๐Ÿ‘| ๐ˆ๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ

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| Information |
'Example': Thinking
'Example': Telepathically talking
"Example": Normal talking
' "Example" ': Reading what the person wrote out loud. Or rephrasing something.

| Warning |
- Long chapter -

โ› แง ๐Ÿ‘| ๐ˆ๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ
โ‡ข โ™ก๐’†œ โš˜ โœ โ”โ”โ”โ”

๐— ๐—˜๐—ง๐—”๐—ก๐—ข๐—œ๐—” . METANOIA . ๐— ๐—˜๐—ง๐—”๐—ก๐—ข๐—œ๐—”
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‘. ( &&. a fan fiction book ) ! โ”โ”โ”โ”

3rd P.O.V-

๐๐„๐– ๐’๐‚๐‡๐Ž๐Ž๐‹ ๐ƒ๐€๐˜, ๐๐„๐– ๐๐Ž๐ˆ๐๐“ ๐Ž๐… ๐•๐„๐ˆ๐–๐’. Students were walking in the hall. Talking laughing, running around, goofing off or even pranking people.


Lunch Time.


'Oh, it's a new volume. My name is Himiko Agari. I'm a very nervous person, so...whenever someone is watching me, I can't do anything right. And at this moment, I'm...being watched by my classmate Komi.'

When a person has extreme social anxiety, also known as sociophobia, they struggle to communicate with others. Keep this in mind: They are only struggling. It doesn't mean that they don't want to form long-lasting connections or friendships.


Himiko was now picking up all the books that have fallen from the bookshelf and putting them back in the spot they were originally in.

'Speaking of Komi. She's pretty, smart, popular... But she doesn't act all important. She is even better than that stuck up snob in my class. Teruhashi, was her name...I think?!'

'Back to Komi. She's always confident. She's always quiet, reserved, and just so cool! The more I think about her the more I realize how wonderful she is.' Himiko started blushing and swaying back and forth in a quick pace.

'As for me, I have bad eyes, I don't have a cute face, I'm chubby, I have short legs and I get excessively nervous. Why is Komi looking at me?' Himiko started getting worried and scared.

'I'm scared!' Behind Himiko you could see Komi peeking out behind one of the bookshelves with round eyes and no mouth. Just straight up looking creepy. But Komi doesn't want to give off that impression at all.

'Oh, my stomach is starting to hurt!' The green haired girl begun to crouch down holding her stomach. Komi noticed this and got worried.

Unknown P.O.Vโ€“

'Who is this girl everyone is so fond over. Aren't they supposed to be blushing over me?! I need to find out who this girl is... wait isn't she in my class?' The unknown person began to think. Walking somewhere with clenched fists.

'Oh, she is in my class! How could I forget, Y/n Komi was it? Oh~ Saiki was there too! But I couldn't get to him. Everyone was surrounding that girl and not me! Well, how else are they supposed to react to perfection. Maybe I'm just way too pretty that if they all came up to me, they might faint.' The persons hand clenched their fist even harder as she walked into the girl's bathroom.

As they walked into the girl's bathroom, they made their way to the mirror. The figure in the mirror was shaped like a girl.

This girl who has exceptionally good looks which she admits herself, correcting that she isn't being overconfident about it but simply telling the truth. She has a lean body with long, flowing blue hair that reaches just past her shoulder and blue eyes. She is mostly seen with her hair untied and occasionally wears dresses and skirts whenever she goes out of town. In school, she wears the uniform that a standard female student wears.ย  The skirt is quite short, so the majority of her thighs and legs are revealed.

She thinks of herself as he "perfect pretty girl" Even though she may seem attractive to men and woman, her politeness is charade. In truth she is very conceited and a gold digger. She is a smooth talker, making her able to manipulate and persuade nearly everyone with her beauty and easily gets away from others with just simple excuses. But... that may come to end. She used to be the most popular and pretty girl at school. But now, she's the second.

Being flirted on and getting extreme reactions is normal for her, therefore when Saiki was not startled, or star struck by her beauty she was puzzled as to why. With this reasoning, along with her stubbornness and pride, she started to pursue after Saiki until she fully falls for him.

She usually hides her true emotions around others with a smile, such as anger and disappointment, to keep her perfect facade. However, sometimes her emotions do come out due to shock and/or embarrassment but is able to go back to her facade. An example being when someone believed the girls crush was Nendou, she is angered and surprised, but then quickly changes the subject of it.

'How can a perfect pretty girl like me not get any attention!? What is wrong with these pests?' She grips onto the sink making a small crack noise. Her fingertips were turning a shade of red. She grinds her teeth in anger, almost chipping some.

The girl was too into herself looking in the mirror and calming down that she didn't even realize someone was in the stall behind her.

