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~ Your POV ~

I slowly looked up. Raindrops were heavily falling on my face. They were mixing with tears on my cheeks. After all this time sitting on the ground and getting all soaked up - I couldn't tell the difference between water running down my face.
I also couldn't get a situation that happened out of my head. I wish I wouldn't be there.

~ Flashback ~

It was a casual morning, no clouds on the beautiful, blue sky. I let the sun's rays tickle my face when I got out of my apartment. I thought it was a perfect day to train. I ran down the stairs and headed for the river. Today I wanted to practice controlling chakra in my feet.
When I got closer to the brook and a little waterfall I heard voices. I hid behind a tree and listened.
"What's that, Hinata? I didn't actually hear you.", I'll always recognize that voice. It belonged to the blonde, spiky haired boy - Uzumaki Naruto. He was my best friend since...forever actually.
I got really curious what was he talking about with Hinata.
"I-I wanted to s-say th-that...I-I like y-you...", I could barely hear what she said. Good the tree I stood behind wasn't that far.
"Oh, um...I like you too, Hinata!", I "heard" a grin in his tone.
"B-but...I-I mean...I-I l-like y-y-you a lo-lot.", Hyuuga said. "I-I-I...I love you, Naruto-kun!", I managed to somehow look in shock at her from behind the tree without causing myself to be caught. She was looking at her feet with clenched fists, a deep shade of red around her cheeks. After a pause between them I heard Naruto.
"Hinata...", he put a hand on her shoulder making her glance at him. "I love you too..."

Oh no...That was enough for me. I felt my eyes getting all teared up. I couldn't take this anymore. I ran away from them without even caring anymore if they can see me or not.
I ran into the forest. Between my sobs I heard a lightning. After a while it was raining pretty hard. I didn't even care about it. I was still running.
I got conscious from this hysteria when I found myself on the ground. I probably tripped over something. I couldn't stop crying so I just sat up, leaning my back on the tree and got my knees under my chin.
'How could he?! He promised me he would never leave me! But...he just did. I thought we've got something more between us. As always I was wrong about him...', I thought as I bit my lip in anger and helplessness.
He promised me he'll always be there for me when we were kids. Even when we got older he always repeated he'd never let me be lonely.

~ Flashback of flashback ~

"Hey, leave her alone!", a blonde boy ran up to me and a group of girls who were...well, actually being mean to me. That was the boy who didn't have a lot of friends; a lot of people were laughing at him and being rude.
"And what are you gonna do, weirdo? Kill me by laughing at your stupidness?", the tallest of the girls said.
"I usually don't beat up girls but if fighting you means that you'd let that girl be - I'll do it.", he said bravely. All girls started laughing.
"Uhh, that was a good one! Really! But we don't have time for you - we actually did our job with this second weirdo..." She looked at me. "...so you can take her and be the weirdest couple ever somewhere else. Get lost!", she said as she grasped my arm and pushed me into spiky haired boy. After this sudden action I landed on top of him which caused more laughter. He quickly stood up, took my hand and went away.
"Come on, don't worry about them.", he said confidently. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto. What's your name?"
"I'm (Surname) (Name). Why did you help me?", I asked. He stopped and looked at me.
"I couldn't let bullies like them hurt such a pretty girl like you.", Naruto said with a small grin. I blushed a little.
"Thank you, Naruto."
"No problem. Say...do you wanna be my friend?"
"Sure." I smiled at him and nodded.
"Great! But from now on remember one thing..." He put a hand on my shoulder. "...no matter what I'll always be there for you. That's what friends are for."


I was sitting on top of the Hokage's Heads. I felt someone's company and turned around. It was actually late at night and it could be anyone.
I heard a yawn.
"What are you actually doing here in the middle of the night?", I saw Naruto, rubbing his eyes and coming closer to me.
"Oh it's just you...I couldn't sleep.", I looked back at the stars. They were shining really bright that night.
"Why didn't you tell me?", he sat next to me and gazed in the same direction as me.
"Huh?", I peeked at him.
"You know I don't like you being alone. I promised you I would always be by your side."
"I know, Naruto. But everybody needs some alone time sometimes."
"I agree with that but when it comes to you I can't appreciate it...", he moved his ocean blue eyes and located them into mine. This action sent shivers down my spine. "You're way too important to me and even if you're sick of me I'll always be there for you."
I smiled widely.
"I don't think I can get sick of you", I said.
"We'll see!", he said as he stood up and reached his hand to me. "C'mon (Name), let's go home. You need some sleep."

