𝘅𝗶𝗶𝗶. 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗮 𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗸

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chapter eighteen

line without a hook


JORDANNA AND CAROLINE were sprawled out on the witch's bed, the blonde's arm carelessly resting across the older girl's face, legs tangled together uncomfortably while they laid silently, attempting to nurse their hangover.

"This is your fault," Caroline grumbled as she lifted her arm off Jordanna's face to rub her temples. "Oh let's get drunk Caroline, what a good idea that'd be," Caroline mocked.

"Shut up," Jordanna winced at the loud voice which echoed through her ears. "You said yes you stupid whore. I'm sorry I wanted to comfort my depressed best friend after her sad excuse of a father dropped dead."

"Bitch!" Caroline exclaimed as she harshly slapped Jordanna's forehead.

"Ow!" Jordanna shouted vastly as her ears rang. "Do you want to break me? I'm fragile right now."

"You're being dramatic," Caroline mumbled as she sat up, her back resting on the headboard.

"You're being dramatic," Jordanna mocked in a high pitched voice as she slowly rose from her bed. Her feet padded against the cold floor earning a light hiss from the witch as she reached into her bag, taking out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. She noticed the look the blonde vampire was giving her as she placed a cigarette between her lips.

"Hangover remedy," Jordanna shrugged.

"Right," Caroline said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Jordanna slumped down onto a chair in the corner of her room, her head thrown back as she blew the smoke from her lips. Caroline took note of the squinted eyes—she was thinking. Hard. It was a rare sight.

"What?" Caroline asked her.


"You're doing that creepy eye thing again. What are you thinking about that's so important?" The blonde's head tilted in curiosity.

"Revenge," Jordanna simply stated.

Caroline's eyebrows shot up, "care to be more specific, revenge on who?"

"Stef," the witch shrugged as she licked her dry lips.

"Right. For the whole stabbing you thing," Caroline nodded. "I thought you said you was over it?"

"I am," Jordanna spoke slowly as she took a drag of her cigarette. "Doesn't mean I don't want to tear his balls off though."

Caroline huffed a laugh.

"I'm thinking go all psycho witch on him, voodoo, herbs — the whole lot. Maybe bring out Barry," Jordanna mused, her eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Then what? Forgive him?" Caroline wondered.

"Eventually. Not quickly though, make him work for it y'know?" Caroline nodded. "It'd be a bit hypocritical if I didn't forgive him, I mean he forgave me."

"Oh yes! I forgot about that," Caroline giggled. "I still can't believe you threatened to out him to the council and held him hostage."

"He deserved it!" Jordanna defended.

"Right, because poor Stefan Salvatore deserved a beating from you," Caroline laughed at the memory. "God! Do you remember when I stormed into your house to find him all hot and sweaty-"

"-and you assumed we banged," Jordanna spoke with narrowed eyes.

"Well I wouldn't have guessed that my sweet, sweet childhood friend was torturing the new mysterious, hot loner guy," Caroline held her hands up in surrender.

"You were so jealous you ignored me for a week," Jordanna told her dryly as she put her cigarette out.

"Yeah . . . well I- uh," Caroline sputtered.

"Don't worry Care I'm still a believer," Jordanna nodded with a smirk. "I can just see it, Caroline Salvat-"

Though the witch never finished her sentence as a blonde whirl tackled her to the bed and proceeded to violently hit the girl with a pillow—repeatedly.

After hours of lounging about and doing nothing but eat, Caroline had left to go see Liz and Jordanna was mid-way through a nap when a loud knocking on her door startled her—resulting in an angry witch grumbling curse words under her breath as she made her way to the door.

"Hello darling," the sweet familiar voice rang through Jordanna's ears.

"Rebekah?" Jordanna questioned before she squealed and enveloped The Original in a tight hug.

"The one and only," Rebekah mused as she held her only friend close to her chest.

"You're back!" Jordanna breathed out, flashing her teeth. "Thank God!"

"Nice to see you too," Rebekah smiled as they pulled away. "I brought you a little gift for tonight." The blonde gestured to the porch where a large white box was placed—an envelope sat atop of it.

