πŸŽπŸŽπŸ—. omashu is always eventful

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𝑨π‘ͺ𝑻 𝑢𝑡𝑬 ━ π‘ͺ𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑡𝑰𝑡𝑬

𝐀𝐀𝐍𝐆 π“πŽπ‹πƒ π“π‡π„πŒ π€ππŽπ”π“ 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑 πŠπ˜πŽπ’π‡πˆ 𝐇𝐀𝐃 told him during his time in the spirit world, as they flew on Appa away from Kyoshi Islands. Sokka still had some of his makeup and warrior outfit on as he sat behind them. Katara was sitting next to Kya who sat on the right side of the saddle.

Β  Β "Kyoshi said I can only call upon one of the past Avatars when I'm in their shrines." said Aang, as Appa grunted.

Β  Β "What else did she tell you?" asked Katara.Β 

Β  Β "We must get to the Northern Water Tribe because something terrible is going to happen there. Something only, I can stop." added Aang. Kya's breathe stopped for a second. She really hoped that Avatar Kyoshi had missaid something or that Aang was joking but with the look on his face, she knew he wasn't.

Sokka glanced at her from behind and sighed. He knew Kya was worried now, or more than before. He tried to uplift the atmosphere and said, "All right, North it is, then. We just gotta get there before the Firebenders catch up to us."

Β  Β "Don't worry Aang, you don't have to do this alone." said Kya finally looking back up to him.

Β  Β "You have me, Kya, Katara, and a flying ball of fur." added Sokka. "What more do you need?"

The quartet had been travelling for a few days now, but their final destination for the time being was the Earth Kingdom of Omashu, which Aang seemed rather excited about.Β The journey had been long, with Appa soaring above vast landscapes, from sprawling forests to towering mountains.

Aang spoke highly of the city, "You guys are going to love Omashu," he said, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "It's one of the friendliest cities in the Earth Kingdom, and the people there are amazing!"

Katara smiled, trying to match Aang's enthusiasm. "I can't wait to see it," she said. "It'll be nice to visit somewhere in the Earth Kingdom."

Sokka, on the other hand, was more focused on something else. "I just hope they have good food," he muttered, patting his stomach. "All this flying around is making me hungry."

Β  Β "You're always hungry." mumbled Kya, she then said, "I'm sure it'll be great there, I've heard a lot about it."

As they flew over a dense forest, Aang guided Appa to land in a clearing. The bison's large feet touched down gently, and the group dismounted, stretching their legs after the long flight.

Β  Β "We'll have to walk the rest of the way," Aang said, pointing towards a distant hill. "Omashu is just beyond that hill. It's not far now."

They began their trek through the forest, the sounds of nature surrounding them. Birds chirped overhead, and the rustling of leaves seem to be the only sound they'd hear.Β 

Sokka grumbled about the effort. "I can't wait to sit down with a big meal," he said, wiping sweat from his forehead. Kya chuckled as Momo flew and sat onto Sokka's head, who frowned and threw his arms up.Β 

The climb up the hill was steep, but the group walked up with ease, until they reached the top of it. "The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!", said Aang. The entire pyramid structured city of Omashu was in front of them, the city was beautiful. "I used to always come here to visit my friend Bumi."

Β  Β "Wow. We don't have buildings like this in the South Pole!" said Katara.Β 

Β  Β "They have buildings here that don't melt!" said Sokka, overwhelmed by the view.Β 

Β  Β "It's amazing. I've never seen anything like it." said Kya impressed by the city. "It must be incredible to live here."

Β  Β "Well let's go, slow pokes. The real fun's inside the city!" added Aang as he looked back at the three others. Aang leapt off the top of the hill with his airbending, he had landed a few meters below in the snow, and started to slide down.

Β  Β "Wait, Aang!" Katara cried, stretching her arm out to him. "It could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar."

Sokka looked down at him somewhat seriously. "You need a disguise."

Β  Β "So, what am I supposed to do?" Aang asked, a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "Grow a moustache?"

