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You had been hoping something came up on the way to the restaurant as Hange drove you to the place where the date was scheduled, but you were there before you knew it.

Hange had put in neutral right in front of the entrance and you were slumped in your seat, looking out the window blankly. Noticing you had been taking a long time to get off, Hange looked back and smiled lightly as they reached their arm back and placed their hand on your knee.

That was able to knock you off of your thoughts and you turned your head to look at her. "Y/n, you know you can leave in 30 minutes. Just give it a chance" They said with soft eyes, and you held gazes with them for a couple of seconds before you sighed and nodded, still feeling resignation with a mix of resolve inside you.

"Okay, fine. But, don't go too far, okay?" You said as you began to gather your things and put them in your purse, keeping eye contact with Hange. You were trying to keep things light at the very least, trying to see the better side to this.

Not wanting you to doubt it, they nodded with a gentle smile. That alone was able to give you the last bit of courage you had been hoping surfaced at some point to give you strength, and you were glad Hange gave you that leap of faith you needed.

"Of course, just call and I'll come to your rescue " They said with a laugh. You looked at them for a few seconds, inhaling deeply, you let it out, and before you could change your mind and second-guess this whole thing, you opened the door of the car and stepped out. Your heels hit the ground and you shut the door behind you.

You looked back into the car's window and saw Hange giving you two thumbs up, making you huff out a reluctant and hesitant smile back at them. That was your cue to start making your way inside. From what you understood, the date was on the top floor of a restaurant that overlooked the city, so that's where you were headed.

After making your way across the halls of the building's lobby, you reached the elevator, but the ride up was dreadful. Every ding of each floor you passed made your anxiety highten and rise, but you swallowed your pride and watched as the digital monitor on the elevator showed the numbers of the floors continued to rise after you'd pressed the one you were headed to.

After reaching the floor, you got off and began to walk towards the doors of the restaurant that had a big sign above it with the name of it.

Your heart was racing and you'd pulled out your phone in the elevator, so you were now holding it in your grasp as you came and were soon startled by an employee of the restaurant who suddenly came rushing to you, visibly anxious, making you stop in your steps and look at him with wide eyes. Was he okay? He looked incredibly out of sorts.

"Excuse me, miss. We're completely booked right now. I'm very sorry" The restaurant employee said, looking horribly on edge and apologetic as he rushed to tell you. His words left you puzzled.

By the looks of it ,you began to glance around, the restaurant looked pretty much empty, save for a guy across the room who had his back to you and was sitting in one of the booths, and not only that but this was also the address you were told the restaurant was at.

Maybe you got it wrong? That can't be right. "A customer arrived earlier having previously booked the entire restaurant," He said, and your eyebrows raised in surprise at this.

"Are you serious?" You asked the employee and they nodded with a bit of what looked like fear behind their eyes, but you pushed that thought back. Did Grisha tell this guy it was your birthday today? Unbelievable.

Is this why he wanted you to give this date a chance so badly? Well, you were here already. Maybe you should just go on and get this over with already. Too much had been arranged already, and you couldn't leave now, could you?

You crossed your arms and looked back at the employee. "The customer that booked the restaurant was a guy, right? I'm his guest" You pointed out, and the employee gaped as the realization dawned on him. He was quick to step aside and let you inside.

You noticed the employee looked incredibly tense and fidgety. Why was he so nervous? He was practically shaking in place.

"Let me show you to your table, then. I'm very sorry, right this way" He apologized and he began to walk further into the restaurant, with you swiftly following behind him.

He stopped when the two of you reached a velvet rope that separated the waiting area from the actual restaurant. But for some reason you couldn't shake off the feeling inside you that something was off, but you pushed it out of your mind.

The employee detached one side of the rope and held it open on one side for you to pass through. He extended his arm, gesturing over to the table where the single customer who had his back to you was sitting, which you could only assume was your blind date.

"Right this way, miss," The employee said, and you sent him a grateful smile and began making your way across the restaurant, over to the booth where the man was sitting in.

From your perspective, all you could see from this man was how his hair was styled in an undercut, he had very sleek and dark hair that had a certain shine to it thanks to the sun pouring in from the open windows.

All you could see was the back of his head, so you couldn't make out what he looked like just yet. But you couldn't believe this whole space, one as huge as this restaurant, was booked by a single person. It was empty beside him.

However, it did sound like something the men that Grisha found for you would do, so you shouldn't be surprised if you thought about it that way.

The closer and closer you got to the booth, the more intrigued you became about what this man looked like, that you moved your head slightly to the side to peek, but still couldn't catch a glimpse. This was beginning to feel like some part of a really weird joke. None of this felt right to you, if you were being honest.

But, what you could see is that he was holding up a newspaper that he seemed to be very engaged in and immersed in it.

So much that he didn't even notice when you came around the corner and began to get closer and closer to the table to sit in the seat in front of him. He seemed to be really engrossed in the newspaper, and looked completely oblivious to your approaching presence.

You huffed out a small laugh when you continued to get closer and he didn't notice your presence. He must be really into that newspaper, then.

You didn't know people your age still read those, so you didn't judge too much. You still tried to make it a friendly conversation starter to try and break the ice a little and hopefully, it started this outright and it wouldn't be as miserable.

You knew what to expect, right? From all the dates Grisha has put you on, you were predisposed. It can only go up from here, right? "I didn't think people our age still read newspapers.

You seem to be really into it, though," You ventured as you finally got to the booth this man was sitting in, and you sat in the seat right in front of him. You couldn't see his face, though. Has he not noticed you yet?

He was still holding the newspaper up, and the only thing you could see was hints of his hair above the paper that appeared to be sleek and pitch black, he also seemed to have pale skin from the way you could see his hands holding the paper on the edges, but other than that, nothing. A complete mystery.

He also hasn't responded or moved at all from your attempts at small talk or even you sitting down right in front of him. Either way, you wanted to set things straight from the get-go and let him know what you expected out of this.

As for the man himself, Levi had noticed your presence the moment you sat down but he was confused too. And annoyed. He thought he had rented out this entire place so he wouldn't have to interact with anyone and just have a meal and some tea. By himself.

He didn't understand why some woman sat in front of him all of a sudden trying to talk. He lowered his newspaper to be right below his eyes, so his icy gaze peeked from above the paper, piercing the air between the two of you, making the space suddenly turn a lot colder.

He noticed you were looking away the moment he lowered the paper just a bit, revealing part of his face. He watched and listened silently as you spoke, and he already knew you were expecting him to say something back.

"Okay, so I'll say my peace first. You should know that I'm practically married to my work, I dedicate all of my time to it," You started, having no idea that the man in front of you was already looking at you with an obvious displeasure on his face.

Either way, you continued, adding one last thing that he should be aware of, especially after whatever Grisha must've told him this was, and raising his hopes.

