𝘃𝗶𝗶𝗶. 𝘀𝘄𝗶𝗺𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴

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chapter thirty four

swimming lessons gone wrong


JORDANNA STUMBLED INTO the main room, a yawn escaping her lips as she dropped down onto the couch besides the easel where Klaus was painting.

"Morning, sweetheart," Klaus greeted, a smile present on his face as he turned to look at her.

Jordanna smiled tiredly, "morning."

"How'd you slept?" He questioned ━ he was beginning to grow concerned. After Miss Mystic Falls the witch had fallen ill again, he just didn't understand what was wrong with her. She couldn't hold a drink down since Miss Mystic Falls, and she hadn't smoked in a good few weeks ( whilst Klaus wasn't complaining, it was odd ).

He didn't have a good feeling about it.

"Fine," the witch grumbled as she readjusted a pillow so that she could lay down. "I'm pretty sure you kicked me like three fucking times."

A small chuckled left Klaus' lips, "my apologies, love."

"Mhm," Jordanna grumbled as her eyes began fluttering shut again. She got no sleep, half the night she was sat by the toilet puking her guts out. She was surprised Klaus didn't hear her, though she was glad ━ I mean, she didn't really want Klaus hearing that, she would've died of embarrassment.

"It looks like a giant snowflake," Stefan announced as he entered the room, startling the witch who began to fall asleep. Her body jerked up and she glared at the Salvatore who sent her an apologetic look.

"I prefer to think of it as an expression of post-modernism, it's my donation to the Winter Wonderland charity event," Klaus replied, placing his paintbrush down.

Much to Jordanna's dismay another person entered the room, being unnecessarily loud ━ so much for sleep. Adrian, one of Klaus' hybrids, had joined them, looking extremely annoyed to be there. "You said it was urgent." The hybrid crossed his arms over his chest, looking over at Klaus.

"Yes. Take this to the Mystic Grill immediately," Klaus gestured to his art, a grin on his lips.

Adrian scoffed. "You want me to be a delivery guy?"

Klaus cocked an eyebrow, his head tilted as he walked forward towards the hybrid, closing the gap between the two. "What I want is for you to do whatever I say, without the attitude."

Adrian grimaced as he did as told, beginning to leave the room just as Klaus called out, "and be careful with that, it's still wet."

"Abraham Lincoln freed slaves, you know," Stefan commented, raising his eyebrows at the hybrid.

"Didn't you grow up in the eighteen hundreds?" Jordanna quirked a brow as Klaus dropped down onto the couch besides her, her head resting on his chest. "Didn't you have slaves, I mean, your dad did right? I'm sure they helped you put on your ugly little bow ties and shit?"

Stefan blinked, that was true, "shut up, JJ."

Klaus' chuckle vibrated against Jordanna. "What is the point of my hybrids being sired to me if I can't maximise on the benefits of free labour? What are you doing here?"

"Elena is sired to Damon," Stefan said as he walked further into the room.

Jordanna snorted, "we know."

Stefan's eyes drifted from Jordanna's to Klaus'. "Which means I need to find the cure more than ever and yet, here you are making post modern snowflakes."

"I've delivered," Klaus responded, his fingers playing with strands of the witch's hair. "I retrieved the hunter's sword from Italy ━ which we'll use to decipher the map hidden in the hunters mark. You're the one who's supposed to deliver the hunter and his mark."

"Well, Jeremy is the hunter, and he has to keep killing vampires to complete his mark. The problem is we can't quite figure out how to keep him from killing us," Stefan stated, with his usual broody look.

"Stab him and he won't try kill you, duh," Jordanna shrugged.

"Helpful, Jords, really helpful. Thank you," Stefan smiled sarcastically in her direction.

"You're very welcome."

"Sounds like quite the chore," Klaus rose from his seat, a grumble of complaints coming from Jordanna as she fell from his chest. "Which is why I feel perfectly justified doing a little charity work."

"Hm. Or maybe you're lying about having found the sword," Stefan watched him sceptically.

"Why would I lie to you, Stefan? We're in this together," he sauntered past the Salvatore to a vault, revealing the hunters sword, carefully wrapped in cloth. He gripped it, lifting it for Stefan to see. "The hilt acts as a cipher which we'll use to decode the marks on Jeremy's tattoo when he's killed enough vampires to complete it."

Jordanna watched him place the sword back in the vault, he looked hot holding one. Maybe she should buy him one ━ eBay probably has them, right?

"I heard you moved out of your house," Klaus spoke as he sat back down besides Jordanna, his arm going round the backs of her shoulders. "Bit of a martyr move, hm?"