"What's tonight?" Jordanna questioned as she moved towards the box.

"Read it and you might find out," Rebekah urged with a small roll of her eyes.

Jordanna narrowed her eyes at her friend as she lifted the envelope, lips parted as she read the words.

Please join the Mikaelson family, this evening at seven o'clock. For dancing, drinks and celebration.

I'm sorry, save me a dance. Fondly Nik.

"A party?" Jordanna questioned as she pursed her lips to hide a smile that threatened to leave her lips.

"A ball," Rebekah corrected with a smile as Jordanna lifted the box, placing it on a table inside. "It's to celebrate our family being whole once again."

"Yeah, I heard about that," Jordanna grinned at how happy the blonde was. "Elijah called me last night."

"One brother wasn't enough for you? You have to have poor Elijah too?" Rebekah joked.

"Fuck off," Jordanna mumbled as she lifted the lid of the box up, a gasp left her lips as her eyes trailed over the dress in front of her. Staring back at her was a floor length red dress, spaghetti straps, the cut on the dress was a plunging v-neckline and a thigh high slit on.

"You like?" Rebekah teased. "I helped Nik pick, of course, seeing as though he had no idea what he was doing."

"It's gorgeous," Jordanna grinned. She wouldn't usually take expensive gifts from people—claiming it was a way of independence, showing if she wanted to she could get it herself but wow. If Klaus wanted to spend his time showering her with expensive gifts she had no opposition.

"Obviously, like I said I helped," Rebekah smiled widely.

Jordanna snorted at The Original as placed the lid back on the box, "so who do you plan on taking to the ball?"

"Matt," Rebekah smiled, Jordanna wanted to comment but seeing the smile on the blonde's lips she stopped. "He was supposed to take me to homecoming before that bitch daggered me."

"Matty-Blue, he's nice," Jordanna added, trying to be some-what encouraging.

"Enough chit-chat, we have to start making preparations for tonight," Rebekah ushered as she grabbed the witch's hands and began dragging her out of the house.

"Fine, as long as you buy me food."

Music was playing through the Mikaelson house as Rebekah and Jordanna walked through the main room, just as Jordanna was about to take a seat on the couch besides Rebekah a blur flashed before her and there stood an unfamiliar male staring Jordanna down.

The vampire jolted his hand out with a smirk, "Kol Mikaelson, the more handsome brother and you are?"

Jordanna's eyebrows raised as she slowly placed her hand in his, watching as he brought it up to his lips, "Jordanna."

"Jordanna," Kol mused shaking his head. "I shall call you Anna, Jordanna is simply too much hassle. So Anna, do you have a last name?"

"Jones," Jordanna spoke slowly as she gently removed her hand from Kol's.

"Ah, a Jones witch," Kol's eyes twinkled. "Pleasure's all mine, I see."

"Leave her alone, Kol. Nik will kill you," Rebekah advised from her place on the couch smiling at Jordanna as she sat besides her.

"I'd like to see him try," Kol smugly stated as he stood in front of a full length mirror, looking at his suit, fixing his bow tie. "Anna? Tell me how handsome I look."

Jordanna looked up from her nails to take a glance at the Original, "Kol, you look so handsome-" the witch abruptly stopped. "Only joking."

Kol scowled at the girl whilst the rest of the Mikaelson family let out amused laughs, "how rude."

A sudden slam was heard as Klaus stormed into the living room, a furious look on his face as he glared at his sister. "You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?"

"Here we go," Rebekah sighed as she looked down at her nails.

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus asked with a clenched jaw.

"Klaus!" Jordanna hissed, earning his attention. The hybrid raised his brows—challenging the witch, who retaliated by raising her own.

"Again with the dagger threats, don't you have any other tricks?" Kol questioned, merely amused by his brother's threats.

"Oh, go back to staring at yourself," Klaus sneered earning an eye roll from his younger brother. 

"And who are you, my father?" Kol stepped towards Klaus, as if he was challenging him.

"No, Kol, but you're in my house," the hybrid countered with narrowed eyes.

"Then perhaps we should go outside," Kol scowled deeply as he took another step towards his brother.