"Great. I didn't ask," The guy said behind his newspaper and you blinked, your words getting caught up in your throat.

You paused for a second and tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, and maybe you came in too strong. So you wanted to add just one last thing that you wanted this guy to keep in mind, since you weren't looking for anything to come out of this.

"And another thing, I have no interest in men or looking for a relationship-" You started, but your words got caught in your throat when you heard paper rustling, so you turned your head forward, to see the man closing his newspaper, putting it away and finally revealing his appearance to you.

You froze, not being able to tear your eyes away even if you tried. What was happening? You genuinely felt like your heart skipped a beat without you meaning to, even if he was glaring.

No words came out because they were stuck in your throat. Your eyes were fixated on him, and how handsome he is. He had a very nice suit ensemble put on, that was able to highlight and bring out his physical attributes a lot. "...right now" You concluded as a mutter, as your voice finally cooperated and let you finish your sentence.

He was unlike any guy Grisha had paired you up with, being strikingly handsome, even with the scowl he had on his face. He was so breathtaking you began to wonder if he was your date, but you brushed it off. You couldn't help but analyze and take in every bit of his appearance, mentally hoping that he didn't notice.

His striking, icy steel eyes that were burning into you and that looked like would pierce into anything they looked at, his black hair that fell over his eyes, fair skin that added even more to his sharp facial features, broad shoulders, muscles that moved a flexed against his clothing as he put the newspaper away, making you notice that he was very well built, and his entire physical appearance left you at a complete loss for a moment.

You were trying to compose yourself and not let him notice that you had let yourself be distracted like that. But you brought yourself back down to Earth. You couldn't deny he was very attractive, but you still stood by what you said and tried to remind yourself why you were here in the first place.

You gulped and cleared your throat as you adjusted yourself in your chair, briefly looking away. You could feel his eyes still glaring at you, making you slightly uncomfortable.

It was exhausting trying to hold his gaze. You watched as he broke eye contact with you and looked to the side as he folded his newspaper and placed it next to him, placing a hand over it.

He exhaled and looked back up, with the glare never having left his features. He looked very irritated and with a look on his face that was border lining a scowl. You were about to speak up, but he beat you to it and his eyes narrowed further.

"What do I care if you're married to your work? Your personal life doesn't concern me. Do what you want for all I care. It doesn't concern me" Levi said icily as his face stayed the same and from that you knew he was serious.

Your eyes widened a fraction as you straightened up and your eyebrows rose a little, almost taken aback by his words, and by how straightforward he is. You tilted your head to the side and began to wonder to yourself. Grisha sure knows how to pick 'em, huh? You didn't let it affect you, though. It wasn't anything you hadn't been through before.

"Do you share your personal information and everything about you with every person you meet? Seems irresponsible" He said dismissively as his glare remained, and you looked at him incredulously, blinking a couple of times to try and figure him out. Where did Grisha find this guy? Where does he know him from?

You'd try to connect the dots yourself, given that you weren't given much to work with. You didn't share anything about yourself too quickly, did you? You were just setting the record straight from the beginning since you knew what you wanted out of this. But he seemed a bit...lost, behind all that glaring. He was really...something.

You let out a laugh as you leaned back against your seat, not breaking eye contact. Something about him makes you feel as if you've seen him before, but nothing in your head indicates when or where. You didn't dwell too much on it, but if you couldn't remember, maybe he did. So you wanted to ask.

"Did we know each other before this? Maybe we went to the same school? Same university?" You inquired, but Levi continued to look at you blankly as his features remained unchanged.

It was becoming harder to figure him out. You began to wonder if you'd ever been in the same place and never saw him. But he was very quick to shut that hypothesis down before you could elaborate.

"Not likely," He countered with irritation, his voice remaining eerily monotone and uninterested. Your eyebrows furrowed for a second, but then another lightbulb went off in your head as another possibility popped up in your head.

"Did we ever go out before?" You asked again, genuinely trying to remember if he was a guy you met once, that Grisha has talked about you to him about but you don't and your mind just blocked him out for some reason.

But it seems like you were wrong again. "Pretty sure you'd remember me. Not sure I'd remember you, though" He added as he tilted his head to the side and lightly cleared his throat, and your eyes widened as you suddenly felt the need to scoff.

You stared at him for a few seconds, as your eyes hardened and you tried to figure out how Grisha must've found him and convinced him to do it. What was his problem? Why did Grisha insist so much that you went out with him if this was what he's like?

As your mind felt like it couldn't place him anywhere in your brain or any of your memories, you sighed and sat up in your seat as your face suddenly became more serious.

You had been trying to be a little more understanding if this was someone you knew and your mind had been playing tricks on you by letting their face or voice slip from your memory, but you couldn't ignore from the beginning how put off you were with how blunt and downright arrogant he is.

Did this guy have any manners at all? "Well, you're just lovely, aren't you? Are you always this charming with everyone you meet or am I just special?" You quipped as you leaned back against your chair and crossed your arms, trying to match his glare and stare right back at him with the same intensity.

Though, he didn't waste any time in firing back. "If you think this is me being charming, you have a rude awakening coming" He glowered as his eyes never left yours.

After that, now you know for a fact you weren't imagining his eyes narrowing further and darkening with what seemed like deep displeasure and anger.

You watched carefully, still not breaking eye contact, as he leaned his body forward in his seat, keeping one of his arms lying over the booth.

"Must be high up on that pedestal, huh?" You muttered as you looked off to the side for a second, but it seems like he definitely heard your words because you turned your head back to him and his glare was more intense than ever. Like you, he looked completely fed up.

"Humans and people like you...are all insignificant to me. Don't bother staying here any longer, the door is wide open" He snapped, in a voice that seemed to have dropped octaves, sending chills down your body. But you remained with a blank face on the outside, even if his response did incite a feeling of uneasiness inside you. Yep, this was just as much of a bad idea as you thought.

He leaned back in his seat and you were left looking at him in shock, with your mouth slightly agape, and with genuine surprise. You feel the need to fire something right back at him, but you don't want to give him the satisfaction. This was supposed to be a date and it was going in the exact opposite direction.

This guy's a nutjob, isn't he? A handsome one, a part of your mind said, but a nutjob nonetheless. You looked at him for a few seconds again, trying to see what thoughts were behind those eyes.

Though, you could already guess what they were. You've already had enough of this date to last a lifetime. You knew it was a bad idea from the start. The way he was looking at you, with a smirk threatening to tug at his lips knowing he'd gotten to you made your veins course with annoyance.

"Screw this, I'm out. Nothing's worth this" You mumbled under your breath as you scoffed, grabbed your purse, slid your chair out, and stood up. You began to walk away and heard the rustling of paper behind you, which told you without turning around, that the guy was going right back to what he was doing before, unaffected.