"I'm not here to bond, Klaus," Stefan rolled his eyes at the mere mention of his living arrangements. He wasn't happy with the fact that he had to leave his own house, but he couldn't stand to live in the same building as his brother and his ex girlfriend, especially if they were going to be all lovey dovey. So when Jordanna offered for him to stay at hers, he jumped at the chance.

"On the contrary, I think right now I'm the best friend you've got," Klaus smiled in amusement.

"Only friends orrr?"

Klaus and Jordanna had arrived at the Town Square, the witch grimacing as excited children ran past her, muttering small apologies as their small bodies bashed into her. Jesus, she hated children. She hated Christmas time, it always reminded her of the days she and her mom would go play in the snow as a kid, helping her cook the food ━ god, she hated Christmas.

Klaus guided Jordanna into the Mystic Grill, hand in hand. The loud, happy laughter flowing through the building ━ reminding Jordanna she also hated people.

Probably not the best place to be for her at the minute.

"Champagne?" Klaus' arm gestured towards the bar, he watched her closely as her eyes followed to where he was pointing.

"Nope," she shrugged it off. "Too many adults, if Liz see's me drinking she'll kill me."

Klaus stared at her for a moment, he was gonna figure out was wrong with her. He insisted on compelling a doctor or something but she just refused ━ telling him it was just a bug, she'd be fine.

He nodded absently, just as the witch noticed Caroline staring at Klaus' painting. "Give me a minute," she muttered before making her way over to her best friend.

"It's a snowflake," Caroline spoke in an obvious manner, turning to face the witch. Jordanna raised her eyebrows.

"No shit, Care, what the fuck does it look like? A bunny?"

Caroline scoffed playfully, "funny, Jords."

Jordanna smirked, "what's up with you?"

Caroline pulled a face, looking towards her friend, "what do you mean?"

"You look nervous or some shit, you're doing that thing," Jordanna shrugged, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"What thing?" Caroline frowned.

"Fiddling with your fingers, you do that when you're nervous," Jordanna elaborated, her face scrunched up in concern as she watched over Caroline's posture.

"It's just, uh ━ Tyler's been acting weird, he's been having secret calls with Damon and whenever I ask him about it he just tells me its nothing," Caroline bit her lip anxiously.

"He talks to Damon? About what, who's a bigger dickhead or do they exchange notes on how to treat girls like shit?" Jordanna scoffed.

"I don't know," Caroline sighed. "I heard them mention Klaus' name, I think they're planning something. I asked Stefan if he knew anything but he doesn't, he hasn't talked to Damon in days and, well, he's been with me most of the time so . . ."

As much as Jordanna wanted to mention something about the younger Salvatore being in the blonde's company she didn't, her focus was on whatever the Hell Tyler was up to. If Tyler was planning something against Klaus she wasn't going to be happy, albeit, the enjoyment of hurting Tyler, of course.

"Okay . . . weird," Jordanna frowned. "Has he said anything to you?"

"Like what?"

"Ah shit, I don't know, Care, about the Easter bunny," Jordanna rolled her eyes. "Klaus. About Klaus, Caroline."

"Oh," the blonde smiled sheepishly. "Just the usual . . . he hates Klaus and he needs to be stopped."

Jordanna clicked her teeth in annoyance, "right, and where is that dog of yours?"

"He's not mine," Caroline huffed in annoyance. "We broke up, again."


"I'm not entirely sure, he just said that he has bigger things on his mind and no time for me," Caroline smiled sadly.

Jordanna rolled her eyes at the words Caroline had spoken, "he's a dick. You deserve better, like a ripper binging vampire, perhaps."

"Jordanna!" Caroline scolded.

"What?" The witch hummed innocently, her smile turning into a frown as she pulled her phone from her bag as it beeped. "Stefan over Tyler any day."

Hayley: 'I need to talk to you and Klaus, meet me in the town square?"

Jordanna tilted her head, and Klaus?

"I gotta' go," she muttered to Caroline. "Call me if you see that dick of a boy, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," Caroline smiled, only as soon as the witch left the blonde went outside to look for the Salvatore ━ who she asked to accompany her to the Charity event. 

Instead, she found her ex-boyfriend and Stefan arguing over Klaus? The Hell? Stefan turned as he felt Caroline's presence behind him, informing her of what the newly turned hybrid had planned. Caroline pulled her phone out to tell Jordanna as she and Stefan tried to make their way back to the witch, only for their necks to be snapped and they lulled into utter darkness.

"Are you fucking serious, Hayley?" Jordanna seethed as she and Klaus stood in front of the werewolf, Hayley having just informed the pair of everything.

    Tyler's plans.