"Children, actual children," Jordanna scoffed quietly as an unfamiliar woman walked in the room. 

"Enough," the woman called out sternly, her eyes landed on Jordanna—placing a fake smile on her lips she walked towards the younger witch.

"So this is the infamous Jordanna Jones I've heard so much about," the woman spoke with authority. "Esther Mikaelson, I must say it's a pleasure." Esther extended her hand out, hesitantly Jordanna shook it. The elder witch felt the power radiating off the girl, power Jordanna hadn't even discovered yet and for once in her life Esther was intimidated.

It wasn't the kind of intimidating where she thought 'crap, she's stronger than me,' it was more of a 'shit, she's a reckless maniac who is going to do something stupid to get in my way', because lets be honest, Esther was the original witch and Jordanna was a teenage girl who was slightly on the more manic side. She was arrogant yet humble enough to know that.

"Lovely to meet you," Jordanna plastered the same fake smile on her lips as she ripped her hand from Esther's. 

The Mikaelson witch narrowed her eyes slightly before she turned her head towards her son, "Niklaus, come."

Jordanna watched with sceptical eyes as Klaus followed behind his mother, sending the witch a pointed look to which she responded with an expectant raise of her eyebrows. Klaus shook his head with a small eyeroll before he disappeared.

Jordanna left the Mikaelson house after receiving multiple text messages from Caroline—demanding she had to meet her at the Grill. The witch faltered when she caught eyes of Caroline and Elena.

Jordanna sauntered towards them, a grin plastered on her face, "you summoned me, gorgeous?"

Caroline grabbed Jordanna's wrist, bringing her down onto the seat between herself and Elena, "care to explain why I received a whole apology letter and invitation to the ball from Klaus Mikaelson?"

"Uh—no?" Jordanna spoke before her expression brightened. "But this is a good thing, you can be my date."

"Freaky lesbian lovers?" Caroline teased nudging Jordanna's shoulder. "I would but I have nothing to wear."

"Find something then idiot," Jordanna deadpanned taking a fry from Caroline's plate.

"It's all so weird, the originals are throwing a ball, like, an actual ball," Elena spoke up.

"It could be fun," Jordanna shrugged with a small roll of her eyes. "Dancing, drinks," her eyes found Elena's, lips holding a menacing smirk, "murder."

"Yes, because that sounds like an unforgettable evening," Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Be quiet. It's basically a normal night in Mystic Falls," Jordanna told her, jabbing her heel into Caroline's foot earning a yelp.

"Bitch," the blonde hissed before her head turned in the doppelganger's direction. "And why does the evil witch want an audience with you?"

"Witch bitch invited you?" Jordanna asked with narrowed eyes. "Why?"

Elena nodded as she looked towards Jordanna, "I have no idea. There's only one way to find out."

"I thought you told Damon and Stefan that you weren't going," Caroline tilted her head as she did a one over of the doppelganger.

"I did, which is all the more reason I need a drama free body guard," Elena gestured to Caroline.

"Hands off," Jordanna snapped. "Caroline is my date."

"Finally, we get some lesbian lover time," Caroline smirked at Jordanna who winked in response. "Besides I think a Salvatore would look better in a tux and by that I mean Stefan."

"Eh, agree to disagree," Jordanna spoke. "Stefan is the better man however Damon is better for Elena seeing as they're both selfish and have no regards for other people or their wellbeing."

"Hm," Caroline sighed in thought.

"Uh, I can't deal with either of the Salvatore's right now," Elena sighed, narrowing her eyes at Jordanna. "Whatever Stefan is feeling right now he is channelling it all against Klaus, and Damon . . . " she shook her head. "It's just not a good idea."

"Why, 'cause you two made out?" Caroline teased. "Bonnie spilled the beans."

"You kissed Damon?" Jordanna's eyes grew the size of saucers. "Jesus Christ."

"I was gonna' tell you, just after everything that happened with your dad . . . "

"Elena, when you and Matt kissed for the first time freshman year you called me the second it happened, and now I don't hear about this 'til now, and from somebody else," Caroline spoke, slightly hurt.