But, the buzzing of your phone in your hand suddenly made you stop walking entirely. You raised your phone to your face, unlocked it, and suddenly felt the need to groan inwardly as you saw that it was a text from Grisha. He must be out of his procedure already, then. He must want to know how it's going.

Grisha: I kept my end of the deal. You better be doing it too.

You looked at the message and you bit back a groan as you ran a hand lightly back through your hair, not taking your eyes off the text. You were doing this for him, you'd forgotten that entirely. He did the check-up like he promised, so it's only fair you met your end of the bargain, wasn't it? But why did you have to put up with this guy for another second?

Suddenly, all the past dates you've had in the past flashed through your mind, reminding you exactly why you shouldn't stay. You recalled all the terrible men you've met who either talked about how much money they had, how much they hoped that they got work for Grisha, or inappropriate comments about you the moment you walked in and sat down.

Most of the time it was all opportunities to get closer to a bigger job and not get to know you or even see if there was something to pursue. Even if this guy was any different, he was still incredibly unpleasant and you were tired of going through this over and over again.

He doesn't want any part of this date anymore so why should you stay? You were just wasting your time, but you knew that Grisha would ask how it went and you wouldn't be able to lie to him about having stayed through the entire date. But then you remembered a very important detail.

30 minutes. That was it. You didn't have to stay any longer than that, and you could leave this experience behind entirely after that. Just 30 minutes. You could do that, right? It would go by before you knew it, at least you hoped. Ignoring him, or at leas trying to, seemed like a solid plan.

You exited your messages app and went directly to the timer app on your phone, quickly setting up a timer that would end in exactly 30 minutes and no more than that. Pressing start, you inhaled deeply and braced yourself for what you were about to do. You were despising every second of this.

You swiftly turned back around, putting on an indifferent look on your face, ignoring not only every voice in your head telling you to leave but also Levi's look on his face as he raised an eyebrow and he looked up from the newspaper he had gone back to reading, eyeing you suspiciously and with confusion. Why were you sitting back down? Didn't he make it clear that he didn't want any company?

His eyes narrowed and hair fell over his face as he watched you sit down again, put your phone face down on the table, silently watching you as he genuinely tried to comprehend what was happening. He held his newspaper with one hand, and his other arm was stretched out across the booth. He noticed how your demeanor had changed completely from before.

Before you, were trying to make conversation which was confusing enough for Levi because he didn't know you and wanted nothing more than to be alone like he'd planned, but now you'd sat back down, put your leg over the other and looked off in another direction, leaving Levi to force himself to wonder what you were doing and thinking now. If he didn't make it clear before, he will now.

"Did I stutter? I said the door's open" He snapped, and you gave him a defiant smile. "Yeah I know. But I'm not going to let you ruin my mood more than it's already been tarnished" You said, watching his reaction carefully as you decided you would hold your own the best you could, looking away briefly to adjust yourself in your seat. Then, you heard him scoff and your head turned to look up again.

"Yeah, good luck with that" He muttered as he began to reach back for his newspaper, but not quite going back to read it yet. He had something weighing on his mind ever since you sat down and he would not let his thoughts run wild like that. He wanted peace and quiet and this was the exact opposite of that.

Levi sighed with exasperation, as he put a hand on the bridge for a second before he set his newspaper down yet again. He began to shift uncomfortably in his seat, with irritation boiling in his veins as he prepared to speak once again; "I don't know if you weren't aware, but I booked this entire restaurant to myself. To have a quiet meal. You know, the kind without anyone else and without distractions? This isn't some sort of social gathering" He snapped it couldn't have been clearer than that. You turned to look at him and put your hands one over the other on your crossed knees.

You sent him a sickly-sweet smile and responded; "Good for you. At least you got the 'scaring away everyone around' part down, not to mention the silent treatment," You said with a hint of bitterness, Levi's tongue pressed against the inside of his mouth as he fought back the need to say something else to you, but somehow he knew it'd be futile. You weren't pursuing this anyway.

You were insufferable. Scaring you into leaving didn't work and you were confused about where you were. He'd just have to put up with it for now then, as much as it bothered him and every bone in his body.

Both of you had no idea what the other's purpose was and what was holding you both there. While you knew why you were there, he didn't know why you were there'

"Why are you here? There are plenty of other places to go. Why do you keep tormenting me?" Levi pressed as he leaned in closer to the table, trying to see what you were getting at from staying here taking away his precious time alone. He truly didn't get it. What was so hard to understand? Where did you even come from?

You couldn't let the scoff that was begging to come out when you heard him say that. Why was he acting like he didn't choose and accept being here in the first place? Not that the feeling wasn't mutual, but why was he so insistent in wanting you gone?

"And miss out on your delightful personality? I would never" You shot back, feeling like this guy was getting on your last nerve more than any other guy you've met with. You couldn't even pretend to be remotely interested.

Levi just looked at you with wide eyes, not being able to process what was happening. What's with this hardcore nutjob of a woman? He thought that to himself, completely frozen, as he genuinely tried to figure out what was wrong with you and what was keeping you here of all places.

Not just in the restaurant but at his table, right in front of him. "I don't think you can judge what's delightful. I would recommend a therapist on your way out" He said and you narrowed your eyes at him, matching his.

"I don't think I'm the one who needs therapy" You scoffed. But, Levi just continued to look at you in a way he couldn't even place himself, but you were just so odd. He couldn't figure you out at all, not that he needed to because he didn't think that after this you and him would ever cross paths again, so a big part of him felt like he shouldn't waste his breath and his time.

The way you were just briskly looking to the side, without a care in the world, was setting something off inside him. And not a good feeling. Why couldn't he get rid of you like he normally does with any other person who bothers him like this? Its not like he was holding you hostage here, you chose to sit down and stay.

He's also never had anyone speak back to him like that either. Usually, when he does deals and appears into people's sight, they shrink in fear and confusion, trying to wonder where he came from, who he was, and it was all because of the image he puts up and upholds.

And even now, he walked in after he booked the restaurant and the employee almost jumped out of his skin when he saw him and realized Levi was the one responsible for booking the place. The employee didn't even have it in him to verify the reservation and just let Levi walk right in. but you? Nothing.

Every human he meets buckles down in fear whenever he tries to assert his power and simply show intimidation, but it isn't working on you. Not even close. He had no energy to deal with anyone right now, so, with no other option, Levi would just pay no mind to you.

If his patience allowed him to do so for long enough. He was perfectly happy ignoring you, and you wanted to do the same. The challenge would be to see how long that would last.

But the tension that was raging in the top restaurant, it was a stark contrast to the peace and quiet that your actual date was feeling, given that he was, ironically enough, waiting for you in another restaurant, located on the ground floor of the building you were currently in, right by the lobby.

