chapter seventeen

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Dakota fucking hated herself.

The non-stop throbbing feeling that felt achingly needy between her legs, the hotness of her cheeks making her slightly light headed, the uncomfortable wetness that was in her underwear, causing her to cringe at each movement she made. She was a mess, having barely said a word the entire night, in contrast to her fuck-buddy, who held a knowing smirk on his lips at all times as he conversed calmly, like he didn't have his fingers knuckle deep inside her twenty minutes ago.

Sure, she would engage on some of the talking that was done at the table, (yet most of the words spoken were white noise to her), but Dakota didn't trust herself to speak, too scared that her voice was permanently gone, too scared that the first would that tumble out of her glossed lips would be desperate pleas directed at the pilot that sat smugly to her left. Every now and then, Phoenix would turn her head, a bashful smile on her lips given the fact that Halo was obviously flirting with her. Each time Dakota would send a playful wink her way, nodding her head; trying to get her mind off the fact that her body was screaming for a release.

She would shift uncomfortably in her chair occasionally, slightly tugging at the hem of her dress, trying to force it to cover more of her thigh. Bradley would smirk at this, trailing his knuckles up and down her exposed skin under the table, loving how goosebumps arose due to his touch.

He had this effect on her that made him proud. Ever since the naval academy, he has been desperate to just feel her skin under his, and now that he finally has, watching at she squirmed, her nipples erect, it was his drug.

Dakota mentally cheered when the checks arrived, everyone scooting their chairs back, getting ready to leave the restaurant.

A hand was felt at the small of her back as they approached the large glass doors of the building, "Hey," A smile on her lips, "Do you need me to take you home?" Phoenix's soft voice asked, yet her eyes drifted over the Halo's figure. Dakota smirked ever so lightly, "'M good, and beside you seem like you're gonna be busy." She elbowed her ribs, quietly laughing at her friend's cheeks flooding a light shade of pink. "I don't even know if anything's gonna happen though," "You won't know unless you take her home Nat."

The cool wind coming from the ocean's waves blew through her curly tendrils, the hair tickling her neck slightly. Navy blue pained across the sky due to the sun settling under the horizon. Small flecks of white dotted the sky, the usually busy sea wall street somewhat calm, given the time.

Phoenix furrowed her eye brows, her hand trailing down her arm and interlacing their fingers as they walked down the sidewalk, "Are you su-" "Natasha." She tightened her grip around her palm, "Go. I'm sure one of the guy will give me a ride." The group of pilots approached the cross walk, heading to where their cars sat. A huff from her lips, "'kay," she placed a small kiss on her cheek, "Text me when you get home, yeah?" Dakota nodded, her lips pressing into a thin smile.


She laid in bed, the weight of the duvet against her bare legs as she tossed and turned. The events of the passed week rolling noisily through her head, making a headache at the thoughts; most of them consisting of him. His touch, his skin, his smell, his voice, his everything. Over the few years, she had forgotten exactly how much he truly meant to her.

She's had plenty of chances to tell him how she feels; how her heart clenches when he smiles at her, how each time he makes her cum with his eyes on hers, she falls a little bit more in love with him, yet that could be the heat of the moment- she tells herself.


To her, that was one word she wouldn't use to describe her feelings towards Bradley. She couldn't; because she didn't love him. Even if she did hold him when he found out his mother had passed, how her body shook with heartbreak along with him, she didn't love him.

She didn't know why her mind worked like this; how right after getting fingered in public, getting so close, in public made her thoughts spiral, her head clouding with every single thing that accumulated with him. Dakota hated it, yet at the same time it set her mind ablaze. Why? Why then? In front of everyone?

With a loud huff she turned on her side, eyes staring into the thin, red numbers that looked back at her. 1:22. She threw a lazy arm over her head, trying to block out any remnants of light; not that there was much, just the warm light of her nightlight, and the contrasted soft pale white of the moonlight shredding through the sheer curtains of her room.

A deep inhale, throwing her white duvet off of her lets, small goosebumps rising due to the sudden exposure of the cool air. She slid on her light pink slippers; numb, prickling at the soles of her feet, the first steps as she makes her way to the kitchen; the soft light of her salt lamp placed on the table behind her couch providing her enough light through the house.

She grabs a spoon from her drawer, then reaching up and grabbing the jar of Nutella she had placed behind the cabinet, softly closing it and hoisting herself up on the counter, letting her feet dangle as she dug the utensil in the jar and placing it in her mouth, sighing at the taste.

It seemed like no matter what she did, her brain would always retort to him. And she hated it. The way her heart would jump each time he entered a room, how he could just look at her, and her breathing would be uneven; when her fist collided with his face, her chest would clench at the thought that she hurt him. . . even if he did deserve it.

Another dip of the spoon in the jar, trying so desperately to clear her thoughts; a soft knock reverbing through the small house.

Dakota furrowed her eyebrows, jumping off the counter as she hesitantly made her way towards the front door. She placed her slightly shaking hand on the door knob, peaking her head through the small crack.

Her stomach suddenly felt uneasy, "Hey," she spoke shyly, her lips moving around the spoon still in her mouth. Just the sight of him making her whole body go into shock. Bradley smiled lightly, "Hey." His fingers played with each other, making him look down; the pale moonlight illuminating his tanned features perfectly. . . in her eyes.

