Chapter 6

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                            "A word 'sorry' can't always heal a hurted mind.."

" Look ..look Tae looks the best " Rhea excitely pointed towards the photos which they took for the shoot

" Yah ..he looks like a Greek God " Rhea added but silence was what she got in return.

Rhea sighed but she continue talking with Taehyung " Why are you so cute and handsome my lil brother ? " Rhea asked before pinching Taehyung's cheeks

But Taehyung was sitting like usual without any emotions. He was like this for the past 2 years.. He merely talks to anyone. It's been a long time since they saw Taehyung smiling and they all miss their old Tae who was always mischievous . After that incident no talks or childish naughtiness..he even stopped coming to the shoots but others forced him to come and so he...only the boys and Rhea knows about the reason and they managed to keep it to themselves without making others to know. ( Underlined sentence remember )

"Yah!!! You only saw him as cute and handsome ? I am more handsome than him " It was Jin

" I don't think so ! " Rhea commented

" Oh really ! Then why do you marry me ? " Jin raised his brows against Rhea

And in return she rolled her eyes at him making the handsome to chuckle at her defeat.

Rhea was a staff of the company and an assistant model under the boys. Rhea is a sweet natured woman . She is like Y/n ; loving and caring nature which caused the worldwide handsome to fall for her. Yes, Jin was the first who developed feelings for Rhea and later with the help of his brothers he confessed his love for her . In return she gladly accepted and they have been in a relationship for 3 years. Their family too accepted their love and they got married on last month

Since she is older than other boys like Jin and she is also their lovely sister in law, the boys like her very much . She was like an elder sister for them who cares and loves them a lot exactly like Jin .

Right now they two are trying to get their little brother Taehyung's attention and wanted him to respond to them but instead Taehyung stood up and walked away from them as usual. He doesn't like to talk or hangout like in the past. He is into himself which is hurting others especially the boys and Rhea the most.

Jin and Rhea sighed at Taehyung's behaviour but soon their attention got gained by Jungkook who is hell as disturbed and walking here and there like a hungry animal waiting for food.

" Jungkook " Rhea called , " What happened to you Jungkook ? You seem to be disturbed . What happened ? "

" Nothing noona ..I..I am just tired maybe that's why " Jungkook uttered and fake smiled

" Yah ..yah he is tired . He is in the same situation exactly like me when I first saw you Rhea " Jin teased Jungkook

Rhea frowned ," What do you mean ? "

" I was saying that he is ..." Jin was about to say but

" Nnah..nothing noona " Jungkook cut off Jin before going further.

Jin chuckled at his reaction but Jungkook gave a death glare to him.

Rhea raised her brow at the two chaos in front of him and , " Whatever " she said and went to see her colleagues.

Meanwhile Jin , " Someone have fallen in love " Jin again teased Jungkook and ran away on seeing Jungkook clenching his fist

" I will kill you hyung " Jungkook ran behind to chase Jin


"What happened to Jungkook , noona ?" Jewel was concerned for Jungkook like a sister.

" Nah.. don't know. I asked him but that oldy Jin and his chaotic son seemed to be crazy . They are acting weird " Rhea replied

" Oldie ??? He is your husband noona . So you too are ... " Ahem teased Reah

" Oh!!! Am just joking , okay. Now let's practice for the concert. " Rhea said and they both nodded at her

Ahem and Jewel are assistant models . Ahem has a crush on Jewel which he still has not confessed.

Not only the boys, others also felt bad for Jungkook . Like he is a total mess in the shoot today.


"So that is the reason why Jungkook was a mess today " Jewel nodded her head like she got the answer she was searching for.

"What ? he was a mess today ? " Honey questioned

" Not a mess instead completely weird " Jewel corrected

Zia and Honey informed Jewel about the morning incident . They discussed it in secret without Y/n knowing . For that they waited till night and after she slept , they gathered together .

"Then no doubt it's because of the morning incident . " Zia was sure

"But how can she become so rude to even call him names ? After all, he is an upcoming star . " Jewel was still in shock on hearing everything

" I too wondered " Honey supported

" It's not a big deal. It was Y/n and I am damn sure, she will behave like this to anyone and she doesn't freaking care about that. " Zia stated and two girls accepted her .

" But I feel too bad for Jungkook . I want Y/n to apologise to him " Jewel was firm in her words

" Me too but how can we ? " Honey raised her brows in questioning

" There is a way . " Jewel said

Zia and Honey in return gave her a curious look . They want Y/n to apologise to Jungkook . But how ?

" Next Sunday , our concert is going on . Rhea noona have already asked me to invite you all and make friendship with boys. I know very well that you too need become friends with them. And along with that we can ask Y/n to apologise to Jungkook . " Jewel stated

"Really am I gonna meet them ?...Amazing..yah we should execute our plan there." Zia was excited . She was a great admirer of the boys and mainly Jimin. She loves him a lot but never in these one year she got a chance to meet him but finally her dream is going to become true.

" But do you guys think she will come. ?" Honey questioned making the other two look at each other , " I don't think so .She is not interested in concerts and even if she comes , don't over hope of Y/n apologising to Jungkook" Honey added

They are well aware of Y/n's boldness and they know how she cares for others more than hating them . But if she hates them once , she won't forgive them at any cost .

" We will take her to the concert at any means and don't worry about other things. " Jewel assured

" Yah..first think about how to make her come and rest can be think later " Zia too supported

"I am sure if we force her , she surely will come " Jewel added

" Then together guys ...1..2..3 " Honey counted and

" Let's do it " They together screamed softly without waking up Y/n

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