𝘃𝗶𝗶. 𝗱𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗯 𝘆𝗼𝘂?

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chapter thirty three

do you want me to stab you?


    "STEFAN SALVATORE I will kill you," Jordanna snapped as she and Caroline walked down the steps of the Lockwood residence, clipboards in hand.

    "What do you mean you're not coming? I don't need to remind you that your Miss Mystic Falls attendance record totally sucks," Caroline added, frowning at the Salvatore's absence. "Besides, you're a founding family member. By definition, you have to be here."

        "Elena and I broke up. By definition I don't need to be anywhere," Stefan sighed down the phone.

    "Exactly, you broke up!" Jordanna exclaimed as she rearranged the decorations some incompetent placed out. "All the more reason for you to be here, get drunk, celebrate. You're finally free of that bitch."

     "Really, JJ?"

    "Did that sound as depressing to you as it did to me?" Caroline asked the two, referring to what Stefan had previously said as she watched Jordanna fuss over the table settings.

     "Definitely did," Jordanna teased.

    "Oh, I'm not depressed. I just want to rip into someone's artery and feed until I can't breath anymore," Stefan retorted.

    "As much fun as that sounds, you can't," Jordanna snorted.

    "Yeah, as your sober sponsors we're not gonna let that happen. Try and sublimate," Caroline smiled.

    Stefan stayed silent for a moment, "she said she has feelings for, Damon."

   "Ew," Jordanna pulled a face. "I'm not surprised though . . . I mean, I always knew she would switch brothers sooner or later, which means I'm right again. But that's totally not the point," Jordanna grimaced as Caroline shot her a look. "Sorry Stefano."

        "She can't have feelings for, Damon! He's ━ Damon and you're. . . you," Caroline trailed off, a hint of admiration on her face as she thought of the younger Salvatore.

        Jordanna raised her eyebrows, looking up from the clipboard to her friend. Caroline cleared her throat and continued.

    "And I'm revolted. You know what? We're gonna' talk to her-"

        "We are?" Jordanna scoffed, the thought of being near the brunette made her want to stab something, preferably her.

    "Yes! We are, we're gonna shake some sense into her clearly diseased brain!"

     Jordanna pursed her lips with an eyeroll. Elena Gilbert confused the living shit out of her. The doppelganger forgave Caroline for killing her . . . I mean, what? Not that Caroline wanted the forgiveness or anything but she took it ━ the blonde was still pissed about the whole trying to kill her best friend thing, of course, but she'd rather live in peace with everyone. She didn't want the constant fights, the attempted murders on one another. It was tiring as fuck. She just wanted to live out her teenage years properly. With the whole break up situation Caroline only cared about Stefan's feelings, she knew that the boy was head over heels in love with Elena and she wanted to knock some sense into the doppelganger's non existent brain . . . for him.

    Though, Elena steered clear of Jordanna ━ after the hunters curse, the thought of being near her scared the vampire slightly. So, she tried to stay out of her way and do little to nothing that would piss her off . . . which was hard since Jordanna got annoyed with almost everything Elena did.

    "Yeah, well, I don't know what good that'll do. Elena's right. Being a vampire really has changed her," Stefan stated sadly.

   "Look, we've got to go. Be careful and remember, there's sublimating and then there's insanity," Caroline warned playfully, her eyes falling onto the approaching doppelganger.

     "I'll be fine, bye," Stefan muttered.

     "Love you!" Jordanna added as he ended the phone, turning away as the doppelganger grew closer.

    "I thought we were gonna' talk to her?" Caroline gripped onto her arm, stopping Jordanna from moving.

         "No, you can," Jordanna pulled her arm from grasp. "I don't care what happens in her love life, all I care about is if Stefan's okay and my flower arrangements."

         "JJ!" Caroline's eyes widened. "I don't wanna' talk to her alone . . . what if she think's we're still friends?"

    Jordanna snorted, "shouldn't have given her the impression you were then, should you? Have fun, doll."

         Caroline cursed as the witch walked away.

