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Your fingers brushed against Draco's wand as you observed it. You were inside the Shell Cottage where Dobby, who sadly passed away, brought you and your friends. You were sitting on a chair with your legs resting on top of the dining table.

Your eyes traveled up to see Hermione reading something. With one eyebrow raised, you wondered what story or subject Hermione was reading. You shrugged and looked back down at Draco's wand. You gripped onto the wand tightly, closed your eyes as an image of him entered your brain.

"Do you think he would have done it? Draco?"

"No. No, he was lowering his wand."

You tried to imagine what had happened back at the Astronomy Tower, the night where Dumbledore was killed.

"He disarmed him using that."

Your eyes opened, and you looked at Hermione, who placed her book down. "Draco. He disarmed Dumbledore using his wand. That's what Harry told me." You stared at her before looking down at the wand you were holding. 'Could it be...?'

"Did he return your memories of him?" Hermione curiously asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, I may have forced and pleaded him to bring it back."

Ron, who was sitting beside Hermione, cleared his throat. "It was my fault anyway. I brought Malfoy up in the middle of an argument. I can already tell he's going to kill me."

You chuckled. "I'll make sure he won't."

Harry suddenly entered the cottage, causing you to jump in surprise and remove your legs off from the table. Harry gave you a quick smile before turning to Billy and Fleur, who were in the kitchen.

"It's beautiful here," Luna told Billy, causing him and Fleur to turn to her.

"It was our aunt's," Billy replied, smiling. "We used to come here as kids. The Order uses it now as a safe house. What's left of us at least."

Luna walked towards the wind chimes made of shells and stared at them. "Muggles think these keep away evil. But they're wrong."

Harry sighed. "I need to talk to the goblin."

You nodded wordlessly as he headed upstairs with Ron and Hermione to talk to Griphook. Fleur walked towards you and sat beside you. She noticed you were holding Draco's wand. "I presume that's Draco Malfoy's wand?"

You looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah. Harry snatched it away from his hand with Bellatrix's wand and ours." You puffed your cheeks, a habit sometimes whenever you're curious, and looked at the door. "Fleur..."


"When I first saw you, I knew you were a Veela." You told her.

"Quarter-Veela, mon chΓ©ri." Fleur corrected as she placed her elbow on the table and rested her cheek on her palm.

"Right." You nodded. "Blonde, tall, beautiful. I'm curious about the possibility of having a male Veela?"

Fleur sighed and shook her head. "That I do not know, (Y/n). Why do you ask?"

You shrugged and looked back at Draco's wand. "No reason. Just curious."

Fleur's eyes looked down at Draco's wand too. "You're curious if Draco is a Veela?"

You slightly nodded. "Not really. Well, maybe. He is blonde, after all. And most of the girls in Hogwarts swoon over Draco, especially Stacey Doom." You chuckled. "It would be a nice thought to think that he is a Veela."

"It's not wrong to assume and wonder. Who knows, he may have a part-Veela in his blood." Fleur stated. "He's blonde and extremely handsome. You're a lucky lady, (Y/n)."

You laughed. "Wow. Um, thanks." You shook your head and turned to Fleur. "Nevermind of that. I'll worry about that later. We have to worry about what's happening now."

Soon, you heard Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave the room and head downstairs. "We talked to the goblin."

You smiled at Fleur. "I'll talk to you later."

Fleur nodded as she stood up and helped Bill and Luna. You stood up and walked towards your friends. Harry told you everything he talked about with Griphook. "There's a fake sword of Gryffindor inside Bellatrix's vault." He explained. "Snape placed it in there."

"Snape?" You asked in surprise. "He's complicated, huh?"

"Do you think there's a Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault?" Hermione asked.

"Well, she was terrified when she thought we had been in there," Harry said.

"She kept asking you, what else was taken?" You added.

"I bet you anything. There's Horcrux in there," Harry whispered. "Another piece of his soul. Let's find it, kill it, and we are one step closer to killing him."

"And what happens when we find it?" Ron asked, crossing his arms. "How're we supposed to destroy it? Now you're giving the sword to Griphook?"

Harry sighed and ran his fingers through his hair frustratedly. "I'm still working on that part."

You and your friends decided to talk to Ollivander, who was currently resting. Harry opened the door and entered Ollivander's room while you three followed behind. "Mr. Ollivander, I need to ask you a few questions."

Ollivander turned to Harry and then nodded. "Anything, m'boy. Anything!"

