𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŸ’: π…π‹π˜πˆππ† π‹π„π’π’πŽππ’

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"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water into rum."

You and your friends, together with the other students, were at the Great Hall having a break. You were currently reading a book for homework and you can hear Seamus repeating his spell to his goblet of water.

"What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?" Harry asked Ron who was beside him reading.

Ron glanced up before sighing. "Turning it into rum. Actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before..."

You and the others jumped and turned in surprise as Seamus accidentally exploded his goblet of water. His hair was a mess and he was covered in dirt. Dean Thomas, Fred, George, and Oliver Wood started laughing including some students who witnessed what happened.

Hermione waved her hand in disgust while you shook your head as you smiled. Ron looked up when he heard something. "Ah! Mail's here."

Owl started flying inside with envelopes and gifts just between their beaks. They started dropping the mails to their respective receiver. You were too busy writing your answers to your homework that you almost didn't notice a box wrapped up in red and gold silk. Harry noticed it first so he tapped your book causing you to look up from your work. "Hm?"

"You got a gift."

You looked down and softly gasped. "Oh! Thanks." You took the box and unwrapped it. As you opened the box, you noticed there were three letters inside. You took the letters out and saw that each member of your family has written to you.

Dear sister,

β €β €β €β €This is the first letter I have ever written to you because we were pretty much inseparable. I would be lying if I say that I miss you. Maybe because you were just gone for a few days. Maybe I'll miss you more when you're away from home for months.

β €β €β €β €I can't wait to be there. What is it like? Mum and Dad wouldn't stop talking about Hogwarts when we were younger. I can't wait to see if what they're saying is real.

β €β €β €β €Oh! Is it true that the Boy Who Lived is there? And the same house as you? I got tons of questions, (Y/n)!

β €β €β €β €I can't wait to see you at Christmas. Well, if you are going home on Christmas.

Your sister,

You smiled and moved to the next letter which was your mother's.

My dearest daughter,

β €β €β €How was your first day? I heard you were sorted to Gryffindor! Congratulations! Although, I wonder how you got to Gryffindor while I was in Hufflepuff and your father was in Slytherin. Oh, well, maybe the Sorting Hat saw something in you. I wonder where your sister will be placed. Honestly, I want her to be in Ravenclaw. She's smart and our family could complete the Hogwarts houses.

β €β €β €Anyway, we all miss you here. Just tell us what you need and your problems and we promise we'll listen. Avoid trouble there, sweetie!

With love,

"I miss you too, Mom." You whispered before closing the letter and taking the last letter. From your father's.

My sweet pumpkin,

β €β €How's your first day? I heard you were sorted to Gryffindor! Congratulations! Although I wonβ€”nah, I'm just kidding. I looked to Vivian and Megan's letters first before writing this one and make a joke out of it.

β €β €Anyway, in case you are wondering, I am very much alive and well. I am and I will stay alive until you have a boyfriend, or girlfriend, whatever you want.

β €β €You know, I actually don't know what to write anymore. If only there was some device we could use just to call or contact you without writing any letters. I'm smart, alright, but writing letters are draining my brain.

β €β €I'll write more and better to you next time. Have fun and be smart! Love you 3000!

Your cool dad

You ended up slightly laughing at your father's letter. Harry, receiving no mails nor gifts, took a newspaper that Ron just set down. "Can I borrow this?" Harry asked earning a glance from Ron and nodded. "Thanks."

Neville opened his gift and picked up a ball. Dean noticed this and exclaimed. "Hey, look! Neville's got a Remembrall."

Hermione looked over to Neville and leaned towards Seamus, Dean, and Neville. I've read about those. When the smoke turns red, it means you've forgotten something."

Just as she explained, a smoke of red appeared inside the ball. Neville sighed. "The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten."

"Hey, Ron!" Harry whispered. "Somebody broke into Gringotts. Listen."

Ron leaned towards Harry to read the newspaper while you and Hermione listened. "Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown, Gringotts goblins while acknowledging the breach, insist nothing was stolen. The vault in question, number 713, had in fact been emptied the very same day."

