♡ first love・[g]

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random asf
i just wrote down what
came into my head lol

as i looked around the room, i saw everyone dancing with their partner. i stay in my spot at the far back table — watching her.

she looked absolutely breathtaking tonight. well, she usually looks beautiful but tonight, tonight was different.

i miss her. as i watch her from afar, slow dancing with her new lover. it hurt me. i lost her. how selfish i was to never give her the time she wanted.

how ironic it is after she's gone, i realize how much i needed her so desperately.

i can hear her laughs increase as well as her smile, while she held on to him. yet, it looked so force. she wasn't happy and i felt it.

i felt the urge to just go up to her and tell her. tell her i want her back. how foolish of me, i know.

i put my beverage down as i walk towards the dance floor. her back was facing me as i tap on her shoulder lightly. she slowly turns around, meeting eye to eye with me.

i was probably the last person she wanted to see. as i looked into her twinkling eyes, i got lost. i forgot what i wanted to say to her. she was gorgeous.

"grayson, what do you want?" she whispered. by now, her – i assumed boyfriend already left to get some punch.

"i-i just want you back." i stuttered. she had so much control over me which i hope she didn't notice of.

"you can't do this to me. not right now." she argued before attempting to walk away.

i lightly pulled her by the waist, taking her into my arms which wrapped around her delicately. she hissed at my actions as i see bruises on her arms from him.

i would never want to hurt her.

"please, let me just have the honor of dancing with you." i pleaded. she looked up at me, i wonder what was going through her adorable little mind of hers.

i intertwined our fingers together, wanting to feel her body again. just being this close to her was enough for me — i was beyond pleased.

"you smile too much." she giggled.

"i'm just happy that i get
to talk to you again." i purred.

"it's crazy.." i added.

"hmm? what's crazy?" she asked, as we went back and fourth swiftly to the music.

"that there's hundreds of girls in this room, yet you're still the most beautiful one. the one that catches my eye." i cooed.

"stop it. stop complimenting me just to make me feel good about myself." she replied as she tried to stop blushing.

"i can't help it. whenever I'm around you all i can do is speak the truth." i said. a giggle slipped through her plump lips.

"did you ever love me?" i blurted out. she looked at the ground, as she didn't want to hurt me.

"yes." she muttered, "i have always loved you. you were my first love and i will never forget that." she confessed.

"you were my first love too,
and my only love." i said.


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