Chapter 22

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Unknown pov

How stupid can she get? He shouldn't love someone who can't even save themself. If she never took him, this wouldn't have happened. As many say I am a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

"Is everything set up?"

"Yes ma'am... M has left a message for you."


Are you sure she is coming?

I am sure she will come


GoEun pov

Today was just like any other day except the creepy stuff that has been happening for the past 6 days. It is best if I didn't tell anyone, I don't want to rely on anyone. I was in class waiting for the teacher to come. All of a sudden I started to remember the surveillance camera. I know that it was really there and it couldn't have disappeared into thin air. What if it is connected to the notes? Does that mean someone is after me? Just who could it be? Why is this person so obsessed with Mark? It is not like I love him or anything.

"GoEun!!" I was too deep in my thoughts to pay attention to my surroundings.

"Huh... What?" I say taking a glance at whoever was talking.

"We're you not listening to me!" Jiyeon whines and I shrugged, "Anyways I was saying that I will be doing your makeup and I am so surprised that Got7 is going! I wonder how Dawon convinced them, they really don't go to that many parties these days." At this point, I stopped listening to Jiyeon because was taking too much.

The bell rang and the teacher came in, that is when everyone went to their assigned seats. During the lesson, there was a knock on the door. I didn't look up because it didn't concern me. I heard the teacher having a conversation with another adult but it seems like they were whispering.

"Is Kim GoEun in this class?" I heard a female voice that sounded so familiar. I looked up to see my parents conversating with my teacher.

"Yes, but what relationship do you have with her?" My teacher asked.

"We are her parents we need to take her because her brother is sick and refused to go to the hospital without her." I packed my bag in a hurry, as I saw my teacher looking at me. I didn't hesitate to leave the classroom.

"What happened to him?" I asked in a worried voice. Even though he is a brat, he is still my little brother.

"Honestly, I don't know... He told me that his stomach started to hurt him badly since this morning, but I thought he was joking so I told him to leave me alone. Then he started throwing up. The only reason we came here is because he refused to go to the hospital without you." My mom explained in a short amount of time.

Once I got to the car I could see tears in his eyes. It broke my heart just to see my brother in so much pain. I took and held him in my arms. "Everything is going to be okay, just hold on for a little while." I try to reassure him but I wasn't even sure myself. We got to the hospital and the doctor said he was poison. My mom broke down became a crying mess, why wouldn't she? She has been cooking for our family for years and none of us got sick like him. Her youngest child got poisoned, that blame is something she'll never forget. As my parents were filling out papers concerning Jihoo. I held his hand tightly as he was sleeping softly. I felt my phone vibrate and I took it out to see Mark calling me. I appreciate that he cares but I really don't feel like talking to anyone right now. I laid next to Jihoo and hugged him tightly, I don't why but I feel so angry at myself. I am supposed to protect him and care for him? I only had one job and I failed.

As I was close to sleeping I hear my parents entering the room. "Come on GoEun we are taking you back to school." I got up and looked at them weird.

"What?! I am not leaving Jihoo like this!" I exclaimed but I lowered my voice as I saw Jihoo frown in his sleep.

"GoEun I know you don't want to go but you can't afford to miss another class." My dad says, you got to be kidding me. My brother is in pain and you expect me to focus on my classes. What kind of bullsh*t is that! I grab my backpack and left the room.

As I got to school, I said my goodbyes and left. It is not like I can't get make-up work the next day, they are lucky that I could go to jail if I burned the school. I got to class just in time and sat down.

"Hey, GoEun are you ok?" Jiyeon asked me.

"I feel great!" I say exaggerating.

"I see you're having a bad day, you should cool off before you burn the school with that glare of yours," Jiyeon whispered as the teacher came in.


As Jiyeon was walking home with me, I glanced at my right side since I sensed someone was next to me. As my calculations were right it was Mark Tuan.

"How come you didn't pick up my call?" He asked.

"I don't remember giving my number to you, are you stalking me?" I ask out of curiosity and he scoffs.

"Me stalk you?! I hope you know that you're very bad at jokes." He sounds like he wants to slap my head if he does I will yell and attract attention.

"Stop making me feel like the third wheel!" I heard Jiyeon yell.

"If Jackson was here I am pretty sure you would stay the third wheel," I say and Jiyeon hits my head.

"Continue and I won't go to the party." I mentioned.