"Would you mind identifying this wand?" Harry asked as he gave Bellatrix's wand to Ollivander and sat down on the bed. You stood beside Harry while Ron and Hermione were beside the door. "We need to know if it's safe to use," Harry added.

"Uhh..." Ollivander started examining the wand. "Walnut. Dragon Heartstring. Twelve and three-quarter inches. Unyie... Unyielding. This belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange. Treat it carefully."

Ollivander gave the wand back to Harry. Harry placed down the wand beside him like it was nothing causing you to stifle a laugh. "Remember when he said to treat it carefully?" You askes. Harry playfully glared at you then signaled you to give Ollivander Draco's wand.

You gave the wand to Ollivander. "And this?" Harry asked.

Ollivander examined the wand. "Hawthorn. A unicorn hair. Ten inches. Reasonably pliant. This was the wand of Draco Malfoy."

"Was?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. "Is it not still?"

"Well, perhaps not," Ollivander answered as he gave the wand to Harry. "If you won it from him. I sense its allegiance has changed."

You glanced at Harry. "Did you even win it from him, fair and square?"

Harry playfully rolled his eyes and looked back at Ollivander. "You talk about wands as if they have feelings..." Harry replied. "As if they can think."

"The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter," Ollivander explained. "That much has always been clear to those of us who've studied wandlore."

"And, what do you know about the Deathly Hallows?" You asked again, sitting beside Harry on the other side to avoid sitting on Bellatrix's wand.

"It is rumored there are three," Ollivander answered. "The Elder Wand, the Cloak of Invisibility, to hide you from your enemies... and the Resurrection Stone, to bring back loved ones from the dead. Together, they make one the Master of Death. But, few truly believe that such objects exist."

"Do you?" You, resting your arms on your thighs. "Do you believe they exist, sir?"

"Well..." Ollivander trailed off. "I see no reasons to put stock into an old wives' tale."

"You're lying!" Harry frowned. "You know one exists. You told him about it. You told him about the Elder Wand... and where he could go looking for it."

Ollivander sighed, looking away. "He tortured me." It was a whisper that you, Harry, Ron, and Hermione almost could not hear. "Besides... I only conveyed rumors. There's... there's no telling whether he will find it."

"He has found it, sir." Harry sighed. "We'll let you rest."

He stood up with you and headed towards the door but stopped when Ollivander called him. "He's after you, Mr. Potter. If it's true what you say, that he has the Elder Wand, I'm afraid you really don't stand a chance."

"Well, I suppose I'll have to kill him before he finds me, then." Harry gave one last look to Ollivander before leaving the room with you, Ron, and Hermione.


"You're sure that's hers?" Ron asked as you all stared at a strand of white hair that Hermione was holding.

Hermione nodded. "Positive." She dropped it on her Polyjuice Potion and drank it. You all waited outside for her to come out.

You stared at the distance to see Darcy by the hillside where Dobby was buried with her head down. You excused yourself for a moment and approached the house-elf. "Hey, Darcy."

"Darcy misses Dobby, miss," Darcy stated but she remained her head down. "Darcy regrets that Dobby was there alone. Darcy could've saved him."

You crouched down beside her and wrapped your arm around her fragile figure. "It's not your fault, Darcy. Dobby would have wanted you to be safe and happy."

Darcy leaned against your comforting embrace and slowly formed a smile. "Thank you, (Y/n) Stark." She glanced at your friends and she pulled away. "Darcy can take care of herself now. Your friends need you."

You patted her head and stood up. "You're my friend too, Darcy. Never forget that." Giving her one last smile, you walked back to Harry and Ron who were still waiting for Hermione.

"Well?" You all looked at her, and you almost jumped in fear when you saw Hermione as Bellatrix Lestrange. "How do I look?"

"Hideous." Ron complimented who was now disguised as a Death Eater. You and your friends held hands.

Harry turned to the goblin. "You can give that to Hermione to hold. Alright, Griphook?" He said as he glanced at the sword that the goblin was holding. Griphook pushed the sword into Hermione's magical purse, and she kept it there. The four of you held hands, and Harry looked down at Griphook. "We're relying on you, Griphook. If you get us past the guards into the vault... the sword's yours."

Griphook held your hands and Disapparated. You all Apparated to Diagon Alley. Memories came flooding back when you saw the place.

You remember getting your school supplies here, the first time you met Draco, and your father buying you ice creams for you and your sister.

Diagon Alley used to be bright and happy, and now it was dark and gloomy.

