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The new guy opened his eyes slowly while Morgan was standing next to the bed and his son was holding a bat ready to hit the guy if needed, i was sitting on beside the new guy on the bed watching as his eyes slowly opened, and he looked around.

"Got that bandage changed now. it was pretty rank." Morgan informed the guy before continuing to speak. "What was the wound?" he asked the guy.

"gunshot." the guy answered Morgan.

"Gunshot?" Morgan started. "what else? anything?" Morgan asked the guy, obviously silently asking if he had been bitten, without actually asking.

"Gunshot ain't enough?" the guy answered, it came out kind of rude but i don't think he rally planned for it to come out that way, i could see it on his face when he realised it came out kind of wrong, but Morgan did not seem to notice that because he stepped up to the guy.

"look, i ask and you answer. that's common courtesy, right?" Morgan said/asked the guy, then he bend down further and i got up letting him get space to get close to the man, he started deep into the mans eyes. "did you get bit?" Morgan asked the guy, the man just gave a confused look and moved his head a bit to look straight into Morgans eyes.

"bit?" he asked Morgan.

"bit, chewed, maybe scratched... anything like that?" Morgan asked.

"no, i got shot." the man said, then took a bit and continued talking. "just shot as far as i know." Morgan then put his hand above the mans head to check if he had a fever which was one of the signes of being infected, but he flinced away.

"hey. just let me." Morgan said then put his hand on the mans forhead to check for any fever. "feels cool enough." he said looking over at us the two kids standing there ready for anything. "fever would've killed you by now." Morgan continued on.

"i don't think i have one." the man said.

"be hard to miss." Morgan told the guy, he then took out his little pocket knife (i think that's what it's called so don't come at me if i'm not right.) he hold it up to the mans face. "take a moment, look how sharp it is. you try anthing, i will kill you with it. and don't you think i won't." Morgan threaned the guy, then he cut off the ropes that were around the mans wrists.

"come on out when you're able." Morgan told the guy as we all went out of the room to give the man some space.


some time later it was dinner time and the fan finally decided to join us. he saw the father and son at the dinner table, but went through another opening in the house that went to where i was sitting on my mattress.

"this place... Fred and Cindy Drake's?" The guy asked as Morgan came from the 'room' where the dinner table was.

"never met 'em." Morgan answered honestly.

"i've been here. this is their place." the man informed us, made me wonder if he knew the people who lived here personally, if they were family.

"it was empty when we got here." Morgan answered the man, the man went over to the covered windows and was about to open the curtsins to look out when Morgan stopped him. "don't do that. they'll see the light. there's more of them out there than usual. i never should've fired that gun today. sound draws them. now they're all over the street. stupid... using a gun. but it all happened so fast, i didn't think." Morgan explained, by now he was sitting down so were we but not the man.

"you shot that man today." the man said,it was obvious to me by now that he didn't know what was going on which didn't make sence because it has been some time now since it happended.

"man?" Morgan asked.

"it weren't no man." me and Duane, Morgans son said at the same time.

"what the hell was that out of your mouths just now?" Morgan asked us.

"it wasn't a man." Duane told the man yet again.

"you shot him in the street out front... a man." the guy said, i just rolled my eyes at him, he was really stuid if he hadn't realised by now that the people out there weren't people anymore.

"friend, you need glasses. it was a walker." Morgan informed the man, he must have thought the same as me, the man just looked at him confused. "come on. sit down before you fall down." Morgan said while putting some food on the mans plate, and so the man did, he sat down. he was just about to eat, when Duane stoped him.

"daddy, blessing." Duane reminded his dad. "yeah." Morgan said as he took his sons hand in one of his and the mans in the other, i took the other one of Duanes hands in one of mine and i looked at the man holding out my hand, he hesitated before taking my hand.

"lord, we thank thee for this food, thy blessings. and we ask you to watch over us in these crazy days." Morgan said before we all exept the man said "amen." i am gonna be honest i am not religious really, but in these times i sometimes talk to god/jesus or well myself hoping someone above would hear me and help us even though i didn't beleive anyone would.

then we all sat in silence and began to eat.

"hey, mister, you even know what's going on?" Morgan asked the man.

"i woke up today in the hospital, came home and that's all i know." the man answered, i then came to realisation that he edid in fact not know what the hell was going on out there, poor guy, waking up to find mostly everybody gone.