    Jordanna narrowed her eyes as she watched  the workers place flower arrangements down, Caroline besides her as she returned after her long, boring chat with Elena.

     The blonde's eyes widened as she watched the workers place the flowers on a table. "Whoa, stop, stop. Those flowers go in the back, as indicated by the floral chart that you guys had plenty of time to memorize."

     The girls rolled their eyes as the blonde scowled at them.

    Jordanna watched them walk away with a sarcastic smile, "yeah. Fuck you too."

     The witch looked back down at her clipboard as she reviewed what else she had to do when Caroline nudged her, Jordanna's head lifted only to find a smirking Klaus coming her way.

    "Go away, I'm busy," Jordanna dismissed him before he even got a word in edgeways.

     "What? Can't I come visit my girl?" Klaus stood in front of her with a cheeky smile on his lips.

     "No," Jordanna tilted her head with a false smile. "You can't, like I said I'm busy."

   "Ouch," Klaus hummed, grabbing her hand and pulling her body flush to his. "I was just wondering what time I should pick you up tomorrow."

    "Erm ━ no," Caroline butted in with a strained smile. "She's my date tomorrow, sorry Klaus."

    Klaus raised his eyebrows before looking down at the witch, Jordanna pursed her lips as Caroline, too, looked over at her expectantly. "Just meet me here, around two."

     Klaus smugly looked in Caroline's direction, "perfect. I'll see you later?"

    "Yeah," Jordanna smiled. "Be careful, okay?"

    Klaus grinned, swiftly placing a kiss on her cheek before speeding away.

    Caroline turned to the witch with raised eyebrows.


    "You ditcher! I was your date, what happened to 'don't worry, Care. You can be my date, fuck boys,'" the blonde mocked, hands on hip.

    "I can't say no to that face," Jordanna teased with a beaming smile. "You can hang with us for a bit if you want?"

        Caroline pulled a face, "third wheeling with you two? Yeah, no, I'd rather die."

     "Suit yourself," Jordanna hummed.

        The next morning Caroline and Elena were both sat in one of the rooms at the Lockwood house helping April get ready for the pageant when a limping Jordanna walked in.

   "Finally! I thought you-" Caroline stopped as she noticed the witch's walk. "Why the Hell are you walking like that?"

     Elena and April both looked up as they took a glance over at the scowling witch. "I don't know what you're talking about, Caroline," Jordanna huffed, throwing herself down onto one of the couches.

        Caroline scoffed playfully, "do you two ever stop?"

    Jordanna shrugged cheekily as she set her eyes on April, who held two dresses in her hand.  One blue, one red.

    "Blue." The three girls agreed.

    April frowned, "really? Blue seems a little safe."

   "Safe is good when it comes to the judges," Elena told her, careful to not look at Jordanna.

   "She's right. Gracie Lockwood had a three foot slit her year and practically got laughed off the court," Caroline chuckled.

   Jordanna snorted, her smile faltering as Damon walked into the room. "She's got my vote."

    "Go away."

     "Get out, lurker!" Caroline shouted, throwing a shoe at the Salvatore.

    "Ouch," Damon muttered with a sarcastic smile. "Where's Professor Shane?" He asked.

   "Check the judges table," Jordanna sent him a scowl as she raised her hand, her magic beginning to push the door shut on the Salvatore.

   "Red one, definitely," Damon smirked as he slid between the small gap of the door, wincing as the effect of the magic caused it to slam loudly behind him.

   Jordanna rolled her eyes, "leave."

   "We've already agreed that the red one's a little bit too showy," Caroline smiled tightly.

    Damon rolled his eyes, "it's a pageant. That's the whole point."

        "One. You sound like a creep. Two . . . I'm sorry, but I don't recall of you winning Miss. Mystic Falls," Jordanna scoffed.

   "Elena didn't win and she wore blue," he retorted, narrowing his eyes at the witch.

   "Did I ask what dress Elena wore? No, I don't think I did," Jordanna snapped.

    "Nobody cares what you think, Damon," Caroline added.

