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No one's pov:
The group had been investigated there storys had matched by loads, the only person who hadn't been investigated was Roman.

Everyone in the group knew Roman had something off about him, he was oddly calm about this.

𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯:
The group had all been investigated there was only me left to investigate... I was nervous to say the least, I could tell the group knew something was off with me

"Roman?" An officer called I got up and walked towards the investigation room all the group giving me a dirty look as I walk past

I sat down I had to get my story straight, "so Roman what was you doing around 9-10pm tonight" asked opening his notepad

"So Uhm at around 9 I would say I was at mine.." thinking of something to say I looked down at my sleeve and saw the blood "yeah so I was cooking you know making a quick snack but u cut my finger so that would explain the blood" I say laughing nervously.

The officer nodded "do you know anyone who would want to do this to Ethan" he asked I shook my head "no Ethan's a sweet boy I don't think anyone would want to hurt him.." I told them

The officer gave me a weird look but noted it down, "I'll be back, go wait in the waiting room" he told me and I nodded

𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯:
I walked into the staff room where I was greeted by the other helpers of the crime case "anything from that boy?" One of them asked

I pulled a confused face "I don't know... he seems abit weird but I just can't put my finger around it, we can't make any arrests tonight as there isn't enough proof, we'll have to visit the crime scene and try gather proof"

The 5 nodded "is the group clear?" One of them asked typing on his computer "yeah all of there story's matched" I told them

"Poor boy, I hope his friends are supportive" officer Ryan said I nodded "they all seem fairly worried especially that Chad boy.." I said picking up my notepad and walking into the waiting room,

"So.. your all free to go for now.." I trailed off, "we will be going to the crime scene for evidence and to see if we can find finger prints" they all nodded in agreement

"Which leads me to... Quinn I think your name is, you'll have to find somewhere else to stay for the time being and when Ethan is released" I said

"You can stay with me" a black hair girl told her, she smiled and said "thank u sam"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯:
"Ethan can stay with us" Mindy said and smiled and Quinn

No arrests made, this means that fucker is still out there, I swear I won't let this go until we find who did this to Ethan..

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