She opened the door more as he walked passed her into her entry way. God the smell of his cologne made her lightheaded. "Kinda a weird time to be here Brad." A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips slightly. Dakota walked to the kitchen once more, placing her spoon in the sink and putting away her jar of Nutella.

He sat down on her couch, spreading his legs as he leaned his head back, Brad? He smirked lightly. She quirked her head as she made her way towards him, sitting as far away from him as she could get, not trusting herself around him while she still sorted her thoughts for the time being.

She had called him Brad. And God did that make his heart soar, just hearing the name fall from her lips so casually. He lifted his head, watching as she threw a blanket over her bare legs. "What do you need?" Her tired voice spoke, making a lazy smile appear on his lips at the sound, he loved it. "What makes you think I wanted anything?" He questioned playfully, running his tongue over the inside of his cheek.

Dakota gave him a look, "Bradley, please," she shifted and sat on her knees, facing him, "First, that talk you gave me on the beach," he huffed, running his large hands over his muscular thighs, she hated the fact that her brain flashed the images of what happened in the shower a couple days ago; she slightly pressed her thighs together. "Then, you finger me. In public." 

Rooster smirked lightly, throwing his head back against the couch as a quiet chuckle left his lips. "You liked it. Don't deny it." Holy shit did she like it. The sheer thought that they could be caught if someone just simply looked under the table, made the whole moment even more erotic. Dakota's eyes shifted into thin slits, tilting her head as she bit her lip, "I make no comment."

His hand moved from his thigh to hers, rubbing small circles into her skin, an electric current spiraling up her nerves. "Knew you would." She inhaled deeply, moving her hands to his, playing with his fingers in her dainty palm. 

"Didn't like when you didn't let me cum though." Dakota shrugged her shoulders, a small pout on her lips, a light pink sheet appearing on the apples of her cheeks at the memory. He moved his hand up to interlace their fingers together, pulling her to straddle his hips, an inaudible gasp escaping from her lips, "You think I was gonna let you cum? After the shit you pulled on the beach?" She felt his hands moved over the curve of her ass, only clad in a pair of cotton underwear. 

Her fingers moved to play with the dog tags that hung around his neck, distracting herself. "What do you mean?" She mumbled quietly, not trusting her wild emotions to look him in the eyes. "That swimsuit or whatever you had on? You shoulda heard the shit they were sayin'." His hands began to roam over her upper thighs, making goosebumps arise on her skin.

She shrugged her shoulders once more, "I just wanted to tan, Rooster. Nothing wrong with it." Dakota finally lifted her eyes to his, her stomach fluttering. "C'mon sweetheart, I know you're smarter than that." He brought his knuckles up to her face, trailing them down her cheekbone, a ferocious red quickly replacing the pale pink on her cheeks. "You knew what you were doin'. Who'd you wear that for?" He smirked, his deep, smooth voice speaking.

A smile tugged at her lips, releasing her bottom lip from her teeth, watching as his eyes followed the movement of her mouth, "Why'd you finger me in public?" Her fingers curled around the chain of his dog tags lightly, making his face inches closer to hers.

She loved the feeling of his breath fanning over her mouth, the intimacy of it; a small fire kindled in in her lower stomach. Her eyes fluttered down to his lips, watching as his tongue darted out, wetting them. "Mhm, I'm not gonna answer if you don't." A playful smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, his hands going up higher on her waist, fingers trailing over her ribs, lifting up her oversized shirt.

Rooster leaned up slightly, feeling her chest brush against his as she breathed unevenly, small puffs leaving her mouth, "God even your breathing changes around me, sweetheart." His smirk deepening, as he felt her grind her hips softly into his. 

 He watched as her eyebrows furrowed, eyes focused on his mouth. "You want me to kiss you?" Bradley muttered quietly, feeling his cock twitch in his shorts as she moved against his hips once more. Dakota nodded her head briefly, small curls falling in front of her face. He was quick to move his hand out from underneath her shirt, and tuck the stray strands behind her ear, his palm against her cheek.

She leaned into his hand, eyes boring into his hazel ones, making her senses feel overpowering.

She loved it.

His thumb traced over her lips, as her tongue darted out, wetting her bottom lip quickly, running over the tip of his thumb slightly. He groaned at the sight. "Please kiss me Bradley." She barley whispered, too scared to talk to loudly, in fear that he might disappear. 

The feeling of his mouth meeting hers, she sighed into his mouth at the feeling. The intoxicating feeling of his mustache itching her top lip, her tongue darting out as she pulled away slowly, lightly trailing it over his lips, watching as a small line of spit connecting their mouths.

He opened his eyes, a small smile taking over his features as he looked up at her, softly breathing as her fingers played with his sun drenched hair at the nape of his neck. "You'll be the end of me, Jones." His smooth voice spoke, as a tight lipped smile appeared on her face.

 "I hope not Bradshaw."


im rlly (x10) SORRY that this took sooooooooooooo long to get out. i have been so incredibly BUSY with plans, and my extra curricular, but i just wanna thank you guys for being so patient with me <3

BUTTTTTTTTT we got somewhat soft dakota and bradley!!!!!! expect more of them ;) but the same amount of smut lolz

and we are over 100k reads right now.... WHAT thats insane..... for this???? too kind i swear

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