     April coughed awkwardly. "Uh, I care"

    "No, you don't," Jordanna shook her head, raising an expectant eyebrow in April's direction. "Damon's seriously the last person you wanna be asking for fashion advice. Or any advice for that matter. Actually, it's best you stay away from him all together . . . unless you wanna catch herpes or something."

     "But . . ."

     "Ignore her, April, I don't have herpes. See? April cares," Damon smirked smugly, interrupting the young girl. "Red, right. Elena?"

     The doppelganger gulped under his stare as she glanced over at April again, "the red is pretty."

      "Shut up, Elena."

      "And my work here is done," Damon grinned before walking out of the room, Caroline dropped her hands to her side in shock.

     "God, I hate him," Jordanna mumbled.

    "Uh, what happened to thirty seconds ago when you hated the red one? What happened to 'safe is good'?" Caroline frowned, looking over at the doppelganger.

    Elena shook her head as Jordanna stared at her quizzically, "what ever you want to wear, April."

        "Huh," Jordanna huffed in suspicion as she watched Elena exit the room.

    "Uh, what just happened?" Caroline asked, exasperated with the recent events.

   "I have no fucking idea," Jordanna said, glancing up at the clock. "I'm gonna' go find Klaus."


    "I thought you'd rather die then hang with me and Klaus, huh?" Jordanna grinned as she and Caroline walked around outside.

   "Shut up," Caroline mumbled. "It was either this or spend the entire of Miss. Mystic Falls alone."

    "Hm." Jordanna smiled before she saw two empty champagne glasses sat on a table the pair was passing. "For fuck's sake."

    Caroline, too, spotted them and scowled, "God, can't anybody do their job right?"

         "Clearly not," Jordanna murmured, turning to the bussboy. "Hey! Why am I bussing your tables? I said no empty glasses." She snapped as she hastily placed the glasses on his tray before she dragged Caroline away to the orchestra. "Pick up the goddamn tempo will you, it's a pageant not a freakin' funeral, keep it up and I'll shove that cello so far up your asses you'll shitting strings for a month."

    "And how am I doing?" A voice spoke from behind her, causing her to jump.

    "Jesus!" Her hand flew to her chest. "You scared me, ass-face."

    "My apologies," Klaus smiled in amusement.

    Jordanna looked him up and down, taking in his appearance.

    Hot, as always.

   "You look . . . very sexy, which is annoying," Jordanna scowled.

    Klaus chuckled, his eyes dragging up and down her body. "And you look gorgeous, I could just about rip that dress off of you."

   "Oh, yeah? Wanna bet?" Jordanna's lips uptugged into a playful smirk before a loud cough interrupted.

   "Evening, Caroline," Klaus acknowledged, nodding his head in her direction.

   "Klaus," Caroline greeted with a tight smile.

    Klaus pulled Jordanna's body to his, her back to his front as he stood behind her ━ looking over Caroline's shoulder to see Hayley and Tyler hand in hand as they walked around the estate.

      "They didn't waste any time did they?" He muttered in Jordanna's ear who lifted her head to look across the garden, Caroline furrowed her brows and shifted her body ━ her face falling at the sight.

     "You don't think they've slept together do you?" Caroline bit her lip nervously as she turned to face the witch.

            "I'm not sure, you can never tell with boys," Jordanna rolled her eyes. "They go for whoever or whatever their dick's pointing at and there's no changing their minds, but if he did he's an idiot."

      "Let's just get this over with," Caroline muttered, turning to walk away but stopping as she heard no footsteps following after her. "JJ! We have to announce the court, as Co-Miss Mystic Falls -"

           "Yeah, no," Jordanna shifted, feeling Klaus rest his chin atop her head. "Do we really need two people to announce the court? No."

     "Jordanna Anastasia Jones you so owe me for this!" Caroline practically screeched before sauntering away to the stage.

     Klaus huffed in amusement, "her voice is deafening."

     Jordanna hummed in agreement, turning her body so she faced him.

    "Shall we?" He gestured to a table, holding his arm out to her.

          "Please," Jordanna grumbled, taking his arm in hers. "My feet hurt like a bitch."

