new kid pt 3 | 𝗰.𝘀.

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I WAKE up from the loud ringtone coming out of my phone. with one eye open, i look to see who it is. the words incoming call from Charlie across my screen. "hello sir." I joke, clearly with tiredness present in my voice.

"No way you just woke up. y/n, its 11 o'clock right now. get dressed, or wear whatever you are wearing i don't care, and get your ass over here! i told people to pull up around 11:30ish." he pleads.

I rub my face as i lift half my body up from my bed. i knew deep down i wanted to go, i just needed to force myself to get out of this little slump.

"Okay, i'll be there. trust." i reply before hanging up. i was actually thinking about what he said, about wearing the clothes i'm in right now because why not?

however, something in me wanted to actually put on something nice for once. It was like my inner bad bitch was trying to come out of my lazy ass shell. so, I hop in the shower quickly to freshen up.

as i was attempting to blow dry the curls out of my hair, (a/n: me every week after my hair wash day lmao)

my music stops, indicating someone was calling me. it was Chris. a part of me wanted to answer but i felt like with everyone i was feeling from today, i wasn't in the mood to talk to him. but why? he technically did nothing wrong. i always self sabotage.

as i am getting dressed, i look at my reflection in the mirror. i feel like i never show my actual body with the clothes i wear but today was the day. i had curves that i cover with baggy clothes, i just felt more comfortable doing so.

however, this confidence unleashed from inside and i was wearing a short skirt with a tight short sleeve t-shirt. I pair it with my new balances and brush out my freshly blown out hair.

11:47pm, my phone says when i turn it on. i knew everyone was probably already there or getting there. I didn't want to drink tonight, so i decided to drive there.

I pull into Charlie's driveway. As i turn off my car, the silence without my music makes me slightly uncomfortable and i suddenly become anxious to go inside. i had no idea what the scene looked, or wether anyone i enjoyed talking to was there. I guess i had Charlie, i thought to myself.

I see people walk out through the front door as i am entering. Music blasting, whoever was on aux though was doing an amazing job. Babydoll by dominic fike was playing. the lights were turned off with just a couple lamps here and there though out the whole house.

"y/n, i'm so fucking proud of you. took you long enough." Charlie exclaims. He had two drinks in his hand. he tried handing me the one he wasn't drinking out of.

"I'm actually not drinking tonight." I said. his mouth widened.

"boo!" he said as he gave me a thumbs down. I know he was slightly kidding. he was also already drunk so he didn't mean it. I can have fun without drinking. I think i wanted to get high tonight though, make myself a little more relaxed.

"my cousin is here, i want to introduce you to him." Charlie added. i wasn't really in the mood to have small talk right now with a new person, but i wasn't going to be mean. i nod, as he leads me to the kitchen.

Charlie taps on his cousin's shoulder to get his attention away from the group of people he was talking to. he turns around, and i almost drooled when i make eye contact with him.

he had a couple tattoos from his shoulder all the way down to his hand, his veins popping out being very visible to the eye. he definitely was older than us, but not by too much. he had wavy dark hair, long but not too messy. and, beautiful chocolate brown eyes. he gives me a smile with a soft nod.

"y/n, this is Joey." Charlie says. I wasn't expecting Joey to be that good looking.

the people around us started to walk away, and soon became just Charlie, Joey and I. Charlie starts drinking out of the second cup that was supposed to be mine in the beginning.

"Jesus Charlie, you need to slow down please." Joey blurts. he grabs the empty cup from Charlie's hand and throws it in the garbage.

"J, just because you don't drink, doesn't mean i can't. capeesh?" Charlie vocalized. there was so much sass in his voice. and, Joey doesn't drink? that made him even more attractive honestly.

"you don't drink?" i asked, looking up at Joey. i tried to keep eye contact, but his lips looked so plump and perfect.

"nope. i've been sober for the past year. but, i'd be lying if i said i don't smoke." he replied. he then takes his hand out of his pocket, taking a joint out with it.

"wow, you must've read my mind because i wanted to smoke tonight." I said. Charlie rolls his eyes as he takes another sip of his drink. i sensed he could tell he was somewhat a third wheel in this moment.

"if you guys are going to smoke that, do it outside por favor. I don't want my house reeking of weed." Charlie pleaded. Joey and i both giggled at Charlie.