'I feel so calm in this bathroom stall. My very own personal space. Nobody can see me, nobody noticed me... I love this bathroom stall.' Imaginary flowers squiggled from the top of her head and disappeared.

'I could spend the rest of my life in here.' She stopped smiling after realizing someone was there. It was the girl who was looking at herself in the mirror.

"Is everything okay in there?" She asked nicely.

'As if I would care anyways.' The girl from outside the stall thought.

"I-I-I'm fine! J-Just taking a b-break!" She stuttered. 'Gosh why am I so nervous! Wait, she sounds familiar...' Himiko had to think about the voice for a second. 'It definitely wasn't Komi. She doesn't really talk...'

'Oh! It's Teruhashi... gosh she's also so pretty! But Komi prettier! What am I saying I shouldn't be comparing people that's just rude!' The girl shook in the stall and put her hands onto her mouth.

"If you say so! But if you need to talk, I'm here!" The green haired girl in the stall heard the bathroom door open and close. What she didn't hear was Komi walking in...

'Ha... calmness again. So wonderful! -'

She looked at her stall door. 'She's there!''

She came to check on her but froze.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I don't remember what I did, but I'm sorry! Please! I'll do anything! Please forgive me! Oh, God, please! Lady Komi, I'm so sorry!" She pleaded out.

She could hear a faint breath behind the bathroom stall. And then footsteps. Meaning Komi was going to leave.

"My prayer was answered!" She held her hands together. Eyes big and shining. Sparkles around her. And sparkles coming from the top of the bathroom stall. Imaginary of course.

She peaked out the bathroom wall. Looking left and right to see if anyone's there. 'Now's my chance.' She thought with her hands closed tight and up to her chest going to run.

"Hey, Agari." A teacher came up to her. "Huh?"

"Funny meeting you. Good timing."

"Yes! Wh-wh-what can I do for ya?"

'I'm too nervous. I fumbled my words!'

"Mm-hm. About sixth period P.E, we're meeting at the gym instead of the field. So, will you let the rest of the class know, please?" The teacher asked Agari.

Her hands were in the air tossing around. "B-B-B-But I, u-u-um..." She turned her head to see Komi peeking out from the wall looking all creepy like a stalker. Agari was shaking and she was horrified.

'I need to run!' The girl thought.

"Yes! I can do that!" She spat out. Hands held together near her stomach.

"Good. You're a real team player." The teacher gave her a thumbs up and left.

'Oh, no, what should I do? I got assigned a task. My stomach hurts.' She whined with a blushing face and held her stomach.

She calmed down.

"Pa!" She yelled out. Students turned to look at her. "Pa?" They all said, confused.

'What the heck is Pa?!ย  Why did that sound come out of my mouth?!' Agari was freaking out. Holding her cheeks with her hand.

"Agari, hey, you alright?" Osana asked sticking a handout.

"What is it?" Nendo also asked her.

'Oh, I just want to completely disappear.' She backed up from the door. She turns her head to see Komi in complete darkness looking utterly terrifying.


"Sixth period P.E. will be at the gym today!" She shouted out to them.

"What?" The students said all in one.

She bowed and then ran off...

'Good grief. Hope I don't have to help her out with speaking too... that'd be a pain...' Saiki thought with a stoic face looking out the window. 'I wonder where Komi is?' Oh yeah, come to find out, Teruhashi is in my class as well... couldn't even tell she was here or see that she was here with all the students surrounding Komi. Surprisingly they were barely any students surrounding Teruhashi...' Saiki tapped a pencil against his desk in thought.

'Hm... I swear I saw a girl walk by... I think it might have been Komi!' A blue haired thought. 'I should probably follow her, maybe even talk to her? Yeah!' Teruhashi balled up her fist in determination. She was going to be the "perfect pretty girl" from now on. She has to. Or there is no other way she can get Saiki back.

'I know exactly what you were thinking when walking to the bathroom. No need to act all normal now.'

'That sounds wrong. Don't think like that you guys.' Saiki looked at the reader(s).

She didn't follow Komi.


'I see.' Saiki looked at a piece of paper that Komi had written on. 'So, that means you weren't able to talk to Agari after all. Is that correct?'

'Good thing I asked her to write everything down like this.'

Komi looked down. Blue aura surrounding her.

Komi's dismayed.

Saiki sighed. 'It's fine. There's still a chance.' He tried to reassure the dismayed girl in front of him.

"Uh... Um..." Agari said from behind them. "You see, Komi. It's just that, since you were starting at me a lot today... um... I was really just scared to death!" She yelled out, pink starting to form on her cheeks.

Komi was appalled. "But... I have no idea why you were watching me at all." She rubbles her hands. "But, um... Well, because if you, Komi, I was... able to change a little bit." Agari smiled and closed her eyes, still blushing.

