𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŸ•πŸ“: πŒπ€π‹π…πŽπ˜ πŒπ€ππŽπ‘

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"How long have you been down here, Luna?" You asked as you looked around the dark and cold cellar.

Luna Lovegood, Garrick Ollivander, and Griphook were imprisoned with you down at the cellar. Draco reluctantly placed you here, but he knew his aunt would grow suspicious if you stayed in his room.

"I have lost count of how many days I've been here," Luna replied. "How about you? What brings you here?"

"Death Eaters attacked your home, Luna." You informed. "We were there, me, Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Your father was desperate, but Harry and the others managed to escape except for me."

Luna nodded in understanding. "I see."

Ollivander looked at you. "My, have you grown up well, Ms. Stark."

You turned around to face the older man and smiled. "Mr. Ollivander, I'm quite pleased to meet you again."

"I remember how excited you were when you bought your first wand." Ollivander chuckled. "You almost destroyed my wand shop, young lady."

You sheepishly grinned as you scratched the back of your head. "And I'm still sorry about that. My father paid the damages, I heard."

Ollivander nodded. "Your father even made it better."

Suddenly, the cell door opened and revealed two more prisoners were forcefully brought down here with you, Luna, and Ollivander. "What are we going to do? We can't leave Hermione alone with her." You heard a familiar voice say. You squinted your eyes to see the two other people clearly. "Harry? Ron?"

Ron opened his Deluminator and gave light inside the basement. Harry's eyes widened. "(Y/n)!"

You ran towards them and hugged your two friends. "Blimey, I thought you two are dead!" You exclaimed. "I was so worried!"

"You made us worry too," Ron replied as he hugged you back along with Harry. "We thought they brought you at Ministry of Magic."

Harry looked behind you and grinned. "Luna!" He exclaimed.

You pulled away and looked around. "Where's Hermione?"

The door opened once again, revealing Peter Pettigrew. Harry stood in front of you while Ron held your wrist. "Move." Pettigrew sternly told the two boys, but your two male friends refused to oblige. "I just need the girl."

"You're not laying a finger on her, you bastard." Ron hissed.

Pettigrew rolled his eyes and pushed Harry and Ron out of the way, pulling you out of the cellar. You grabbed Harry's arm, and the two young men tried to pull you back. "No!" You shouted.

Pettigrew pulled you harder, and you were torn away from your friends. "Ron! Harry!" You yelled until you were silenced with Pettigrew's silver hand covering your mouth. Your screams were muffled, and you struggled to get out from his grasp.

Eventually, you were brought back from where you woke up. Pettigrew pushed you to the ground, and you hit your chin on the ground. You groaned in pain as you turned and laid your back on the floor.

"(Y/n)!" Your eyes snapped open when you heard your best friend's voice. You looked around and saw Hermione being pinned on the ground by Bellatrix Lestrange. "Let her go!" You yelled until you were pulled back by Fenrir Greyback.

Bellatrix glared at Hermione as she held her down. "That sword is meant to be in my vault at Gringotts. How did you get it?" She hissed. "What else did you and your friends take it from my vault?!"

Hermione's cries and whimpers were heard around the manor, including the cellar in the basement. "I didn't take anything." Hermione cried out as she vigorously shook her head. "Please. I didn't take anything."

"I don't believe it." Bellatrix hissed. She leaned in towards Hermione's arm and carved a word on her skin, causing Hermione to scream in pain.

You squirmed around Greyback's hold. "No! Stop it! Please! Let her go!" You pleaded.

Bellatrix leaned back once she was finished carving the word on Hermione's arm. "Mudblood." She scoffed before turning to Pettigrew. "Get me the goblin."

You watched Hermione lying on the ground, frozen and tired. Bellatrix faced you and grinned. "Your turn, dearie."

Greyback pushed you to the ground as Bellatrix moved aside from Hermione and faced you. She pinned harshly on the freezing floor and wrapped her other hand on your neck.

