chapter twenty eight

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"Don't think you're getting into that jet without wishing us good luck, Mustang." Dakota turned around, squinting her eyes as a smile spread on her face. Phoenix, Bob, Payback and Fanboy walked towards here. Well, Three of them did, Payback ran up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and spun her around. "Reuben, put me down," she gasp, trying to take breaths from her laughter.

She truly was thankful for her friends; for them taking the hardship that was weighing down on her mind from this mission, from Bradley.

He only squeezed harder, "I can't breathe, bud." She lightly tapped his shoulder, feeling her boots hit the ground below her. Payback muttered a quick 'sorry' and placed a quick kiss on her forehead before backing away. She sighed heavily, bringing a hand up to shield her eyes from the sun, her teeth glinting in its bright hues.

Bob walked up to her, a small smile tugging on his lips, "C'mon Floyd, always so serious." She said jokingly, pulling his body into hers, sighing contently as his arms wrapped around her neck, placing his chin on the crown of her head.

She didn't talk to the man continuously during the duration of their training, but she did grow an attachment to him, from hearing stories of him from Phoenix, or just asking how his day was when the three of them were together.

Dakota pulled away, going up on her toes and placing a small kiss on his cheek, which made him blush which she always thought was adorable. "You got this Bob. Make me proud." She whispered, a smile still on her face.

Now, Fanboy quite literally shoved Bob out of the way, which made Dakota feel slightly bad for him, but not for long before his bright smile met hers. Much like Payback, he wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around, catching her off guard. "Mickey, I've already been spun around once today, put me down." She heard him chuckle at her words, as he squeezed her one last time like Payback, and set her down. "Sorry ma'am." He jokingly said.

She scoffed at him, lightly swatting his chest before cupping his face, and brought his head to her lips, placing a small kiss on his forehead as well. "No need for apologies."

Repeatedly, she told herself she wasn't going to cry anymore than she did today; but after seeing Phoenix with cloudy eyes, her bottom lip trembling ever so slightly, she was done for. They both made their way towards each other slowly, the stinging of tears becoming more apparent the closer she got.

Phoenix's hands tugged on her waist, pulling Dakota into her as she threw her arms around her neck, as a single tear rolled down her cheek. She breathed in her flowery scent, comfort washing over her, much like it did with Bradley. "Please don't die on me up there." She softly muttered into her neck, sniffling. Phoenix chuckled, her fingers tightening around her waist, "I won't."

The two of the embraced for what felt like forever but in reality was only a minute. Both hesitantly letting go of each other.

She watched as the four of them walked off towards their own jets. What was once a wholesome feeling latching in her chest, now becoming determination; her focus set on the mission.

A deep breath inflated through her lungs as she closed her eyes, taking in the last few moments she had of fresh air before the canopy to her jet closed. She flexed her fingers around the controls, her mask dangling on the side of her helmet as she let out the breath she was holding. The peacefulness behind her closed eyelids disappearing as she opened them, blinking rapidly as her pupils adjusted to the harsh sunlight beating down on her.

People hustling around her, getting their ropes and take off procedures in check before the five jets took off from the carrier. Loud whistles and crashing waves falling deaf on her ears, the beat of her heart pounding out the noise.

She had a mission to focus on; a new role in the outline that was just brought to her, based on her skill. And you know damn well she was going to come home safely; along with the rest of her teammates.

Her eyes drifted around her controls, making sure her fuel was full and her coordinates were in place. Hondo appeared in her peripherals, a tight lipped smile on his face as he gazed at her. "You okay?" He questioned, noticing her tense state. Dakota nodded her head hesitantly, pressing her lips in a thin line. "Kinda weird that they just sprung this position on me."

He sighed, nervousness bubbling in his chest for the female. "They wouldn't have done it unless they think you're the one for the job, Mustang." Her teeth grazed her bottom lip, her eyes wide, as she took in his words. "Thank you Hondo, really." He shrugged, "Just come back home." And with that he patted her shoulder which was covered in her flight gear, and walked down the latter.

The canopy to her jet closed, making her fingers curl around the stick, already feeling sweat bead on her nose at the heat building in the enclosed area.

"Dagger one, up and ready." Maverick's voice sternly said in her ear. "Dagger spare, standing by." Hangman said, sounding surprisingly serious for a change. "Dagger four up and ready." "Dagger three up and ready." Phoenix's voice sounded calm. "Dagger two, up and ready." She flipped a couple switches on her control panel, "Dagger five, up and ready."

"Support access air born, strike package ready, standing by for launch decision." She felt the vibrations of her engine roar to life around her.