The guy was sitting down at a two-person table, with an empty chair right in front of him. Not realizing that his date would most likely not be coming, he waited in his seat as he flipped through the pages of the menu he was holding.

There was soft classical music playing in the background, and people softly chatting away about their problems and topics. It was a relatively peaceful restaurant, in comparison to the almost empty one at the top, which ironically seemed to be oozing with tension and awkwardness.

As he flipped a page and stumbled upon the page of the main courses and the drinks, finding something that he liked, he raised a hand in the air without looking up as he kept his eyes on the menu, calling over one of the nearby waitresses that had been walking past him.

"Excuse me?" The man called, and the waitress was knocked out of her thoughts and she realized the man in his seat was talking to her.

She had been holding a jug of water that she had been refilling for tables that had run out, holding a trivet under it. "Yes?" The waitress inquired as she walked over to stand in front of him, but the guy was still not looking at her. He pointed to two of the dishes he found on the menu and looked up at her to say exactly what he wanted.

They were also ridiculously expensive dishes, and this guy ordered them knowing who was paying. "I'd like these two dishes, please," He said as he raised the menu a bit so the woman could see which dish he meant, already ordering something for you.

The waitress looked at it and nodded, keeping it in mind. "Anything else?" She asked, and the guy quickly darted his eyes back to the menu, to the drinks section, and then looked back up at the waitress as he knew exactly what he wanted.

"Please bring over your strongest and most expensive wine, as well. Thank you" He said, and the woman nodded with a professional smile as she prepared to have all of that brought out for him. "Of course, sir. Right away" The woman said as she turned around and walked away, leaving the man to himself once again.

He looked back down at the menu he was holding and continued to flip through it to see if anything else caught his eye for later. But as he flipped to the last page of the menu, he had been told there had been a small summarized profile of you at the end.

It included everything your date needed to know and Grisha gave this to every guy he set you up with so that they knew a little bit about you beforehand.

"Y/n.." The guy muttered your name out loud as his eyes trailed over the details of your profile. It had everything. Birthplace, birthday, height, occupation, hobbies, and it even mentioned at the bottom of the page that you lost your parents at 10 years old when they were in a car crash, and you were adopted and taken in by Grisha Jaeger shortly after, the chairman of the Eldia Group Family. It had absolutely everything about you, and this man was already forming his opinions about you.

Not that you'd ever have to meet him. You knew that a part of these dates was never truly about finding your 'perfect match' because it was all for business away when Grisha pulled stuff like this.

He may want you to find someone but went about it all wrong. It pushed you away from wanting to date anybody, and made you focus more on your work to avoid these dates at all costs.

The first time you caught the guy you were on a date with looking at one of those every couple minutes, you straight up walked out and left him there, not caring what Grisha said after. You felt insulted and disrespected and it's another reason why you dreaded going to these and putting a time limit from then on.

Meanwhile, back in the restaurant, you were still sitting with your 'date' and there had been a lot of glaring on one side and ignoring on the other.

The tension was there but neither of you seemed to care, and your clock continued to pass on your phone as you counted the minutes and the seconds down in your head for this to be over. Soon enough, food was ordered, and the dishes for both of you arrived since a waiter had come out and asked if you wanted anything. Now, the two of you were sitting in silence.

You were eating, as both of your utensils scraped against the plates and the sounds echoed in the void that the room had become.

As the two of you ate, you kept raising your gaze every once in a while and stealing glances at the guy who you still had no idea what his name was. But that was also on you, you weren't sure if it was necessary. He didn't want to know anything about you, just as much as you knew that you'd never see him again.

Every time you snuck glances at him while you were cutting your food, you studied his facial features to see if you could read him at all. But nothing. His face has remained the same and expressionless the entire time, so you decided to give up on that quickly.

You tried to push down your frustration, wishing he knew this was just as much torture for you as it was for him and you didn't even want to be here in the first place.

But there was one time when you had looked up, and he did too at the same time, making you quickly shrink back a bit with embarrassment as he glared at you further and his eyes narrowed further.

He dropped his utensils, leaned back in his seat and ran a hand back through his dark raven hair, making his bangs quickly fall back onto his eyes as he exhaled an exasperated breath.

You tried to look away but you still felt his eyes on you, and not wavering whatsoever, you chuckled awkwardly and avoided eye contact with him, adjusting yourself in your seat, aimlessly moving around some pieces of food on your plate.

You looked back at him and noticed he was tapping his fingers on the table with clear annoyance in his entire demeanor. You were making it so hard to ignore you.

You said the first thing that came to mind, trying to smooth over your mistake. "Um, I just noticed that you have a very youthful spirit. What's your secret?" You said with the most convincing smile you could muster, cursing yourself for stumbling over your words, but you were deeply embarrassed and hoped you could quickly make up for it.

Levi simply rolled his eyes, leaned back away from his plate and replied, leaving you surprised he did and didn't continue for this interaction to remain as it has for the last few minutes. But you still should have expected what he would say next.

"None of your business," He said,  throwing in an assertive manner the napkin he had in his hands before. "Don't try to avoid this anymore. Tell me the truth. Why won't you tell me why you're here? You're not here to eat because you've barely touched the food on your plate," He pointed out, having his eyes dart down briefly to your plate, which in turn made you look down and realize that you haven't eaten as much as you thought.

You looked back up at him and saw that the look on his face said that he wanted answers. "Do you own the place or something? I'm here to be a paying customer just like you" You said as his glare met yours, and you saw how the muscles in his hands began to tense as he stretched them out a bit.

"If I did, I would've kicked you out by now" He said as he grabbed his glass of water and took a gulp of it, quickly setting it back down after, and moving his eyes to look back up at you.

Many seconds of silence passed as the air grew uncomfortably thick. You weren't ruining this for him another second, as much as he tried to pay no mind to you, you were making it impossible with every word you spit out.

"Look, I couldn't care less who you are. Why do you insist on staying here? I don't know you, you don't me. It doesn't make sense. Why don't you pick a different restaurant to haunt with your presence" He continued to argue, and you sighed as you realized you had no way of coming out of this without explaining this to him, still not understanding why since you thought he'd be informed of what this is, but you'd explain why you hadn't left before when you stood up and were about to leave, having reached your limit.

You sighed and decided you were just going to come out and say it. It would probably tone done a lot of his animosity towards you. "I was going to leave before, but I'm staying 30 minutes to be polite and give this a chance," You said simply, stabbing a piece of food with your fork and putting it in your mouth.

Levi's eyebrows furrowed and was only getting more confused, and he didn't know anything more than he did before. "Right now I'm just sitting here waiting to see how long you can sulk in your seat" You shrugged as you chewed your food.

