Chapter 10

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GoEun pov

I am Doomed!! I lost my contacts and I only had one more pair but they're gone too, well, to be honest, I did wear glasses in middle school but high school..... contacts. I can't go to school in glasses but I have to, who knows who is going to mock me, I feel like my soul left my body.

Get your self together GoEun you can make it till schools over, anyways today is Friday. Let the games begin. I took a shower, I brushed my short hair down, which didn't even help then I put on my glasses you know the everyday routine, just adding the glasses though.

I got my bag then left, On my way, I heard guy voices behind me when I turned my head a little bit I saw Mark and his group of friends. If Jackson finds out I am walking in front of them he is not going to let me walk alone. 

I started speeding walking to school, I am surprised that I got to school without them noticing me but now it is going to be more hard other students are around. I looked down and walked all the way to my class not caring if I looked possessed like in the Korean horror movies, imagine me with the black and long wig.

Today might be good because Mark won't be available since he is going the school exchange program and Frog princess won't be here, Finally peace and quiet! The bell rang and all the students came in.

"If you are part of the school exchange program go to the gym with your bags and wait for a teacher to assign your partner." The Mr.Shin said.

"Excuse me Mr.Shin but Yang Dawon is not here." Minho, our class monitor/class president mentioned.

"Oh okay, Kim GoEun you will be there for replacement." The Mr.Shin said. Has such a thing ever happened in a student exchange program and are they even allowed to do a replacement? I sigh. I packed my bag and headed on my way with Mark, Wendy, Jackson, Jiyeon.

Jackson was making noise with Jiyeon and Mark was quite like always. For Wendy she was admiring Mark Tuan, she is too obvious that she likes him a lot. I was walking with my head low.

"GoEun are you feeling well? Your head has been down the whole time." Jiyeon asked, wow she had to notice me now. I started to panic, slightly, that's a lie what am I going to say?!

"I-I am feeling ok. " I stuttered on accident, now she is going to be curious, Jiyeon raised my head with her hand and had a surprised face on.

"Wait a minute since when did you wear glasses?" Jiyeon asked cluelessly, The rest of them look at me and I could see Mark and Jackson trying to hold their laughter.

"All the time you saw me without glasses I was wearing contacts." I said quietly and looked away. Since they already know I raised up my head.

"I knew there were more sides of you we didn't know!" Jackson said while laughing and I give him a death glare. We got to the gym and some other students were there. Wendy started to talk with Mark but it looked like he wasn't listening, A teacher came to the gym and started to assign their partners and handed them the schedules.

"Jiyeon and Jackson, Wendy and Chanyeol, Dawon and Mark oh....wait she is not here GoEun and Mark," The teacher said going on saying names. Why, the only day I want her to be here, why me? I told you this is bad luck at least I rather be with Jackson than him, Everyone got assigned and we went outside and started getting on the bus.

"By the way whoever you are with now will be your partner for coming back." The teacher said before we took off.

Basically, Mark dragged me to the back of the bus, I sat next to the window he sat next to me. I just got my phone out of my bag and started listening to music. My music was on shuffle and it started to play 4Minute I Hate You.

Mark took one earpiece from my ear and when he put it in his ear it came to the part where it said "I hate you hey no"

"Don't you think that's a little too harsh?" Mark said.

"Well, basically it was good that you heard that part or I would've said it myself." I said, Mark sighed and it went back to silence.

We finally got to the school, now thinking of it their school hasn't started their classes yet. Everyone on the bus got down and some were wandering around more like exploring. Jiyeon, Wendy, Jackson, Mark, and I were walking into the school, we girls stayed in front of the guys.

I saw a bunch of girls surrounding some guy, This is not a market stop crowding the whole place, We were walking past the crowd somehow some boy was in front of us.

"Hello, there pretty ladies." He said in his voice would make any girl fall for him, Still the same Sangmin. just look at Wendy I am sure she just wish it was Mark who would've said that to her.

"There are many girls there for you just go to them," I said coldly.

"Well, I never thought I would see you again Kim GoEun." He said which made anger build up inside me.

"Who is this GoEun?" Jiyeon whispered to me.

"He is my ex," I whispered back. I have no shame saying he was my boyfriend.

"I didn't come here to see you and why would I? so we're going to leave." I said trying to walking pass him.

"I didn't know you became so harsh GoEun." He said blocking me, I am not old but he is making my blood pressure go high.

"Why do you care?" I look in his eyes.

"Is everything ok?" I heard Jackson asks, I was just sick and tired of Sangmin I am sure he never took the time to think about other people's feelings.

"Everything is fine." I said then walked away, the rest of them caught up with me.

"So who was that?" Jackson asked out of curiosity,

"That was GoEun's ex-boyfriend," Jiyeon told Jackson. When she said that all of them were very shocked.

