chapter xxiii

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HIS HANDS LEFT her waist quickly as Mark walked over towards her, but not without one last final squeeze that left her wanting more. "Happy birthday!" Mark said, as he picked her up in a hug and spun her around, making her squeal out of surprise. Her arms were around his neck as he pulled her closer to him, burying his face into her neck. It's not that she didn't love having her best friend close to her, but he was rubbing her body glitter off. "Mark, you're kinda," she stuttered out into his ear, which caused him to pull away and opt for a quick kiss on her cheek.

His eyes glanced at her up and down, "I see both my girls look good tonight," he smiled, leading them to the crowded booth with his arm lazily thrown over her shoulder. Her gaze landed on Lola who was sporting a sexy devil costume, and Sofia who looked absolutely radiant in her bare-white angel costume. They did look hot.

The large corner booth consisted of her friends , along with a few other players on the hockey team that she and Sofia had talked to. It was all so much for her. And Anastasia felt herself start to tear up. And she was never a sappy person. "You guys didn't have to do all this y'know," she trailed off, as Mark's arm around her brought her closer into his side. "Yeah fucking right," Mackie snorted, as he got up from the booth and stole her away from Mark's side, bringing her into his own to give her a side hug. "Happy birthday, Stas." "Thank you Mackie, how was that pre-game nap?" She giggled, watching as his face scrunched up in a smile.

She couldn't help but let out a snort at the sight of all these big, large hockey players dressed up in fucking Scooby Doo onesies. "So Duker," she leaned over the table, as Mackie and Mark took their seats within the booth, leaving her to be the only one standing up. The sound of his name made him look up from the beer he was currently nursing on. "I heard the onesies were your idea?" A small smirk graced her lips, she was never going to let them live this down.

Ethan had somehow made it near the middle of the booth, being trapped between Rutger and Nolan, while he watched practically the entire hockey team drool over his girl. His girl. He didn't miss the lingering glanced that Duke casted her way, especially when she leaned over the table, which caused her breasts to push together just slightly. And in all honesty, Ethan could not blame them, she looked fucking amazing and he too was finding difficulty in keeping his eyes from wandering over her body, but he had self control. And he was all too aware that quite literally nobody knew of his and Stassie's relationship. Except for Sofia and Lola, of course.

So here he was, trapped in between a slightly tipsy Rutger, which was somehow worse than sober Rutger, and Nolan. Not that he had any bad blood with him, he just knew that he found Stassie attractive. Very, attractive to put it precisely. His head was slightly pounding due to the loudness of whatever rap song was playing over the speakers, one that he didn't care to really listen to and learn the name of, as he downed a shot of vodka that was passed his way. He felt the burn of the liquor travel all the way down until it hit is stomach. He grimaced at the bitter taste, which caused him to suck on his teeth to somehow get the excruciating flavor off of his tongue. He's sure he looked stupid downing a shot while he was dressed in a fucking Scoody Doo onesie. Thanks a lot, Duker.

When he looked up from the shot glass that he slammed down on the wooden table, he made eye contact with Stassie. And he could've sword she saw her chest start to move faster due to her breathing quickening as she shifted her stance, and averted her eyes from him to continue her conversation with Luca, who was sat at the end of the booth. He smirked to himself, now knowing that him taking a shot, is enough to turn her on. Noted.

"She looks fucking amazing, don't you think, Eddie?" Nolan spoke to him, as he took a swig from the Miller Lite that was in his hand. He shifted in his seat just slightly, "Yeah bro, she really does." His words came out slightly stifled, as he covered up his tone with a chuckle. "Too bad Mark won't allow us near her. Which frankly, I just think is bull shit. I mean she's a grown woman and she can make her own decisions," He shrugged nonchalantly. Ethan knew that he meant no harm with his words, that he was a good guy and he was just admiring the fucking beauty that Anastasia had to offer. He viewed Nolan as a big brother. But something about hearing his teammates talk about his girl just made him want to grab another shot from the center of the table.

Mark cleared his throat, adjusting Lola who was sat horizontally on his lap with her arm thrown around his neck. "C'mon guys, make room for the birthday girl, we can't be having her standing all night," His voice was raised slightly, so that the table could hear him over the loudness of the club. "No, Mark it's really okay–" Bullshit! we can make some room," he started shifting closer to the middle of the booth, as well as all the other guys did. (And Sofia, who was sat quite comfortably on Luke's lap). "Here," Luca sighed, as he wrapped his arms around Anastasia's waist and pulled her right onto his right thigh. "You can just sit here if that's okay with you?" He quipped up at her, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. She giggled at him as she adjusted on his lap, which ended up being in the exact same position as Lola; her arm around his neck, and one of his hands resting firmly on her knee. And Ethan thought he was about to fucking lose it.