He did in fact grow a moustache; Kya was trying very hard not to laugh out loud at the sight in front of her. Aang wiggled his nose, now sporting a patch of Appa's fur as a makeshift moustache. He also wore a tall wig made of the same fur. It didn't look that bad if you really looked at it.Β 

Β  Β "Ugh. This is so itchy," Aang complained, scratching underneath the wig. He turned to Appa. "How do you live in this stuff?"

Appa slowly turned his head toward Aang and snorted, as if scoffing at him. Sokka snorted as he sat on a rock with Katara and Kya standing beside him, both with their arms crossed.

Β  Β "Great! Now you look just like my grandfather," Sokka remarked.

Β  Β "Technically, Aang is 112 years old," Katara pointed out, glancing at her brother.

Aang nimbly kicked up his staff and spun it rapidly around before placing it upright on the ground to use as a walking stick. He hunched his back and leaned heavily on his staff, mimicking the posture of an old person.

Kya, watching Aang's antics, couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, you certainly look the part now," she said with a smirk.Β "Just try not to give yourself away with those airbending moves, Aang."Β 

Aang turned to the trio and said in an old man's voice, "Now let's get to skippin', young whippersnappers. The big city awaits!"

Aang shuffled away, and Sokka, Kya and Katara exchanged questioning looks. Aang, Katara, Kya and Sokka walked down the long path to Omashu's entrance and as they walked in line toward the gate, Aang spoke enthusiastically.

Β  Β "You guys are going to love Omashu," Aang said, looking over his shoulder at Sokka. "The people here are the friendliest in the world."

Aang's eyes widened in surprise as he heard the harsh voice of the sentry. The group stopped walking as they heard someone shouting. "Rotten cabbages?!" a guard at the entrance angrily shouted. "What kind of slum do you think this is?!"

In front of the closed gate stood three guards and a cabbage merchant with his cart, clearly distressed by the guard's harsh tone.Β 

The talking guard squished the cabbage he was holding and knocked another two cabbages out of the merchant's hands. He then earthbended a rock under the cart, catapulting it high into the air, causing it to tumble down the chasm with all the cabbages.

The cabbage merchant leaned over the rim of the path, waving his arms in despair. "No! My cabbages!"

Katara, Kya, Sokka, and Aang looked over the rim, their mouths open in shock, as a loud crash is heard. Aang, still smiling yet somewhat nervously, says, "Just keep smiling!"

Β  Β "Right. . ." mumbled Kya, mouth still open in shock.

As Aang walked over to the guards, Katara, Kya and Sokka gave each other uneasy looks. Katara flashed her teeth in an awkward way and chuckles uncomfortably, while Sokka merely raises a doubtful eyebrow. Kya only frowned at the sight and shook her head.

Aang approached the sentries at the gate. The earthbender steps forward, raising a boulder out of the ground before Aang, and levitated it above his head. Kya took in a breath and prayed that nothing happened to him.Β 

Aggressively, the guard demands, "State your business!"

Aang quickly ran from underneath the boulder and toward the guard, halting right in front of the surprised man. In an old man voice, while poking the chest of the sentry, Aang said, "My business is my business, young man, and none of yours!"Β 

The boulder crashed down due to the guard's lack of concentration beside Katara, Kya and Sokka, who jumped slightly from the impact. Aang continued, pointing a finger threateningly at the guard, "I've got half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside!"

The guard, taken aback, stared at the finger just centimeters from his face. Katara, Kya and Sokka stood wide-eyed in shock at Aang's audacity. Katara shook her head, her eyes wide open in disbelief.

In a now calmer voice, the guard said, "Settle down, old timer! Just tell me who you are."

The others were still in shock as Aang, in his old man voice, replied, "Name's Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis, the Third," he said, gesturing towards Katara, Kya and Sokka. "And these are my grandkids."

Katara stepped up, waving. "Hi. June Pippinpaddleopsicopolis. Nice to meet you."

Kya added with a smile, "And I'm May Pippinpaddleopsicopolis."

The guard pensively rubbed his beard while eying the two girls before him. Pointing at Katara and Kya, he said, "You seem like responsible young ladies. See that your grandfather stays out of trouble. Enjoy Omashu!"

The guard stepped aside and motioned at the city's entrance. Katara responded light-heartedly as Kya only smiled and nodded, "We will!"