You choked out of breath and frantically tried to push her away from you. "Now, tell me, how did you and your nosy little friends get the sword from my vault?"

You shook your head. "I don't know!" You coughed as tears streamed down your face. "Please... I ca-can't breathe!"

"Don't lie to me!" Bellatrix started carving words to your forearm, making you scream in pain. Hermione tried to stand up and help you, but Greyback held her.

You cried out and managed to scratch Bellatrix's cheek, causing her to gasp. "You'll pay for that!"

Pettigrew walked down the basement only to find Draco opening the cellar's door. "Oi, what are you doing down here?" Draco stiffened, but he pulled his wand out and immediately cast a spell on Pettigrew. It stunned Pettigrew for a while, which gave Draco a chance to enter the cellar.

Ron spotted Draco, and he marched his way towards the blonde. "Let them go." He hissed.

Draco glanced at Ron before turning to the goblin who Bellatrix wanted to talk to. "You goblin, get up there." He told the small creature. The goblin, Griphook, looked at everyone before going upstairs.

Blood-curling screams were heard from above, causing Harry, Ron, and Draco to flinch in surprise while Luna and Ollivander looked worried. Draco looked at Harry and Ron and could read their expression; Ron was evidently furious. However, he couldn't describe what Harry felt. "You have to escape."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"I still have contact with an old friend, if you even call him a friend of mine. I told him to come and get you." Draco told the boys. Harry and Ron seemed confused and surprised while Draco gave them one last look before locking the door again and leaving.

As soon as he left, Dobby and Darcy Apparated inside the cellar. Darcy came face to face with Luna and Ollivander while Dobby turned around to see Harry. "Aah!" Dobby gasped.

"Dobby? Darcy?" Harry asked in surprise. "What are you two doing here?"

"Dobby and Darcy have come to rescue Harry Potter and his friends, of course," Dobby replied. "Dobby will always be there for Harry Potter."

"Are you saying you two can Apparate in and out of this room?" Harry questioned. "Could you two take us with you?"

"Of course, sir," Darcy answered. "We're elves."

Ron shrugged. "Works for me."

Harry nodded. "Alright. Dobby, Darcy, I want you to take Luna and Mr. Ollivander--"

"Shell Cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth." Ron interrupted as he said the location. Ron glanced at Harry. "Trust me."

Luna looked down at Darcy and Dobby. "Whenever you're ready, sir, ma'am."

Dobby looked up at the blonde girl. "Sir? I like her very much." Dobby held Luna's hand while Darcy had Ollivander's. The two elves locked their hands together and looked back at Harry and Ron. "Meet me at the top of the stairs in ten seconds."

Darcy frowned. "Just you? What about Darcy?"

"Dobby needs Darcy to stay with Ms. Luna and Mr. Ollivander. Dobby will be fine."

The two elves Disapparated leaving Ron and Harry in the basement. Ron glanced at Harry. "Well, that was oddly weird and adorable."

Once Draco hurriedly reached the room where you and Hermione were, his eyes widened in horror. Bellatrix was breathing heavily with her wand pointing directly at you on the ground. Draco's eyes drifted down to see your arm was also carved with words.

"Blood traitor." He whispered when he read the word on your forearm. Before Draco could react, Bellatrix cast the Cruciatus Curse on you. "Crucio!"


Your eyes instantly closed as the pain roamed your body. You were too tired to scream. Who wouldn't be when you were repeatedly being tortured with the Cruciatus Curse for the fourth time now. But soon, enough you started screaming again that Draco felt sick. He never wanted to hear those horrific and traumatizing screams again, especially from the woman he loves so dearly.

Draco was about to run towards you, but Lucius stood up from his chair and blocked his way. Hermione sobbed as she tried to reach for your hand, desperate to help you. "(Y/n)..." She croaked out, barely even conscious.

Few tears slipped away from your eyes as you arched your back and whimpered from feeling too much pain. Your fists clenched as your mouth hung open until no screams were heard any longer. Finally, Bellatrix stopped.

