♡ emotional ride・[g]

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kind of long

your best friend, grayson wanted to hang out with you since your boyfriend just broke up with you. you were completely heartbroken because of it but obviously couldn't say no to grayson.

it was almost 8:30pm, you put on your shoes and headed outside of your house to his car. "hey bestie." you cooed. he smiled, waving.

he unlocked his car door as you jumped in. and off to wherever he was surprising you to. he turned up the music and rolled down your window. he knew how much you loved the summer breeze.

you laid your head on the seatbelt and closed your eyes, just thinking about how much of a good friend grayson was.

"and — we're finally here!" he exclaimed. you lifted up your sunglasses and saw you guys were in front of a carnival full of rides and people having fun.

"oh my god, grayson! this is so exciting." you cheered. he patted your back. "well, i knew this would cheer you up." grayson replied.

"soo what are we waiting for? cmon, i really want to ride that big one over there." you pleaded before dragging him towards the entrance as you rolled your eyes at his 'that's what she said' comment.

he bought the wristbands, which came with you getting mad at him for paying. "y/n, it's my treat. now, shut up and let's get on these fast fuckers!" he shouted. you quickly laughed.

you both ran one of the rides with no line because you guys have fucking common sense. getting buckled in, grayson started to breath heavily. "do not tell me you're scared of rollercoasters!" you laughed.

"uhm, n-no, it's just.. really chilly up here!" he stuttered. you giggled even more, trying to get him to relax. "you are such a bad liar, grayson. just breathe, and think of something that makes you feel safe, okay?" you comforted with all seriousness.

he nodded, as he closed his eyes. "okay, i am thinking.." he whispered. a smile swept his face which made you smile. it was amazing seeing your best friend smile.

"here, and you can hold my hand if you get scared." you said. he nodded vigorously as the ride was going to a start.

you were going up the high hill and grayson still had his eyes closed. "keep your eyes closed if you need to." you reminded him.

he quickly grabbed your hand and held onto dear life. suddenly, you guys went straight down and everyone was happily screaming.

"w-wow, wait this is actually so fun!" grayson yelled, still squeezing onto your hand. "wooo, faster. go faster!"

*two hours later*

"andd here we are!" grayson chirped as he pulled up in your driveway. "hope you had fun." he added.

"ugh, dude I had so much fun. thank you for taking me. see you tomorrow at school, bye." you said before hugging him. you ran out and left with a smile on your face.

grayson awkwardly waved even though you already were inside your house. he stayed there for just a moment, deeply sighing to himself. then, he drove back home.

you went upstairs, taking a shower. you couldn't help but look back at everything that happened today. as you turned on the water, you went to get your phone and text grayson to thank him one more time.

you | g, i just needed to tell
you again how much fun i
had tonight. you're the best
friend anyone could ask for!

grayson | no problsm.

you | goodnight xo
read 10:45pm

*after shower*

you put your robe on and wrapped your hair in a towel. as you were about to climb into bed, the doorbell rings. you furrowed your eyebrows. who would come at your house around this time?

you scurried down the stairs and opened the door, seeing grayson out of breath. his hands were on his knees as he looked so drained.

"grayson? w-what are you doing here? and why are you panting?" you asked.

he finally looked up at you, "ethan.. ethan has my car but i-i had to run over here." he said. i nodded my head, showing him to continue.

"y/n.." he muttered.

"what is it, grayson?" you asked worriedly. as he ran his fingers through his hair. "i can't be just friends anymore, i can't. it hurts too much." he said.

"i don't get it." you whispered.

"goddamnit y/n! i'm in love with you!"

"grayson." he came a little closer, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"no, y/n. I've loved you from afar for over ten years and it's time for me to finally tell you how i feel. you drive me fucking insane. i can never stop thinking about you!"

"so, what do you say?" he muttered. you gulped.

haven't posted in forever

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