Katara, Kya, Aang, and Sokka started walking toward the gate. Sokka passed the guard with an uneasy look on his face, never letting the guard out of sight.

Β  Β "Wait a minute!" the guard called out, eyeing Sokka as he passed.Β 

Sokka stopped walking, his eyes widened in fear as the guard grasped his shoulder. Aang, Kya and Katara turned around quickly, hoping they didn't get caught.

The guard turned Sokka around and said sternly, "You're a strong young boy! Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag!"

Sokka's eyes changed from fear to disbelief and annoyance because just as the guard said that Aang removed his shoulder bag. "Good idea!" Aang said in his old man voice.

He threw the bag at Sokka which bounced off his head before dropping into his arms. Sokka shot Aang an annoyed glare over his shoulder. Kya chuckled at the sight, happy that they weren't in any suspicions.Β 

The trio resumed walking to the gate once more until they stood before a big Earth Kingdom emblem on the wall. The giant earthen wall split open in the middle of the emblem, opening up to let all passengers through.Β 

As the first wall slid open, a second and third were bent aside as well by the earthbenders. Katara, Kya and Sokka watched in awe at the sight, while Aang smiled behind them. They walked through as the walls already started to move again to close right after them.Β 

πŽπŒπ€π’π‡π” 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐑 π’πˆπ†π‡π“, 𝐓𝐇𝐄 π‚πˆπ“π˜ was full of life, the city was built on a series of steep, pyramid-like terraces, giving it a distinctive, multi-layered appearance. Each level is connected by an intricate network of chutes and delivery systems that crisscross the city.

Aang hadn't been lying, the city looked beautiful, and Kya couldn't wait to walk around and talk to some of the people.Β Aang walked through the opened gates after the watertribe trio, when suddenly Momo's ears popped out of his wig.Β 

The guard who had granted them entrance widened his eyes in surprise at the sight, he tried to keep an eye on Aang, but he was quickly hidden from view by the closing gates.

Inside the city, the quartet were excitedly taking in the city spread out before them, leaned forward with wide eyes. Aang walked up next to them, Momo's head now entirely popped out of his wig. He leaned on the rim as well and joined the trio in gazing at Omashu's scenery with mouths open in amazement.

Momo grunted and flew off Aang's wig only to go straight to Kya's shoulder, who then patted the lemur on the head, chuckling. Momo grunted against the hand. She then turned back to the view.

The streets below were filled with people, and the intricate system of chutes that Aang spoke about could be seen. The aqueduct-like structures were built over and beside the houses with green roofs. The city buzzed with life and activity, and the quartet marvelled at the scene.

Β  Β "This is the Omashu delivery system." said Aang in his normal voice. "Miles and miles of tubes and chutes."

Four earthbenders stood beside a platform as they managed the flow of earthen carts. As the vegetable-laden cart passed one of the earthbenders, he skilfully bent the earth beneath it, redirecting its path forward. The cart glided smoothly until it reached the front of the platform.

Β  Β "Earthbending brings the packages up, and gravity brings them down." continued Aang.Β 

Β  Β "Wow." said Kya in awe.Β 

Β  Β "Great, so they get their mail on time." said Sokka unimpressed. Kya huffed at him and jabbed him with her elbow. "Ow." muttered Sokka, side-eyeing Kya with a glare.Β 

Except Aang didn't get that Sokka was being sarcastic and replied excitedly, "They do get their mail on time, but my friend Bumi found a better use for these chutes."

Bumi must have been crazy because why were they going to slide into the chutes across the city, either way, Kya had a love hate relationship with the idea. On one hand, it could be extremely fun and on the other they could all fall off and die. Fun.

Raising one finger up, Aang declared as they sat in one of the chutes, "One ride. Then we're off to the North Pole. Airbender's honor."

Katara, felt uneasy and replied, "It sounded like fun at first, but now that I'm here, I'm starting to have secondβ€”" Her sentence was cut off as Aang leaned forward, tipping the balance of the cart and sending it hurtling down the slope at a tremendous speed. "-thoooughts!" she screamed.

Aang laughed happily, the wind whipping through his hair, with Momo perched in his wig, holding on tightly and squinting his eyes against the rush of air. Meanwhile, Katara and Kya were screaming in fear, and Sokka gritted his teeth as the cart sped down the chute.