"I thought you were too cold to have one." Jackson said more like a whisper and went back to making noise with Jiyeon. They are a perfect match plus they act like a couple. Young Love Birds these days 'But your young yourself' My innocent side said. 'Shut up' and she went somewhere in my mind.

We continue to walk and I just stop in front of a class that has a label saying 11-2. (A/N: I got no idea but that means they're in 11 grade)

"Why did you stop all of a sudden?" Wendy asked finally opening her mouth,

"We are at our assign class," I said, Then a female teacher was walking towards us, seems like they were about to start. We all bow to the teacher.

"You must be the students from the student exchange program right?" we all replied yes. We followed her inside and stood next to the podium.

"These are the students from the student exchange, please introduce yourselves." The teacher said.

"Hello, my name is Kim GoEun." I started off and the rest said theirs.

"Sit at those tables." The teacher said and pointed over to five empty tables, Wendy sat next to me, Jiyeon sat on my other side, sat Mark and Jackson sat behind us.


Finally, school is almost over I just can't wait to go home and sleep, wait I need to buy some new contacts. I don't know when the bell rang but our bus wasn't here yet. I was looking at their garden which had a little pavilion. I was enjoying the peace and quiet until I felt a pair of hands that wrapped my body. The first person I thought it was Mark Tuan. I did not hesitate to break the grip. I turned around to look and it was that dreadful guy, It was Sangmin.

"What do you want this time?" I asked coldly.

"Don't be so harsh GoEun I know you miss me." Sangmin said with a smirk.

"The playboy is still trying to get girls," I said and crossed my arms.

"Are you stalking me? because you don't even go to the same school as me." He said.

"Don't forget Sumin is in the same school pabo." I replied.

"I never noticed her." I can't believe he actually forgot that Sumin was there.

"Wow you are really blind you should go check your eyes."

"I didn't come here to play around let's get serious." A few minutes ago he was his normal self but now he is scaring me, he started to come close.

"Yah, if you don't stay away I will use my ultimate slap on you," I said I am freaking out why did I leave with no one by my side.

"I've changed GoEun I am not scared of girls like you." Is he really that stupid I am sure he totally said something wrong, 'I've changed' that's totally a big lie.

"What do you mean 'I've changed' your still the same dumb playboy anyways if you did change you wouldn't still be playing with girls." I pointed out, I took one step back and I tripped over something I really don't know but can't see what I tripped on ....wait..... where are my glasses!!!

"Wow, your such a klutz and that is one reason why I broke up with you." Sangmin said. My sight got blurry but I could see him approaching me.

That idiot he underestimated me, now since he wanted it I will give it to him. Sangmin I've changed and became stronger. His face got closer like he was slowly about to kiss me. 

Even though it was blurry I knew where his face was so I punched him which gave me access time to find my glass. I patted the ground to find my glasses but a felt a sting on my face. This asshole slapped me.

He just passed the limits. I learned judo so I have every right to hurt him because he hit me. The technique I used is called O-Goshi but anyways No more pretty face! That was my second time doing that move. One day some bully in my school broke my glasses so I did the same move on him. I almost got expelled for it. I mean he did deserve it.

Anyways I am guessing he would never touch me ever again, I heard someone running away so I guess it was Sangmin. I was just standing hopelessly standing. I know patting the ground is just useless.

Suddenly someone was in front of me I was going to punch but it couldn't be Sangmin. That person puts my glasses on me, it was Mark Tuan. I seriously cursed in my head. Why him of all people.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I said and got up. I walked away because I didn't want to create a dialogue with him.


"We are finally here!!!" Jiyeon said excitedly.

"It's getting kind of late, Mark how about we walk the ladies home." Jackson suggested. Mark just nodded, wait did he actually say yes what if Mark finds out about me living next to him. A bunch of thoughts was making me space out.

"GoEun let's go." Mark said which stopped me spacing out, First, we walked Wendy, second Jiyeon, third Jackson.

"Where do you live?" Mark asked.

"I should be asking you the same question." I looked at him.

"I know why you want to know because you love me." Mark said.

"You're so dead." I started hitting his shoulder, "Say you're sorry!!!" I yelled at him.

"Sorry, now stop hitting me." He demanded.

"I need to go somewhere so I see you later... bye." I waved at him, why did I do that and where do I go? I started walking to the convenience store to buy ramen. After I walk back to my apartment, I got out my key and was unlocking my door.

"So you lived next to me this whole time." I heard Marks voice, I guess he followed me.

"There you must be happy, Congratulations Sherlock Homes." I said while unlocking my door.

"Why Thank you, Partner, I just can't wait to tell the rest to hear about this." He laughed.

"Tell them a thing you're done." That was the last thing I said before I entered my apartment.

What have I put my self in!

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