chapter ten

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After the group of Top Gun graduates taunted Maverick during his pushups, Fanboy came up with the bright idea for a trip to the Hard Deck, and of course they all agreed; they would be crazy if they didn't.

Dakota sighed as she leaned her back against the bar top, a beer held lightly in her hand as she watched Rooster and Hangman bend over the pool table. Once again her eyes drifted over his back which was faced towards her, the way his muscles flexed underneath his unbuttoned shirt, which she always secretly loved on him, but she didn't say that.

A sigh came from her left, Penny leaned over from the other side of the bar, a rag thrown over her shoulder. Dakota turned so the one of her elbows was propped on the counter, facing her. "So how's the war between you and Bradley?" she smiled, motioning her head towards the male. "How's the sexual tension between you and Mav?" she shot back.

Penny's mouth opened slightly, her jaw set, "Okay," they both laughed lightly, "Okay yeah I deserved that, but," she went to help out some other customers that were aligning the bar top, "I'm not gonna stop asking about you and Bradley, ever since you told me about what went one between you two during your time at Top Gun," Penny turned back around, serving Dakota another beer, "Its been all that I can think about." A shocked expression covered her face, "Wow! My sex life is all you can think about?" A sarcastic tone, "I am just honored, Penny really I'm honored."

"You know what I meant, Dakota," the older smiled, "Like ever since you guys have been called back it's like you can't keep your eyes off of him," A groan came from her, "Damn Penny you didn't have to call me out like that." They both laughed, "Well that make out you two had in my bar was very hot, is all I'm saying." Dakota blushed ferociously, "You saw that?" she downed an aggressive swig from her beer, "Yup, his hand around your throat and everything. Didn't take him for one to be into choking-" "Okay I'm gonna stop you there, and change the topic before it can get anymore past PG-13."

She sighed, glancing over her shoulder to lock her eyes on Bradley as she spoke, "What's going on with you and Mav this time?" Dakota watched as a bashful smile overtook her features, a light blush dancing upon the apples of her cheeks, "I don't know, that's the thing. It's almost as if we're drawn to each other even though he's broken my heart so many times." She reached out to caress her hand, rubbing soothing circles along her knuckles, "Well, I'm sure in the end it'll all work out, I mean you guys are deemed to end up together, been calling in since Top Gun."

Penny chuckled lightly, "Thank god you love beer or else I don't think I'd have anyone to talk to." Dakota downed the rest of her second beer of the night, a slight buzz clouding her head, "And thank god you gave me beer when I was nineteen." She stood up, placing money on the counter top as she pulled down her oversized shirt, that brushed her mid thigh, "As fun as this bonding session has been, Mav made call time seven a.m. so I better head out." Penny leaned over, placing a loving kiss on her cheek, "Better go say goodbye to Bradley, he hasn't stopped eye-fucking you since you walked in."

She walked over to the pool table, wrapping an arm around Phoenix's waist, as her eyes glanced at the pool table, "Aw poor Bradshaw, Hangman is beating your ass."

Rooster gave an annoyed look to her, his hands flexing around the pool stick, "That's because I'm good Mustang," Hangman looked up at her, as he was aiming, "I'm very good." A scoff came from her lips, "Yeah okay. I just came to say that I'm heading out." "Damn already, Mustang?" Payback asked, as he walked towards the girls who were leaning on each other, "Mhm, considering Mav made call time unbelievably early again." She placed a kiss on Phoenix's cheek as she did the same, the walking over to Payback to give him a hug, "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Series of goodbyes rang through the bar as she walked towards the door, not casting Bradley a look, she silently cheered at her self control.


After brushing her teeth and washing her face despite her slightly tipsy state, Dakota settled on her couch, the ocean breeze flowing through the open window of her living room, lavender floating in the air as she turned on a movie.

A loud knock alarmed her at her front door after a few minutes of being laid out on the couch, a loud and annoyed groan spilling from her lips.

She opened the door, only to be met by the tall figure of Bradley Bradshaw.

"The fuck do you want?" she questioned, eye brows furrowing as she left the door open and made her way back to the couch.


He followed her, sitting next to her that their thighs touched, shoulders brushing occasionally as they breathed. She scoffed, "The last time you were here you yelled at me; so either go ahead and get it over with or get out. I'm tired of your existence being in my house." He smiled lightly, "You're hot when you're on top of me." Bradley turned his head to look at her, eyes scanning her smooth side profile.

