Seventeen | Vape

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EVERYONE HERE is considerably drunk and or on illicit drugs. Drugs are easy to do here because the thing about Annabel's is, that the bathrooms are basically merged together. Imagine one big room with bathroom stalls on either side and two rows of sinks in the middle facing each other.

Yes, girls enter one side and boys enter the other, but there's nothing stopping you just walking around to the other side. And, when you're washing your hands at the sink, there's no wall separating you so you could literally touch the people on the other side. They're just hanging mirrors from the roof to appear as if they're mounted on a wall.

But there is no wall.

There's an outdoor section near the bathrooms where I duck out for cigarettes. I know, smoking is bad and smoking kills and smoking is cancerous but I usually just smoke when I'm drinking or when I'm socialising.

I have a vape in my pocket but right now, I need a legitimate cigarette. The smokers area is quite small, most people stay inside and rail lines of cocaine off each other's tits or whatever, so the fresh air mixed with the nicotine in my lungs is kind of refreshing.

There's a few people on this balcony; a Frenchman kissing a woman's neck despite her being half his age, another two women making out obnoxiously in front of everyone and a group of boys down the very end being louder than imaginable.

I finish my cigarette, put the butt in the ashtray and head back inside. Of course, making a detour to the bathrooms to like, take a piss or whatever. This of course, was where I saw Y/N waiting in the small line of a couple girls, staring at her phone.

I stood next to her for a solid four or five seconds before she realised someone was next to her and jumped, which made me laugh.

"You okay?" I asked, seeing her look pale and anxious, as if she was about to throw up. Oh god, please don't tell me I'm about to hold her hair back as she leans over a toilet bowl.

"Not really... I'm uh, I'm not okay Tom," she said softly looking around the room nervously.

"Did you take something? Y/N please let me know if you took something and you're having a bad trip okay? Cos I can talk you out of it and you can enjoy the drugs and the rest of your night," I said leaning closer to her.

"No, no, no. I didn't take anything I um, my-" she begin saying before a girl behind us rudely interrupted telling us there was an available bathroom stall. I turned around, scoffed at her and turned around before I heard 'fuck you're Tom Holland I'm so sorry'.

I told Y/N she could go in first but she shook her head and said she was only waiting so she could get some privacy. I told her we could go outside to the s'mores area but that I needed to pee first. I told her she could just come in with me and we walked into the empty stall.

"Tom, I can just meet you at the sinks," she said turning to face the door as I started undoing my pants.

"We're drunk and you look like you're about to cry. I'm not leaving you alone," I said semi-loudly, trying to not let the sound of my piss echo in the stall in front of her. Come to think of it, why did I drag her in here. This is weird. This is weird as fuck.

I cleaned myself up, zipped up my fly and fixed my shirt as we left the stall. Y/N looked around to see if anyone had noticed us together but, nobody was around. I washed my hands, wiped them dry on my pants and escorted her outside to the balcony I was on earlier.

"Want to tell me what's up now?" I asked gently, pulling her phone from her hand and putting it on the little table we were sitting at. She wouldn't stop staring at it.

"Well I was inside just then, sitting with Harry who is so lovely by the way, and my phone just started buzzing. So I check it and it's just Instagram so I leave it. The. It keeps going off, vibrating like crazy and I assume oh, someone has taken a photo of us all and tagged me," she shrugged.

"Yeah that happens a lot when I go out with mates," I apologised.

"So I open the notifications and I, I see that someone managed to um, reverse edit the visa documentation that got leaked... So now my name is on the visa application..." she said, her voice cracking as she looked up at me with tear filled eyes.

"Wait, the de facto one? Saying we're dating?" I clarified.

She nodded and covered her face, embarrassed to cry in public I presumed. This wasn't a good turn of events but it wouldn't help her feel better if she saw me freak out too. My management will call me tomorrow, I'm sure of it.

"Hey, hey... Listen to me, let's just enjoy the rest of the night a-and we can figure this all out in the morning. The notifications are just the die hard fans stalking my every move, nobody in this bar right now would be checking fan pages about me and then stalking you... Just, come back inside and try to push this out of your head for a bit," I said holding her hand over the table and inhaling from my vape.

"I think I'm just going to get a taxi back to my apartment. I don't feel comfortable here in public during an anxiety attack and supposedly dating you," she said trying to make her laughter sound genuine. Although, I could tell she was freaking out.

"Alright, then I'll leave too. And the boys cos we all live together. The last thing I want is one of my mates having an anxiety attack in a foreign city all alone. We can all go back together. Maybe not Haz and Grace cos he will stay at her place, but I'll grab Harry and Tuwaine and we can all share a car," I smiled.

"Can I uh, can I please have some?" She asked timidly, dabbing her fingers under her eyes.

"You smoke?" I asked, genuinely surprised.

"Not cigarettes but vapes sometimes, only when I'm drunk," she said taking it from my hand and taking a deep drag.

"Ew this is grape," she laughed softly, holding it back out towards me.

"Shut up, grape is the best. What flavour do you smoke then?" I taunted.

"Mango usually," she shrugged, following my lead as I got up out of my chair and headed back inside.

"Fuck that's so gross, and you think you can roast me over grape? Fuck you," I laughed, giving Tuwaine and Harry the signal that I wanted to leave.

"What about going home with Anya tonight?" She asked me, watching her wave goodbye to us.

"This is more important than getting laid."

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