Forty Four | Velvet

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Sovereign 818 is an exclusive members only event space in Soho, a must go place for any celebrity whilst they're here in London. Although the lower few levels were open to the public tonight, the rooftop level was rented out solely for the Bond event.

As much as it was our wrap party, it was treated more like a press release to boost hype for the movie. We had the film wrapped and in the can, but editing hadn't even fucking started. But somehow we were already doing publicity for it; kill me now.

Lining up at the bar, I put my hand on the curve of Y/N's lower back, lightly grazing my fingers along the material of her dress.

"Do you ever think about how we've started our relationship in the complete wrong pattern? Like all the steps are wrong," she laughed, looking at the cocktail menu in her hands.

"I don't think there are specific steps you need to follow," I said chuckling and shaking my head.

"Normally people in this day in age meet, flirt, have a one night stand and then start going on dates and kiss and whatever. But for us, we started dating, met properly, kissed, and then got to know each other. And we still haven't screwed," Y/N laughed tilting the menu towards me to see.

"Uh... Just order me an Old Fashioned. And with the whole shagging thing, we can always change that now that the contracts over and you're not worried anymore," I taunted.

"I just didn't want to put out and then it get weird between us and we have us still fake date afterwards. Imagine if we had sex early on and had to spend four months pretending to be into each other. But here we are, dating with no paperwork," she smiled, kissing my cheek lightly to not mess up her lipstick.

"Why would it be weird? You don't have like, a vagina with teeth or something do you?" I joked, not knowing why sex would make anything weird between us.

"Oh how did you know? Yeah, she bites hard," Y/N joked back.

We'd walked into the event with a clear mind and no set expectations, but upon entering, we were met with the faces of multiple celebrities and industry experts. I guess it really fit in with the whole elusive style of James Bond. It was very elegant, very exclusive and very debaucherous.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Haz and Grace sitting in a booth with my mate Tuwaine; none of which had told me they were coming tonight. And my own bloody brother Harry was sitting with them too.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled out cheerfully, pointing at them as Y/N and I came back from the bar with our drinks.

"Oh hey mate! Fancy seeing you here," Haz grinned, putting his drink down on the table as he stood up to shake my hand.

"None of you wanted to mention you were invited to this? Bastards!" I laughed, shaking Tuwaine's hand and giving Grace a kiss on the cheek before she hugged Y/N and squealed. They get along well so far, I think.

Y/N and I squished into the end of the booth for a while as we chatted shit about what we'd all been doing lately. Apparently Haz and Grace had gone to a music festival in Hackney and Tuwaine had been filming The Witchfinder.

"I'm just going to duck off to the bathroom, do any of you know where it is?" Y/N asked politely.

"Do you want me to come with you girl?" Grace offered grabbing her handbag off the table.

"I'll show her, we're at the end of the booth anyway. It's easier for us to get out than shuffle around for you in the middle Gracie," I laughed, standing up and pulling my suit jacket down to avoid creases.

Around the moonlit pool, people were taking numerous photos and posing, amongst excessive drinking and gossiping. You could always tell who the 'wannabe' celebrities were because they were inherently bitchy with one another. And they'd come up and introduce themselves in the utmost uncomfortable moments.

"Have you heard about the bathrooms at Sov?" I asked, holding Y/N's hand as we walked down a narrow corridor lined with extravagant chandeliers.


"Sovereign 818, this place, have you heard about the bathrooms before? They're notorious for people taking photos in them because they're so lavish. Seriously, they're like these old school Parisian style boudoirs. They've got these fancy seats and makeup benches, sometimes they even have a live classical quartet playing inside," I laughed.

"Live music in the bathroom? What's the point?" She laughed as I told her that Sovereign 818 was all about creating a specific atmosphere for its guests. Plus, the bathrooms were quite large, and catered for all genders so it was a spectacle to go in and mingle.

"Ew, am I going to see men with their dicks out at the urinals as I walk in?" She laughed, linking her arm with mine as we got to the door.

"Nah, there's like four or five private stalls. But they're huge, come on," I said letting one of the staff members push the bathroom door open for us.

We entered to see the dimly lit bathrooms with champagne coloured velvet and silk with gold embellishments. Seriously, this room looks straight out of a French movie set from the 1920's. Despite not having a live string quartet tonight, there was in fact a woman playing a harp in the corner. I'm not joking, a fucking harp.

"What the fuck..." she muttered under her breath.

"Oh hey mate! Long time no see!" I grinned, wrapping my arms around Matt Smith, a fellow actor who I had met on multiple occasions. He was wearing a light grey suit and a black tie. It suited him. Behind him was Florence Pugh, washing her hands at the sinks in a deep blue dress, which also suited her.

This is always the case with industry parties, the real shit goes down in the bathrooms because everyone is together doing shit behind a closed door. I wouldn't be surprised to see multiple people tonight cut cocaine lines or making out in a corner. Apparently the Met Gala bathrooms are wild but nobody talks about what goes down inside them. And yes, I am salty I still haven't been invited.

"Um girl!? I've been keeping my eye out for you all night tonight, as if I haven't found you until now," Flo said hugging Y/N tightly whilst sticking her hands out to not wet her dress.

I said bye to Matt after our brief conversation about what we had been working on lately and joined Y/N and Florence. The two girls were chatting about their awkward encounter last time they had met at the dinner with Zendaya and Timothee. Jeez, I had forgotten that happened. What a night.

"Find me outside later okay? I want a photo. Also, your ass looks mint in that dress," Flo smiled, kissing Y/N on the cheek and leaving the bathroom.

"I'm so happy she's here... I really like her," Y/N pouted, turning back to me and smiling.