"I'm sorry," Elena sighed. "It's just I- I don't even know how I feel about it yet. All I do know is that it used to be so much easier."

"Careful Caroline," a familiar voice spoke up, approaching the girls. "It's all good and well until she stabs you in the back."

"Hey Bekah," Jordanna waved from her place, receiving a wave back from The Original. 

Rebekah opened her mouth to speak but was cut off as Elena interrupted, "what are you doing here? I know your mom's rules. No hunting the locals."

"Get over yourself Elena, it's not all about you," Rebekah smirked as she walked off, causing the witch to snort in amusement.

"What is she doing?" Elena demanded as they watched Rebekah approach Matt.

"Shut up, Elena."

"Oh my god! She's inviting him to the ball. Why is she inviting him?" Caroline frantically asked, worried for her ex's safety.

"Probably to get this reaction from us," Elena huffed.

"Or, I don't know . . . maybe she likes him?" Jordanna quipped sarcastically, shaking her head.

"What time is this stupid dance?" Caroline snapped.

"Seven," Jordanna spoke as she rose from her seat. "Don't be late." She crooned, pressing a quick kiss to Caroline's cheeks as she made her way to the exit.

Jordanna stood outside the Mikaelson Mansion waiting for Caroline to arrive. The raven-haired witch stopped pacing as her eyes caught sight of the blonde. "Finally! I thought you were gonna' ditch."

"No—I was just being fashionably late. Making a statement you know?" Caroline grinned.

"That doesn't even ma-" the witch stopped as her eyes scanned over the blonde. "Is that my dress?"

Caroline sheepishly smiled at the witch, "I had nothing to wear and you left this at my house after Miss Mystic Falls, so . . . I put it on. Think of it as a 'thank you' from you to me because I did fix it."

"You're so annoying you know that right?" Jordanna questioned as she linked her arms in Caroline's.

"Shut up," Caroline grumbled as the double doors open and the two girls strode in together, their eyes glanced around the room. The two felt eyes on them, heated stares on their backs.

"Well, that's awkward," Jordanna muttered as she grimaced under the stare of the guests. "If this happens every time I'm late somewhere, remind me to be on time."

"Only if you remind me first," Caroline muttered. "At least we look hot."

"That we do," Jordanna smirked as their arms unlinked.

"I'm gonna' go talk to Matt, good luck," Caroline spoke as her eyes fell on the Donovan boy.

Good luck?

Before Jordanna could question the blonde she was suddenly face to face with the blue eyed hybrid himself, Klaus Mikaelson. Their eyes subconsciously traced over one another's appearance, taking in every detail of their bodies. Her breath hitched as Klaus took her hand and slowly brought it up to his lips, eyes still locked onto one another, no words spoken.

"Good evening sweetheart, you look gorgeous," Klaus smiled. He smiled, it wasn't his usual smirk—the Hybrid had a large grin plastered on his face. Jordanna's heart melted—there was something about Klaus smiling that made her heart flutter.

"Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself," Jordanna said as her hands unknowingly reached up to straighten his bow tie. She felt his eyes on her, she noticed as they flickered from her lips back to her eyes. The witch inched closer with a small smirk as his eyes once again went to her lips before she suddenly pulled away.

"I need a drink," Jordanna hummed as she walked off, leaving Klaus stunned.

"If everyone could gather, please," Elijah announced from his place atop the stairs, the rest of the Mikaelson siblings and Esther joining him. "Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever our mother brings our family together like this it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries old waltz, so if you could please find yourself a partner, please join us in the ballroom."

Jordanna mumbled under her breath as she threw back the rest of her bourbon when she noticed Klaus coming towards her. A playful smirk rested upon his lips as he approached, "shall we?"

The witch placed her empty glass aside and joined her arm in Klaus', "lead the way."

Klaus pulled Jordanna into the ball room, wrapping an arm around her waist. As the music enveloped the room the room, the witch easily fell into the dance. "Thank you," Jordanna spoke up. "For inviting Caroline."

"Yes, well I knew it would make you happy so . . . " the hybrid trailed off with a sheepish smile before his features laced into guilt. "I'm sorry for Caroline, it was wrong of me to use the sire bond against her. I was desperate to get my family back, I was impulsive and you got hurt in the process and for that I am sorry."

