Fifty Three | Dress

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You know when you see videos online of people trying on their wedding dresses and instantly falling in love with themselves when they look in the mirror? I feel pretty close to that right now. I never thought it was possible for me to look this pretty in my whole life.

Dior offered me a year long ambassadorship which made my heart skip a beat at, and it also meant that because I was Tom's plus one for the Golden Globes, they were dressing me. It was surreal to even be a plus one to an event like this, let alone with a boyfriend who was nominated.

I had been an integral part of the design process alongside Dior to create the perfect dress. They knew that it was going to bring immense publicity to them given it was my very first awards show and Tom's 'red carpet girlfriend debut'. I guess as much as my own fame was increasing, it was also surrounding Tom entirely.

I had done my first solo interview recently with Vogue, talking about how I was apparently Hollywood's latest 'female superhero' - meaning that not only was I a producer, but I was also a writer, an actor, and I was dating one of the worlds biggest stars. It was insane thinking Vogue even wanted to speak to me and take photos of me.

But as much as Tom would do his own interviews and I would do mine, our relationship was also brought up. Luckily for us, we were both pretty open with each other about what aspects of our personal lives we were willing to share. Unlike his past relationship with Zendaya, I loved seeing him talk about the two of us with such enthusiasm. And I did the same.

The idea behind my dress for the weekend is themed around Swan Lake. The character we're taking inspiration from is Odette, the white swan queen who is fearful about her love for the Prince and as they dance the pas de deux, their love is strengthened. Although the rest of the story is pretty grim because another woman being a black swan tricks the prince to love her instead and he commits suicide when he realises she's not the white one or something.

Anyway, the reason behind Dior's choice for Swan Lake is because of two reasons: the first is symbolic for my recent entrance to fame, how I'm like, a celebrity virgin. The white dress shows the purity and naivety of the swan who I guess is me because I'm new at all of this shit. And the second reason, is that Tom became famous after being Billy Elliot, and in the story, Billy Elliot dreams to be in Swan Lake as the prince. So yeah, I'm Tom's swan queen or whatever.

The Dior stylists have a much more sophisticated explanation to how we've designed the dress I promise. I'm just exhausted and jet lagged. Right now is the first time I'm seeing the dress in person and having a last minute fitting before the show. And let me tell you now, I can't believe I'm allowed to wear such a gorgeous dress. It's truly stunning.

Tom doesn't know what my dress looks like, so I'm pretty excited to say the least. He's actually at lunch with Timothee Chalamet right now which kind of surprised both of us. Because everyone is in Los Angeles for the awards, Timmy messaged Tom asking to go grab drinks, and because Tom didn't want to be an asshole, he said yes to his ex girlfriends boyfriend.

"We managed to get Cartier to loan jewellery for the night, we've chosen these pieces," the head stylist says, holding out a velvet tray with quite possibly the most expensive looking necklace I've ever fucking seen.

"Are you serious? This is incredible..." I said quietly, looking at myself in the mirror as she placed it around my neck.

"Are you excited?" She asked, smiling and resting her hands on my shoulders behind me.

"I feel like I'm in a dream, I don't deserve to have any of this. I'm supposed to be behind the cameras," I said shaking my head and running my fingertips over the soft material of the dress.

"Some of the best creators are ones who work behind the scenes... The Golden Globes are for creators, not just pretty faces in front of the camera," she said pushing a pin between a fold of fabric at my back.

Her assistant came over with a water bottle for me to sip from, which again just felt weird because I offered to hold the bottle myself but she instead on lifting it to my mouth so they could finish putting pins in the dress. I kind of get uncomfortable receiving the special credit celebrities get, I'm not a celebrity.

Once they carefully got the dress, jewellery and shoes off of me, I was able to change back into my own clothes and thank them all for their time and effort. For many designers, they plan the dresses for awards shows months in advance. But for me, a complete newcomer, they'd been working overtime.

I'm heading back now, are
you still out with Timmy?

Yeah I'll be a little longer

You've got a set of keys right?

I had to check my purse for the house keys, granted Tom and I had rented a little house for the week. It was cute, eclectic and funky; very different to the cliche basic hotel suites most people got for a night or two before flying home. We wanted to treat this like a little holiday since we probably won't be here again for several years.

Our plan was to just relax, hang out in Los Angeles and swim our hearts out in the pool. Despite living here for the past few years and Tom always being here for work, neither of us had actually explored Los Angeles. We hadn't even done the cliche tourist things.

Yeah I found them

You like the dress now that
you've seen in in person?

I honestly feel like a princess

Lol you always say that

Yeah cos I'm not used to
any of this shit hahaha

It reminds me of a wedding
dress though oops

Ohhhh so it's white?

Kinda.. It's like a light grey or
a silver I guess...

So not like a wedding dress
at all then?

Idk wedding dresses are fancy
and so is this one

You're an idiot sometimes

I'll message you when I leave
this place xo

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