"Madam Lestrange." A Death Eater greeted, causing you to jump in surprise. To your relief, you, Harry, Ron, and Griphook immediately blended in with the shadows to avoid suspicions.

"Good morning." You heard Hermione's voice from Bellatrix's body which made you cringe.

The Death Eater raised a brow in confusion and surprise but shrugged and left.

You all stepped out and looked at Hermione. "Good morning?" Griphook asked annoyingly. "Good morning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange, not some school girl!" Griphook scolded.

"Hey!" Ron hissed. "Easy!"

"If she gives us away, we must swear to use that sword to slit our own throats. Understand?"

Hermione sighed. "No, he's right. I speak stupid."

"Okay." Harry nodded as you helped Griphook to climb on Harry's back, giving Griphook a piggyback ride. "Let's do it." Ron covered the three of you, Harry, you, and Griphook, on the Invisibility Cloak.

You and your friends entered Gringotts. Hermione tried to look stern and serious, just like Bellatrix; however, it looked like she was about to cry when you saw her. Ron walked behind Hermione, following her. You saw Hermione almost tripping on her own shoes.

You looked around to see the goblins who weren't paying any attention to Hermione as Bellatrix. Hermione cleared her throat, but the goblin remained unbothered. "I wish to enter my vault," Hermione told the goblin, keeping her head high and crossing her arms.

"Identification?" He asked without looking at Hermione.

Hermione scoffed. "I hardly think that would be necessary."

The goblin looked at her. "Madam Lestrange." The goblin stood straight in surprise.

"I don't like to be kept waiting," Hermione said, trying to sound as disrespectful and stern as possible.

"I know," Griphook whispered. "They know she's an impostor. They'd be warned."

"Harry..." Ron whispered. "What do we do, Harry?"

Another goblin, Bogrod, came out. "Madam Lestrange, would you mind presenting your wand?"

"And why should I do that?" Hermione asked.

"It's the bank's policy! I'm sure you understand, given the current climate."

"No! I most certainly do not understand!"

"I'm afraid I must insist."

"Oh, for Merlin's sake." You hissed. You pulled out your wand and pointed it at the goblin. "Imperio!" You whispered the spell.

Bogrod slowly smiled, which was unusual to the goblins. "Very well, Madam Lestrange. If you will follow me?"

Harry looked at you in surprise. "You just did not hesitate to cast the Imperius Curse to that goblin, huh?" He whispered.

You shrugged. "Whatever needs to get the job finish quicker." You and your friends rode a small cart on your way to Bellatrix's vault. "This is madness." You whispered.

The cart entered a waterfall, soaking all of you wet until the cart suddenly stopped. An alarm showed up, and your heart skipped until all of you suddenly fell. You were about to hit the ground, but Hermione acted quickly. "Arresto Momentum!"

You and your friends slowed down from falling and then was dropped to the ground. You stood up and dusted yourself off. "Well done, Hermione." Harry praised.

You pressed your palm against your chest. "I swore my soul just left my body for a moment there."

Harry looked at Ron and Hermione when he noticed they were both no longer disguised. "Oh no, you two are like you again."

"The Thief's Downfall," Griphook explained. "Washes away all enchantment. Can be deadly."

"You don't say." Ron scoffed. "Just out of interest, is there any other way out of here?"


"What the devil are all you doing down here? Thieves!" Bogrod was out from the curse. You widened your eyes and pointed your wand at him. The goblin turned to Griphook. "You gave up the..."

"Imperio." Ron cast the same curse you used on the goblin before he could finish his sentence. Bogrod smiled again.

You and your friends suddenly heard a noise as you all looked for Bellatrix's vault. "That doesn't sound good."

You entered a room and saw a dragon causing you to gasp loudly. "Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed softly. "It's a Ukrainian Ironbelly."

The dragon opened its eyes when the dragon felt you and your friends' presence. The dragon stood up and was about to attack the four of you. "Here," Griphook said. He pulled out a bell and started shaking it. "It's been trained to expect pain when it hears this noise."

The dragon roared in pain. "That's barbaric!" Hermione complained. You and your friends finally entered Bellatrix's vault.

"Lumos." You and your friends cast the spell, and the tip of your wands lit.

"Blimey!" Ron exclaimed as he looked around.

"Accio Horcrux!" Hermione tried, but nothing happened.

"You seem you're gonna try that one to get over here?" Ron slightly chuckled.

"No kind of magic would work in here," Griphook explained as you and your friends wandered around.

"It's in here, Harry?" You asked. "Can you feel anything?"