     Klaus chuckled as he led them to a table near the back, he pulled a seat out for Jordanna to which she smiled gratefully at before he took the seat next to her as they awaited for the ceremony to begin.

           The hybrid rested his hand on the bare skin of her thigh, watching with a raised brow as she picked up one of the champagne glasses from the table.

      The witch raised her eyebrows as she took a sip, studying his face as he stared at her. "What?"

             "Nothing," he shook his head with a frown, every time he had offered a drink, she pulled a face, turning away ━ so seeing her drink again after a few days of practically being alcohol ridden was odd. "I'm just surprised to see you drinking again."

     She rolled her eyes slightly, taking another sip before putting the glass down. "Jesus. I was put off drinking for a few days, I'm fine now."

     What the fuck? She didn't understand why everyone thought it was weird ━ Caroline had said the exact same thing when they were taste tasting wines earlier. It was no big deal, she felt a little ill and now she doesn't. Sue her.

    "Whatever you say," Klaus shrugged, sending her one last fleeting look. His hand slid up her thigh, tapping the inside of her leg impatiently.

   "Will you stop?" Jordanna muttered to him as guests walked past the table, sparing a small smile in her direction to which she returned as she shifted in her seat.

    "Stop what?" Klaus questioned innocently, turning his head as he sent her a cocky smirk.

     "Nik," she warned.

             "I'm not doing anything sweetheart," Klaus leaned back in his seat, his free hand rested on his chin whilst the other slid further up her leg, brushing past the slit of her dress.

      "You're so fucking unbelievably annoying," she grumbled, taking a deep breath as Caroline made her way onto stage.

   "Hi, everyone, I'm Caroline Forbes." The blonde greeted the crowd with a large smile. "As the reigning Co-Miss. Mystic Falls, it is my honour to introduce this years Miss. Mystic Court!"

    "Klaus, I swear to God," Jordanna snapped, trying to concentrate on Caroline's voice as his fingers grew closer and closer to the lace material that covered her.

           The hybrid hummed in acknowledgement, but making no move to remove his hand from under her dress ━ his fingers skimming the sensitive skin of her thigh, sending tingles up her spine.

     I mean, if they weren't in public Jordanna would take him right there on that very table. But sadly, they were so, no.

   "We begin the procession with Valerie Fell accompanied by Dylan Clarke," Caroline introduced, the crowd erupted into a round of applause for the Miss Mystic contestant as she walked down the steps, taking her partners arm.

    "Next we have Amber Wolvertine, accompanied by Hector Lindsay," Caroline spoke.

           If Jordanna was in the right state of mind she would have commented on how bad Hector's parents hate him ━ I mean, seriously? Who names a kid Hector?

            But, then again, she wasn't in the right state of mine as Klaus was about an inch away from starting something that would most likely get her in a shit ton of trouble if they were caught.

     Caroline's voice drowned out in Jordanna's ears as she continued to introduce the girls as Klaus' fingers skimmed over the lace material covering her.

          "Fuck me," Jordanna pursed her lips in annoyance, abruptly standing from her seat and grabbing Klaus' hand, pulling him up from his own before she dragged him across the garden.

    "Eager?" The hybrid teased.

    "Stop talking," she muttered.

    "And finally, we have a last minute entry! April Young, accompanied by Jeremy Gilbert," Caroline grinned as the young girl dressed in red made her way down the stairs.

     Jordanna clapped for April as she past, making her way around the garden and back up to the house. Caroline shot her a suspicious look as the couple passed and found themselves back in the Lockwood residence.

     The witch led him through the many halls of the house ━ finding that the only unoccupied rooms were the bathrooms.

        She couldn't help it, Klaus had left her extremely sexually frustrated and what else better than to cure that than a quickie in Tyler Lockwood's bathroom?

    Jordanna slipped into the bathroom first, Klaus following after her as he made sure no one was around before he locked the door after himself.

    He turned around to see Jordanna stood by the lavish sink, fixing her hair as she stared at herself in the large mirror. Her eyes flickered up to Klaus' as he approached her, standing behind the witch, his hand immediately going to her waist whilst the other cupped her jaw, tilting her head up as he captured his lips in hers.