"Yeah well you made me punch you. Calling me a shit pilot when all you do is fly inside the manual? You're one to talk, Bradshaw." Dakota turned her head to look at him, a somewhat angry expression, "Well at least I'm not reckless, that inverted shit you pulled? You could've gotten Payback and Fanboy killed." She rolled her eyes, "Oh my god they were five hundred feet below me and Mav! I was completely clear. And sorry to break it to you, I was the only one who shot him down!"

Dakota was now fuming at this point, something Bradley was a master at doing. A smirk was firmly placed on his lips, "See, I told you I knew how to get you hot and bothered."

Her face flushed, throwing her leg over his and straddling him, "I swear to god Bradshaw I'll break your nose right here if you don't shut the fuck up." A tsk of his tongue, placing his hands along the curve of her ass, pushing her core against his, causing her to gasp, "Aw too bad, I planned on fucking you til you couldn't walk,"

Her eyes fluttered down to his lips where he was biting it slightly, tucking loose strands of her hair behind her ear. She was at a loss for words, her entire vocabulary seemingly leaving her mind. "What wrong princess? That dumb little brain of yours too-"

She cut him off, throwing her arms around his neck and pulled her body into his, their lips enveloping one another's. Her bottom lip in between his as he lightly nipped at it, causing a squeal to leave her mouth as he pushed his tongue against her own, both of them moaning as the contact.

He pulled away from her assaulting mouth, trailing his lips down her cheek, nudging her jaw with his nose as he placed his mouth on the skin of her neck. She threw her head back, giving him more access, "I fucking hate you Brad-" she incoherently mumbled, the pleasure being caused by his mouth already too much for her, as he bit the skin in between his lips; plus the added sensation of his hands, his thumbs rubbing her hip bones.

Dakota let out an airy moan, moving her hips against his, chest heaving at the light pressure on her clit. His lips continued their way down her neck, the bright red skin leaving a trail. "You can't even shut that mouth of yours while I'm markin' ya can you?" He smirked against her hot skin, dragging his lips back up to hers, placing light kisses to the corner of her mouth. Her stomach fluttered.

"Let's put it to use so you can keep quiet, huh?" Her eyes met his, she felt her heart beat through her chest, guaranteeing that he could hear each beat. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Dakota felt his rough fingers trail up her waist, tickling her skin in fiery addictive touches, until his hand met the skin of her cheek. She leaned into his comforting touch, an alluring feeling washing over her.

He pushed his thumb over her bottom lip, her tongue brushing the tip of it, a low groan emitted from his chest. Bradley pushed his digit into her mouth all the way, his darkening eyes never leaving hers.

She closed her lips around him, lightly sucking as her tongue ran over the pad of his finger, "Such a slut for me aren't you?" He cooed, causing her to rub her core against his even harder. He looked down at her, smirking to himself, "And you're needy too." He lowered his voice, making blood rush straight to her core, a whine vibrating against the tip of his thumb as he pulled it out of her mouth, a line of spit connecting. He groaned at the sight, feeling his cock twitch in his pants.

"Want me to make you cum?" He said tauntingly, as her arms tightened around his neck, bringing her face into his neck. She nodded her head, as she begun to grind her hips harder against his.

Bradley brought his hand down to her side, stopping her movements, a moan of frustration escaped her lips, "Baby I need you to use your words for me. Can you do that?" She brought her face up, leaning her forehead against his, whispering, "Yes," His grip on her side tightened, "Yes what? Hm?" A light smile pulled at his lips. "Yes sir," she mumbled.

"Atta girl." He whispered, his breath fanning over her lips. His hands moved downwards, his fingers teasing the waistband of her shorts, making her groan in annoyance, "Patient girls get to cum."

Bradley's lips trailed to her shoulder, placing kisses along her collarbone as he slid her shorts and underwear over her ass; she stood up and kicked the fabric to the side with her foot, immediately taking her spot back on his lap, her thighs on either side of his.

"How do you wanna cum?" He whispered into her mouth, connecting their lips in a sinful kiss, "You're mouth," She gasped, nudging his chin with her nose, sucking on his newly exposed skin of neck, a throaty groan spilling from his lips. "Make me cum with your mouth." He grabbed hold of her chin, tilting her face connecting their eyes. He gave her a knowing look, blood rushing to tint her cheeks pink, a playful smile on her lips, "Sir."