Harry blinked in surprise. "That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to."


"Good afternoon class!"

"Good afternoon, Madam Hooch."

"Welcome to your first flying lesson!" Madam Hooch stated. "Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone, step up to the left side of their broomsticks. Come on now hurry up."

Gryffindors and Slytherins were in the same class again and it happens to be the flying lessons. The students quickly obeyed and stood just next to their broomsticks.

"Stick your right over the broom and say 'up'!"

"Up!" Harry instantly got the broomstick earning a gasp from you and a confused and disbelief look from Hermione. "Wow..." Harry muttered.

"Up." Draco softly said and also got the broomstick. A smirk appeared on his face and glanced at Harry then at you trying for the third time.

"Up!" You said the word and got your broomstick. Hermione, who was beside you, frowned and struggled to get hers.

"Up. Up!" Ron said impatiently.

"With feeling." Madam Hooch advised the students.

"Up!" Ron exclaimed causing the broomstick to instantly stand up, hitting Ron in the face. You and Harry started laughing causing Ron to chuckle. "Shut up, both of you." Soon, the students finally got their broomsticks.

"Now once you got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it." Students started to mount the broomsticks, prepared to fly. "And grip it tight, you don't wanna be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment then lean forward slightly and touch back down."

You and some students nodded in understanding. "On my whistle, 3... 2..." Madam Hooch blew her whistle.

Suddenly, Neville flew without knowing how to control it. Madam Hooch stared in surprise, "Mr. Longbottom." She called out.

"Down, down!" Neville tried to order his broom down but it was no use.

"Neville!" You and the other students all watched helplessly as he tried to stop the broomstick but failed. Madam Hooch brought out her wand to stop Neville but saw him coming towards her and the students. You and the others quickly dodged Neville as he went to the other side.

Neville was flown up but got caught by a spear from a statue. His robe was hanging him up, preventing him to fall until the fabric began to rip down causing the poor boy to fall. Neville fell to the ground.

"Everyone out of the way!" Madam Hooch scooped Neville to her arms and noticed his broken wrist. "Oh, dear, it's a broken wrist. Poor boy. Come on now, up you get." Madam Hooch helped him stand up and she faced her students.

"Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find them out of Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch." As the professor took Neville to the hospital wing, Draco got Neville's gift that the boy accidentally dropped on the ground.

Draco smirked. "Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse." He insulted.

You sighed in disappointment while Harry stepped forward. "Give it here, Malfoy," Harry said.

Draco turned to him. "No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." He mounted his broom and flew up, teasing Harry to chase after Neville's gift. He circled around then went up high. "How about on the roof?"

He looked down at Harry. "What's the matter, Potter? A bit beyond your reach?" He mocked.

Harry sighed in annoyance and mounted his broomstick to follow him but Hermione stopped him. "Harry, no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said. Besides, you don't even know how to fly!" Harry ignored Hermione and he flew up, following Draco. Hermione sighed as she rolled her eyes. "What. An. Idiot."

"Give it here, Malfoy, or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry yelled.

Draco smirked. "Is that so?"

Harry made a grab for Draco but he suddenly spun around the broomstick, completely avoiding Harry. Draco peered at Harry over his shoulder. "Have it your way, then." He threw the Remembrall causing Harry to chase it.

As Harry chased after the Remembrall, McGonagall was writing in her office. Harry quickly took the ball before hitting McGonagall's window. McGonagall saw what Harry had done and watched as the boy flew down and the students cheered for him.Β 

"Nice going, Harry."

"That was wicked, Harry!"Β 

McGonagall immediately rushed down and called out for the boy's attention. "Harry Potter!" Once Harry turned around to her, his smile suddenly disappeared. "Follow me."Β 

McGonagall and Harry walked away causing you, Hermione, and Ron to exchange looks in worry. You heard some snickering behind you and you turned around to see Draco and his posse smirking. You walked towards him and glared.

Draco looked surprised and scared all of a sudden and gulped. "What?"

"Seriously, Malfoy?" You rolled your eyes and walked away with Hermione and the rest of the students.

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