"but you know about the dead people, right?" Morgan asked the man with a confused look on his face.

"yeah, i saw a lot of that... out on the loading dock, piled in trucks." The man answered and then yet again i knew he didn't know what was actually happening out there right now.

"no, not the ones they put down. the ones they didn't... the walkers, like the one i shot today. 'cause he'd have ripped into you, tried to eat you, taken some flesh at least." Morgan explained as the man just grew more confused, hen Morgan continued. "well, i guess if this is the first you're hearing it, i know how it must sound."

"they're out there now? in the street?" the man asked looking at Morgan not beleiving what he was being told.

"yeah. they get more active after dark sometimes. maybe it's the cool air or... hell, maybe it's just me firing that gun today. but we'll be fine as long as we stay quiet. probably wander off by morning." Morgan told the man, it didn't look like the man beleived him one bit, to be honest if i was him i probably wouldn't either, but that didn't stop Morgan from continuing to talk. "but listen, one thing i do know... don't you get bit. i saw your bandage and that's what we were afraid of. bites kill you. the fever burns you out. but then after a while... you come back."

"seen it happen." me and Duane said at the same time, Morgan put a hand on his sons arm to comfort him, the man just stared at me wondering why he wasn't comforting me, the truth is i hadn't stayed with them for that long i barely knew the boys mom but i was there when it happened and they were thankful for that because i was there for my new best friend Duane when he needed one the most, but i wasn't really part of the family so i didn't need any sort of comfort when it came to the death of Duanes mother, i haven't lost anyone i really cared about, at least not yet, i mean i don't know where my brothers are right now, but i won't beleive they're dead until i see their bodies.

then we ate.


we were all sitting in the living room, the new guy sitting up against the couch, me Morgan sitting against the wall where our mattress' where, Duane was laying down with his head on my lap, and his legs over his fathers legs, i was playing with his hair, he had fallen asleep, he had smile on his face, at least he fell asleep happy, i couldn't help but smile down at my bestfriend.

"Carl... he your son? well, you... you said his name today." Morgan suddenly asked, pulling my attention from Duane to the two men.

"he's a little younger than your boy." the man answered, so that meant that he was either my age or younger than me, Duane was older than me but that wasn't stopping me from being his friend.

"and he's with his mother?" Morgan asked, 'a little harsh asking a guy who just found out the whole world bassicaly ended' i thought to myself.

"i hope so." was all the man said.

"dad." Duane said slowly said waking back up. "hey." Morgan said to his son and i moved away sitting closer to the new guy.

"did you ask him?" Duane asked his dad, Morgan let out a chuckle.

"your gunshot... we've got a little bet going. my boy says you're a bank robber." Morgan says, both men let out a chuckle.

"yeah, that's me, deadly as Dillinger. Kapow." the man said.

"oh really?" i asked sarcasticly, Morgan chuckles again.

"sheriff's deputy." the man corrects, i just giggled letting them know i found the joke funny.

"uh-huh." Morgan said.

suddenly a car alarm began blaring from outside the house, Duane quickly sat up.

"hey, it's okay. daddy's here. it's nothing. one of them must've bumped a car." Morgan said, Duane was obviously scared, honestly i wasn't really scared, i had been alone mostly since all of this started, so i had to learn it the hard way.

"are you sure?" The man asked.

"it happened once before. it went of for a few minutes. get the light, Duane." both adults got up after he finished talking, Duane turned of the little lamp sitting on the table beside him. me and Duane then got up too and made our way over to the adults slowly, trying not to make any noice.

"it's the blue one on the street, the same one as last time. i think we're okay." Morgan informed the guy.

"that noise... won't it bring more of them?" the man asked just as we and Duane came to the window we both looked outside while the adults talked. i then saw someone i wished we didn't have to see again, i was Duanes mom.

"she's here." Duane said as he also saw his mother.

"don't look. get away from the windows." Morgan told his son, but Duane did not listened he just stayed. "i said go. go on." he added then finally Duane went away, i knew he was sad so i went after him, i hugged him and he started crying into my chest.

Duane started sobbing louder.