    Caroline and Stefan being held captive by Tyler's little cult of dogs, etc . . .

    "Before he kills me let me explain," Hayley looked at Jordanna pleadingly as she noticed the clenched jaw Klaus had natured.

     He was mad.

     Like mad, mad.

    "If you don't get on with it, I'll kill you," Jordanna snapped. She wouldn't kill Hayley, obviously, but fuck me, she was so slow at explaining things.

    And so Hayley told them everything, Klaus remained calm but Jordanna could see the anger practically steaming out of him as the werewolf walked away.

  She couldn't tell what he was about to do.

  "Nik?" Jordanna called out as he turned away, facing a hybrid in anger.

    No reply.


   "Nik?" She spoke louder.

    Still, she went ignored.

   "Klaus?" She rose her voice slightly. The hybrid turned to her, his face cleared of emotion.

    Great, he looked like he wanted to kill her too.

    Fucking wonderful.

    Just what she needed.

    "What?" The tone of his voice made Jordanna roll her eyes.

    "What are you gonna' do?" She placed her hands on her hips, staring at him as he clenched his jaw in anger.

   "What do you think?" He drawled sarcastically, earning another eyeroll from the witch.

   "Right, hybrid execution, got it." The witch clicked her tongue in annoyance.

    He sighed, turning to walk away. "Are you going to help me or not?"

         "I've got nothing better to do," she shrugged, watching him.

    Klaus nodded, "come on then."

   Jordanna watched him walk away with a sigh, "great."

         It was like having a fucking child, jesus christ save us all.

         Kim, Adrian's girlfriend, and the other hybrids stood boredly in the woods waiting for Hayley and the witch she was supposedly bringing.

They got a witch alright, just not the one they wanted.

"Where the hell is the witch?" Kim asked, the concern growing in her. "Adrian should be here any minute."

The other hyrbids stared at her blankly, uncaring for the absence of her boyfriend. All they were waiting for was this witch ━ the hope of finally putting Klaus down calmed them.

A twig snapping behind them caught their attention, turning to find Adrian.

"Kim," Adrian breathed out before his body fell limp as his heart tore from his chest.

"No!" Kim cried out, watching as his body fell to the floor revealing Jordanna and Klaus ━ the latter stood with a bloody heart in his hand before he dropped it to the ground.

     "Now this is what I call a party," Jordanna laughed giddily, whilst Klaus stared at his hybrids in rage, his grip on the hunters sword tightening.

     Then suddenly, all Hell broke loose.

    Klaus rushed at Kim, slashing her back with the sword before turning away from her as another hybrid advanced towards him, ready to attack.

    Before she could, he easily sliced her head clean off, her head rolled down the mud and dirt of the woods, finally resting in a ditch.

     Klaus' jaw clenched as another hybrid rushed at him, gripping the sword tightly he began to make his way to her only for her head to roll of her body.

         Klaus looked up only to find a bloody Jordanna, with a crimson coloured bat in her hands with a smirk, "you're welcome."

         The hybrid rolled his eyes, "I didn't ask for your help."

         "Yeah? Well, you got it. Suck it up buttercup," the witch grinned. Jordanna's spun on her feet as she felt a presence behind her, the Jones rolled her eyes as a hybrid came at her.

     With one jolt of her fist, their heart flew from their body. The smirk fell from her face as she felt a tug on her hair, bringing her body slamming down onto the ground.

     "Not the hair, asshat," Jordanna snapped as she pushed the girl off of her, rising from her place on the ground she stood in front of the hybrid, her hands going white with her grip on the bat. Her head tilted as she smirked at her. "Come on then, doll, let's have it."

         The hybrid sped towards her, only for her face to collide with Jordanna's bat. The sharp, steel, nails scratching along her face making her scream out, Jordanna grimaced as the blood of the hybrid splattered along her dress.

         That's another dress someone in Mystic Falls had ruined.

        Merry fucking Christmas!

   Anger grew in the hybrid's body as she wiped her blood covered face with the sleeve of her jacket, spitting the blood from her mouth by Jordanna's feet.

    "Okay, that's fucking disgusting," the witch muttered as the bloodied spit fell on her heels. Her hand raised making the hybrid fall to her knees, she clutched her head in pain, the Jones merely grinned at the sight. Jordanna advanced towards her, her bat swinging for the hybrid right in the torso.

   The witch's lips pursed as the unknown woman's guts spilled from her stomach, kneeling down Jordanna gripped onto the hybrid's wrist for balance as she placed her bat by her feet. Her free hand reached into her ripped abdomen.

     "Please," the hybrid muttered with tears in her eyes as Jordanna's hand rummaged around, but her pleads were ignored.