~ End of both flashbacks ~

'Everything we had wouldn't the same anymore. Now I'll for sure be alone. I'm no longer that important.', I thought. The rain was now lightly pouring. I sighed heavily. I cried all my tears out. I felt so...empty. I stared into one point and zoned out.

"(N-Name!) (NAME!)", I felt that someone was trying so desperately to get me "conscious" by shaking my shoulders. I shivered and looked around. Suddenly I found myself drowning into ocean...no, it wasn't ocean. It was just pair of eyes of ocean blue shade. I blinked.
"Thank God you're okay...", I heard his voice. He sighed in relief.
"Naruto...", I whispered. My vision became blurry because of the tears once again. I suddenly pushed his hands of my shoulders.
"Don't touch me, Naruto!", I cried out. He looked at me in surprise.
"(N-Name)...What's wrong?", he tried to put a hand on my shoulder but I snapped it.
"No! You're a liar! You..." I sobbed. "You told me you will always be there for me! And what are you doing?! You're leaving me behind for another important girl!", I screamed last sentence. He blinked twice with shocked face.
"Wait, what...?"
"I'm sure you heard me!"
"I did but I'm not sure what you're talking about...", he leaned back a little.
"You really want me to say that? Are you that heartless? I'm talking about you and Hinata! You told her you love her!", I sobbed loudly.
His behavior was more than shocking. He suddenly started laughing. "Wh-What are you laughing about?!", I yelled angrily.
He wiped a tear from his eye.
"Oh, (Name)...You know I always keep my promises.", he said with a smile.
"No, after today I doubt it."
"Silly (Name)...I'd never leave you. Remember? Even if you'll get sick of me I'll always remain by your side."
"So...why did you tell Hinata you love her?", I said, really confused.
"I said, I quote 'I love you too...but as a sister. I'm sorry but there's someone important I can't leave. I hope you understand me.' If you really must to overhear then do it in a good way." [I'm sorry NaruHina fans. I don't actually ship them but if it bothers you then I'm sorry.]
"Ouch...that sounded actually really painful...", I said.
"Yeah, I feel kinda guilty about that but...you can't just let go of feelings for someone else.", Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his head.
"What do you mean by that?", I teased a little.
"I mean...you're the one that I love, (Name)."
"I thought you'd never say that", I smiled a little through tears, now of happiness.
"Now I'm kinda curious...what do you feel about m-...?", he wanted to ask but I pulled him close to me by his blouse and pressed my lips against his. I didn't think I'd do such a move but I wasn't really patient at all.
He quickly understand what I just did and kissed me back. Our lips were moving in synchronization. He licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance which I allowed. Our kiss deepened.
After a while we leaned back from each other to catch a breath. He sent me a toothy grin and I smirked. He hugged me tightly. I felt his warmness and then I realized I'm all soaked up and shivered a little.
"Maybe before we continue our love story we'll go to my apartment and I'll give you some dry clothes?", Naruto asked as he looked at me.
"Why can't we go to my place and I'll get my clothes?", I replied with a question, frowning.
"Well umm...I always wanted to see you in my clothes...", he said blushing.
"Yeah right...You just want to see me naked. Admit it.", I poked his cheek.
"N-no! Of course not! I'm not such a pervert like Ero-Sennin!"
"Yeaaaaah...And I'm the Hokage.", I said sarcastically.
"Oh come on already!", he suddenly stood up and pulled me up on his back. "I'm giving you a ride to my place and then we're getting a bowl of ramen because this all looking for you was so tiring."
"Hey! You said it like I'm some sort of child!", I pulled his blonde hair a little.
"You're like a precious child to me", he said.
"That sounded weird..."
"Yeah, I know...but I meant that you can always rely on me and I'll protect you and be by your side!"
"You're repeating yourself way too much, Uzumaki", I grinned.
"It's just to prove my love for you, (Surname)."
"I love you too, Naruto." I said and hugged closer to his back.


A/N: I'm sorry for grammar mistakes and stuff like that. I hope you enjoyed my stupid little story~

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