πŸŽπŸπŸ‘. fighting fire with fire

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐃 π…π€πˆπ‹π„πƒ, 𝐓𝐇𝐄 πƒπŽπŽπ‘π’ 𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐍'𝐓 πŽππ„ππ„πƒ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 so everyone stood still in anguish. They needed to find a way in, for Aang to be able to get to the shrine. The group gathered in front of the massive door, with Aang furiously beating upon it with consecutive airbending slices. "Why won't it open?!"

Katara pressed forward, seizing Aang's arm. "Aang! Stop!" she urged, her voice calm but firm. As Aang paused, she relaxed and released his arm. "There's nothing else we can do..."

Aang looked down glumly. "I'm sorry I put you through all of this for nothing."

Β  Β "You have nothing to be sorry about," Kya said gently, trying to reassure him.

Meanwhile, Sokka was examining the aftermath of the explosion. He ran his finger across the black soot, puzzled. "I don't get it. That firebending looked as strong as any firebending I've seen."

A moment passed in silence before Katara's face lit up with sudden excitement. "Sokka, you're a genius!"

Kya looked at Sokka with raised eyebrows. "He's a what now?"

Katara repeated, more enthusiastically, "A genius!"

Aang, still confused, asked, "Wait. How is Sokka a genius? His plan didn't even work."

Sokka, pleasantly surprised, shrugged. "Come on, guys. Let her dream."

Katara explained, "You're right, Sokka's plan didn't work. But it looks like it did."

Aang furrowed his brow in doubt. "Did the definition of genius change over the last hundred years?" he asked, still not grasping what Katara meant.

Kya leaned in and whispered to Aang with a smirk, "I think so."

The sound of footsteps echoed through the temple, growing louder with each passing second. The Fire Sages were approaching, and they wouldn't be alone. They had all understood Katara's words.Β 

The Fire Sages, led by the Great Fire Sage, ran toward Shyu, who was still in front of the door. "Come quickly! The Avatar has entered the sanctuary!" Shyu called out, urgency in his voice.

The Great Fire Sage narrowed his eyes, suspicious. "How did he get in?" he demanded, approaching Shyu.

Β  Β "I don't know," Shyu replied, feigning ignorance. "But look at the scorch marks! And down there!" He pointed toward a shadow visible at the bottom of the door.

The Great Fire Sage's expression shifted to one of realization and panic. "He's inside! Open the doors immediately! Before he contacts Avatar Roku!"

Aang slid into position behind a nearby column as the five sages firebent huge flames of fire, unlocking the doors. As the doors slowly opened, a soot covered Momo was sitting on the floor. The lemur sneezed, blowing the soot off himself.

Β  Β "It's the Avatar's lemur," the Great Fire Sage exclaimed. "He must have crawled through the pipes! We've been tricked!"

In a flash, Momo sprang into action, leaping onto the Great Fire Sage's head and clinging to his hat. Seizing the opportunity, Katara and Kya charged forward, pulling nearby sages' tunic over their head to blind him. Sokka on the other hand quickly grabbed the lower part of another sage's outfit, lifting it completely over the sage's body to cover his face.

Shyu grabbed the last free sage and hauled him into a tight grip, pinning him. "Now, Aang!" he shouted.

Katara, after a moment of tense silence, called out as well, "Aang! Now's your chance!" Kya yelled out to him as well, "Go!"

But just then, Zuko appeared from behind a column. He stepped out and quickly grabbed Aang from behind, pinning Aang's arms. "The Avatar's coming with me!" Zuko declared.Β 

The captured sages used the moment of surprise to reclaim the upper hand, pinning down the others. Kya was held down by the sage she had just taken down, he held her arms tightly behind her back and she grunted in pain.Β 

Momo, still clinging to the Great Fire Sage's hat, flew off as chaos ensued.

Β  Β "Close the doors! Quickly!" one of the sages commanded.

As Aang was being walked down the steps, he glanced over his shoulder and saw Sokka, Kya, and Katara being chained to two columns, Katara and Sokka to one and Kya on another. He immediately tried to break free from Zuko's grasp, spinning around and sending Zuko tumbling down the stairs with a powerful airbending blast.

Without wasting any time, Aang rushed towards his friends.

Katara, still chained, saw him coming. She turned her head towards the closing door and shouted, "Go!"

Aang didn't hesitate. He turned and charged toward the door, now guarded by two sages. Leaping into the air, he narrowly avoided a fiery punch from the Great Fire Sage. Bouncing off his hands, Aang used the heads of the two sages as stepping stones before sailing through the door just as it closed behind him.

Kya smiled as Katara said, "He made it!"

Everyone looked away from the doors as a blinding light was emitted from inside. Kya felt herself breath out a hearty breath. He got in.Β 

πŠπ˜π€ 𝐖𝐀𝐒 π‡πŽππ„π…π”π‹, 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 π‡πŽππ„π…π”π‹ 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐀𝐒 going to be able to talk to Avatar Roku. Although, she was chained to a column, she was still trying to get out but with all the firebenders around them, it would be almost impossible plus her wrists were starting to hurt.Β Β 

Zuko and the four sages stood before the massive door, launching powerful fire blasts into its locks. But nothing happened. Frustrated, Zuko demanded, "Why isn't it working? It's sealed shut!"

Kya couldn't help but chuckle at his rage, though she stopped when Zuko turned to glare at her. She smirked instead, refusing to be intimidated.

The Great Fire Sage sighed. "It must have been the light. Avatar Roku doesn't want us inside."

Zuko, still fuming, turned his attention to Shyu, who was kneeling before him, hands bound behind his back. "Why did you help the Avatar?" Zuko asked firmly.

Shyu looked up sadly but proudly. "Because it was once the sages' duty. It is still our duty."