Kya, gripping the sides of the cart tightly and yelled out, "Aang, you better know what you're doing!"

The chute they were riding on pulled up next to a parallel one, where a cart carrying a rack of six spears raced down. They all stared at it in silence as both carts sped alongside each other. The two tracks soon merged into one, with the spear-laden cart now directly behind them and quickly gaining.

Sokka, Kya, and Katara screamed as the chutes converged. Sokka turned around and gasped, ducking just in time to avoid being skewered by the spears.Β 

Katara turned as well and screamed in fear at the sight of the weapons so close. Aang, still smiling excitedly, turned to see what all the commotion was about.

Kya, eyes wide with fear, shouted, "Uhm quick question, how are we supposed to dodge those spears?"

Aang, still excited, shouted back, "I'm on it!"

Aang began to rock the cart, hitting each side once. The cart flew out of the chute and onto a roof, where it continued its wild descent. Kya screamed even louder and yelled at him to stop. If she didn't pass out now, she'd definitely pass out once they stop, if they stop.

Meanwhile, a soldier was talking to his men when suddenly, Aang, Katara, Kya, and Sokka came barreling in, riding the cart right between the soldiers. The soldiers gasped in surprise as the cart ricocheted and kept moving.

The cart broke through the railing of another chute, crossing the track and knocking over a supply cart, spilling pumpkins everywhere. The knocked-over cart lay on the track, where another incoming cart crashed into it.

The gang's cart entered a new chute and Katara screamed louder, "Aang, do something! Use your airbending!"

Aang, excitedly, replied, "Yeah! Good idea! That'll make us go even faster!"

Β  Β "That's not what she meant!" yelled Kya.Β 

Aang airbended behind them, propelling the cart even faster. They zoomed past a restaurant, where a couple eating together looked up in surprise as the kids flashed by. An earthbender soldier waited for the next cart's arrival. As a cart of scrolls stopped in front of him, the cart with the quartet flew down an incredibly steep slope.Β 

They cried out in alarm, moments from colliding with the motionless cart. The earthbender on duty sent it on its way, briefly relieving the group, until another cart instantly popped up from the tube below. They all crashed into it, catapulting them and their cart into the air, high above the city.

Aang quickly airbended the cart in front of them as they fell, dropping them back into the chute, Kya, Katara and Sokka grunted with the impact. They rode down several roofs, leaving damaged tiles in their wake. Inside a craftsman's home, a man whistled serenely as he put the final touches on a vase.

Sokka panicking, yelled to Kya who was hanging onto his arm for dear life, "Just hang on!"

Aang on the other hand shouted, "We're gonna make it! Trust me!"

They landed on a balcony and slid through another house until they emerged on the other side, now they couldn't even see where they were going, well that was until their cart dropped onto a cart full of cabbages, smashing the cart to pieces and scattering what cabbages were left all over.

Aang, Katara, Kya, and Sokka were now tangled in the remaining cabbages while Momo elegantly floated down.

The cabbage merchant whose cabbages had been destroyed grasped his head in despair. "My cabbages!" he cried out. "You're gonna pay for this!"

The guards walked up, surrounding the still dazed quartet. Aang's disguise was pretty much gone, revealing his younger face and airbending arrow.

Aang, sheepishly, said, "Two cabbages, please."

Kya on the other hand touched her dark brown hair, which was now tangled with cabbage leaves, and muttered, "My hair is ruined, great. . ." That was until she looked up at the guards who glared at the group. "Oh. . ."

βͺ ៸ π€π”π“π‡πŽπ‘'𝐒 ππŽπ“π„ ━━━━━ ! οΉ†β—ž ❫
━━━━━ . . .
βͺ . . . the ninth chapter for kingdom come everyone!!!!  ❫
βͺ . . . this chapter is mostly a filler chapter but i hope you enjoyy this one!!Β enjoyyyy!!!! ... 3.1k words ❫
βͺ . . . PLEASE tell me how you guys feel about it ??❫
βͺ . . .PLEASE don't be a ghost reader, comment and vote, I love to reply to everyone and interact with my readers, love all of you darlings <33 ❫

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