Over the past two months of first semester, Stassie has found her and Luca becoming closer. (But not closer than her and Mark, that was damn near impossible). He's confided in her on multiple occasions about his girl problems and she has been more than happy help him out. The two college freshmen found comfort in each other, so, her sitting on his lap didn't feel out of the ordinary of their relationship. Especially due to the fact that anytime the two depart ways, they always end their goodbyes with 'I love you's'.

"Okay so who's idea was this?" Anastasia interrogated as she looked around the table suspectingly. That is until she heard a squeal come from her side, "That was me! I'm the one who threw you the party!" Lola's smile was big and bright, her lips painted with red to match her devil costume. "Yeah don't let her take all the credit," Mark pinched her side playfully, "Luke's parents rented out the booth, Sofia and Lo were assigned to distract you and the rest of us put out this lovely set up." He finished, motioning towards the few balloons and the singular banner that decorated the booth. Anastasia's mind raced with multiple sarcastic comebacks, wanting to say things such as: 'It took all of you guys to write out that shitty banner?' Or, 'How bad is your guys' lung capacity if there's only four balloons?' But, she decided against it, knowing just how much trouble her friends went through to surprise her for her nineteenth birthday. Even if it was against her wishes.

"And plus, I know Halloween's your favorite holiday so I looked up clubs that had dress up nights and yeah." Mark trailed off, a loving, tightlipped smile on his face as he looked at Stassie. "Aw, you guys didn't have to do all this," "Yes, we did." Sofia spoke, leaning up from Luke's chest as she placed her elbows on the table, "What kind of friends would we be if we didn't throw you a party. And don't you even start with me on that 'I don't like my birthday' bullshit because deep down, everyone loves their birthday." Sofia ranted, which caused the whole group to laugh lowly at her sass. "Happy birthday to my media partner, and quite possibly the hardest working woman I know, no offense mom, Anastasia Green!"

The whole booth lifted up the closest glass to them as they all leaned towards the center of the table, clashing their cups as they cheered and murmured various versions of 'Happy birthday'.

Anastasia felt her heart swell and her chest wind tight at just how much love was flowing from her friends. That, or it was the all too familiar burn of the vodka shot she had just downed, some of it spilling from the corners of her mouth and dripping onto her unusually exposed chest. She looked down, and ran her finger up her cleavage, where the liquid had found its way down and plopped the rogue vodka on her finger in her mouth, not letting a single drop go to waste.

She looked up from her chest to see Ethan looking at her with a darkened gaze, yet, he looked away when she caught him. His jaw was set and the hood of his onesie was off, leaving his mop of brown hair to lay on his forehead. His hands flexed around the empty shot glass that was on the table in front of him, as he turned his head to engage in a conversation with Luke, who was just one person away from him.

She knew she was sitting on another guy's lap, and she was hoping and praying to god that he couldn't feel her pressing her thighs together to try and ease the sudden desire that washed over her. Once again, she felt like a bitch in heat. As Lola would put it.

"Okay, okay before we get shit faced, Stassie needs to open her presents," Lola said as she adjusted on Mark's lap, which caused him to swallow harshly and tighten his grip on her waist. Anastasia couldn't help but let out a small giggle at his situation. "Specifically, mine first." She reached over to Mark's side and pulled out a small box that wrapped in obnoxious 'happy birthday' wrapping paper. Stassie rolled her eyes at the fucking bow she tied around it. "Just open it you scrooge." Lola retorted, her nose scrunching in a small teasing manner.

Anastasia scoffed playfully as she started undoing the bow, her fingers not hesitating to rip apart the wrapping paper because screw those bitches that take their time opening gifts in order to 'not rip the paper'. That has always been one of her pet peeves ever since she saw her grandma doing it on Christmas morning all those years ago.

"Holy shit you didn't," Her eyes were wide as she stared at the box of pink Beats headphones. She could feel Luca's chest rumble against her back as he laughed at her excitement. "I did, I'm tired of hearing your audio books when you're studying." Lola shrugged, taking a sip of her beer can like the classy music majoring woman she is. Anastasia rolled her eyes as she leaned over and placed a quick kiss to her temple. The truth was, that Stassie didn't expect a plethora of presents given A: most of the guys have probably never shopped for a teenage girl, and B: this entire party most of cost a fortune.