"Florence? Yeah she's genuinely a lovely girl. Come on love," I said walking into a bathroom stall and waiting for Y/N to follow. She squinted as she hesitated, thinking about whether or not to come into the stall with me.

"Yeah, we're drunk enough to pee together," she laughed, stepping inside the large stall which had its own little velvet bench, side table, lamp and renaissance style mirror on the back of the door.

"I told you how stunning you look tonight right? How good you look in this dress?" I said smiling, the alcohol well and truly hitting me as I placed my half empty glass on the table.

"Many times yes, have I told you how good you look?" She smiled, pulling at my suit collar and smoothing it out over my chest.

"I mean, telling me one more time for good measure can't hurt right?" I smirked, leaning in to kiss her before she dodged my lips and moved her head to the side.

"Makeup Tom! I don't want everyone seeing my foundation all over your face and half my lipstick smeared," she chuckled.

"I'm wearing makeup too, everyone is. But no, you've got a fair point about the lipstick... Fine, what if I avoid the face and focus on everywhere else?" I said biting my lower lip slightly and leaning in to kiss her neck.

"That could work," she said quietly giggling, her voice going higher as she wrapped her arms around my neck and her fingers played with the bottom curls of my hair.

"Hair is the same as makeup darling, we don't want to come out of this bathroom looking disheveled and unkempt for the photographers," I mumbled against her neck, moving down to her exposed collar bone.

"What are we doing in this bathroom that will get us looking that bad huh?" She taunted, pulling away and sitting down on the velvet bench seat behind us.

When I say the bathroom stall was huge, I meant it. You could comfortably fit five or six people in here. Plus the one actually using the toilet. The harpist in the corner also added a nice ambience to the room. I can imagine some people would feel quite sophisticated whilst taking a piss in here. But for us, the harp was covering up our conversation to anyone who happened to walk in and hear us.

"Our contract is over now, you tell me..." I smirked, feeling my cock harden against the unforgiving material of my tailored suit pants. These things do not stretch.

"Why don't I just show you?" She said putting her arms out to wave me over and stand closer. As she sat on the bench, she pulled the bottom her dress up off the ground and ran her hands up my thighs. If I think she's about to do what I think she's doing, which is to give me a blowjob, it makes it easier there's a little seat in here. She wouldn't kneel on a bathroom floor in a dress that nice. I wouldn't want her to either.

"Are we about to have our first proper hook up in a public bathroom? How raunchy," I chuckled, looking down at her as she innocently looked up at me.

"It's a members only club, technically it's only half public," she joked, unbuttoning my pants and letting them fall down around my thighs.

We didn't want to waste time, especially considering that people would definitely notice if I was gone. I was playing James Bond at the event promoting a James Bond movie. She curled her fingers into the elastic of my underwear, pulling them down so that my cock sprung up.

It's always slightly nervy when a girl sees your cock for the first time. I mean, I'm not small by any means, but you always wonder what goes through a girls head the first time she's sees it. I think that's a common fear for all men.

"Fuck..." she muttered under her breath, which put my previous nerves at ease. That was a good reaction.

"I really want to hold your hair back but I can't, it feels so weird not being able to touch you," I frowned jokingly, not knowing what to do with my hands since I didn't want to mess up her hair or makeup.

"Just let me do this Tom, worry about touching me later when we get home," she smirked up at me, gently wrapping her hand around my cock and pumping it a few times. Her hand twisted in a way that instantly told me she knew what she was doing, her thumb grazing over the tip as her tongue kitten licked the sensitive spot.

"Fuck Y/N," I said with a shaky but deep voice, putting my hand on the little side table next to me to stabilise myself.

"Stay quiet for me okay? If you can," she teased before taking me in her mouth and hollowing out her cheeks against my shaft. Fucking hell, it was almost embarrassing how desperately I wanted to cum down her throat right now.

This was the first girl who'd even seen my dick since my break up with Zendaya, and as far as I know, Y/N hadn't been with anyone since our contract started. So to say we were both a little touch starved was an understatement.

Bobbing her head back and forth with her hand gripping my base, she managed to work her way to a consistent rhythm. Her tongue pressed against the underside of my cock whilst she deep throated me, the faint sounds of her choking filling the air with the loud harp on the other side of the door.

"C-can you swallow for me darling?" I asked, putting my hand around the back of her neck, for some sort of contact without messing up the hours of time Rach and Katie had spent styling her hair and makeup.

I heard a 'mhm' from Y/N as she indicated a yes, which was just what I needed to pull me over the edge alongside her playing with my balls with her other hand. The vibration from her making that small sound caused my cum to shoot into her mouth, whilst I focused on clenching my jaw to suppress the moans and gripping the edge of the table tightly as I came.

"Wow- Are you okay?" I asked her as she sucked any remaining cum from my dick and made an audible 'pop' sound as it left her lips. That, was hot, watching her clean my cock with her mouth.

"More than okay. Are you?" she smiled, looking up at me and standing.

"Can't feel my legs," I laughed, tucking my shirt back into my pants and doing them up again.

"We should head back to the party before someone comes searching," she smiled, taking her lipstick from her handbag and reapplying it in the mirror. She lightly wiped the corner of her mouth to check if her makeup was still in tact, other than of course her lips which she had now redone.

"We didn't take too long in here did we?" I asked, standing behind her and squeezing her ass cheek as I looked at her in the mirror. I'm pretty sure we left the table at about 9:45 and it's not even 10 yet.

"Oh no, you couldn't last that long if you tried," she smirked, taunting me about how little it took for me cum just now. Cheeky little bitch.

Let's see how long she lasts next time.

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