"no worries. I was going to take y/n to the backyard anyway to smoke." Joey replied. I liked joey. He seemed mature but also still lively at the same time.

Joey opens the sliding back door, allowing me to go out first. i did a scan of the backyard. it had twinkly lights wrapped around the trees. there were only a couple people outside but they were all focused on their own conversations.

the backyard was huge and there was an outdoor seating with a little couch in the corner. joey and i sat on the couch, our legs lightly touching each other. he grabs a lighter from his back pocket and begins to spark up the joint up while it's in between his lips.

he inhaled, then exhaled as the smoke came out of his mouth. he passed the joint to me, i put it in between my fingers then brought it to my lips giving it a big puff.

"so, how old are you?" i asked. he looks at me, while taking the joint back from my fingers.

"i graduated high school last year. so, i am only a grade above you." he replied. i knew he was older, but a year apart was nothing honestly.

"i am technically supposed to be in the grade below me but my parents wanted me to be the youngest and not the oldest." i said. he nodded.

his side profile was perfect. the little lights giving the right amount of light to reflect on his face.

"i'm happy you came to Charlie's. he told me he wanted me to meet you so badly and that convinced me to come i guess." he admitted.

"really? i wonder why he wanted us to meet." I replied.

"i don't really know. but, he was going on and on about this boy Chris? saying that he thinks that kid likes you but won't admit it. i don't even know. you know Charlie, he rambles about useless things." he laughs. i was taken back from his words.

"wait, huh? Chris?" i questioned, smoke coming out my mouth as i said those words. i tried not choke and make a fool out of myself.

"ya ya, I don't remember exactly. he said something along the lines he needed my help to make Chris jealous. i think he is here too." he said. i mentally face palm myself.

"damnit Charlie, what are you trying to do?!" I softly shout. Joey tries not to laugh at my frustration.

we see the slide door open, the music from inside now suddenly clear for me to hear. it was Chris. and, behind him was Emma. my eyebrows furrow with disgust. Joey gives a little peak at me.

"okay, i am guessing that is Chris." he commented.

"uh, how could you tell?" i innocently asked. he throws the finished joint on the ground and steps on it.

"i'm not stupid. i know most guys are oblivious to this kind of stuff but eyes never lie." he whispered. damnit, this family. Charlie and him just knew everything about me with me not saying one word.

"and what are my eyes saying, huh?" I asked. he re-adjusts himself.

"multiple things. i can firstly tell you don't like the girl he is with right of the bat. and, i can tell you are somewhat jealous that it's not you who he is with right now." he replied. i don't know if it was the marijuana getting to me but fuck was he right.

i watch as Chris and Emma sit on the hammock on the other side of the grass. I roll my eyes and grab Joey's bicep to contain my anger. "you win, you're right about everything, i can't handle seeing this." i mumbled, my face now smushed against his t-shirt which smelled amazing.

"he's looking this way." he whispers. i was about to lift my head up. "don't do that. stay there. i can tell he knows it's you. i want to see how this plays out." he added.

i turn my head slightly enough to look at Chris without him being able to see. he was looking directly at us, he had a confused but angry look on his face.

i see that Emma is basically throwing herself on Chris while they are on the hammock. her legs playfully rubbing Chris'. while i only see the back of her head, Chris was all my vision. "fuck, i don't know what to do." i whispered.

"we can always do this.." he suggests. he then lifts my head up, making me look at him. he holds my chin. "i am going to kiss you, that okay? he adds. i shake my head softly with innocence.

"good, because he still is staring." he whispers, before he leans in to kiss me. With the light music from inside playing out here and us being high, this kiss felt so precise. he turns his head a little as we are still kissing, he puts his hand on leg with the other hand touching my back.

he slowly pulls away, both of us opening our eyes to look at each other again. "don't turn your head to look at him." he said, luckily right before i was going to turn my head to look at Chris.

"don't worry, he is still staring. and, you know what we are going to do now? we are going to walk back inside, don't look back at them. just keep looking straight." he insisted. i nodded my head. he was way too good at this.

he stood up from the couch, putting out his hand for me to grab it. we made our way back into the house, passing Chris and Emma on the way. i listened to Joey and did not look back once. i suddenly felt so powerful.

———————————————————- .𓂃 ⊹ ᜊ
i wasn't expecting this to be so long
and i am not even done. guess there
will be a  part 4 omg

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