Mark grinned at his two girls before he pulled a small box out of his pocket, "This one's from me," the box wasn't wrapped or over extravagant like Lola's, and Stassie appreciated that. She lifted up the box and for probably the millionth time that night, she felt like bawling her eyes out. A small, gold heart-shaped pendant laid on the stuffing within the box, and inside the heart were two pictures: one of her, Lola and Mark at his first hockey game they went to their freshman (his sophomore) year of high school, and the other being one of them from his first game of the season this year, only this time they were all on the bench, Stassie and Lola wearing lanyards that cleared them to be athletic trainers and Mark sporting his white Michigan jersey.

"Oh my god I fucking hate you Mark," she practically sobbed. Tears pricked her eyes, although she would not allow them to fall. "I know, I do it best." He smirked, only to have Lola turn around and slap his onesie covered chest. She smiled at his cockiness, before she mouthed a genuine 'Thank you' to him, to which he responded with 'I love you'. Stassie placed the now closed box on the table along with her gifted Beats, before Sofia spoke up, "Okay my turn, Mark you've had your spotlight." she turned behind her and gestured her hand out, to which he handed her a bag from Sephora. "I helped out with some of it," he shrugged, which caused Anastasia to sniffle back her cursed tears and lean over to grab the bag from a smiling Sofa. Luca's hands adjusted to her shifting, and they now rested comfortably on the tops of her thighs. And in the heat of the moment, Anastasia didn't say a thing. But Ethan on the other hand, was seething.

Here she was, looking all pretty and adorable on Luca's lap, and only god knows what was going through his mind. It was like Nolan, he knew he was a good guy and wouldn't even think to pull something on Anastasia, given the fact that Luca has seen angry Mark, and didn't want to be the source of his anger. He was scared. But it's just the fact that Ethan couldn't be the one to touch her at the moment, he couldn't be the one to rub her thigh, or to place mindless kissed along her exposed neck. Not in public, anyway.

"Now, I know you're not really into makeup but I figured while we're on the road with the guys, I could show you some stuff," Sofia shrugged, suppressing her smile by biting her lip. Anastasia reciprocated the smile, before she hugged the bag to her chest, "I'll cherish this bag with my whole heart, thank you, Sof." She couldn't help but let her natural sarcasm slip through, but she was genuinely touched by the thought of Sofia teaching her just exactly how to do makeup, besides her usual mascara and eyebrows gel.

A bartender approached the table with a tray full of shots, light liquor, dark liquor, it was all there. And Ethan couldn't help but chuckle to himself slightly as he watched her eyes light up at the sight. Was she an alcoholic? "And Stas, I just want to apologize on behalf of the rest of us, we didn't get you a physical gift but we did bless you with our presence so, you're welcome." Nolan shrugged, causing Anastasia to laugh at his slightly tipsy behavior, as she leaned over and grabbed two shots, one for her and one for Luca. Whose lap she still sat comfortably on. "No, it's more than okay, I hope you guys didn't feel obligated to get me gifts." Concern was truly laced in her tone, she hated thinking about the fact that she caused her friends stress over something stupid like a birthday present.

"We didn't, but Lo and Sof did drag us to the mall on Wednesday to at least look for one. So at least you know we tried." Duke spoke up, to which all of the guys, minus Nolan agreed to. Anastasia made a mental note to scold the two girls later; but not tonight, because she had two goals and two goals only: get wasted, and go home with Ethan. Whichever goal came first didn't matter to Stassie.

The group collectively downed the shot together, before Anastastia slid off of Luca's lap and held her hand out, "Okay since we have that sappy gift shit out of the way can we go dance? Please?" She begged, her free hand that wasn't reached outwards coming down to tug the hem of her dress down, which only caused the neckline of the dress to plunge further down her chest. Ethan swallowed harshly at the sight: her cheeks flaming pink due to the alcohol, even under the dim lights of the club they could be noticed.

Lola was quick to slide off Mark and over Luca, accepting Stassie's invitation to the dance floor. "I'm down, are you guys just going to sit and be dumbasses or–" She cut herself off abruptly when she heard the introduction to Family Ties by Baby Keem. "Oh my god c'mon I can't wait much longer!" She yelled, as she started walking backwards towards the swarm of dancing bodies. Stassie knew better than to hold back her friend the second she heard those trumpets. "Hold on! Wait! I'm coming!" Sofia swiftly got off of Luke's lap and ran, quite impressively, in her white heels and joined the two girls.

