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"Who are you?"


ISAAC WAS BEING DRAGGED AWAY FROM THE BANK. Braeden was there and had just seen the teenage werewolf get into some trouble with other alpha wolves. Braeden put two jump starters together and shocked Isaac โ€“ as he was unconscious โ€“ to wake him up and get him out before he ended up dead.

"Quiet," Braeden whispered to Isaac as he yelped, feeling the electric shock pulse through his body.

Isaac, who was barely coherent because he was attacked by alpha's,ย  was in horrible condition; he had claw marks all over his body and the bleeding hadn't stopped.

"Stay with me we're almost there," Braeden whispered to the young beta as he could barely walk.

"My neck," Isaac muttered, feeling a horrible pain there.

"From their claws, it's how they share memories." Braeden told him.

"But I don't remember anything." Isaac said, feeling hazy.

"Also how they steal them." Braden informed.

Before Braeden and Isaac could hop on to the motor Nariah appeared behind them.

"Braeden, I told you to get him out of here. This is taking longer than planned, the twins are coming, you need to leave and fast."

Braeden swiveled around when she heard her voice, "I know I'm trying but I can only lift so much, he's barely conscious as is."

"Look I'll try to hold off the twins while you leave but I can't do much or they'll know it was me."

"Alright fine, just do what you can and I got the rest." Braeden said as she was now putting Isaac on the back of her motorcycle.

"Listen to me, no matter what happens to you, hold on, okay? You hold on tight." Braeden said to Issac, and he nodded but before they left Isaac turned to look at the mystery woman Braeden was speaking to. He had seen her when he was searching for Boyd and Erica.

"Who are you?" Isaac asked, half out of it.

"I'm the one trying to make sure you don't die, because of you're snooping around." Nariah said to the boy.

Isaac just nodded, not really having enough energy to speak back to her.

Nariah noticed the boy's energy was low to none, so she decided to heal him a little bit. She placed her hand on his shoulder, and let her magic take hold and course through his body to give him a boost, but not enough to heal all of his wounds.

"Thank you," Isaac muttered as he could breathe a little better.

"It's not a problem, just get out of here Braeden." Nariah asked and Braeden nodded her head, then put on her helmet and started her motorcycle up to leave.

While Braeden was leaving Nariah muttered under her breath, "Invisibilia ad praevisum oculum." And was now invisible to the foreseen eye. And lifted herself off the ground to fly in the air, and track Braeden's motorcycle till they were in the clear.

While Isaac was on the back of the motorcycle hanging on to Braeden his ears caught something in the distance. "I hear something, someone's coming." Isaac said as he now turned around to look back through the fog.

He saw a werewolf gaining speed on them, "Faster," he shouted and Braeden picked up speed on her motorcycle. Which also alerted Nariah who was flying up above.

She then slowed down Aiden's body, causing his momentum that was from his enhanced speed, to run as if he were a regular human. The spell wouldn't last long, because Nariah didn't want to be caught.

After a few minutes Aiden gained his speed again and was now trying to crash the bike. And his twin brother soon joined and was now targeting the two on the motorcycle.

"Two of them," Isaac told Braeden.

After some blows were connected to the motorcycle by the twins, Braeden had made her way down an alley, while almost getting hit by a bus. But sharply turning around not wanting to run into a brick wall, but was faced with the alpha twins, making their way down the dark alley.

"Remember what I said before?" Braeden asked Isaac.

"Hold on?" he questioned.

"Hold on!" Braeden said, confirming it.

And she revved her bike, while Ethan got into a crouched position. Then Braeden revved dirt back and took off, while Aiden was running with inhuman speed and jumped off his brother's back to knock both Braeden and Isaac off the bike.

Before Aiden could even connect his hand to them, he was yanked down by an invisible force โ€“ that being Nariah using her magic โ€“ and Isaac and Braden got away.

That was until Braeden crashed into multiple glass windows of a shop. And Isaac passed out.

Feeling him doze off Braeden said, "Issac? Stay with me! Isaac!"

And as Isaac's body leaned to the side the motorcycle lost its balance and crashed, throwing Braeden and Isaac off of it.

As Isaac was trying to get up he saw the twins enter. And take off their jackets and mold into a mega-wolf that was taller than anyone he'd ever seen.

Seeing the twins' new transformed body stalk towards them Isaac tried to crawl away. "Isaac, get down." Braeden said as she got a shotgun from her things and aimed it at the twins.

The mega-wolf took off running towards the people on the ground, and Braeden fired her shot which hit them, not only did she hit them but she shot them with a taser bullet which electrocuted the twins and they fell out of their mega wolf and disappeared.

Which led Braeden to say, "I thought I told you to hold on."

Nariah then appeared, "Come on you two, it's time to get y'all out of here." and Nariah opened up a portal to theย  back of the hospital. Then walked over to Isaac, grabbed him and walked through the portal, with Braeden along with them and checked in to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.


Both Braeden and Isaac caught the attention of nurses, seeing how horrible they looked. The nurses brought over transportable hospital beds to lay them down.

Melissa McCall saw the recent patients coming in and recognized him, "Hey, wait. Wait a minute I know this one." Melissa said to the EMT bringing him in.

"What happened Isaac?" Melissa questioned.

"Listen, the girl, all right, she's worse, okay? Would you just help her, please?" Isaac asked Melissa.

"Okay, can you take him?" Melissa asked the other nurse, while she went over to the girl Isaac was talking about.

"Find him, I have to find him." is what Braeden first said to Melissa.

"What are you saying?" Melissa asked, as she was confused.

"I have to... I have to tell him." Braeden said.

"Who?" Melissa asked.

"The Alpha, find the alpha." Braeden muttered.

"What do you want with Derek Hale?" Melissa asked the girl as she was moving her to an exam room.

"No," Braeden said.

Melissa, being even more confused now asked, "What?"

But before Melissa could hear the last thing Braeden said she was rolled away.

"Not Hale, McCall. Scott McCall"


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