             "Mm. Let's find your heart, shall we darling?" She jolted her hand from the body. "Nooo, that's your lung. Hm."

      Dropping the organ she reached back in, "liver. No, that's not it," another two body parts fell to the floor. "Ah, there it is," the witch smiled sinisterly, tightly grasping onto the heart.

    "Please." Tears ran down the hybrid's face.

   "What was that?" Jordanna faked innocence as she leant down, her ear by the hybrid's mouth.


        "Do it?" Jordanna shrugged with a smirk. "As you wish."

    A gasp left the hybrid's mouth as the Jones witch tore out her heart, her pale body fell limp to the ground. Jordanna rose with a smile, swiftly grabbing her bat she repeatedly slammed it down onto the hybrid's face.

     "Bitch," she muttered before turning on her heels.

           After ridding another hybrid of it's head, Klaus threw the hunter's sword, inevitably pinning a hybrid to a tree. Klaus sped towards them, ripping their heart from their body. He roughly gripped onto the sword, tearing it from the hybrids body before turning to his left to see another hybrid advance towards him. Swiftly, he slashed their throat before his hand jolted into their body. Pulling their heart out.

   His head turned as he heard a series of curse words escaped the witch's mouth as she fought off a hybrid. Her hands were pinned over her head as a hybrid fed off her. 

  Jordanna threw her head back before headbutting the hybrid, only making him angrier. The hybrid groaned, holding onto his head before his fist collided with her face. Klaus sped towards them, his hand drove through the hybrid's back before he ripped his heart out.

    Klaus offered Jordanna a bloodied hand, which she gratefully took. "Thanks," Jordanna winked. "See, now, that's how you properly thank people, Nik. Try it next time, yeah?"

        "Not now, Jordanna," Klaus rolled his eyes.

    "Just saying," she muttered under her breath as they looked over the last two hybrids ━ minus Kim who had ran off. "One for me, one for you?"

    "Have at it, sweetheart," Klaus gestured towards the hybrid nearest to her before he sped towards the one coming at him. Jordanna sauntered towards the hybrid, her bat boredly swung in her right hand as a twig snapped under her heel, bringing her attention away from the soon-to-be dead hybrid. 

    "Hm," Jordanna pulled a face before reaching down to pick up the stick. She tossed the stick up and down in her hand boredly as she watched the hybrid speed towards her. 

    Bearing his fangs, he rushed at her. Grabbing onto her shoulders, he pinned her to a tree. "Well, this is cosy," Jordanna taunted as his hand uncomfortably wrapped around her neck.

   "Shut up," the hybrid snapped. "I'm gonna kill you an' make your little boyfriend watch."

        Jordanna couldn't help but snort, "seriously?" Her face fell straight as she swiftly brought the stick up from behind her back and stabbed it in the eye of the hybrid. He cried out in pain as crimson trickled down his face, his vision blurred with blood as he stumbled about. She brought her heel up, kicking the hybrid to the floor before straddling him, "how do we wanna do this, huh? Head or the heart? Ooh, how about a little fire? Now, I know, I know it's gotta be either the head or the heart but, c'mon that's boring."

    He remained silent, the only sound coming from him was pained whimpers.

   Jordanna rolled her eyes as she got off of him. "Fire it is then. See, I'm actually not too sure if this will work, but we'll hope for the best, yeah?"


    And he lit up in flames, his body withered in pain on the floor as he rolled about. Poor boy, stop, drop and roll won't save you now.

   Just to make sure that he was actually dead, she jolted her fist, watching as a crispy, burnt heart tore from his body.


   Jordanna ignored the screams coming from the hybrid that Klaus was busy killing as she sauntered over to a tree where she perched her small bag on. Dropping her bat besides the tree she picked up her purse, pulling out her phone as she found the camera ━ god, she looked a mess.

          A hot mess, but a mess nonetheless.

   Her hair was caked in blood and knotted from when that stupid hybrid bitch pulled it, her left eye hurt like a bitch  ━ she'd most likely end up with a bruise. She had blood splattered all along her body, her neck, her face. Mainly her fucking dress, but hey-ho, it's all good.

    Reaching back into her purse she pulled out a lip gloss, holding the camera steadily as she reapplied it. She puckered her lips one last time before placing them both back in her bag as Klaus approached.

   "How do I look?" She grinned, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

    "Fantastic, come on," Klaus nodded in the direction of the Lockwood cellar.

     Jordanna gaped at him as he walked off.

     Uh, rude!

   Her heels clicked against the floor as she walked down the steps of the Lockwood cellar. She and Klaus entered, finding a crying Kim pressed against the bars of the cellar.

