34 | a distinct memory like no other

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As I woke up, I struggled to recollect my memories, because I don't remember falling asleep at all. In fact I don't remember anything past the point of being lifted up by a tall dark alien and having the breath squeezed out of me by its fist. Contrary to the morning sunrise, the abandoned factory I was held captive inside felt darker than anywhere I had been before. The windows were mostly boarded up with graffiti painted on both sides and the distinct smell of urine and damp mold filled the air. Though I presumed I was the only one here, the rapid beating of my heart was echoing in my ears.

I was hyper aware of my surroundings, the drips of old rainwater creating puddles on the cold cement ground, the musty smell wafting through the air. I saw the dust particles float in the streaks of sunlight pouring through the gaps of the wood covering the windows and the crisp cool temperature made goosebumps appear along my arms.

A muffled scrape of what sounded like a footstep echoed through the large room I was in, causing me to shuffle back along the ground on my butt, hands and feet. It wasn't until I was back to back with the wall behind me that I felt how fast my chest was rising and falling as I hyperventilated, staring into the shadows anticipating the alien to emerge from the black.

"Ple- Please help me..." a disheveled looking man stuttered as he limped towards me, falling to his knees several metres in front of me.

I couldn't find the words to say, nor use those words in a cohesive sentence to this poor man. I was a bumbling idiot trying to understand where he came from, if he was hurt, where the alien had taken him from and where that alien was right now.

"He- He's inside me," he cried, his hands shaking as I stepped back in shock.

"Who is? Who is inside you?" I asked worriedly.

"I don't want to hurt you, I- I'm so sorry," he sobbed, staring down at his hands as they appeared to turn black, with it growing up his arms.

Before my eyes the man turned from human to alien, growing tall above me in the figure of a man but not quite. It was much larger than a man, seven foot at least and it's limbs were much thicker. The aliens eyes were solid white without pupils and its large salivating mouth had rows of sharp shark like teeth.

"Oh how I missed you," it growled, getting down onto its knees in front of me as I backed myself into a corner and screwed my eyes shut.

I couldn't bare to look at it, I didn't want to watch it tear my limbs off before devouring my head like so many others in New York City before me. I was beyond shocked and surprised that it spoke English but it's spine chillingly deep voice shook me to my core.

As I held my knees to my chest and hugged them tightly in fear, I felt its wet sloppy tongue press against the side of my face and lick from my jaw to my temple.

"Now tell me, where's Peter Parker?" It growled, the aliens tongue flicking out of its mouth menacingly to show off its sharp teeth I presumed.

Those same sharp teeth that were inches from my face were the ones that decapitating so many innocent New York citizens. The same ones that shredded peoples skin off the bone like a Christmas ham and left children headless like unloved Barbie dolls. I couldn't fight my back the tears that fell down onto my cheeks, deathly scared of my inevitable demise.

"Please do not cry, seeing you sad makes me remorseful," the alien whined, it's voice so deep and dark that it was hard to find even the slightest bit of sympathy in its words.

"H-how can you feel anything like that when you've kidnapped me and- And kidnapped that man's body who you're taking advantage of!" I tried to snap back, although my voice was shaky and reeked with fear.

The alien gripped me with its large hands around each of my arms, lifting me in my cradled position and placing me gently underneath its arm. It or maybe a he, seemed as if it was trying to be somewhat calming towards me, showing me behaviours that in any other situation would be considered nurturing.

"This is why I need Peter Par-" the alien spoke before being cut off by a loud smash from one of the ceiling windows. Glass fell from the roof as a familiar blue and red spandex clad man dropped down amongst the shattered shards.

"Peter Parker, yeah yeah we get it. I'm here now, so let her go Venom," Peter scoffed as he landed in his infamous 'superhero' pose.

I had never felt such a large wave of relief rush over myself. Seeing Peter in his Spider-Man suit was my sign that everything would be okay after all. The Avengers had fought Chitauri aliens in New York before, and they conquered Thanos in space; so surely Peter could defeat a black alien monster made of shape shifting slime.

The alien he referred to as 'Venom' dropped me from its grip almost instantly, standing up to meet his match with an eager yet power stricken grin. Peter flipped into the air and shot a string of webbing towards me, as fast as a bullet. It stuck to my chest and pulled me towards him which winded me in the process as I struggled to catch my breath. As he caught me, he gripped my neck to support it against his shoulder as we shot up into the air, through the same ceiling hole in which he came.

I screwed my eyes shut, feeling the wind rush past us as we flew through the sky, and I realised why Peter held my neck with his hand - to make sure I didn't get whiplash from all the different directions we were being pulled into. We finally landed on solid ground and Peter told me that we were safe.

Oh boy was I wrong... He had landed on top of a crane. The top of a fucking crane!

"I have to leave you here for a second but I promise I'll come back, okay?" Peter said assuringly, walking backwards along the horizontal metal arm of the crane.

"Peter I-I can't stay here," I whimpered, gripping the pole next to me as tightly as I could as I felt my legs shake with fear.

He didn't respond, he just held underneath my arms and lowered me down onto the metal grate of the ladder cage to sit down safely. I heard a kiss sound as he pressed his masked face to my forehead, before he ran along the length of the crane arm. I watched as he leapt off of it, his arms outstretched as he soared gracefully through the air. And with a few shots of webbing, he disappeared back into the abandoned factory.

To stop myself from freaking further I tried to think logically as Dr. Shao always said. He said that when I felt anxious I should think of my 5 senses to help calm me down and switch my brain from left side to right. Or right to left, I'm not sure.

Okay Y/N, just focus on these simple little grounding tips. First I just need to count one thing I can taste, which is fucking nothing because my mouth is so incredibly dry from my nerves. Now for two things I can smell. The first is the salt in the air from the river down below, and the smell of garbage; also from the river down below.

Three things I can hear, the wind whistling in my ears and making me freeze my tits off? Seriously, my fingers have never been colder than this moment. I can hear the faint echo of a siren and I guess I can hear my heartbeat. There's not much else up here. Four things I can feel? The crane pole I'm gripping with my fucking life, the metal grate digging into my ass, the cold fucking air? And one more... Um, I feel my pulse flowing through my extremities.

Last one, five things I can see...

One, an abandoned factory that has a deadly murderous space alien inside of it. Two, the water of the Hudson River below me that I most certainly would die from if I hit it from this height. Three, a plane in the sky that contained passengers that wouldn't be able to see a woman stranded on a commercial cargo shipping container crane. Four, shipping containers that would be unpacked by freight workers who would find my exploded body if I fell from the crane. Five, Peter swinging back up towards me.

Thank fucking god because that five senses bullshit did not help in calming me down whatsoever.

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