Harry pulled out the pocket watch he borrowed from you to see if it could help find the Horcrux. He started to roam and look around until the pocket watch showed him the direction of where the Horcrux was. He looked up, spotting the goblet as a Horcrux. "That's it! Up there!"

You snapped your head to the side when Hermione accidentally pushed down a golden cup. However, it multiplied. Ron accidentally knocked off silver plates and goblets, and they started doubling as well. "They have added the Gemino curse. Everything you touch will multiply."

Harry turned to Hermione. "Give me the sword." Hermione threw the sword of Gryffindor to Harry, and he immediately caught it. He climbed up to the mountain of flooded objects as he reached for the goblet that Voldemort made as a Horcrux.

The objects continued multiplying that Harry could barely reach the Horcrux. "Stop moving!" Hermione yelled. You nodded and stopped as Ron followed.

You watched as Harry was buried from the mountain of multiplied objects, mostly goblets. You started to panic. With a quick move, Harry burst out from the hill of goblets with the Horcrux and slid down. He fell and dropped the Horcrux, but Griphook saw the goblet and took it. "We had a deal, Griphook!" Harry yelled in anger.

"The cup for the sword!"

Harry hesitantly gave the sword to Griphook. Griphook took the sword but tossed the Horcrux somewhere for you and your friends not to find, although, to your luck, you caught it.

"I said I'll get you in. I didn't say anything about getting you out." Griphook looked at all of you sinisterly and wore an evil smirk on his face before leaving with the other goblin.

You and your friends managed to escape from the multiplying objects. You looked down and saw Griphook fleeing with the bell he kept shaking, but Bogrod stayed.

"Griphook!" Harry yelled in anger.

"Thieves!" Griphook yelled as he exited the room.

"Griphook!" Harry hissed, gripping on the railings.

"Hey, thieves!" Griphook continued to yell.

"Is that okay?" Ron asked, and then he saw Bigrod, who was imitating to shake a bell at the dragon. "We've still got Bogrod."

The dragon faced the goblin and breathed fire, burning him. You inhaled sharply. You heard Ron gulp. "That's unfortunate."

"You don't say." You replied.

The security came in and started casting spells. All of you quickly dodged and then hid. "We can't just stand here and wait!" You yelled.

"You guys got any idea?" Hermione asked.

Ron looked at Hermione in disbelief. "Don't ask us. You and (Y/n) are the brilliant ones!"

Hermione sighed. "I've got something, but it's mad!"

"Good enough for me!" You exclaimed. Hermione pointed her wand at the wooden railings. "Reducto!"

The railings were destroyed, giving you and your friends a clear pathway. Hermione stepped back and dodged some spells before jumping off and held onto the dragon, trying not to fall. "Well, come on, then!"

You and the boys looked at each other for a moment before running and jumping off onto the dragon to join Hermione. You pointed your wand at the cuffs that were keeping the dragon down. "Relashio!"

The dragon flew away with you and your friends, holding on to the dragon. The dragon almost destroyed everything, including the bank itself. You watched as goblins ran away along with the guards to protect themselves from the fire-breathing dragon. "That's a lot of casualties." You winced.

The dragon flew up on the bank's roof and stayed on the top for a while as the dragon breathed. "Now what?" Ron asked.

Hermione pointed her wand at the dragon's tail. "Reducto!"

"Hold on!" Harry yelled as the dragon flew.

"That was brilliant!!" Ron praised with a wide smile. "Absolutely brilliant!"

"Mad but brilliant!" You chuckled. As the dragon passed by the city, you noticed the view of London. A smile formed on your lips as you saw the London Eye.

"Daddy, look! I can see the Big Ben from here!"

"I can see it too, sweetheart."

"I feel like I'm on top of the world!"

"London Eye is Europe's tallest cantilevered observation wheel, sweetie. That's why you feel like you're on top of the world."

"Dad, can we visit here sometimes? I would love to come back here again."

"Sure, pumpkin. Anything for you."

"We're dropping!"

You blinked in confusion and looked everywhere. You noticed that you and your friends were somewhere near Hogwarts.

"I say we jump!"

You snapped your head towards Ron in surprise. "What?"

"When?" Hermione asked.

"Now!" Harry ordered. Without any second thought, all of you jumped off from the dragon and landed on the sea.

"Dad, I want you to be in on my wedding!"

"Pumpkin, you're just five, and now you're thinking about marriage?"

"I'm just saying. You'll be there, right, dad?"

"Of course I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it."

"I love you, dad!"

"I love you 3000."

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