"You're going? You don't seem like the type to go." Mark looks shocked.

"I'll take that as a compliment and yes I am going. Are you going?" I asked.

"I wasn't but since your going I will." He says with a smirk.

"On a second thought, I'm not going," I mumbled.

"GoEun don't you dare say that!" Jiyeon shouted. I shrugged my shoulders, I need to get something get my mind off Jihoo. I'll keep blaming myself if I don't.

We got to my apartment and got ready, I wasn't planning on wearing something noticeable. I am only there for Jiyeon and that is about it. As for Jiyeon, she wore something a little bit revealing, as long as no boy touches her I'm okay. Gladly, Mark didn't leave with us he probably left with his group. As we arrived at Dawon's house the music was so loud you could hear it down the street.

Once we entered I regretted coming in the first place. There were too many people inside and the smell of alcohol.

"Welcome to my party!" We heard Dawon shout as the music was loud. I gave a fake smile, she led us tho the table full of drinks.

"Enjoy yourselves; I've got somewhere to go!" I was not about to touch anything as it is probably filled with alcohol. I could've been doing so many other things than being here. Besides that dancing assignment is due soon and I am not close to perfection, there goes my grade.

I started to look around her house just out of pure curiosity. It wasn't a pleasant view as most rooms were occupied with people. I came across a room with awards. Most of them were in the name of Dawon, and here I thought she was a dumb rich kid. I saw this picture which looked like a family of four. One of them I could recognize was Dawon, there was a girl standing next to her. The more I stare the more the girl looks familiar. I just can't get my mind to recall who she could be. My head started hurting as I was thinking too hard.

I headed back to the party to grab a drink since my headache got worse. Don't worry, I am not drinking any alcohol. As I got to the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I sat on the couch as there was vacant space and just watched other people dancing. I spotted Jiyeon dancing with someone I didn't know. This made me rolled my eyes, hoping she is not under the influence.

"Hey, GoEun I didn't expect you to come here!" I looked up at the voice shouting my name, and it was Jackson.

"Hey." I replied as I waved at him while he took a seat.

"Why did you come anyways?" He came closer to me and asked as the music was loud.

"Jiyeon wanted me to, I know you know that I wouldn't have come either." I say with a frown on my head. My headache that was close to disappearing came back again but stronger.

"Hey, you don't look so good..." Jackson says with concern.

"I'm fine." I say but it got worse. I can't leave without Jiyeon. She is probably drunk and I should her back to my place. I promised myself to look after her.

"If you're worrying about Jiyeon I'll take her back to your place if you want, you don't look good so I advise you to go home." I look at Jackson as he gave me a reassuring smile. I was hesitant but soon left the party. As I got to the bus stop it started to rain. As much as I like the rain it made my headache worse. I called a cab instead, I just want to go home now.

As the cab arrived which seemed like forever due to the rain most of them were taken. I got in the cab and told the driver where I was headed. My headache got so bad it was kind of making me dizzy.

Author's pov

GoEun got down from the cab that was close to her street. She didn't want the driver to take advantage of her if she passed out due to her massive headache. Walking in the rain while you're deemed sick isn't the best thing. GoEun was tired and just wanted to rest. She sat on a bench as she wanted to give up on going on. All of a sudden she didn't feel any drops of rain on her, but the sound of an umbrella when rain hits it. She looked up to see Mark, she didn't know if she was happy that he was there for her.

"What are you doing in the rain, you're gonna get sick again," Mark said and GoEun looked down.

"Get on me." He says as he got down to carry her. GoEun hesitated as she felt that she was getting too much help from him.

"Get on already!" He said sounding pissed and GoEun got on him. She held the umbrella and laid on his back, finally, she felt at ease. GoEun got off of Mark and entered her apartment, she changed her clothes before she got sick. She laid down thinking about the worse, like her brother. It hurts her heart just thinking about it. The way Mark helped her made a smile on her face. Even though she pushes him away he keeps coming back. She kept letting go of his hand but he kept holding after it was separated.

GoEun stayed up as she waited for Jiyeon as it was almost morning, there was a knock at the door. GoEun checked the peephole to see Jackson holding a wasted Jiyeon. She opened the door and thank Jackson for bringing Jiyeon. GoEun tucked Jiyeon in her bed for she knew that she needed it the most. At least her hectic day came to an end.

𝓗𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓭, 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓭

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