Before Zuko could respond, a fire commander interrupted by clapping, approaching with six firebender guards. "What a moving and heartfelt performance," the commander said, with a mocking tone. "I'm certain the Fire Lord will understand when you explain why you betrayed him."

The Great Fire Sage bowed his head, palms together. "Commander Zhao."

Β  Β "And Prince Zuko," Zhao added, with a smirk. "It was a noble effort, but your little smokescreen didn't work." Zuko scowled sharply as firebenders stepped behind him, seizing his arms. "Two traitors in one dayβ€”the Fire Lord will be pleased."

Zuko strained against his captors, snapping at Zhao, "You're too late, Zhao! The Avatar's inside, and the doors are sealed."

Zhao grinned confidently. "No matter. Sooner or later, he has to come out." Katara and Sokka shared a worried glance, knowing the danger they were in.

Zhao and his crew surrounded the door's perimeter, assuming a firebending stance. A tense silence fell over the room, broken only by the sound of a distant monk chant.

Next to Kya, Zuko struggled against his restraints, his frustration growing. "Will you stop that?" Kya asked, clearly irritated.Β 

Β  Β "Shut up!" Zuko snapped back.

Kya huffed and rolled her eyes, whispering under her breath, "Dumbass."

Β  Β "What?!" Zuko yelled, his temper flaring even more. "The Avatar why is he here?" he asked, his voice low and demanding, though there was a hint of curiosity in his tone.

Kya looked up at him, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Why would I tell you?"

Zuko huffed angrily and grumbled at her. He looked back at her and asked, her something she did not see coming. "Where are you from?"

She stayed silent for a second and replied, "The Southern Water Tribe."

Zuko's brow furrowed. "The Southern Water Tribe?" he repeated, he didn't believe her, she didn't really care.Β 

She let out a soft, humorless laugh. "You were there, remember? You saw me," she said with a biting sarcasm, "When you threatened to burn it down."

Zhao's voice cut through the tension, Zuko staying silent not responding to her. "When those doors open," he shouted, "unleash all your firepower!"

Katara, looking worried, asked, "How's Aang gonna make it out of this?"

Sokka, equally troubled, glanced at Kya and then back to Katara. "How are we gonna make it out of this?" he wondered aloud. He didn't want anything to happen to Kya, and the fact that Zuko was right next to her only made him more anxious. Kya sensed his concern and turned to look at him, offering a sad smile that seemed to say she was fine.

The guards maintained their positions around the door, waiting. Suddenly, the door began to glow bright white again. Smoke started to stream through the cracks, and the door unlocked itself, slowly beginning to open. As it did, a blinding white light filled the room, forcing everyone to look away.

Zhao readied his command, "Ready. . ." But as the light faded, it revealed a pair of glowing white eyes in the darkness.

Kya whispered, "No . . ."Β  Katara, Sokka, and Kya struggled against their chains. Katara was terrified. "No! Aang!" she cried out.

Β  Β "Fire!" Zhao commanded, and he and his guards blasted fire at their unseen target.

The wall of fire grew, circling around Avatar Roku, whose eyes were glowing. He stood behind the flames, untouched. Zhao's face was filled with shock and horror.

Β  Β "Avatar Roku. . ." Shyu said in awe.

Avatar Roku gathered the circling fire in one motion and sent it forward in a powerful wave. The fire blasted through the room, knocking everyone off their feet and melting the chains that held Katara, Sokka, Kya, Shyu, and Zuko.Β 

The blast was so strong that it destroyed the outer wall of the temple. Avatar Roku's glowing eyes turned toward the terrified sages, who panicked and ran from his wrath.

Β  Β "We have to get out of here! Avatar Roku is going to destroy the temple!" Shyu implored.

Katara ran to Kya, shouting, "Not without Aang!"

Roku knelt down and struck the floor, causing it to melt into a trail of molten lava. He lifted his hand, and the lava erupted, tearing the temple apart. Zhao and his firebenders fled toward the temple's exit.

Katara, Kya, and Sokka huddled together behind a column, with Sokka protectively kneeling over the two girls. Roku lowered his hands and exhaled. The beam of sunlight that had been shining on his statue moved away, and his eyes stopped glowing.Β 

As the smoke in the room gathered around Avatar Roku, his form disappeared, leaving behind a weary Aang. Aang sighed weakly and dropped to his knees. Sokka, Kya, and Katara rushed to his side, lifting him back to his feet.

Β  Β "We got your back," Sokka said.

Β  Β "Thanks," Aang replied weakly.

Β  Β "Are you okay?" Kya asked.

Aang nodded. "Yeah, where's Shyu?"

Β  Β "I don't know," Katara said as she helped Aang, and the group walked away.

The temple began to lean due to the lava. Aang, Katara, Kya, and Sokka stared in horror as they saw that the stairwell leading to the exit was filled with lava. They quickly turned to the only escape routeβ€”the hole in the wall that Roku had created.Β 

Just then, they gasped in surprise as they saw Appa and Momo swiftly flying towards them. They ran out of the temple and leaped into Appa's saddle. As they flew away, they gazed back at the destruction. . .

βͺ ៸ π€π”π“π‡πŽπ‘'𝐒 ππŽπ“π„ ━━━━━ ! οΉ†β—ž ❫
━━━━━ . . .
βͺ . . . the thirteenth chapter for kingdom come everyone!!!! ❫
βͺ . . . KYA & ZUKO interactions 🀭🀭🀭  enjoyyyy!!!! ... 2k words ❫
βͺ . . . PLEASE tell me how you guys feel about it ??❫
βͺ . . .PLEASE don't be a ghost reader, comment and vote, I love to reply to everyone and interact with my readers, love all of you darlings <33 ❫

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