♕ chapter two

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It was nighttime in the beautiful kingdom of Ellena, and the seasons were changing. A cool, crisp breeze blew in the air, a sign of change to come.

It was fitting that the change of seasons was occurring, as it was nearly midnight on a Tuesday when THE BLOODLETTER was finally captured, his reign of terror put to an end. A good sign for the future of the selection, and for the people.  As he is now in custody, the royals figured now, more than ever, would finally be a time to showcase the strength of the royal children, their special gifts granted to them by the power of THE SOURCE.

🗡A SACRED RITUAL, held by the Ancient One, Laurentius, was held Thursday night, granting them access to their powers. As it was decided when the Source was created, those who decided to protect the spirits and look after the Source would gain powers upon accepting the task. The Queen decided that since the royals are now of proper age, and there was no threat to the throne or the source, it was safe to hold the ritual.

So tonight, dear selected, you have been invited to witness firsthand the new powers of the royals. And after a show of their strength, you too will get to showcase to the royals your abilities. If you could not impress the royals with your mind at the ball, perhaps you might impress them tonight with your strength.
After all, as the saying goes, you must be strong to rule a kingdom.  The royals do not want the next generation to be weak. With weakness, the kingdom will fall. 

The royals have instructed at exactly 9 P.M. you are to arrive at the arena in clothes that best represent your district. Once you arrive, the royals will promptly display their powers, then the royals' List of the Favored will be read. PAY ATTENTION TO THIS VERY CLOSELY. Know who your enemies are, for this is a competition. The people that surround you are not your friend, but rather your enemy. You can never be too careful; after all, convicts will be convicts. If you think you'll be able to win this by playing nice, think again.

SOME OF YOU WILL BE SENT HOME TONIGHT, or.. BACK TO THE JAILS TO BE EXECUTED. If you failed to impress the royals at the ball, and fail to win tonight, you can kiss that second chance of life goodbye. Consider this your warning.

After the List of the Favored has been read, you will fight the other member of your district in a test of strength. The winner will secure their spot, and live to see another day. The loser will be sent home, unless a royal states otherwise.

These fights will be cutthroat, so be prepared to fight your opponent by any means necessary.  There are no rules, save for the destruction of Fortress property. You may use your powers to the fullest extent—you just can't kill your opponent.

And if you want to give the royals a real show~

Don't be afraid to request other opponents, if you are feeling adventurous. However, don't worry about how much you may hurt them; we have District Five healers on standby, so after every match, you will only have to be in pain for a few minutes.

We wish you the best of luck.


- This chapter takes place in THE ARENA. There will be ONE MAIN CHAIN. Stay in it until further instructions are given.

- For the time being, only the royals are allowed to interact in the main chain. This will quickly change as the chapter progresses.

- No individual chains are permitted until further instructed.

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