Dakota looked down, giving her signal for take off, before her jet flew off the carrier as she took off, flying behind Payback and Fanboy as she was told. The adrenaline coursing through her veins in anticipation. One thing about her is that no matter what, she was determined to finish whatever task she had at hand.

The bright blue ocean below her looked endless, soft mist landing on the plastic of her canopy. "Comanche, Dagger one, stand by check in." "Comanche one one set, picture clean, recommend Dagger continue." A female's voice stated, only making Dakota smile from behind her mask.

It's the fact that only after a couple months of being with a squadron, she finally got to fly a mission once again. She lived off the danger it brought, the quick decisions and possible dog fighting, it was in her blood, coming from her mom.

"Copy, Dagger descending below radar." Maverick said, as he lowered his jet below the cloud line, making all of them follow.

She watched as the ocean stood below her, all the shades of blue reminding her of her mother's eyes, the way they would instantly calm her if she was ever upset, or shines so brightly when she was happy, or laughing.

"Dagger's now below radar, switching to E2 picture."

Maverick sighed, as they approached the valley that they had all trained to fly through. "Here we go, enemy territory up ahead, 60 seconds. Comanche, Dagger one, picture?" "Comanche, picture clean, decision is yours." Dakota's heart beat rapidly in her chest, tightening her fingers around her stick. "Copy. Dagger attack."

Tomahawk missiles flew above them, making her inhale sharply, there's no turning back now. "Daggers, assume attack formation." Maverick stated. She positioned her jet behind Payback and Fanboy's, staying more behind then she was originally trained to do, since that's what Cyclone said she needed to do as her position as Dagger five.

"Daggers are set, proceeding to target, two minutes and thirty seconds in three, two, one, mark." "Two mark." "Three mark." "Four mark." And god she didn't know why her finger was shaking as she hovered it over her timer. "Five mark." She swallowed harshly. "Going in." Maverick said lowly, making her roll her eyes slightly at his unnecessary comments, glad that no one else could see her right now."

Her lungs seemingly moved with each sharp turn she made. Breathing became difficult as she maneuvered around the valley, eyes feeling like they're bulging out of her head. Sharp breaths were heard from all the other pilots as they did the same. "First SAM sight up ahead."

She looked up as she swallowed harshly at the sight of the missiles. "Looks like we're not on their radar Mav." Dakota said, sighing harshly as she followed Payback and Fanboy. "Lets not take it for granted." Her eyes landed on more missiles, "More SAMS, three o'clock, hot." She said breathlessly, increasing her speed slowly. 620 knots. "We got two minutes to target." Bob said, stress laced in his tone. "Copy, we're two seconds behind, Rooster we gotta move." Payback stated. Silence from Bradley, only heavy breaths being heard in her ear.

"Dagger, Comanche, we're picking up two bandits." The female said smoothly. Dakota scoffed, "Where the fuck did they come from?" She heard Maverick sigh once again, "I don't know but Mustang if they get closer it's your job to-" "Yeah yeah I know take 'em down." Adrenaline was still coursing through her veins, her jaw clenching hard. She swallowed, "Comanche what's their heading?" She asked. "Bullseye, zero nine zero fifty, tag southwest."

Bob's voice spoke, "They're heading away from us, they don't know we're here." Dakota could just hear the relief in his tone. "The second those tomahawks hit their base those bandits are gonna move to defend the target, we have to get there before they do. Increase speed." Maverick stated firmly. "We got you Mav, don't wait for me." Phoenix said confidently.

"Bandits are switching course to defend the target." The female stated, making Dakota's heart practically leap in anticipation. "Rooster, where are you?" Maverick questioned, his voice shaky. "Come on Rooster, bandits inbound, we gotta make up time now! Lets turn and burn!" Payback's voice was laced with determination. She let out harsh breaths as they continued to twist along the valley, the gravity crushing on her lungs as she flew.

"Dagger to Comanche, permission to fly out?" She questioned; just knowing the fact that eventually, they'll come in contact with the bandits. So why not take care of it now instead of later? A beat, "Permission denied, stay on course with Dagger two and four." She rolled her eyes, letting out a loud sigh as her gaze shifted down to her speedometer, 630 knots.

"Guys! We're falling behind we really gotta move!" Dakota heard Fanboy say eagerly. "If we don't increase our speed right now those bandits are gonna be waitin' for us when we reach the target." Payback spoke. Heavy breathing was heard through her ears, "Talk to me dad." And god did her heart clench.

Rooster had told her the story of his father a couple months after the two of them started sleeping with each other. She remembered the way she saw tears pool in his eyes, yet he never allowed them to fall as he continued on with his words. Even when her and Rooster were fighting, or bickering or whatever they did, she knew never to mention his father. Ever.