"Polite? To who? Not to me. You're being annoying, unbearable and rude just by staying in that chair. Not to mention you're the one who's sulking waiting for this to be over. What's your deal? I just wanted some peace and quiet" Levi said blankly and you inhaled deeply as you ignored his words and put them aside, trying not to let your emotions rise. Just a couple more minutes.

"So do I, but we can't all get what we want" You said icily and looked down at your phone, flipped it over to see the screen for a moment and you realized that the timer was almost over. You wouldn't have to see him ever again after this, so there was no point in firing back at him.

So you swallowed the thoughts that were fighting to come out and swallowed your food to answer instead. You put your utensils down on your plate and looked up at him.

"Is this the first time anyone's ever not put up with what you say to them? I'm just matching your energy and  reflecting bad behavior back towards you, and your lack of basic human decency" You continued, toning down slightly the words in your head that you originally wanted to say.

You watched as he simply rolled his eyes. He had given up on trying to ask why you were here because you were avoiding it every time he asked. "I don't think you get to have a say in that," He fired back, crossing his arms in front of him.

"Really? Isn't that how scared the entire staff away? The waiter's hands were practically shaking when he brought over the food" You pointed out as you remembered how the plates in his hands were rattling on the poor man's way over to the table.

"I do myself a favor. There's less useless chatter and nonsense when I want to eat." He stated, but there was still something reeling and running through your head.

But the reason you were so reluctant to answer before, was because you didn't feel the need to explain something he already knew. It felt pointless to waste your breath. But your next words started to give Levi hints of what this was all about.

You observed his facial language to see if you could catch any reaction that he had from what you said, but once again, you saw nothing and you decided to move on to something else that needed to be settled before this was over and done for good.

You grabbed a napkin and wiped off your mouth gently with it and put it to the side. "I know we're not each other's favorite person right now-" You started but you were cut off with a scoff and a chuckle. "I'll say," He muttered as an incredulous look crossed his features.

You looked at him for a second and rolled your eyes, dismissing his comment. You just wanted this to be over and never see him ever again, or do these dates for that matter, no matter what Grisha said.

You let out a huff and began speaking again. "As I was saying, we should probably come up with reasons as to why this didn't work out" You started, but then noticed how the guy in front of you was completely disinterested, just tracing his fork around his empty plate, clearly not listening to a word you were saying.

But you didn't have enough energy left to care, so you continued. "You could say..." You trailed off, looking up into the air and trying to come up with something. It had to be something Grisha would believe, just enough to not set you up on another one of these for a long time. Or ever.

Then, you came up with something. "Just say that we just didn't really click, and there was no point in pursuing it anymore. That's simple enough, right?" You said, trying to tone down the tension and actually try to find a good conclusion to this, but it seems that Levi reached his limit.

He said as he slammed his hand assertively, not too hard, but just enough to get you know that he was pissed and annoyed. His actions not only made you flinch slightly in surprise but also made everything else on the table rattle.

"Why are you doing this to me? Just forget about your stupid timer and leave, I was trying to be civil but I'm not the one who's crashing someone else's dinner?" He said and you tilted your head to the side at what he meant by crashing his dinner.

He has been referring to it as that for a while, talking as if he had no expectation of you coming in the first place. "You think I want to do this? I'm just following orders, this isn't how I want to spend my afternoon, believe me" You said as you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and crossed your arms.

Levi raised an eyebrow at what you meant and his eyebrows furrowed. What were you talking about? Orders from who? If that was the case, this was clearly one sided and he had no idea about it. He had no clue what was going on and he was getting more and more irritated.

"I can't defy a single thing, and I have to do things like this against my will. Believe it or not, this isn't the first time that I've had to do this" You said as if Levi was supposed to know, but now he was more confused than ever. His head was jumbled as he tried to piece what you were saying together, but he couldn't think of anything that led to what this might be all about.

Levi leaned forward a little, and leaned his forearms on his thighs as he got closer and was now desperate to get answers. The faster he got answers, the quicker you'd leave. And it would also let his mind be at ease at last since the moment you sat down.

"Who the hell are you?" Levi asked as he realized that even if he didn't think he would ever encounter you again in his life, after all of this, there must be a reason you're here and your name would be the first clue to it.

When he asked that, you began to ponder how he didn't know who you are if Grisha must've told him already before this, but you would still introduce yourself anyway.

You figured it'd be a good next step towards formalities and such, even if it's just for this occasion, a look of a realization came to your features and you sent him a smile. For his case, he wanted to know who you were in case he missed something, who you were supposed to be and why you were here at all, and as for you, you wanted to know who he was simply for introductory principles.

"Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I guess we should introduce ourselves properly, shouldn't we?" You said breathily as you turned to your side and began to ruffle through your purse, not realizing how Levi was staring at you with caution and with a look on his face that said that he couldn't place anything that was unfolding in front of him.

You eventually pulled out your business card from your purse and held it between two fingers as you handed it to him. He stared at you, with his eyes going back and forth a few times between you and the card before he finally took it.

He held it in his hands and looked down, reading the details to see what you were all about. So, apparently, you were a CEO of a company based on fashion and beauty, and after reading the rest of the contents of the card, nothing rang a bell. At all.

"Y/n L/n?" He said with the tone of a question at the end, trying to piece in his brain if he's ever heard it before. He racked his mind, but he came out with nothing.

Before he could continue to try and remember, he looked to the corner of his eye and saw that you had extended your hand out, waiting to be handed something. And Levi assumed you wanted it back.

He huffed as he looked up at you and saw that you had an expectant look on your face, so he attempted to hand your card back to you but you retracted your hand. Levi looked at you strangely. Did you not want it back?

"Give me yours too," You said as you extended your hand again, and Levi exhaled for what felt like the thousandth time and rolled his eyes. "I'm not like you. I'm not so eager to share my personal information with just anyone I meet" He said, recalling how you started this whole thing the moment you sat down, but your patience was on thin ice right now. All you wanted to know was who you had been spending the last 30 minutes with before this was over.

You leaned forward into the table and leaned your forearms on top of it."I understand if you were either forced to be here like me or maybe you agreed to it willingly, but don't you think it's better if we cooperate with each other instead so this is over with faster?" You said, trying to be a little bit more comprehensive since you truly believe that this is your date and that neither of you are happy with each other right now. You are trying to be logical about this, and you hoped he saw that too through your words.

Levi was looking at you blankly and still had no idea what you were talking about, but he was tired of going back and forth with you.

So, to make you go away faster and go along with what you were saying knowing you wouldn't leave if he asked, he might as well just go along with it and he might never have to think about this ever again. He rolled his eyes and reached into the inner pockets of his blazer, and pulled out his own business card.

He extended his hand with the card out for you to take the card from, and you were quick to do so, taking it from his hands and then putting it closer to your face as you read closely what it said on it. "Levi Ackerman" You read out, seeing that he was the director of an organization called 'Scouts Foundation'.

