Twenty Seven | Settled

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I'll be honest, waking up in the morning with Tom in my house as we both drank a cup of tea on the balcony as the soft London sun rose, was like a dream. We both got ready for work, him in the same clothes as last night, before he called a car to my apartment. It honestly just felt like we were an old married couple settled into our routine for years and years.

"My instagram is going crazy cos of last nights post. And management loves it, they said it was subtle but effective. You see it yet?" Tom asks me, sitting in the backseat with me on the way to work.

"Not yet, I should probably comment or something right? Wait... Do you want me to comment?" I asked, overthinking the most minute of things.

"If you want, it'll get people talking even more I guess. Honestly, some fans are fucking crazy," he laughed.

I opened Instagram, found Tom's post and typed a simple yet effective comment to make fans even more wild:

'Best thing about London so far' with a heart emoji. Will they think it's about the pastries or Tom? Who knows.

Once we arrived, I followed Tom into the hair and makeup trailer, to see Anya already in the chair and having her hair styled. Tom flopped down on the couch behind the makeup chairs and said good morning to his stylist Rachel who was waiting for him.

Anya, was quick to notice that Tom was wearing the same clothes as the night prior, commenting that she was surprised he didn't already have a few outfits at my apartment for these very situations.

"This is the spare outfit from her apartment, I've been there the past two nights and I haven't been home yet," Tom responded with a chuckle, making me roll my eyes at him as I told them both I had to prepare for today's work. As I turned on my feet to leave, Tom whined for me to come back and kiss him good bye; which I semi felt uncomfortable with.

I know he was trying to prove to Anya that we were a 'real couple' but I just feel like the more I pretend, the more I feel like I'm developing feelings. And the more I develop feelings for Tom Holland, the stupider I look. This is all fake.

"I'm sure you can survive a work day without me Tom, just use your imagination until Rian calls for lunch," I taunted, shaking my head and telling them both to be on set in an hour.

I sat down next to our director Rian who greeted me with his signature subtle head nod. He was staring at the set, analysing it in his head silently. I respect his work entirely, although he doesn't speak all that much when he's 'in the zone'. I put my laptop on my knees and ran through the multiple documents and schedules in todays queue, amongst a million other things I had to do. This is what my work day usually looks like, working next to Rian in silence.

That, or I'm running around the set sweating profusely like a fucking maniac because the whole day has gone wrong. There's a fine line between them.

It sounds bad, but fake dating Tom just makes me realise that I don't really have time to real date someone; my work consumes my entire life. But, this new promotion is a lot better than my old job. My old job as a production assistant I had to work extra unpaid hours just to finish everything. I guess the more important you are, the less 'shitty' jobs you have to do.

I now have time to leisurely work. Of course I work over time like anyone else in this industry, but it's not as stressful or tedious. I can actually check my phone here and there during the day. After Tom and his friend Haz had set my Instagram up with the whole famous person setting, I kind of forget to check my 'normal' notifications.

I remembered that Tom had 'launched' our relationship to the public last night. And fuck me, I have never seen that many likes and comments in my life. Taking Tom's advice, I decided to not scroll through the comments - it's the easiest way to avoid hate, just not seeing it at all.

I also saw comments from just other verified people and people that I followed:

hazosterfield: Mad invite to Duveteuse...
tuwaine: @hazosterfield bloody rude aye

It made me smile, seeing Tom's friends comment genuinely and not for publicity; they were actually really nice and welcoming to me that night at Annabel's and when I stayed the night at Tom's. I replied back under Haz's original comment:

Y/N  L/N: Next time I promise!!

I had even had Tom's management reach out to me and offer to represent me last week - which I of course accepted given I had no fucking clue on what I was doing. The lawyers who set up this whole thing decided it would be best for me. Especially because I had no media training and wasn't 'famous'.

They assigned me a manager named 'Bentley' who just sends me some articles here and there telling me what's good and what to focus on. Honestly, it's so easy with him. I guess he finds me easy too, I'm a pretty boring person who only gets in the news whenever Tom does something.

There's multiple articles about 'Tom Holland confirming his relationship' and multiple about my backstory, but Bentley tells me that what Tom and I are doing is 'perfect'.

I like having a manger. It makes filtering out all these dumb publicity things so easy.

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