chapter xiv

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THE SMELL OF old spice and mahogany cologne was faint in the air. The brightness of the sunlight streaming through his blinds could be seen from behind her closed eyelids, making her groan lowly, as she pulled the comforter closer to face. The smell of the laundry detergent used for the duvet was comforting to her, the feeling overpowering the dull pounding of her headache. Her mouth was dry, her throat felt like sandpaper, but she didn't care about that right now. All she cared about was the fact that she could drift back off to sleep soon; mostly so she didn't have to handle the consequences of her actions.

A dip in the bed made her consciousness regain attention, causing her to mentally roll her eyes, as she was trying so desperately to stay out of the limbo the lingered between being awake and pure bliss called sleep. But what made her flutter her eyes open was the feeling of someone pushing her hair out of her face, and tucking it behind her ear. Their fingers lingered on her cheek longer than she expected, not that she was complaining– she found comfort in the person's touch. So it obviously had to be someone she knew.

Her eyes peeled open, as she let out a soft groan at the bright light that flooded the room, and cursed whosever room she was in. She brought her hands up, rubbing her eyes to rid of the sleep and trying to adjust them quicker to the bleak light. She blinked a couple of times, before she fully opened her eyes and looked around.

And of course the first thing she focused on was a smiling Ethan, whose eyes were filled with adoration as he gazed down at her; she was trapped between his arms on the bed, as his palms were planted on either side of her body. It was too early for her to be feeling those stupid butterflies in her stomach. It was too early for her heart to be sipping beats. It was to early for her mind to be this fuzzy– despite the massive hangover she was enduring at the moment.

"You're really not a morning person, are you?" He quipped, his brown hair falling on his forehead and in front of his eyes. Anastasia wanted nothing more than to run her hair through it, and maybe to tug on its roots, to see if maybe, she could get him to groan like he did when he was standing between her thighs just a few days ago.

She pouted her chapped lips, one of her hands coming up once more to rub at her eye, and the other planted itself to lay against the pillow beside her head. His other hand that rested on the small of her waist was stopping her from answering his simple statement; as his thumb rubbed small, comforting circles against her ribs. "Go away." She grumbled her eyes still not fully open.

Even through the material of her shirt, she could feel the prickles of electricity that steamed her skin from his touch alone. It was intoxicating– which was something that she didn't need more of at the moment.

His smile widened, the corner of his eyes crinkled, "You're so cute, you know that?" His voice was soft, as if he knew that the slightest of sounds was making the freshman's head pound. Anastasia's cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink, "You never fail to tell me, Eddie." She retorted, which earned a small chuckle from the man who still had his hand on the small of her waist. His eyes glinted down to her pouted, chapped lips, before his gaze softened as he met hers. Her big brown eyes that stared up at him with attitude and fascination swimming in her irises. He felt his stomach flip.

"How're you feeling?" he questioned, before he got up from the bed and grabbed a glass that was sitting on his nightstand and headed towards the bathroom. Anastasia's body felt oddly cold when he left her side, but she didn't think much of it. She sat up and stretched, "Like I got hit by a fucking bus," her voice was strained and small; which was unusual for her, so Ethan knew she really wasn't feeling good. Even if he had been around her for a week at this point, he could read her so easily.

He laughed as he walked back into the room from the bathroom, the glass now filled with water. "I was expecting that the way you were acting last night," he started, as he sat back on the edge of the mattress. Ethan handed her the glass of water, before he leaned over and grabbed a bottle of tylenol. And Anastasia pretended that she didn't see the packages of condoms that were in drawer.

His fingers brushed the palm of her hand as he gave the the pain relievers, which made her palm tingle at the contact. He watched as she down the pills, a sigh of relief falling from her lips. He placed a hand on her duvet-covered knee, feeling the need to at least touch her at all times. She was going to say something about it, but that was before her eyes widened in realization, "Oh god how was I acting last night?" "Well you and Lo–" "Like tell me everything that happened." She interrupted him, as she held her glass in her lap. He gave her a look that read 'are you done' to which she giggled at, but nodded for him to continue.