He placed his hands on her waist, placing her back laying on the couch.

Bradley caressed her hip bone, rubbing soothing circles into her skin. His arm rested above her head, as he leaned their foreheads together, staring down at her half naked body, "You're so beautiful, Dakota." He said lowly, his breath hitting her lips as he moved his eyes to hers.

She felt her heart do a flip in her chest. The sensitivity of her skin heightened; at such a simple glint of his eye. Her brain clouding in lust and longing, forcing herself to chant the mantra 'Just sex no feeling. Just sex no feelings. Just sex no feel-'

An abrupt moan came from her throat as he lifted up her shirt, connecting his mouth to her nipple, his thumb and forefinger pinching the other. Her hands instinctively went to his hair, running her fingers through his honey brown locks.

His rough fingers circled around her small wrists, forcing her to place them above her head, "No touching." She furrowed her eyebrows in protest, "But-" "You get to touch me when you've been a good girl." She threw her head back, groaning softly when his mouth connected to her nipples once more, her hips involuntarily bucking against his.

Bradley trailed his tongue over the hot skin of her torso, her back arching of the couch. His lips would surround skin every now and then around her stomach, nipping at the skin between his lips then quickly soothing it with a touch of his tongue. The mixture of pleasure and pain was clouding her brain more than she intended.

His calloused hands trailed down from her hips to the tops of her thighs as he got lower down her body. Bradley casted his gaze to hers, making sure she was okay, a slight nod was met by his expression before she tossed her head back, biting her lip as his mouth ghosted over her wetness.

He sucked at the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, taking his time with each one. A needy mewl from her lips at his antics, "God, PLEASE Bradshaw just touch me-" His lips circled around her clit, causing her words to get lost in her throat as she gasped.

Bradley's tongue occasionally entered her as he would continue his assault on her bundle of nerves. The pit of euphoria building in her stomach grew as she moved her hips against his mouth.

She let her arms down, her hands automatically going into his hair, pulling on it, intertwining it through her fingers causing a rough groan to vibrate into her folds, the sinful sensation erupting a moan from her mouth as she looked down at him, his eyes connecting with hers.

This only added to her pleasure, the view of him between her thighs, making her cum as he gazed up at her. She felt the white hot heat start to over take her body, as his tongue repeatedly entered her, his lips sucking on her clit; before it was abruptly stopped, the pit growing smaller and smaller as her euphoric feeling was pulled away.

A whine from her lips, her chest heaving up and down as she felt her hips try to follow his mouth as he sat back on his knees, "What. Why'd you stop?" She lightly asked, as he smirked at her. "Did I tell you you could touch me?" He leaned over her, her arms by her head as her hands encircled his biceps. A bashful look plastered her features, "Only good girls get to cum,"

Their gaze connected, a feeling from her stomach spreading throughout her body at his hazel eyes, moving along her face, "Or did you dumb little self forget?"

"I forgot," Dakota said shyly, as she brought her hands up to run through his hair along the nape of her neck, "But I know you liked it, sir." A smirk tugging at her lips.

His eyes looked at her deeply, a sigh coming from his swollen lips that were covered in her wetness.

A yelp came from Dakota's lips as Bradley gripped her waist and threw her over his shoulder, walking towards her bedroom as he placed a firm smack on her ass, earning another yelp from her; her smirked.

He tossed her gently along the comforter.

Bradley looked down at her as he removed his shirt, tugging it off her shoulders as his hands went towards the hem of his tank top.

He thought she looked beautiful: her curly tendrils sprawled out like a messy halo around her head, her tanned skin erupted in a fiery blush, her freckles along with the slight tint of pink on her checks, her- no his shirt loosely covering her breasts, her contagious smile pulling at her lips. She was beautiful.

Bradley smiled down at her, as his hands went to her ankles, pulling her to the edge of the bed, a surprised squeal as she laughed lightly. "What are you gonna do to me Brad?" She let her eyes roam over his broad chest, the thin layer of sweat glistening in the pale moonlight that shines through her sheer curtains, his skin flushed, lips swollen, the tint visible through his jeans. He's a god.

"I'm gonna split you in half with my cock," he said, his gaze never leaving hers as his hands went to the zipper of his jeans. Dakota felt her breathing pick up, squeezing her thighs together desperate for something to ease her desire. Bradley noticed this.

Her eyes drifted down his torso as he pulled down his boxers, tauntingly. Her top teeth pulled lightly at her bottom lip at the sight of him.