They were in the outskirts of the crowd, both Lola and Stassie knowing better than to stray from where Mark could see them clearly. A wandering bartender who was offering free shots came near the girls, and they weren't hesitant to take two. Each. Anastasia giggled as she bent down slightly so that Sofia could pour the bitter tasting liquor in her mouth, half of the tequila going anywhere but her mouth. They took turns, pouring shots into each other's open mouths as the guys watched the quite entertaining scene from the booth. They weren't trying to be party poopers, they just need a bit more alcohol in their systems to work up to courage to join the girls on the dance floor.

Ethan was still stuck between Duke and Nolan, and sure, he was joining in on the conversations that were happening, or he would give his input every now and then. But his soul focus was on the three girls that grinded on each other on the dance floor. More specifically, his girl; who was bent over and pushing her ass into Sofia's, with a tipsy smile gracing her angelic features. No wonder she was the dark angel of the trio, he thought. Because it would be quite ironic if she wore all white tonight. Especially due to the fact that she would be screaming his name, along with a few curses in a matter of a couple hours give or take.

"Shit, bro," Luke mumbled under his breath, as he unzipped his onesie slightly. "What's wrong?" Rutger quirked, before he downed another shot, which gained the attention of the whole table. Luke gestured to the trio of girls that were swaying their hips to the beat of the Rihanna song that blasted through the speakers, which caused the guys to look over to where they were on the dance floor, assuming that something had happened. But no, their hands were roaming their bodies, over their waists, hips, breasts, it was so fucking sensual. Mark turned around, running a hand through his hair, "Don't tell me your bricked up by them dancing," he chuckled, not feeling the need to scold the guys tonight, mostly because he felt that his teammates knew better, and plus he was about two shots an a beer deep into the night.

"How could I not be!?" Luke exclaimed, "You're telling me that seeing Lola do that shit doesn't get you hard?" Mark knew that he wasn't specifically talking about Lola in this situation, so he just cast a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure his girls were okay, before he leaned back against the booth, "You get used to it after going to parties with them during high school. And trust me, they were worse than that." He slightly shivered at the thought of his girls at their first few high school parties, they were like children on sugar highs.

Duke clapped a hand on Luke's shoulder almost sympathetically, "You guys wanna go out there?" To which all of the guys obliged, and made their way out of the booth and towards the girls.

"Oh my god! Finally you're here!" Stassie squealed, as she made her way to Ethan, taking his hands and dragging him to the grinding bodies. He couldn't help but smile down at his girl as she turned around to face him, placing his hands on her waist and draped her hands around his neck, her fingers not slow to tangle themselves in his hair, slightly tugging on his roots, which made him swallow harshly, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down in the process.

He looked around to make sure nothing seemed out of the ordinary to his friends. And he thanked god when he was that Lola and Mark were trying to swallow each other, Luke encouraging Sofia as she licked salt off of his exposed collarbone due to him tugging down the zipper of his onesie, before she chased the bitter salt with a shot of tequila. Where did she acquire this shot? Ethan didn't know. But that didn't matter. The other guys were either all occupied with dancing within their group, or finding a girl they can take back to the soph house later that night.

And so, with all of his worries of them being caught put to rest, Ethan was finally able to focus of his girlfriend who looked fucking incredible, especially when she untangled her fingers from his hair and placed his hands that were on her waist on her ass. She looked up at him through her lashes, her skin glowing due to the body glitter she put on before he picked her up at her dorm, a mischievous smile tugged at her red painted lips before she rose to her toes, and leaned in close to him, his senses being flooded with the smell of her intoxicating vanilla perfume. Her lips brushed over the shell of his ear as she spoke, leaving a small streak of red lipstick on his ear.

"The only present I want tonight is you between my thighs again."


idk abt y'all but this chapter was SO FUCKING ¥|£~*]+~¥]¥+~+]+{

i LOVED writing this chapter so much it was so fun GOOD GOD

ik i said it would be this chapter but it's next chapter so y'all can hold your horses🙄🙄

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 500 VOTES!! thats amazing and i never would've thought that would happen :,)

i hope you all are enjoying the book so far!!

don't forget to vote, comment, and share!!

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