"Well you and Lo were absolutely shit-faced," he started off. Anastasia quirked her head to the side, "We're you not?" He shook his head, "No, we pregamed and only got tipsy so," he trailed off, as she nodded her head in understanding, grumbling something under her breath.

There was no way in hell that she was going to tell him that she was going to tell him she saw him last night. And he wasn't going to tell her either. Almost as if they were embarrassed to admit how they reacted.

"Anyways, Mark pretty much gave us the rundown about how you guys are, and since it was already planned you guys were coming over here, Luke and I took care of you, and Mark and Duke took care of Lo." He shrugged, as he finished, his hand still planted firmly on her knee watching as her head hung in her hands in embarrassment. "How did Mark warn you?" "Gave us the jist of how you guys were under the influence," to be honest, he didn't think he could recall the memories of last night without his tone being teasing. And that wasn't for himself, it was for Stassie. He just didn't want to embarrass her.

Anastasia raised one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows, giving him a knowing look, as she swiped his hand of her knee and rolled her tongue along the inside of her cheek, "Spit it out, Edwards." Okay he wasn't going to lie, that was kind of hot but now definitely wasn't the time. Not when she's violently hungover.

"He basically said you two were like children, you were love-y and horny and Lo was sad and acted like a toddler." Anastasia in all honesty, couldn't blame Mark for warning the guys, she knew her and Lola were handfuls when they were under the influence. She was just scared if tried anything with anyone last night.

She was one to see a cute guy and make out with them when she was drunk, she knew that considering it happened one too many times and Mark's love to use those stories against her when they're in a public setting. Which Anastasia doesn't know why he does that since she can just rebuttal with the fact that he's never gotten anywhere with Lola but second base. Over their five years of knowing each other.

She nodded her head slowly, "Okay but like did I try anything?" She hesitated, not knowing if she wanted to know what she attempted last night but she always liked to be aware. Ethan shrugged his shoulders, and sat up with one knee on the bed, and his other leg planter firmly on the floor. His hands came up to cradle her face, which made her cheeks turn a darker shade of pink than they already were. He stared into her round eyes, and her slightly pursed lips, and her smushed cheeks, making her look absolutely adorable. His heart swell in his chest. "I promise that you didn't try anything, Stassie,"

Her eyes flickered down to his lips, which were pink, and looked absolutely fucking kissable.

So of course, that's what she did. Ignoring the pounding of her head, and the nausea that was building in her stomach, she leaned forward and placed her mouth against his. Which was even shocking to her considering she hadn't even brushed her teeth yet.

But that didn't seem to bother him given he was so quick to kiss back. Her fingers curled around the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer, as she leaned back down on the bed. Their legs were entangled, one of his thigh between hers as he hovered above her, his t-shirt that she was wearing bunched up at her waist, leaning her panties exposed as she writhed against his body. One of his hands came down to cradle her jaw, as the other kept him from crushing her, his hand next to her head on the pillow.

She didn't know what was going on, or how she got the sudden adrenaline rush to just kiss him but she wasn't complaining nor questioning. All she knew was that she wanted to feel his tongue brush her bottom lip again, to swallow his groans of pleasure that he released in her mouth as she tugged at his overgrown curls that were at the base of his neck.

He felt her thighs squeeze around his, as he trailed his slightly chapped lips down her neck, he mouth exploring her sensitive skin, his teeth nibbling at her sweet spot once her found it– which was right below her jawline. Her breath hitched in her throat as he focused his attention on that one spot, which caused the heat in her lower stomach to spread further and further.

He brought his hand that cradled her jaw down to her throat, his fingers slightly squeezing at her pulse points as he moved his head to the side, so he could continue his assault with his mouth on the other side. His hair tickled her nose, which prompted her to bring her hands up to push it back out of his face. She tugged gently, which earned a mumble of incoherent words from him, as his face was now between her neck and her shoulder, his teeth biting the skin there before his tongue darted out and soothed the pinched skin.

"What?" She questioned breathlessly, her tone border-lined a moan, as she tightened her thighs around his even more. She suppress a whine when she felt her core come in contact with his thigh, the only thing that separated and refused the needy girl friction being the thin cotton material of her underwear. "Harder," his voice was raspy, and his lips red and swollen when he lifted his face from the junction of her neck. "Pull it harder." he demanded, his usual soft gaze was dark, and lust-filled.

