road and he was himself feeling ashamed for that. He was trying to hide it under his smile without getting noticed by his hyungs . But he was wrong, one among them had already sensed everything but he remained silent to ask his brother later.


Honey was sitting in the living room with her laptop working on her business . Jewel had already gone for the practice .

Honey was surprised to see Y/n and Zia came back so early from their university.

" Why did you two came back so early ? Don't you have classes till evening ? "

Zia glared at Y/n who was now going upstairs to her room .

Y/n completely neglected her glares and went to her room as she was still mad at Zia for her words earlier

Zia sighed and sat down beside Honey who was dumbfounded with the scenario happening ,

" Care to explain ?" Honey raised her brows at Zia

Zia took a deep breath and explained everything that happened ....

" ??? Really ! Y/n called Jungkook names ?" Honey was shocked to hear everything

" Names ? " Zia scoffed , " Not only names she went too far and even blamed her fate unlucky for meeting him "

" Aah This Y/n ..I can't with this girl ! Don't you care to stop and explain to her who Jungkook is ? " Honey questioned

" Oh..C'mon. You know her boldness, I tried and explained about him but she didn't care .." Zia explained

" Really ? Poor Jungkook , he surely must be ashamed " Honey felt sad for Jungkook

" Well his face was pale like dead ! " Zia stated

Honey nodded but soon she again asked like remembering something, " Then what about that lady ? What happened to her"

Zia sighed , " What to happen ! Out of rage upon Jungkook , Y/n herself managed to take her to the hospital and ended up like this "

Honey again nodded , " gladly today Jewel have shoot with them ..May be she must have know about this..let her come let's discuss this with her "

Zia agreed to Honey


" What happened to you Jungkook ? you are doing wrong steps for the fifth time ...what happened to you ? Are you okay ? " Jhope asked

Jungkook was still disturbed and it reflected his works..He is not able to concentrate , everytime her angry face and words are flashing in his mind .

" Nothing hyung ..I am okay . I need a break " Jungkook lied and walked away to get some rest.

Jungkook 's pov :

What is happening to me ? Why is that girl's face striking me hard ?

Aaah!!! It's still very clear in my mind !

I am not able to concentrate on my moves and all are getting ruined because of her. I felt damn angry with her. She was the one who ruined everything in the morning .

Stupid girl !!! How can a girl be so rude to a man ? She even blamed her fate for seeing me ! Aish stupid girl...

I am getting more angry about that ...If she was a boy I would have broken his bones by now.

But she ..She doesn't know me ..She doesn't know who I am and what all I can do to ruin her ..

I was in thoughts but I felt like someone hitting my shoulder ...Anger rushed over my body ,

End Of Jungkook's pov:

" who the hell is this ? I am already at the verge of bursting out and who is here to mess with me again ?" Jungkook thought . He turned before yanking those hands harshly from touching his shoulder.

But Jungkook sighed heavily on seeing the annoyer ..., as always it's his Jin hyung

" Oh! What was that Kookie ? You were about to kill me ? " Jin started

Jungkook took a heavy breath and tried to become calm..

" What do you want hyung ? "

Jin moved his wide shoulders up , " What happened to you ? I am watching you from earlier . What is bothering you that much that you're now that animalistic Jungkook than my baby Kookie ? "

" Nothing is bothering me! Will you please leave me alone ?" Jungkook was hell as annoyed but who cares Jin ? No way ! ,

" Stop lying Kookie . I raised you for many years. I know you more than you know yourself ...or should I say, more than your parents . So better stop lying and open up to your mamma bird " Jin was stern and firm in his words and he mean it. He was the one among others who bought up Jungkook or more than others. He knows everything about his Kookie and sometimes Jungkook too fails in front of Jin and so now

Jungkook shrugged off his anger in front of Jin's stubbornness and began saying everything that happened in the morning .

But what reaction he expected from Jin was right opposite to his thoughts .

" She ..she you a..a nasty crea..creature. She ..she is a..brave girl you know " Jin was laughing so hard that his words were cutting off and his sound was echoing.

Jungkook cursed himself for disclosing everything to Jin.He thought Jin would become serious and support him but now instead he is supporting her and teasing him

" Will you please shut your mouth, hyung ? or otherwise I will do it "

Jin instantly closed his mouth and pouted... Jungkook rolled his eyes at him

" Okay ..okay I understand c'mon say why are you so distressed ? we often have gone through something like this but I should say here you are the one to be blamed for sure ..." Jin said making Jungkook to look at him

" What ? Are you serious ,hyung ? I know I should have helped her but I want to reach here soon. That is why I asked her to find someone else . For that he called me names and blamed her fate . "

Jin smiled at him , " It's okay Kookie . Let it go. Is this the matter you are distressed about ? Leave it..Forget about that ..."

" I can't ! " Jungkook replied more like stopping Jin's words

Jin gave Jungkook a are you serious look , " But why ? "

Jungkook looked at Jin but immediately looked away on seeing Jin glaring at him questiongly , " She..she..she is not going from my mind "

Jin's eyes widened in shock as it was the first time in Jungkook's life he was bothered about a girl and most noticeable thing is that she is very the one who yelled at him .

" WWHHAATT ??? " Jin shouted


Jungkook looked at Jin as Jin was not responding back . Jungkook was shocked to see Jin smirking

" What ? " Jungkook frowned

Jin smirked more devilishly ,

" So that's it " Jin nodded his head like understanding something ," That is the reason, I too wondered why you are so much distracted for such a silly matter and that too about a girl who argue with you...But now I understand " Jin stopped

Jungkook crossed his brows more , " What are you saying and what did you understand ? huh ? "

" Oh c'mon Kookie..we all know our angry Kookie is not too much into girls. You always keep your distance away from them but today your mind itself is controlled by a woman who you just met this morning and even in a different situation... But now I came to know about your problem ! " Jin completed and smirked more precisely making Jungkook to lose his temper

" Will you please stop it ? I am already in my nerves " Jungkook warned but Jin giggled

" Calm down Kookie's not gonna help you now because ...." Jin stopped and looked at Jungkook who was impatiently staring at him. He moved towards him and whispered ,

" You have fallen for her"

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