"Thank you, I forgive you," Jordanna smiled softly as she looked into his eyes before her tone became teasing. "I know that must've been hard for you, the great Klaus Mikaelson apologising, it's unheard of."

"I won't deny that I am great." Klaus smirked dangerously, his lustful gaze dragging up and down her body, "although onto more important subjects, like how ravishing you look in that dress."

"Thank you, this guy who is totally pining over me gave it to me as a gift," Jordanna hummed as Klaus' hand darted further down her waist.

"Excellent taste," Klaus hummed at a murmur as his eyes caught sight of the necklace sitting on her chest. "You still wear it."

Jordanna looked down to see what he was talking about — his necklace. To be honest she forgot she had it on, she never took it off. "Yeah.. I- uh don't take it off," the witch managed to breath out under his stare.

"It looks good on you," Klaus smirked, squeezing her side before spinning her off into the arms of Stefan.

"Hey J," Stefan gave her a small smile to which she returned with a scowl.


"Look I know you're mad, okay? But, I'm sorry, really, I let my anger get the best of me and ruined our friendship. I never meant to hurt you, forgive me?"

Jordanna narrowed her eyes, "so when you stabbed me—twice, you didn't mean to hurt me?"

"I made a mistake, I know, but if I could go back in time I would-"

"-But you can't. So I hope you know that I will be getting you back Stefan, and if our friendship did mean anything to you then you will work for it. I'll take food, cigs, and shoes," the witch responded.

Stefan huffed a laugh but stopped when he caught the look Jordanna sent him, "..you're good for him you know, Klaus. He makes you happy and you make him happy, I know we're not on the best of terms right now but I still care for you and want the best for you."

Jordanna refrained herself from smiling at her former best friend, "thank you, Stef."

Stefan smiled at her once more before hesitantly speaking up, "I forgot to mention, you look beautiful tonight."

Jordanna's eyes met his and she saw a tinge of sadness, but had to remind herself in this moment she didn't care—not yet anyway. "Thanks Stef, you don't look too bad yourself."

"You like horses?" A familiar voice asked from behind the witch, causing her to slightly turn as the original came to stand behind her. Klaus smirked as he heard her heart race.

"No, actually," the witch admitted with a chuckle. "When I was younger my mom took me horse riding and I accidently scared it with my magic and it jumped at me. Scared the shit out of me."

Klaus laughed quietly, shaking his head in amusement as his breath hit the back of her neck, causing the witch to shiver. "You know, horses are the opposite of people. They're loyal. My father hunted me for a thousand years and the closest he ever came was the day he killed my favourite horse. He severed it's neck with a sword as a warning."

Jordanna frowned as she saw the saddened expression in the hybrid's eyes, "you didn't deserve that. You wasn't to blame for your mother's unfaithfulness."

Klaus smiled slightly as he took her arm in his own, "we should head inside."

"Can I just say . . . and don't take offence, but your mom is creepy as shit," Jordanna began, turning to look up at Klaus as a laugh boomed from his chest. "She is! I swear to God, when I met her earlier I thought she was the Devil incarcerated."

"My mother . . . " Klaus spoke, shaking his head. "I don't trust her, something is off about her."

"Your whole family is fucking weird," Jordanna chuckled, smiling gratefully as the Mikaelson held the door open for her. "But it's nice, you know? It's calming. Although, I haven't met Finn yet-"

Klaus huffed, rolling his eyes, "I wouldn't bother, sweetheart, unless you're in the mood to be bored to death, that is."

Esther poured Elena's blood into a cup—setting it aside. "Elijah is more suspicious than the others, so he may need more persuasion. But they must all drink at the toast in order to be linked as one."

Elena looked at her strangely, "what do you mean 'linked as one'?"

"You said yourself Klaus can't be killed. But tonight's spell links all my children together so that if one goes, they all go."


"I love my family Elena, but they are an abomination. I betrayed nature when I created them, it's my duty to kill them."

Elena nodded.

"Did you bring it?" Esther inquired.