"Please," she whispered, almost inaudible as he leaned over her once more, forearms placed firmly next to her head, her hands coming up to his bicep. His eyes were focused on her swollen lips, her teeth tugging at the thin skin, "Please what sweetheart?" He questioned. His hand going down to his sensitive cock, rubbing it lightly against her wet folds, brushing against her clit. Her erratic breath fanned over his face as he watched her come undone ever so slightly.

"Please fuck me!" She quietly said, before the feeling of his dick slamming inside of her cut her off.

He smirked, "What was that baby?" He taunted, watching as her mouth hung open as her eyes fluttered closed, her head leaning back against the bed.

Gasps came from her mouth. The sheer feeling of his cock rubbing against her walls as her mind in a clouded state. The pit in her stomach deepening ever so slightly as he continued his gentle thrusts.

Dakota opened her eyes, the sight of Bradley on top of her, small beads of sweat along his forehead as he looked down to where their bodies met. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him.

His gaze casted over her face once more. He leaned in connecting their lips in a sensual kiss, his tongue running along the roof of her mouth as she moaned against his lips.

She pulled her head back, "Stop being so gentle Brad," she whispered against his swollen lips.

He slammed his hips aggressively into hers, a groan leaving his mouth, leaning up from her face and placing his hands on her hip bones, digging his fingers into her skin roughly. A whimper falling from her lips as he continuously slammed into her.

The tip of his cock brushed her g-spot, a high pitched moan, as she felt him drag against her walls vigorously.

"Aw you like that don't you?" He cooed, "Felt you clench around my cock," Bradley smirked down at her, watching as her hands gripped the comforter beneath her.

She nodded her head in response, tears building up in her eyes at the sheer pleasure and roughness he was bestowing.

"God look at you," He stated as he trailed his fingers along her skin, prickles of electricity along her nerves, "So pathetic you're crying just from me fucking you." She whimpered as he placed his hand on her lower stomach, applying the slightest amount of pressure.

Tears escaped her waterline and trailed down her rosy cheeks. Her throat was hoarse from the moans that fell from her swollen mouth. Her thighs quivered around his waist. The pit inside her stomach deepening and deepening, as he continuously hit her g-spot. She ground against his hips, desperate to reach her high.

Sweat rolled down his chest as he kept up his relentless pace. He groaned as he felt her clench around him once more, looking up to see the tears streaming down her cheeks, her knuckles white from gripping the sheets, her chest heaving, a thin sheet of sweat covering her flushed skin. "You gonna cum Baby? Just from my dick?" His low voice cut through the sex-filled air surrounding the two pilots. She whimpered, nodding her head.

"Yes sir," her mind was fuzzy, the euphoric feeling of her orgasm on the brink of erupting, "Please," she whimpered, "Please let me cum."

A tsk of his tongue, his gaze glancing down to his dick going in and out of her. Her wetness spread over his dick and the insides of her thighs. He groaned loudly as he felt his cock twitch, "Fuck," He threw his head back, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed harshly.

Dakota was in pure awe at the man above her. She whined at the sheer sight of him. "Fuck, yeah you can cum baby," He brought his head back up, the sweat dampening the hair against his forehead, "I'm close too." Another twitch of his cock.

"Kiss me Brad." She whined. The euphoric feeling of her orgasming spilling over her body as their lips met in a slopping kiss. The white hot pleasure clouded her mind as she moaned into his mouth. Her thighs shook around his waist, his hands holding hers above her head, squeezing them. Her wetness spread over the insides of her thighs, his lower stomach.

High pitched moans echoed throughout the room as he slammed into her, "FUCK!" He groaned into her shoulder, as he came inside of her. "God, Dakota, fuuuuuck." She whimpered at the sensitively of his dick dragging against her walls as his cum spilled inside of her. He slammed his hips into hers once more, brushing over her hip bones as his stuttered at the pleasure erupting through his body.

hehe... yeah... um sooo that happened

how was that LMAO it was my first smut scene🫣🫣🫣low key scared

BUT i know for a fact you guys enjoyed so i'll just leave that there.

SO for my new book i got more votes for rooster than phoenix so that's the love interest for thaaat; i'll out maybe a slight summary for the book in the next chap or sum

and as my closing statement, 30K VIEWS? HOLY SHIT YALL ARE TOO KIND TO THIS BOOK😭😭😭

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