         His tongue slipped into her mouth causing a small moan to fall from her lips. Klaus pulled away for a second, turning her around so that her hips slammed into the counter.

     Jordanna's breath hitched at the feeling of pain and pleasure as he reattached his lips to hers. Klaus reached his hand out to grab her hair, stopping as he hissed in pain. Looking down at the heel of Jordanna's shoe by his foot he quizzically looked back up to her. "Ow," he deadpanned.

     "Not the hair," she muttered, pushing his suit jacket off. "I have to take pictures with the winner later and I don't wanna look like I've been through Hell and back."

     "I can't promise you that, sweetheart," Klaus smirked, loosening his tie. His hands grasped at her hips again as he turned her to face the mirror, her front touching the edge of the sink.

    Jordanna rolled her eyes at the original. "You can't rip this dress, Nik."

     Klaus rolled his own eyes in retaliation, he fisted the back of the dress in his hands as he slowly lifted the material. "Yes, I know, you need to make an appearance and whatnot . . ."

    "No marks either." She pointed out as he began peppering kisses down her shoulder.

    "As you wish," he huffed in annoyance, pulling back from her. The hybrid's hands reached down to unbuckle his belt, the only sounds in the small bathroom being the loud noise of Klaus' zipper being pulled down and the two supernaturals' heavy breathing as their chests rose up and down in sync.

            With one push of her back the witch was bending over the sink, her hands tightly gripped at the sides. He nudged his legs between hers causing them to open wider before he lifted the dress of her skirt until it rested on her waist.

    His fingers hooked onto her thong before he roughly tugged it down. One hand flew to her hip as the other grabbed his dick, rubbing it against her.

     Her eyes fluttered shut as he jerked his hips against hers. Her hands grew white as her grip on the counter grew with each thrust. Her head fell forward in pleasure making Klaus reach out, his hand grasping the back of her neck ( careful not to mess her hair up ) as he pulled her face back up.

     Her face was flustered ━ which was a rare look on the witch, her cheeks tinted pink as Klaus ran his lips down the side of her neck. A groan escaped his own as he felt her tighten around him.

     His bucked his hips roughly, a loud moan left her lips before a ringed hand enclosed on her mouth. "As much as I love hearing that . . . you don't want people hearing you, now do you, sweetheart?"

     Her chest heaved up and down as she met his eyes in the mirror, his front pressed against her with every move of his hips. His other hand made its way down from her hip before finding her clit ━ rubbing in tauntingly slow circles causing her eyes to roll to the back of her head.

          "You look ravishing," he whispered in her ear, brushing his thumb over her swollen lips as he removed his hand from her mouth ━ instead pushing her hair over her shoulder that had fallen at the movement.

     His hand rested at the side of her jaw as he pulled her back flush to his, the change of angle caused an even louder moan to escape her pink, swollen lips as he thrusted even deeper into her. Jordanna's body tensed sensually, eyes rolling to the back of her head as his lips reattached to her neck. A staggered moan tumbled from her lips as she felt a euphoric feeling implode within her. Klaus jerked his hips a few more times, a breathy sound leaving his lips as he stilled for a moment before he pulled out from her.

     Klaus grinned boyishly as he pressed a quick kiss to her check before he began cleaning himself up as she stared into the mirror. "Seriously?"

        Klaus' eyes fell onto the hickey that sat on the side of her neck, he simply shrugged with a smile.

    "Give me your blood," she turned to him, arms folded over her chest. "If any of the judges see me with this I'll be, like, ridiculed or whatever. I didn't win Miss. Mystic Falls looking like I've been punched in the neck!"

     "That's a little far fetched, sweetheart," Klaus teased as he passed her a tissue.

    "Whatever," she dismissively waved a hand in his face, hastily taking the tissue. "Just give me your blood."

     Klaus just smirked as he reached his arm out, his hand taking her hair and moving it so it hid the mark. "Sorted."