"Duane. Duane, quiet now. come on quiet now. shh, shh." Morgan said as he came over to us and comforted his son.

the guy went away from the window and over to the door, he looked out of the little whole in the door and saw Duanes mom, making her way up the steps to the porch.

"it's okay. here. cry into the pillow. do you remember? shh. shh." Morgan said, i had moved away from Duane so his father could comfort him, Morgan put a pillow over Duane to try and make his sobs quiter.

the doorknob started rattling all of a sudden, i knew it was one of the walkers outside. rick came and sad down beside me, i was sitting in front of the father and son.

"she, um... she died in that other room on that bed in there. there was nothing i... i could do about it. that fever, man, her skin gave off a heat like a furnace." Morgan began explaining to the man. "i should've... i should've put her down, man. i should've put her down. i know that, but i... you know what? i just didn't have it in me. she's the mother of my child."


it was now morning and we were making our way outside.

"are we sure they're dead? i have to ask at least one more time." the man i had now learned whos name was Rick.

"they dead. except for something in the brain. that's why it's got to be the head." Morgan exolained to Rick he made our way down the steps, i saw a walker sitting up against the ence, RIck had some kind of mask thing on, and a bat in his hand. the walker got up as soon as it heard movement. rick raised the bat and smung it at the walker, he hit it multiple times until it was comepletely dead. rick fell to the ground after because of his bullet wound.

"you all right?" i asked him.

"i need a moment." Rick said.


we walked in the house that i assumed was where Rick lived with his family before all of this.

"they're alive... my wife and son. at least they were when they left." rick told us as we stepped further into the house.

"how can you know? by the look of this place..." Morgan asked/said but ws cut of by Rick before he could finish.

"i found empty drawers in the bedroom. they packed some clothes... not a lot, but enough to travel." Rick explained, poor guy anybody could have come in here and stolen clothes if they needed some, the rules/laws dont really count anymore, there isnt anyone left to do anything about it.

"you know anybody could've broken in here and stole them clothes right?" Morgan asked the man.

"you see the framed photos on the walls? neither do i. some random theif take those too, you think?" Rick explained/asked i just looked at Duane, he looked at me amd we both shrugged our sholder, Rick opened a cabinet.

"our photo albums, family pictures... all gone." Rick explained.

morgan began to sit down in one of the chairs and loughed softly.

"photo albums." Morgan said and laughed more. "my wife.. same thing. there i am packing survival gear, she's grabbing photo alb..." he began saying but then stopped, he couldn't talk about his wife sometimes, it was pretty hard to.

"they're in Atlanta, i bet." Duane said, slowly walking forward.

"that's rigt." Morgan told his son.

"why there?" Rick asked, deffinetly wanting to find his family, truth is that is all Millie ever wanted since this mess started she just wanted to find her brother, she could care less about the shit head of a father the trio shared, but even though her oldest brother Merle could be an asshole from time to time, he was still her brother, her family, her blood, she still cared about him. then there was Daryl, her older but youngest older brother, Merle was the oldelst then cme Daryl and then lastly MIllie, Daryl has and always will be her favourite brother, he wasn't as much of an asshole as Merle was.

"refugee center. a huge one they said, before the broadcast stopped. military protection, food, shelter. they told people to go there, said it'd be safest." Morgan answered Ricks question.

"plus they got that disese place." Duane said.

"the center for disease control, said they were working out how to solve this thing." Morgan explained, rick gave a little smile and walking away. he opened a cabinet thing on the wall and pulled out some keys.

word count: 3141 <3

based on: season one episode one. "days gone bye"

hey! finally i got the first chapter done, i am very sorry for the long wait, i am gonna beging writing chapter 2 soon! maybe today who knows, but i can't promise anything beause i probably can't keep it, but i will try my best, the most time i will be working on chapters will most likely be on the weekends beause i have school and it's my last year so it's pretty important, either way it is friday today so hopefully i will get something done over the weekend.

i hope you don't mind my spelling mistakes.

i am so excited to write Valentina reunite with her dad and uncle even though we all know what is gonna happend to Merle on the rooftop :(

anyways! i am super excited for this story i have lots of ideas for the future chapter!

please tell me if this chapter is either too long, too short or if it's a "perfect" length, so i know if i should write less, beacuse i want to know.

opinions on this chapter? even though nothing really happend :)

love y'all bye! <33

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