You sighed in relief, and your eyes weakly opened to see Bellatrix with her wounded cheek. You managed to injure her from struggling, but in return, she punished you by casting the Cruciatus Curse on you. Bellatrix rose her wand up again to repeat the same curse, and you close your eyes in defeat.

"Stop it!" Draco shoved his father away, causing him to stumble. Draco ran towards his aunt and pushed her away, causing Bellatrix to look at her nephew in confusion and disbelief. Draco scooped you up and held you tight protectively. "Hey, hey..."

You opened your eyes and met Draco's eyes filled with worry and sadness. Draco pushed your hair out from your face and kissed your forehead tenderly, holding you close. "I'm so sorry, darling." He whispered as a tear escaped from his eye.

"Draco!" Bellatrix exclaimed. "What's got into you?"

You leaned your head on Draco's chest, hiding your face from Bellatrix as you started crying. Draco glared up at Bellatrix and pointed his wand at her. "Touch her and I'll kill you."

Bellatrix hesitated but turned away to the goblin and talked to him. Draco stroked your hair and caressed your tear-stained cheeks. "I'm so sorry." He continued to whisper sweet and comforting words to calm you down. Your whole body was shaking from pain and sobs, so Draco weakly rocked you back and forth to soothe you. His heart breaks whenever he hears your cries, and felt crushed to see how terrified you are. You listened to his heartbeat to help you to relax until you flinched when you heard a knife slashing on someone's skin. Draco turned around to see Griphook had a cut on his cheek.

"Liar! Consider yourself lucky, goblin." Bellatrix hissed. "The same won't be said for this one." She said while pointing at Hermione.

"Like hell!" Ron yelled. You snapped your head towards Ron and Harry's direction and saw them walking up the stairs. "Expelliarmus!"

Bellatrix's wand flew out of her hand and was caught by Harry while Lucius tried to do something until Harry shot a spell. "Stupefy!" Lucius flew backward, hit the wall, and knocked a chair from behind.

Ron pulled Hermione towards him and placed her behind to keep her safe.

Draco, however, found himself in the middle of a duel with his mother against Harry and Ron, losing you. He and his mother blocked their spells as they walked forward.

"Stop!" Everyone stopped when they heard Bellatrix's voice. Draco and Narcissa turned around to see Bellatrix resting the blade of her knife against your neck. "Drop your wands."

Draco clenched his fists. 'If I move, she might kill (Y/n).'

"I said, drop them!" Bellatrix yelled at Harry and Ron. Ron dropped his wand first, glaring at Bellatrix intensely.

Harry followed along and dropped his wand. "Pick them up, Draco, now!" Draco hesitated, but he ran towards your two male friends and picked their wands up nervously. He glanced at Harry, who was looking at him, and he still couldn't describe how he felt towards him.

"Well, well, well... look what we have here," Bellatrix said as she walked towards Harry with you still in her grasp. "It's Harry Potter. He's all bright shiny, and new again, just in time for the Dark Lord."

Bellatrix grinned. "Call him." She pushed her knife deeper towards your neck that Draco could see a thin trail of blood streaming down your neck. "Call him."

Lucius stepped forward, pushing his son away, and rolled up his sleeves to reveal his Dark Mark. Draco looked away and looked at you, whose eyes were closed from exhaustion. Draco was about to step forward to save you until he heard a squeaking noise. He looked up and saw their former house-elf Dobby unscrewing the screw off of the chandelier from above.

The others looked up too. Once the chandelier was about to fall, Bellatrix quickly released you to jump out of the way, causing you to take the opportunity and run towards Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Harry caught you in his arms.

Draco pressed his lips into a thin line. 'I should've been the one to catch her in my arms.'

Draco almost fell on the ground when he tried to move away from the falling chandelier. Still, he managed to hold onto the table behind him as he watched the expensive chandelier hit the ground, shattered and broken. The shards of glass, however, made a few cuts on his face.

