chapter four.

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-two weeks later


baby ๐Ÿฉต
heyyyy I just finished cooking with
Ella, she almost burned the house down
but I'm free now โ˜บ๏ธ

jesus what were you guys cooking?

baby ๐Ÿฉต
homemade pizza ๐Ÿ˜‹
pizza is my favorite food, sorry
if that's basic ๐Ÿ˜Œ but it literally
is a gift from the gods

Yeah I can agree ๐Ÿ˜‚
you know who else is a gift from god?

baby ๐Ÿฉต
Jesus ๐Ÿ˜Š

yeah... and me
im a hottie

baby ๐Ÿฉต
I'm not sure anybody says "hottie"
anymore chris ๐Ÿ’€

I'm giving it it's comeback ๐Ÿ™„

baby ๐Ÿฉต
right.. I'll let it slide
and idek what you look like ๐Ÿ˜‚

that's your own fault! I've offered a lottt
of times. Me at McDonald's.. me in front of
a sunset .. me in the shower
choose your pick of which selfie you want

baby ๐Ÿฉต
And if I say the shower one will
you show me the pink body wash you
use ??

that doesn't exist ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’

baby ๐Ÿฉต
will the rubber duckies be in the
photo too ๐Ÿฅบ?

you know I only have ONE rubber
duck, stop talking about him ๐Ÿ™„
but I'm being serious
You don't have any clue what I look like?

baby ๐Ÿฉต
I mean we're just talking...
I don't think I need to know that

you're just trying not to fall in love with me
๐Ÿ™„ it's not gonna work ๐Ÿ˜Œ


I bite my lip in concentration. It's been about a month of texting Lani. Being on phone calls with her. Falling asleep on the line. Listening to her podcasts, sneaking on and watching all her fans going crazy for me.

They're going crazy for me but honestly they'd go crazy for her without me. She's perfect at what she does. The perfect mixture of honest and shy. Sweet and quirky.

We've made it far... flirting as friends. It makes me feel weird. She's keeping me at a distance ever since a week ago. At first we'd flirt and talk about the future we could have together but now she never brings anything like that up.

She said she got some bad news from her manager weeks ago and ever since then she's refused to see me. I think she's afraid that it'll cross a line. Like if she sees me what we have is suddenly real. The way I want it to be.

At first when I was lying I told myself I was doing it to protect me. I thought I was doing it because she would act strange realizing that I'm famous. But it was hard knowing that it wasn't the obvious truth.

She wouldn't care if I'm famous or if I was fucking ugly. That's why I keep suggesting she see that I'm not. I want to take things further but I have a feeling she's rejecting it out of fear.

She probably has more secrets then she wants me to know about. I can't say that makes me feel amazing...

"Why do you look like someone just kicked your dog?" Nick asks prying and trying to look at my phone. I whip it away and try and control what my face looks like. I didn't even know I was making one. What's she's doing has been effecting more than I want lately. I roll my eyes and play it cool though.

"Shut up.." I mumble pocketing my phone.

"We don't even have a dog Nick... " Chris interrupts and I can't lie I'm glad that he looks happy. It's been a while since he's looked that way. Ever since our blogs have blown up he'd been happier but he's still into trying to get as many followers and as much money as possible.

I don't really care about it and I'd kind of rather not be asked for my autograph while buying lucky charms. But it's honestly not something that's super hard to deal with anyways. I think about Naelani for a second and how people would react to her if she was my girlfriend.

Her fans already have their own idea of what I look like and I changed my number so I don't have to worry about them talking to me. But they do talk about me every now and then on her streams. She just laughs and avoids the topic, kind of like she's trying to protect me. That's the reason she said she wants to keep me anonymous...

But I know that's not all.

Nick looks over my shoulder and tries to catch a look at my phone before looking up at Matt. "I almost saw.." he says before sighing sadly.

"You're literally so fucking dumb..." I say as him and Matt share some strange look together.

"So... the girl you're talking to.." Matt says first.

"The girlllll" Nick screams in a high pitched voice before batting his eyes and twirling his imaginary hair.

"Oh my gosh Chris you're so funny and cute." Matt joins in with a very bad girl impression.

"Wow you're sooo handsome I just love your rings!" Nick says in an even worst high pitched voice.