Hearing it, the name definitely rings a bell to you but you can't remember what it is, he seems pretty accomplished, though. You looked up between him and the card a couple times and lowered the card slightly from your eye-line.

"Scouts Foundation? It sounds familiar. I think I've heard of it before," You said, moving your gaze to lock with Levi's for a moment and saw that his demeanor seemed to have softened and relaxed a little. He must be just giving in to this whole thing and just let it unfold until its over. There was no point in wasting energy like that. For the both of you, it felt arguing with a brick wall.

"It's a foundation I created that supports traditional performers, like singers and dancers. It's produced a lot of great traditional performers over the years" Levi said as he felt pride inside of him for what he has created over his time as a demon, to honor something as great as the traditions he endorses.

You nodded along, suddenly feeling very impressed, and watched as he raised the newspaper he was reading and showed you clear as day that his foundation had gotten recognition on the front page of the paper.

You raised your eyebrows in surprise, and admiration as well for what he has accomplished and what he's done in his life. But that very same feeling of admiration deflated, crashed, and burned with his next words.

"You should try and be more cultured," He said impassively as his icy glare narrowed at you and you deadpanned at him as he lowered the newspaper back to the space next to him.

For a second, he actually started to sound pretty decent to you, but now you're right back to square one. He was just as much of the asshole you've concluded he is throughout the last 30 minutes.

But then the one question that you had been wondering about every time he asked why you were here, why you didn't want to leave, and why you were staying for as long as you did started to nag your mind more and more until you felt like you needed to voice it out to him. You wouldn't be able to be at ease until you did.

It would be the only explanation as to why this has been such a nightmare of a date from the beginning as you knew it would be. 

"I'm starting to think more and more that you got roped into this without any details whatsoever" You said with disbelief in your tone, reaching over for your drink on the table and taking a sip, and then putting it back down. You watched for Levi's reaction to your words and his silence only confirmed your thoughts.

You breathed out a sigh and leaned back against your seat as things started to piece together in your head. You should've known that Grisha probably got this guy to agree without any information on you at all.

"What a memorable blind date, right? What a way to waste our time, right?" You said as you began to replay every moment in your head from the moment you sat down and began to understand why he was as hostile as he was.

But Levi's mind came to a stop as he reeled back on what you just said and began to ignore everything you said up until you said the word 'date'. A date? What did you mean by that? Is that what you thought this was? And not just  any date, but a blind one. His mind was spiraling as he put two and two together.

Did that mean you thought he was your date? If that was the case, everything was falling into place and it made sense as to why you acted the way you did in the beginning and said you'd only give this situation 30 minutes.

If not, and you meant something entirely different, which is highly unlikely given the context Levi was running rampantly through his mind, then he would be more confused than ever. But now, he needed to make sure.

"You must be quite the handful too, considering that you had to be tricked into doing this, weren't you?" You said as you ran a hand back through your hair and then quickly looked down at your phone to see the timer.

You almost made it a little too obvious how happy you were when you saw that the timer only had a couple minutes left. Any second you would be leaving this whole ordeal and experience behind and never remembering or revisiting it ever again.

"Okay, enough of this. What exactly is going on here? No more games and just tell me what's going on? What do you mean by 'date'? What is this? Levi as he began to straighten up and look you straight in the eye, and his eyes were so sharp as his glare pierced through you so intensely that you had to look away.

He wanted answers, and now dancing around it. No comebacks, no witty remarks, and no topics to avoid it. He didn't have the time for that anymore. He's had enough.

If that was what he wanted, then that's what you would give him. The time was almost up. You straightened up and looked back straight into his eyes as you responded. "This is a date. We were set up" You said, as if it was common knowledge but the man in front of you had an entirely different reaction.

Levi's eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he heard you said this. Was he being pranked? Recorded? This couldn't be real. He knew for a fact that he wasn't set up on any sort of date, because for one, Levi didn't do dates or relationships at all for that matter, and secondly, he'd know about it.

He always knows. You were just confused, that's all you were. But just the thought of it made Levi start to do something that he rarely ever does, but it feels fitting now.

Laughter began to bubble up inside his chest, and as much as he tried to purse his lips, cover his mouth, or even stop a smile from appearing on his face, Levi crossed his arms and started to let out chuckles that soon started to morph into genuine mocking laughter as he kept his head lowered down as he laughed.

He repeated the same realization he had in his head just moments ago and he started laughing even harder to the point he tried to stop himself but he just found the situation way too amusing to not laugh.

He kept repeating every quip you made earlier, with the idea that you thought he was actually your date and all your words had that very intention behind it. How could he not laugh?

As for you, you were looking at him with bewilderment and wondering why he was laughing so much. What about what you said incited him to laugh like that? You told him the truth like he wanted and now he was laughing? You didn't get him at all.

"What's so funny? I told you the truth" You said honestly as you looked at him and watched as his laughter started to die down slowly but surely and he went back to putting one of his arms over the booth and the other one rested in his lap.

"Nothing. It's just interesting to me how you admitted that so confidently, that's all" He said, as he let out a few chuckles here and there and now you were the one who was trying to figure him out.

What did he mean by that? You wish you cared enough to put any more energy into this date, but there was only about a minute left of this 'date' and you weren't staying here for a second longer than you had to.

"Well, at least one of us enjoyed this-" You huffed but then were quickly cut off by the sweet, sweet sound of the alarm from your phone ringing, bringing you so much relief that you don't think you've ever felt in your life.

You purse your lips a smile threatened to appear, but held it back and looked back at Levi was still looking at you with a hint of a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Sorry, but I have to spoil the fun. My time is up, bye" You said simply as you sent him a quick smile, grabbed your phone and stood up from your seat at last. Levi watched you walk out as he placed a hand, with the arm he had on the back or edge of the booth on the side of his head and his hair.

Though most of the that 'date', as you called it, had been complete torture, at least it was over now and he could enjoy what was left of the meal he was planning to have in complete peace.

But the universe wasn't on his side today. Neither you or Levi noticed but the moment that your phone alarm rang signaling that the door was open, the back door of the restaurant slammed open.

Hitch and Marlowe came barging into the room with their gang members walking behind them. They weren't happy at all.

They were angry and they knew Levi was the one that killed their boss and now they were here to get revenge and get even.

The moment Hitch and Marlowe came into the room, the employees stationed there were quick to walk over to stand in front of them and blocked their path. As afraid as they quickly became of them.

"Sorry, but we're fully booked-" One of the servers tried to stand his ground but him and the one next to him that was also blocking the path of the gang members were harshly shoved away to the side, falling to the floor, leaving a clear path in front of them that let them spot Levi clear as day sitting down on a booth table without a care in the world, just as you stood up and left, leaving Levi by himself.