Harry ran towards Draco and tried to snatch the wands away from him. Draco didn't put much of a fight because he sincerely wanted to help you and your friends. Draco gave Harry a look and handed him the wands, but Draco made it look like Harry snatched them away from him. Harry slightly nodded at him, and he ran back to you, Ron, and Hermione.

Draco sighed in relief until he realized what Harry had also taken. 'Oh, shit, wait. He also got my wand. pOTTY, WAIT--'

"Stupefy!" Harry cast a spell on Lucius, causing him to fly back again, hitting the wall.

"Stupid elf! You could have killed me!" Bellatrix screeched.

Dobby shook his head. "Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure."

Narcissa was about to cast a spell, but Dobby snapped his fingers, taking the wand. Narcissa froze, surprised. "How dare you take a witch's wand? How dare you defy your masters?" Bellatrix questioned.

Dobby stood straight and strong, facing Bellatrix. "Dobby has no master! Dobby is a free elf! And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!"

Dobby dropped Narcissa's wand and held Harry, Ron, and Griphook's hands while Ron kept Hermione close to him and you with Harry. You and your friends started to Disapparate until Bellatrix threw her silver knife in your direction.

Draco's eyes widened in fear as he watched closely when the knife joined the Disapparation of your group. His heart dropped, thinking that it might have stabbed any of your friends or even you. Bellatrix smirked.

Her smirk faded as she turned around and faced her nephew with a confused but stern look. "Why protect her, hm? She's a Stark!"

Draco inhaled sharply, but he stood tall at her. "I don't care what you do to make me suffer. But whatever it takes, I will protect her with all my life even if I have to die." He glanced at his parents before walking away and wiping off the blood from his cheekbone.

You groaned in pain as you sat up and looked around. You noticed that you and your friends landed on a beach. You winced in pain when you also saw a wound on your neck. 'If Bellatrix pushed her stupid little knife deeper on my neck, I would have died.'

"(Y/n)!" You heard someone called out.

You turned around to see Hermione, Ron, and Harry coming towards you. "Oh, hey..." You greeted, but your voice was too raspy and dry. You cleared your throat, and you were brought into a hug by your friends. They all hugged you, and you hugged them back. "Are you alright?"

"We're safe," Harry reassured. "We're all safe."

"Harry Potter..." You pulled away from the hug and looked behind your friends. You gasped loudly, causing Harry to immediately turn around to see what you had witnessed.

He saw Dobby looking down, clutching something. A knife was impaled to him-Bellatrix's knife.

Harry stood up and quickly caught Dobby on his arm. "Dobby! No, just--" He removed the small knife and threw it away. "Hold on. Hold on. Look, just hold on, okay? We'll fix you. Hermione will have something."

Harry looked at Hermione, who was looking back at him sadly. "In your bag. Hermione?"

Hermione looked down, letting him know that nothing would work. Dobby was going to die. "Hermione? What is it? Help me." Harry pleaded.

"Such a beautiful place... to be with friends," Dobby stated as Harry wept. "Dobby is happy to be with his friend... Harry Potter."

And with that, he took his final breath and stared into the distance, dead. You looked down as you listened to Harry's cries. Harry hugged Dobby's dead body, clutching onto it for desperation.

You crouched down beside Harry and allowed him to lean his head on your shoulder while you looked down at the poor elf who had just died.

Soon, you noticed Luna crouching down beside you and Harry. "We should close his eyes. Don't you think?" Luna reached her hand out and closed Dobby's eyes with her fingers. "There. Now he could be sleeping."

Harry took a deep breath and lifted his head, facing you, Luna, Hermione, and Ron. "I want to bury him. Properly. Without magic."

You helped Hermione wrap Dobby on a white and clean blanket as Harry dug on a small hill. Once it was deep enough, you and Hermione gave Dobby to Harry, allowing him to set his friend down. You, Ron, Hermione, and Harry started covering him up, burying Dobby.

All of you stood in front of the grave and added a gravestone for Dobby, mourning. You sighed deeply and held Hermione's hand. Hermione glanced at you before laying her head on your shoulder as all of you stared down at Dobby's grave.

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