"You guys sound so dumb I literally can't fucking even." I turn around to them making out with the pillows on the couch.

"Ay!" Our mom yells as both Nick and Matt go straight with fear, "are you guys serious? Those pillows are new." They put them down slowly and properly.

"Sorry ma.." Nick says before he finds her smirking, "who's this girl they're talking about Chris?" She's smiling way too wide.

"She's nobody!" I yell before heading into my room as fast as I possibly can.

I open my phone in relief because Lani texted me again after leaving my corny comment on read.

baby ๐Ÿฉต
I kinda wanna call you๐Ÿ˜‰

Honestly there's nothing I'd rather do. We're always on the phone, night, day, doesn't matter. I just needed to speak with her.

She picked up on the second ring and I could see that I was already smiling in the mirror across from me.


"Hey Lani.."

"Hi Chris."

"My brothers are being dicks im actually glad you called me."

"What are they doing?" She asked with a laugh under her breath.

"They're mocking me because I've been upset recently.." I accidentally admit and curse under my breath. Now she'll probably make fun of me too.

"Aw I'm sorry. Are you okay? We don't have to talk if you're upset." I can feel her get insecure, feeling like she did something wrong. I wonder why she always feels like a burden.

"No it's fine. I like talking to you.. more than breathing sometimes..." I admit and I hear her hushed breathing on the other line.

"I would prefer you breathing Chris."

"Good you should keep talking to me then." I say into the phone with a wide grin.

"Hmm.. let me think about that one." She says teasing me before going quiet.

"Lani I swear to God.." I never swear to God. Sorry God. It's worth it right now.

"Are you losing breath now?" She asks quietly but I stay completely silent. "Chris?.." she asks nervously and I know she's probably thinking about something she did wrong but the joke is worth it.

"Chris?" She asks more sternly this time as I laugh.

"Sorry I passed out.. lack of air." I admit as she giggles on the other line, "you're such a idiot for doing that." She says but she's still laughing.

"It's was worth it. Plus I got you to keep saying my name. And I like when you do that." She sucks her teeth like she doesn't believe me but knowing her her face is probably red.

She suddenly sucks her teeth and gets serious and hurried, "I'm sorry Chris my manager is calling me. Can we talk later?" She begs, sounding upset and suddenly provoked. I sigh wishing I could keep her on the line and tell her manager to screw off.

"Yeah lani I'll talk to you another time.." I say as she thanks me says bye and hangs up.

But we never talk again.

Another two weeks go by. Not a single one of my texts or calls go through and I wonder what I said, what I did wrong to make her ignore me.

I shut everyone else out. My mom, my brother, my friends, everyone. I hate that what she did had an effect on me. I watch her podcast when I build the courage to, she looks robotic like she doesn't want to be doing what she's doing.

The pain of being ghosted turns into anger, regret and fucking resentment. I don't mean it. I don't mean to be bitter since she doesn't deserve it. But I can't help it. I unsubscribe from her channel. I couldn't watch it.

I hope I never have to see her face again.

Matt's p.o.v

my hands rest on my phone trying to force myself to text this girl. A complete stranger and try and convince her to be my girlfriend. Then I remember I don't have to. Our managers already reached out to her.

Naelani Wright.

I type out a text.

"Hey Naelani. Im Matt. The guy that's supposed to fake date you........" I groan and toss my phone on my bed with a heavy sigh. That sounds stupid as shit.

I decide to check on how my brothers are doing. I rush down the stairs and watch Chris. With his eyes closed.. on the sofa.

Okay that's.. totally normal?

"Chris!" He snaps out of his daze and at first he's calm and then an intense anger hits him.

"What?" He snaps under his breath. He's been like this for an entire week. I think I know what's bugging him. I've heard him on the phone with some girl and I'm guessing it didn't end the way he wanted.

"Wanna get food?" I ask calmly as he nods and then rolls his eyes.

"Nick is gonna kill us if we don't get him some."

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him." I say, finally getting a smile from Chris.

He drives and I pull out my phone and text Naelani.

"Hey." Boring. Stupid. Straightforward. Perfect.



Matt tryna cheer up Chris and then texting the same girl who upset him in the first place ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€



word count: 1649

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