It all happened so quick, but just as you were turning the corner of the booth, the gang was closing up on Levi and the very last part of his meal was arriving right on time by a waiter that was walking over to him with what he had anticipated the entire time. His tea.

The waiter was bringing over a cup, a teacup, and a kettle on a tray. Before Levi could notice either the gang members or the waiter bringing his black tea, and you were passing right past them as well, disaster struck.

Marlowe had gotten slightly ahead of the group, driven by his anger, but Hitch and the rest of the gang were following right behind him. Somehow, Marlowe had crossed paths with the waiter and accidentally bumped into him, making the waiter let go of the tray and sent it into the air, and feeling like something was heading towards you, you stopped in your tracks, turned around, and saw that many items were coming your way. A tray, a cup full of hot black tea, a tea plate, and a kettle, were all in the air and were about to fall right in your vicinity.

You looked up and your eyes went wide, staying completely frozen as you watched as all 4 items began to fall straight down towards you and you couldn't move at all. Everyone, including the waiter and all the gang members stopped and watched what was about to unfold with concerned looks on their faces.

You still couldn't process what was coming your way long enough until you felt a tight grip on your wrist, turning your attention from the items that seemed to be falling in slow motion down to the hand that had wrapped around your wrist.

What happened next was even weirder and more bizarre. You looked up from the hand that was gripping your wrist and saw that it was Levi who had grabbed it. He used the grip on your hand to yank you back, making you fall and stumble back into his chest as the hand that was on your wrist, fell to suddenly grip your waist.

At the same time, he didn't even spare a glance to the items that he intended to catch but he somehow caught the tray without looking and all of the other items as well without spilling a drop of the tea.

Your breath was heavy as you looked in between him and the objects he just caught so effortlessly you thought you imagined it and it was a figment of your imagination.

But when you looked back at Levi, you saw that he was already looking at you, staring at you, so intensely that it almost made you shrink back. Even if your eyes were wide out of pure shock, you looked right back at him and locked gazes with him.

You were so far apart in the table that you couldn't see up close how unusual and hypnotizing his eyes were. Without meaning to, you began to feel drawn to his gunmetal silver eyes as they stared at you with so much intensity that your mind went blank.

It wasn't any different for Levi. His pupils were darting all over your face as he looked at you more up close than he ever could back at the table.

How did it seem like all of that annoyance, animosity, irritation, and all of those misunderstandings all wafted up into the air at this very moment? The 'date' didn't go well at all and the two of you were acting like the last 30 minutes didn't happen at all.

Your eyes began to trail all over his face too, his eyes, his hair, his fair skin, everything. You didn't know what was happening.  You also couldn't ignore how sturdy it felt laying against his chest or how tight of a grip he had on your waist. It was too much. How did you get here? You had been finally leaving.

He was doing the exact same thing with you, and being this close involuntarily let him look at your features so up close that he couldn't look away.  The two of you were stuck analyzing each other in a way neither of you could back there during that half hour.

He seemed to despise you before, why was he looking at you like that? Though, you couldn't argue or talk when you were doing the same to him. Was this your imagination? Was your mind fabricating it? You couldn't tell.

Marlowe, Hitch, and the gang were all watching, not knowing how to react to what was happening. They were all pretty much in shock too at not only what Levi just did by catching everything that easily, but also by the scene unfolding in front of them.

Neither of them dared to talk, except Hitch. "Geez...get a room" She muttered as she seemed to be the only one who wasn't caught up by it as everyone else. She only got a nudge of an elbow to her shoulder from Marlowe, making her keep the rest of her thoughts to herself about this. Was she the only one seeing clearly right now?

To you, being this up close,he had a stoic and cold facade, but it was also...kind, in a way. All of that blends in with an innocence in his eyes that even all that glaring can't hide, with some sort of intoxicating allure that you couldn't put to words.

Those were the thoughts that were plaguing your brain as it seemed to be thinking for you and was not bringing you back down to Earth. Whatever happened to never wanting to see him again after this and hoping you never do?

You thought that he'd come back to his senses faster than you, but when he spoke up in a dazed tone in his voice as he continued to look deep into your eyes, you realized you were too far into this.

You needed to leave. "That was close," Levi said in a low and husky voice, and with that, you came back to your senses. What the fuck? You needed to get out of here. You blinked a couple of times and looked away from Levi as an awakening came rushing through you and you tried to get your bearings back.

"E-Excuse me. I-I have to go," You stumbled over your words kept your eyes away from Levi's at all costs, but you could still feel his eyes on you as you detach yourself from his grip on your waist and began to walk back towards where you came from and immediately began to make your way towards the bathrooms of the restaurant. You needed to compose yourself and come back to reality because what the hell was that?

The moment you left, Levi didn't waste a second to lower the tray in his hands and was quick to look over and inspect to make sure that everything was in order.

The tea was intact, not a drop out of the cup and with steam still coming out of it. The kettle also looked pretty good too. Good thing he caught it in time. That was close, wasn't it?

"My tea almost got ruined" Levi muttered to himself in relief as he realized that his meal wouldn't be a complete bust and now that he had his tea had been salvaged and he could continue.

He couldn't explain why exactly what was that happened with you, but you weren't a concern for him right now. He'd been waiting to finish his meal and for you to leave to finally finish off his meal with a soothing cup of black tea.

A soft smile reached his lips, almost imperceptible, but he was extremely happy, and Levi began to head back to his table. With the gang all coming back to their senses too from what happened waking up from their stupor, and remembering why they were there.

Levi had been paying no mind to them and either not having noticed their presence at all, or just paying no mind to them because he wouldn't let anyone else ruin his meal. This was one part he didn't want interrupted the most.

As for you, you hadn't come out of that situation all easy-breezy like Levi did, as if it never happened. It was the complete opposite actually. You rushed into the bathroom, walked over to one of the sinks, turned around, and leaned against it as you placed one hand against your heart, and another against the edge of the sink as you tried to calm down not only your breathing, but also your beating heart.

This was so stupid. What happened back there? Your mind was still going back and forth on what really happened, if you imagined it, if that guy was really looking at you the way he was, if it was all in your head, were you being delusional? What the fuck was this?

You quite literally sat at the beginning of this whole thing that you had no interest in men and relationships. Why did you react like that and make it seem like the exact opposite of what you said? You stand by what you said and you knew where your priorities lied. It has nothing to do with Levi, right? That was probably it.

You haven't been in a real relationship in a long time, and it was just an instinct as much as you tried to deny it. That was all this was. You shouldn't think too much of it. Your brain was just muzzled, fuzzy and jumbled, you weren't thinking straight.