"Uh- yeah," Elena pulled out Jordanna's dagger that resided in her house. "What did you need it for?"

"It hold's Jordanna's magic and the power to truly kill her. I know your relationship with her but her bond with my family is too strong. If she found out of my plans she possesses the power to stop me. I just thought you should know she must go with them."

Elena thought for a moment before handing the dagger over, "I have lost so much at the hands of Klaus, he has to be stopped."

A servant stopped besides Jordanna and Klaus, offering them glasses of champagne. Klaus grabbed two glasses and handed one to the witch as Esther stood atop the stairs, champagne glass in hand.

"Good evening, ladies and gentleman. Waiters are coming around the room with champagne, I invite you all to join me in raising a glass," Esther raised her glass. "It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one, I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers!"

Klaus and Jordanna joined their glasses together before smoothly downing the contents.

"Come on," Klaus spoke, grasping a hold of Jordanna's hand, sending goose-bumps up her arm. "There's something I want to show you." The hybrid pulled her down numerous hallways before coming to a stop outside a door, Klaus opened the door—allowing the witch to walk in first.

"Jesus," Jordanna breathed out in amazement as her eye scanned over the numerous paintings littering the room. "You didn't steal these did you?" Her tone became playful. "If I was to, like, phone up the curators at the Louvre would they be alive to answer orrr?"

Klaus chuckled at her words, "I doubt they would take call either way, love."

"Seriously Nik, these are beautiful," Jordanna commented as she walked further into the room, grabbing the bottle of scotch the hybrid offered her. "Are you trying to get me drunk Mr, Mikaelson?"

"Would that be such a bad thing?" Klaus joked, smiling at the witch's enjoyment.

"Yes," she muttered. "A very, very bad thing."

The silence enveloped them as Klaus watched the witch walk around the art room, picking at his work. How she'd occasionally take a sip of the scotch, and her eyebrows would twitch slightly. When she'd fiddle with the necklace that hung round her neck or smile when she found a painting she liked.

"You do deserve it," Jordanna spoke up, breaking the silence and snapping Klaus from his daze.

"What?" Klaus asked, confusion laced in his tone.

"You said that you don't deserve to be loved, that you don't deserve me. You think that you're evil — yes, you may have done terrible things but nobody here is innocent, Nik. I think that you're just a man who has been wronged so much in your lifetime. You're not evil Nik, and you are worthy of love. You deserve to be happy just as much as everyone else does."

Klaus wordlessly walked over and grabbed the bottle from her hand, his fingers lingered longer than necessary before he took a swig of the scotch, his eyes not leaving hers. He was speechless, for once in his life Klaus Mikaelson was speechless.

Jordanna watched as he slowly placed the scotch bottle aside and his eyes stayed on hers, feeling a sudden rush of anticipation she moved quicker than her brain could account for and suddenly her lips were on his.

His hands slipped onto her waist as the kiss became more heated, Jordanna's hands tangled in his curls, her breath hitched as he pushed them against the closest wall, the witch wrapped her legs round him as one of his hands slid down to the bottom of her thigh, holding her up — their bodies becoming even closer.

Klaus' lips made their way down Jordanna's neck—the witch's head rested against the wall as she let out heavy breaths, chest heaving up and down. As the hybrid worked on her neck Jordanna shrugged off his jacket and loosened his tie before his lips roughly met hers again. The witch's hand found its place at the nape of his neck, pulling at his hair earning a groan from the hybrid.

They pulled away away out of breath—foreheads rested against each other as Klaus spoke, his breath fanning her face, "if we do this there's no going back, no forgetting it happened and moving on with our lives."

Jordanna smirked slightly as she shifted in his arms, "good, cause I don't wanna forget."

Lying bitch.

{AN} anyways

can i just say this was so stressful to write i was like gonna cry so i gave upxox

anyways thats all u get cos yh ;)

(edited 18/02/22)

AGAIN, A REMINDER BEFORE YOU ALL COMMENT ROBBed, when i first wrote this book i wasn't comfortable with writing smut, my young ass self was cringed tf out, but then further into the book, and the second book, there is smut for u horny fucks so just be patient <3

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