"Come on kid you can do it, don't think just do." Maverick.

It seemed that was all Rooster needed, before he increased his speed, to Dakota's liking. She laughed loudly, "That is what I'm talkin' about mother fuckers!" 670 knots. "Jesus Rooster not that fast!" Payback said, only making her smile widen behind her mask. "Alright, lets go."

She felt the engine of her jet rumble as they went faster, and faster. Her pulse quickening, loving the moments of rush during missions. She loved this.

"Damn Rooster take it easy!" Fanboy exclaimed. Maverick's voice rang through her ears, "Thirty seconds to target, Bob, check your laser." "Laser check complete. Laser code verified one six eight eight, laser is a go." Bob said, his voice slightly raspy.

Dakota saw a bridge coming up in the distance, "Watch your heads fellas." She watched as Rooster angled his jet, Payback following, her doing the same. "Shit, shit, shit!" Fanboy yelled, causing her to roll her eyes slightly. "Payback, you with me?" Rooster questioned. "Right behind you!" "Mustang, you still there baby?" Now was not the time for blood to rush to her cheeks, but, nonetheless it happened, her heart seemingly leaping in her chest. "Yup, I gotchu. Don't wait up."

"Phoenix, stand by for pop up strike." Maverick said, snapping her out of her very brief daze. "Dagger three in position." She heard her friend state sternly. "Copy. In three, two, one."

The snow covered valley became a blur in her peripherals. Dark green trees in heavy contrast with the bleak white that had fallen previously. The sun continued to beat down on her through her canopy, the light bouncing off of her blue and red helmet. Her fingers tightened around the stick, as she felt sweat start to seep through her fingerless gloved.

"Got the eyes on that target Bob." The breathless voice of Maverick spoke. "Dagger three," heavy breathing, groans. "Stand by Mav," "C'mon Bob, C'mon." the older said through gritted teeth. "Stand by. I've got it! Capture!" She heard him exclaim, the tone of the missile beeping through her ear. "Target acquired, bombs away."

The crushing feeling of every organ in her body becoming one made her cringe. Her harsh breaths escaping rapidly through her lips as she climbed the smaller mountain of the two, turning inverted as she followed Payback.

Their heavy breathing sounded through the comms, alerting them that they hit the steep incline. "We've got impact! Direct hit! Direct hit!" Bob yelled. "Dagger two, status." The mission leader said, his voice strained as he continued to fight the crushing feeling. "Almost there Mav, almost there." Rooster's voice was laced with determination. "Fanboy where's my laser?"

And Dakota knew something was too good to be true the second she heard his panicked tone. "Rooster, there's something wrong with this laser, shit! Deny! Deny! Deny!" "C'mon guys we're running out of time." She said with shakiness. Her fingers gripping the stick to her jet so hard that she was sure her knuckles were paper white. Sounds of commotion happening between the two other jets fell deaf on her ears.

And before she knew it, "Bombs away." She heard Rooster spoke.

Once again, the feeling of her body being flattened against her own will racked through her nerves. Her vision threatening to black out, it darkening around the edges, her brain feeling like it wasn't receiving the amount of needed air, her lungs deflating with each passing second. She watched as the G force on her control panel went up.

"Bullseye! Bullseye! Bullseye!" The female's voice rang through her ears, knocking Dakota back to reality, keeping her conscience as she continued the climb. "We're not, out of this, yet." Maverick said, his voice limited as him and Phoenix flew past above the mountain.

Yet beyond that, the sounds of them fighting off the SAM missiles didn't process through her mind, as she was trying oh so hard to stay awake. "Rooster status." No response. "Mustang, status." Maverick questioned, registering to her brain right as they passed the peak. "Just flew above, Dagger one and five defending."

Chaos, is the only word that came to Dakota's mind as she fought of the SAMS, voices overlapping in her ear, smoke in the air everywhere she looked, her fist slamming on the button as she released her flares, her guns, her anything. "Oh my god." She couldn't help but mutter to herself, her radar toning every second as more and more SAMS flew towards her.

"Shit I'm out of flares. I can't shake them they're on me. They're on me!" Rooster said, alerting her. No, not him.

Her heart felt like it fell into her stomach, her mouth going dry. Not him. She grunted as she turned to fly towards him, "Dagger five defending." She barely got out over her heavy breaths. Dakota flew under him, pulling up quickly in front of him and depositing her flares in line with the missile.

Orange and yellow flames appeared in her vision, black smoke bellowing around her, the deafening sound of metal scraping against metal, engulfing her senses.


lowkey felt like i just pulled this out of my ass

let me know if i'm writing these flying scenes up to standard, or if there's anything i can add to make them better :)

two more chapters left for this act!!

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