You sighed and put a hand over your face as you dragged it down and leaned both hands against the edge of the sink, thinking and pondering about what to do. You should just call Hange and have them pick you up like you told them you would as soon as this was over, or whenever you needed rescue. Seemed like a pretty good time to do that, didn't it?

This has been every bit of the hellish experience you thought it would be and it was a waste of your time. It's been the worst birthday. You didn't even want to be here and now you're just confused and lost. It should not be this complicated. It was nothing. It was definitely nothing. You were sure of it.

As you took one big inhale and then exhaled, you looked at the mirror from the sink in front of you and you caught something in your shirt. Your eyebrows furrowed and you quickly looked down at your white shirt and saw a big red stain on it. You gasped and saw that it looked like it'd been there for a while.

You need to get it out before you leave. "Fuck," You muttered to yourself as you frowned and quickly turned around in the sink, grabbed some paper towels, wetted them, and desperately tried to get the whatever was on your shirt off and wash the stain it probably already has. This day is just continuing to go downhill, isn't it?

While you were desperately trying to get the stain out and trying to forget what happened before, trying to forget it ever happened, Levi was as happy as he could be as he sat down with his tray of tea back down in his seat. It was perfect.

You were gone, his tea was still warm, and there was peace and quiet. Well, almost. There was one group of people that Levi had been neglecting and ignoring their presence.

Just as Levi was pouring more of his black tea from the kettle, as he had already taken a couple sips before to try it and thought that this restaurant had made it pretty well if he had to admit it, the last thing he thought would happen cut off his movements as he has finished pouring in his tea and he was about to take the cup in his hands.

Levi went to reach for it, but had failed to notice the approaching presence of Marlowe who had walked up to Levi's table and without warning, Marlowe suddenly knocked over Levi's tea cup with no hesitation, letting it spill everywhere around the table.

Levi froze in place as he watched his tea spill out everywhere, but also the mess that it caused around the table. But Marlowe still had no clue what he'd done.

"Hey! Are you just going to sit there, you bastard?" Marlowe said angrily as the rest of his gang members began to surround the area around Levi's table, and Hitch decided to walk over and stand next to Marlowe.

"Who do you think you are? Who sent you? What did you do to our boss?" He exclaimed with deep seated anger for this man, who seemed to be too calmly going about his day after he just murdered their boss.

Marlowe was about to speak up again, but Levi could already tell that he would, so he raised his hand, signaling for the gang member to stop talking. Marlowe looked back at Hitch and the rest of the members and they all looked at him with expressions that simply said that they did not know what to say or do to that.

Marlowe looked at Hitch; she just gave him a shrug that said 'don't look at me, I don't know'. But Marlowe was angry, because how dare this man stop from giving him answers all of a sudden. He wasn't here to play games. He wanted his revenge on what this man did to their boss.

The mess and the fact that his tea had been spilled purposely  was making Levi's blood boil, but he had to contain himself. He should've known that the gang leader's followers would come after him and he wouldn't be off the hook just like that.

Levi just wanted to deal with one thing at a time and avoid snapping at them. It would ruin the meal he had waited so long to have, and then he'd be in a bad mood.

"Hey, do you mind?" He started, making Marlowe's eyes widen with bafflement. "Can you just hold on, for one second? We can settle that later, I'm not in the mood for this" Levi said in a way that was too unbothered for Marlowe's liking.

The gang member scoffed in disbelief at what he was hearing, looking back at the gang and then back at Levi with impatience. This didn't work like that. They'd settle this here and now if it.

It wouldn't be when Levi was in the mood or whatever. They had to get even and settle the score, to get revenge. "I made this reservation for this place a month ago. I sat through a boring course meal and put up with nonsense just for this. So, go away, I'm not going to ask again while I'm being nice" Levi said as he narrowed his eyes up at Marlowe, and then proceeded to pick back up his knocked over teacup, grabbing the kettle, and trying to move past the mess, as much as it bothered him beyond belief, and tried to pour himself a little more to make up for the tea that was spilled.

That only seemed to anger the gang member even more, seeing how disinterested this man was towards having ended a man's life just a couple of hours ago.

And not just any man, his mentor, their boss, and someone they cared about and worked hard to get their respect. Levi wasn't going to get out of this as easily as he thought.

Marlowe wasn't having any of it. Watching as Levi poured himself more tea, Marlowe looked back at Hitch and she gave him an assertive nod, giving him the confidence he needed to follow through and do what they came for here. If they need to provoke Levi, then that's what they'll do. No matter what it took.

That's why Marlowe acted quickly and just as Levi was serving himself a cup of tea, the gang member snatched the kettle of tea, opened the top, tipped it over and began spilling all of the contents out into the floor. Levi had been shocked when Marlowe took the kettle from him at all, but he was horrified when he saw the gang member pouring it out onto the floor and wasting such good tea.

When Marlowe was done, with a blank face and with no regrets, he put the empty kettle back on the table, slamming it a bit on the surface. To him, that ought to get this guy's attention.

After that, there was silence. And soon it was followed by chuckles from not only the gang members that were standing around, but also Marlowe, who felt like had finally gotten through to this man and they would now be able to settle things right here and now.

It was one thing to spill tea to the table, but to pour out the last bit of it that Levi had been so desperately waiting for this entire time and wasting it like that made Levi begin to think that he should just say screw it, and show them just how angry he was, and how much of that rage he had been pushing down for their sake.

As Levi's gray eyes began to have this certain glint to them, giving an almost light blue hue to them, he looked up at Marlowe and as for him, whatever he thought he was expecting from this man was not this. His entire demeanor changed.

He couldn't help but shrink back when he saw Levi visibly seething with anger inside of him. The look alone made everyone else's hair stand up on the back of their necks. They messed around and fucked around, and this is what they'll get in return.

All he wanted to do now was take care of all of these gang members for completely ruining his afternoon. The interaction you and him had before was nothing compared to this.

They began to try and hide their fear as Levi looked at all of them with such malice that all the gang members were struggling to hide how much the change in air went from comfortable, to unbearably cold in a second. They knew that they'd lose this fight if they weren't careful. And they didn't know that they already did.


Hi! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I had a specific vision for it and I struggled a bit writing it in the beginning If Im being honest, but after working on it for a while and editing it as much as I could, I think it turned out pretty good! I was a little unsure about some aspects about ir, going back and forth on it but I just took the leap and went for ir lol I just hoped you guys liked how it turned out :,)

There is so much more coming with this story and if you've watched the drama, you know exactly what I mean lol which I really reccomend! It's so good and worth the watch!

I also want to give a quick dt to these beautiful people! :,) thank you for reading so far and hope you enjoy the rest of the book! :,)
- CalKestis23-_ anonymous_reader_xx waveyboon -HANGESSLUTT- kvmiicho

Okay I love you all so much! <3 Hope you guys enjoyed this one! see you in the next chapter! Have a good start to your week!


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