    Klaus gestured for her to go first, ah so he does have manners?


    "Where is he, Kim, sweetheart?" Jordanna spoke sweetly.

     She said nothing, only staring at Jordanna blankly ━ too scared to meet the hybrid's glare from behind her.

    Jordanna huffed, "fine, be like that."


        The witch rolled her eyes impatiently, "okay, Kimberly, you don't tell us where he is and I will go out there, find Adrian's stupid dead body, cut off his foot and ram it down your throat. You good with that?"

   A sob broke out from the hybrid's lips making Jordanna purse her own as she turned away to Klaus. "Yeah, no, you do it, she's boring me."

        "Where is Tyler Lockwood?" Klaus demanded as Kim continued to sob. Klaus pointed the sword at her throat as he grew closer to her. "You'd do well to answer me, love."

    Only yet again, she said nothing.

    Surprise, surprise.

    Klaus placed the blade of the sword against her throat as he screamed out, "where is he!?"

   "I don't know," she responded quietly, choking back on her tears.

   "Wrong answer," Klaus replied menacingly, pressing the blade down onto her throat causing Kim to gasp for air. He pressed down harder into her neck, watching as her head began separating from her body. The original turned around, facing Jordanna and her heart hurt at the look on his face. He looked so sad, lonely even.


    "Go home, Jordanna," Klaus muttered, pushing past her as he began to exit the cellar.

    "Nik . . ."

     He sighed, turning to face her, he brought his bloodied hands to her face and rested his forehead against hers, "go home, I won't be long."

   But before she could even reply he had gone.

        "Fuck my life."

         It had been, what? Half an hour since Klaus had left her in the woods? And he still wasn't back yet. She didn't know what soon meant to Klaus but this felt like forever.

       Her pacing had come to a stop as she heard the bedroom door creak open, revealing Klaus. He had done something, she didn't know what, but she could still tell that he had done something.

        A sigh left her lips as he stared ahead at her blankly, "come on, let's get you cleaned up."

        Klaus made no argument, he sluggishly followed after Jordanna as she headed to the en-suite, he made no complaints as she told him to rid himself of the bloodied clothes as she did the same.

       Quickly the steam from the shower filled the room as the two stepped into the shower, Klaus stood, sadly, as he let the witch wash all the blood off his body and face before he turned to do the same to her. His hand cupped the side of her neck as he stared down at the blood washing away in the water.

        "Are you hurt?" He frowned, his voice so quite she could barely hear him.

        "No," Jordanna shook her head softly. "It's not my blood."

        Klaus' frown deepened, he could've sworn he saw a hybrid feeding from her. Maybe he was seeing things, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing that had happened that day.

        But Jordanna was confused, she knew she got bit. She could remember the feeling, it wasn't like when Klaus did it, whenever he bit her it was always painless, pleasurable. But when that hybrid bit her it hurt like a bitch, she knew it happened.

        She could remember it clear as day, so why the fuck were there no marks, scratches. Come to think of it, any of the injuries she had received today had seemed to have disappeared . . . her eye ( from when that stupid hybrid hit her ) was perfectly fine, no sign of bruising, nothing.

        She pushed it aside as she left Klaus finish cleaning the blood from her body. They stood right under the shower head as the water piled down onto them, Klaus' hands reached up to cup her face as he sighed, resting his forehead against hers.

         "I did something," Klaus mumbled, his soft breath hitting her cheek as water droplets ran from his wet hair and down his face.

        Jordanna stayed silent as she waited for Klaus to continue.

        "I did what I had to," he muttered, more to himself.

       "What did you do, Nik?" Her voice was soft, almost angelic Klaus thought.

        "I killed Carol Lockwood," he revealed.

      Jordanna's eyes widened.

         Wow, okay, not what she expected.

    "Don't hate me," Klaus' spoke, eyes lowly peering down to meet hers.

    "Obviously I don't hate you, don't be fucking stupid," she pulled him into a hug as he clung onto her her body tightly. "How'd you, uh, do it?" Jordanna asked carefully.

    "Drowned her," Klaus simply stated.

    Jordanna huffed. "Shit. Not your fault she can't hold her breath then, is it?"


Yeah so couples who kill together stay together ig xo

We're getting closer and closer to thaT part 😏😉 i can't tell if yous are shitting it or ur excited. it's funny to me tbh cos i already know how it's gonna go

But like writing fight scenes are bollocks its so hard omfg . i tried i guess 😃 all i could hear in my head was that fucking Christmas song it plays in the back when he kills carol lmao

Our girl jords is gonna hurt elena next chap but i cant figure out how yet🤔

anways adios xoxo

(edited 08/03/22)

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