     "Wow, thanks," the witch rolled her eyes as she began cleaning herself up.

     "You are very welcome."

    Jordanna shot him a look as she fixed her dress before freshening up her makeup.

      "You look gorgeous, sweetheart, can we go now?" Klaus tapped his foot against the floor impatiently.

          She stared up at him blankly before moving onto her hair. You can't rush perfection, duh. When she had finally finished the hybrid sighed in relief, taking her arm in his as he led her out of the bathroom.

     They didn't rush to get back to the gardens, instead they strolled around the house ━ Jordanna listened intently as Klaus went on about the different paintings they strolled past, muttering little comments about them under his breath.

    Jordanna squinted as the sun hit her eyes. God, she wished she brought sunglasses or something. Klaus led them down the stairs when suddenly a whirl of blonde came to a stop in front of them.

          "Jesus!" Caroline scoffed taking a one over of the two. "Can't you keep it in your pants for one day? Not even a day . . . a couple of hours at least!"

    "I'm afraid not," Klaus smirked.

    The blonde shot him a look before turning her head to the witch, "do you have anything to say for yourself?"

    "I feel like I'm being screamed at by my mom or something. . ." Jordanna muttered to Klaus, only annoying Caroline more.


   "Sorry ━ no, I don't have anything to say," Jordanna smiled sheepishly. "Actually, wait. No, I do."

    "I'm waiting," Caroline folded her arms across her chest; awaiting an apology from the witch. I mean, seriously? Jordanna just left her to announce the court all by herself, rude.

          "It was totally worth it," Jordanna grinned.

     Caroline's eyes widened, "you disgust me."

    "Lovely to know," Jordanna nodded sarcastically.

     "Just . . . Have you seen Jeremy?" Caroline questioned, looking between the two.

          "No, why?"

          "He ditched," Caroline explained. "He just left April standing there, Matt had to step in."

      "Asshole," Jordanna mumbled.

   "Hm," Caroline agreed, her eyes lighting up as a busboy walked by. She swiftly grabbed the bottle of champagne and three glasses as he strode by.

    Her arm linked in Jordanna's ━ inevitably ripping her from Klaus' as she pulled the witch down to the pond.

     "Oh, lovely," Klaus muttered sarcastically under his breath as he followed after the girls.

           Caroline bloody Forbes stole his date.

       "I mean, she's taking Damon's side on everything," Caroline rambled to Jordanna as they strolled by the lake, Klaus on the other side of the witch. "Like, I don't like her and everything . . . but it's still weird, you know?"

     "Not really, but go on," Jordanna told her. She was slightly invested in this Damon and Elena crap, not their relationship, obviously. She couldn't give two fuck's about them but that situation was odd, it sounded vaguely familiar.

    "Just, back when we were friends she always disagreed with everything he said," Caroline frowned.

    "Hm." Jordanna mumbled in agreement. "She hated him. I don't get it, how does she go from that to worshipping the ground he walks on?"

      "So, being a vampire's changed her?" Klaus questioned, a small smirk on his lips.

       "Guess so," Jordanna nodded, squinting her eyes at the look on the Mikaelson's face.

    "But being a vampire only amplifies who you already are. It doesn't turn you into a completely different person," Caroline responded.

     "Also true," Jordanna frowned.

    "Very peculiar," Klaus grinned smugly.

   "I know that look," Jordanna pointed out, turning to face him. "You know something."

    "It'll all make sense eventually," Klaus smirked, meeting Jordanna's eye. He sent her a look to which she tilted her head at. Think about it, his face screamed. Then it clicked.

             Her eyes widened, "fucking hell."

     "What?" Caroline looked between the two who were basically having a silent conversation.

    "Nothing, Care," Jordanna clicked her tongue, she'll tell her later.

     "Whatever," the blonde shrugged before looking up at the witch as she took a seat at a bench by the pond. "Hey? Have you found the cure yet?"

     "Working on it," Jordanna smiled, taking a seat besides the blonde. Her eyes shifted between the two hesitantly as Klaus took the seat besides her. "Would either of you take it?"

