๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฌ. bringing joy.

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โ€” โ ( chapter twenty, bringing joy ) แต•ฬˆ เณซหšโˆ—

"THE RANKING OF YOUR GRADES DOESN'T DETERMINE YOUR HAPPINESS. but higher rankings always bring joy. Lee Suho, Jang Moonyoung, you two are tied for the highest grades in the year. Congratulations let's give them a round of applause," Mr Han stated as the class 'oohed' and whispered as they clapped for the two who walked to the front of the class.

When they went to the teacher's office they were met by a very upset Kang Soojin. "What's wrong?" Moonyoung asked "Don't ask, you two are so annoying," she snarled as she brushed past them harshly.

They glanced at each other and shrugged. "Moonyoung, your grades are just as good as you left them," the teacher praised. "Keep this up and you two can surely go to the Seoul National University or maybe even abroad," she said as she respectfully bowed and left.

After school, she was walking around to see Suho rejecting a girl. "No, there's someone I already like," he said coolly before leaving. she felt her chest tighten uncomfortably. "Of course, it's Lim Jukyung," she stated quietly before catching up to him.

"Suho, you don't have to be so harsh," she muttered, frowning as he ignored her. They kept walking in silence. After school, she had gone home much to her disappointment, her dad wasn't home. He was a busy man but she did wish he would come and see her more often. She then decided to go over to Jukyung's house.

She loved the Lim family. They sure were unconventional but they had that special family warmth. She was an only child with one parent. Growing up in the lap of luxury was great but she longed for that warm hospitality. Her father was the best dad anyone could ask for. But she longed for a mother, some siblings.

She wasn't that happy with Jukyung but she knew it wasn't Jukyung's fault. Jukyung is a kind and super nice friend. And she was sure the pain she felt was going to go away soon. hopefully.

When she arrived there she saw Jukyung crying and looking around in the bags. She was about to say something when Suho came out of an alley. She quickly ran to hide. "Lim Jukyung," he called as Jukyung looked up and the two left the Lim Household.

She sighed and decided to knock on the door to the Lim Household. Mrs Hong had opened the door and to her surprise, it wasn't the stupid and makeup-obsessed daughter but instead the perfect and kind Jang Moonyoung.

"Omo, Moonyoung!" Mrs Hong cheered "Is Jukyung home?" Moonyoung asked politely -- she knew the answer but still wanted to come in. "That brat's gone somewhere," Mrs Hong sighed, "Come in! I'll make you something," she smiled as Moonyoung beamed and entered the chaotic house.

She sat at the table with Mrs Hong opposite her. "Moonyoung, what was your class rank?" Mrs Hong asked, frankly Moonyoung had felt like she was in an interview, but alas she answered every question.

"I was first, tied with Suho," she smiled, "Wow, your father must be proud to have you as a daughter," Mrs Hong beamed, "By the way, was Jukyung studying hard?" Mrs Hong asked. "Yes, she came to every study group and came to all the extra classes, she even asked me for extra help," Moonyoung assured.

"Her grades went up a lot Mrs Hong," Moonyoung promised "It takes time for perfection, I'll try my best to help her for the next test," Moonyoung added, "Thank you Moonyoung," Mrs Hong sighed.

"Oh! And these are for Jukyung," Moonyoung explained, showing Mrs Hong her bags. "You can bring them upstairs to her room," Mrs Hong stated. Moonyoung went up the stairs and went to the room with the scary door sign.

She opened it and thought she was at Prince Comics. "This girl..." Moonyoung smiled as she went to Jukyung's vanity and placed her gift bags on there. Inside was some new makeup. She definitely didn't plan for Jukyung's mom to throw away Jukyung's makeup. She just thought that Jukyung would like some new products.

After she left the gifts for Jukyung, she went back downstairs and bid Mrs Hong and Mr Lim goodbye. "Ah, Moonyoung-ah!" Mrs Hong called "If you ever want a nice warm meal, don't be afraid to come over! I know your father is a busy man," Mrs Hong beamed as Moonyoung smiled and left the house.

Just as she left she was greeted by Suho and Jukyung. Suho was getting something off Jukyung's shoe. Moonyoung smiled bitterly. Suho had done that for her many times from when she was young to now.

She focused back to see Jukyung sitting on Suho's shoulder. "I mean over there," Suho stated stiffly, "What?" Jukyung asked as Moonyoung held back laughter. This girl is adorable, she thought. "Nevermind, here. I'm done," Suho shrugged, slipping her shoe on for her.

"Oh, t-thanks," she stuttered as she stood up, "Get home safely," she uttered, grabbing her makeup. "Wait!" he said suddenly, he approached her, she kept on moving back, eventually hitting a wall.

He bent down low to her face and put a hair clip in her hair. "That's mine," Moonyoung thought. "Ya! Don't do romantic scenes!" she yelled suddenly, breaking the tension. Suho coughed and Jukyung started hiccuping.

"Study hard, goodnight," he added quickly before dragging Moonyoung away. "I BOUGHT YOU SOME NEW MAKEUP!" she yelled causing Jukyung to smile "Thanks!" she yelled back as Moonyoung and Suho disappeared. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin it," Moonyoung apologized quickly.

Suho turned to her, but she was already gone.

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