Holy shit, she thought, feeling the throbbing between her legs intensify– if that was even possible. A small smile appeared on her lips, as she lightly bit her bottom lip, a mischievous glint in her lust-blown eyes. She pulled impossibly hard at the ends of his hair, causing his head to go back briefly before she removed her hands from his hair. She occupied her fingers by playing with the chain that dangled from his collar bones, her gaze still locked with his.

He looked beautiful– his eyes blown wide, cheeks flushed and lips swollen. His hair a mess and falling in front of his eyes. And his thigh still barely pressed against her throbbing core, and each brush of it against her made dimmed out pleasure shoot up her spine. She wasn't thinking clearly, her mind drunk on nothing but the man who was above her, who she just found out has a hair pulling kink.

"Do you like your hair pulled, E? she teased, her fingers leaving his chains and coming up his neck, tangling themselves in his hair once more. She watched as a cheeky grin appeared on his lips, his teeth glinting in the morning sunlight that poured through his open blinds. His body blocked most of the light, which made the streams scatter around him like a halo. He looked angelic.

"That depends," He grinned, leaning down to place a kiss on the tip of her nose. "Do you like pulling hair?" She shrugged, her eyes beaming as she stared up at him, "That depends." She teased, a giggle slipping from her lips. And Ethan swore his chest was going to combust with how much his heart was swelling. He couldn't help but join in on her laughter.

He watched her intently, every flicker of her eyes, every breath that she exhaled, every breath she inhaled, he started counting the freckles that dotted across her cheeks. He caught her nose twitch slightly, "Do you smell bacon?" She furrowed her eyebrows. He he sighed loudly, knowing that that means the time of having her under him was nearing its end. The vibrating of his phone alerted him, he rolled his eyes as he dug into his short's pocket and read the text that appears on his screen, "Yep, Mark's cooking breakfast, apparently."

lola.thompson has posted!



Liked by markestapa, stassiegreen and other

lola.thompson i survived: my first frat party

Tagged: stassiegreen, markestapa


lola.thompson 🙂
markestapa Idk
lola.thompson DUDE

markestapa I love my pretty girl
lola.thompson i love my pretty boy
stassiegreen barf you guys are so gross
lhughes_06 They're worse in person
dylanduke25 Yea wait til you come down

markestapa posted a story!

lola.thompson liked your story!

stassiegreen liked your story!

edwards.73 liked your story!

mackie.samo liked your story!

lhughes_06 liked your story!

dylanduke25 liked your story!

sofia.commm liked your story!

rutgermcgroaty liked your story!

luca.fantilli liked your story!

stassiegreen has posted!



Liked by edwards.73, franknazar14, and others

stassiegreen not a thought behind my eyes (mom if u see this, no u don't)

Tagged: lola.thompson


rutgermcgroaty Not even a tag😔
stassiegreen i'm still recovering

lola.thompson plz come downstairs they're scaring me
stassiegreen apparently you're scaring them more
dylanduke25 It's true🤚

stassiegreen fucking marry me
sofia.commm monday?
stassiegreen monday.

lhughes_06 There were no thoughts coming out of you mouth either
stassiegreen SOMEONE has yet to tell me what i did🙄
edwards.73 Oops

edwards.73 posted a story!

stassiegreen liked your story!

markestapa liked your story!

dylanduke25 liked your story!

lola.thompson liked your story!

stassiegreen replied to your story!

stassie :)
ur so fucking hot

Ethan Edwards

stassie :)
when did it rain last night?

Ethan Edwards
While you were inside

Ethan Edwards
...I'm laying right next to you yk

stassie :)
i'm aware.

stassie :)
i'm hungry

Ethan Edwards
Ik I can hear your stomach

Ethan Edwards

stassie :)

Seen at 8:26 am


proud and so so so happy abt this one

don't worry guys it's coming soon.

but mark and lo are together ☺️

plz don't forget to vote and comment. i love validation

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