            Caroline frowned ━ no one had asked her that yet, they were all so busy worrying about getting it for Elena. Stefan had been trying to get his mind off the break up, Bonnie had her own things to deal with but they all still managed to make time for Elena and this 'cure.'

    "Uh ━ I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it much," the blonde looked down. "In a way, I mean. I could have kids, fall in love, get married and grow old . . . but human me was a mess."

      A sad chuckle escaped her lips as she looked at Jordanna. The witch placed a hand on her shoulder before looking up at the hybrid besides her. "You?"

     "Now, why would I want to cure myself of being the most powerful creature on the planet, hm?" He teased.

    Jordanna rolled her eyes. "Second most powerful." She corrected.

     He raised his eyebrows, "who's first then, sweetheart?"

             "Me, duh," Jordanna grinned.

   "Of course," Klaus shook his head with a smile.

    Caroline tilted her head as she watched the pair nudge each other, grinning like mad men. It was weird seeing Jordanna like this . . . in love, she meant, all of her past relationships had been mainly based on sex but this was different.

   "And you?"

  Jordanna shot him a look, "I'm not a vampire idiot, is this the old age getting to you or something?"

     Klaus rolled his eyes. "Before the Salvatore's life used to be a lot easier for you, I'm guessing?" He reached into his jacket and began pulling out a piece of paper. "Like being the chair of the Miss. Mystic's Falls Beautification Committee and the director of- "

    "Is that my fucking application ━ where the hell did you get that?" Jordanna jumped from her seat and reached out for the paper only for Klaus to turn away.

     "'When I am chosen I intend to redefine excellence'," Klaus read in amusement as Jordanna blinked in shock. What the fuck? She thought she burnt it. "Now, I'm really enjoying your use of 'when' here. It's very confident."

       "Do you want me to stab you?" Jordanna muttered. "I will stab you."

     "'And above all, I promise to aspire, inspire and perspire' obviously we found a shortage of words ending in spire," Klaus laughed.

    "I was sixteen!" Jordanna defended. "Caroline helped me write it, blame her."

     "Uh, I'm sorry you were so drunk you couldn't lift your finger to pick up the pen," Caroline scoffed.

  "Whose side are you on, asshole?" Jordanna muttered with a strained smile.

      Klaus tutted tauntingly. "I don't think the judges will like that very much, drinking, having someone else write your application . . ." He listed off.

      Jordanna scoffed turning to the blonde, "don't you have somewhere to be?"

      "Crap. Yes, I'll see you later," the blonde pressed a kiss to the witch's cheek before running back to the stage.

     The witch turned back to Klaus expectantly, "you mind?"

     "No, I think I might hold onto it for a while," he teased, folding the paper back up and placing it in his suit pocket.

            "Yeah, you do that," Jordanna narrowed her eyes. She'll get it later, and burn it.

     Jordanna huffed in annoyance as she sunk back into the bench, a chuckling Klaus coming to sit besides her.

        "I'm bored," Jordanna muttered to Klaus as they strolled around the gardens hand in hand, the witch having just come back from taking photos with the new Miss. Mystic Falls ━ April Young.

        "We could leave if you'd prefer," Klaus offered, stopping in his tracks. 

        "Please," Jordanna groaned. "I'm starving."

         "As you wish," the hybrid hummed as they began walking to the car park. "Have I ever told you about my trek in the Andes?"

         "No," Jordanna shook her head, looking at him curiously.

          "It was the one time I had ever thought about being human . . . a humming bird flew up to me and it just hovered there . . ."


Do we like the name Adelina idk how i feel about it. jordanna adelina jones, someone told me it's good for her but idk. i cant say it without an accent tho, ygm??

Giving you as much spice as i can atm cos no matter who gets pregnant there wont be any until like idk season 2 originals 🥲 no pregnant shags and definitely non if pregnant Hayley

opinions on marcel????

also i was too lazy and uncreative to change the miss mystic falls application so i just used caroline's, deal with it xooxox

quick ending cos i was also too lazy to finish that so there you go, enjoy xo

(edited 08/03/22)

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