"So, um, well, thank you very much for that!" She bowed. And Saiki was also a bit shocked. He looked at Komi. She looked calm. But on the inside, there were fireworks going off.

'Here's our chance.' He thought and walked up to Agari. 'Hey, um... you two seem to be getting along well. How about you to be... friends?' Saiki shrugs.

"What?!" Agari backs up. "No! No, no, no, no, no!" She runs up backwards on the stairs and hides.

Komi feels bad.

"It is not possible! For someone like me to be Komi's friend would be so disrespectful! Oh, but, uh..." she breathed out and started drooling, still had a blushing face.

"I'd be happy to be...treated like... Komi's doggie!" She smiled weirdly at them. More drool coming from her mouth. "Iโ€”I'm looking forward to it!" She shouted out.

And with that, Komi made another friend.

It was the next day, Komi walked into the classroom and sat down on her seat. Turning to Saiki she whipped something out.

A flip phone.

Sparkles were surrounding the flip phone.

'What's going on?' Saiki questioned. She flipped opened the phone and slowly typed.

He waits patiently.

Oop, wrong button.

And she just deleted everything.

Komi quietly whines and shakes.

She just got a phone and wants to text him.

'A flip phone?'

She wrote it out on paper instead.

'All this time you've never had a cell phone. That's...sad.' She quickly writes something and shows Saiki.

' "No, I haven't." ' He read in his mind. 'You're making me feel sad, Komi. That's just pure sadness.' She writes and he reads in his mind.

' "But now...There's actually a reason for me to have one. Since I'm making lots of friends, thanks to you." ' it read out. Saiki was flattered.

'Oh yeah, forgot to mention, she became friends with Nendou. He tried to get ramen with us, but I told her Nendo would poison the ramen if we go. I know, I know. Sounds cruel of me. But it's for her own good... And safety.'

Again, Komi writes stuff down on her note pad. She stops writing to look at him and quickly go back to writing. Once she was done Saiki would read it. ' "So that's why...I want my friend's numbers." '

'Oh, nice...' He replied

'What was all that build up about?'

'So... why don't we go ask Nendo, Najimi and Agari together at the same time?' Saiki stands from his seat.



'Now would be the perfect time to go see Saiki- Ha! It's that Komi girl again. What's with the note pad? What did she write on it and show Saiki? Maybe I should accidentally trip and knock it over to see what it is? Yeah. Perfect, good job me!' The girl flipped her hair behind her head and walked towards them.

'What a pain. I shouldn't have to deal with this. Komi has nothing to do with this so at least leave her out of it.' Saiki mentally rolled his eyes and kept his stoic face straight. Sometimes his face would frighten Komi.

'Nows the time! Trip on accident near the desk, knock over the notepad, see what she wrote and see Saiki!' She had a confident grin on her face as she walked to Komi's desk.

"Hey there, Teruhashi!" A butt-chinned guy was in front of her now. "Where you goin'?"

"Oh- Nendou, Hi! I was going over there to say hi to Saiki and the girl!" She gave him a smile.

"Oh, you mean Komi? Yeah, me and her are best buds!" He winked and pointed a thump at himself.

Hair strands of Teruhashi's came out and her eye twitched. 'N-Nendou... best b-buds?! With her?!'

She goes back to normal. "Oh... that's wonderful! โฑ แตˆแต’โฟ'แต— สณแต‰แตƒหกหกสธ แถœแตƒสณแต‰ โฑ สฒแต˜หขแต— สทแตƒโฟแต— แต—แต’ แตˆแต’ แตสธ แต–หกแตƒโฟ..." Teruhashi whispered to herself.

"What was that? What plan?" Nendou asked not catching exactly what she said.

'I whispered for a reason moron...'

"Nothing just I want my plan...to talk to Komi and...be friends with her to work out! Yeah!" She smiled again and the glowing light behind her became brighter.

"Sure, I'll bring you over there!" Nendou turned around and when he did Teruhashi glared at him. Then quickly went back to her shining, confident, beautiful, most perfect self.

She glamorously walked behind Nendo where he was bringing them to Saiki and Komi.

'Finally, I can talk to Saiki!' She got all happy inside.

"Hi there, I-" She tripped over an imaginary bag and landed on Komi's desk knocking over her notepad and onto the floor.

It faced flat on the floor. Teruhashi gripped the desk in anger but still smiled. "My apologies, I must have tripped over a bag, I'm never this clumsy!" She smiled at the two and standing up.

'That's a lie. There is no bag there. And you are clumsy.' Saiki just stood there. Komi looked at her.

"Oh, Saiki? What coincidence, I just came over here to see uh... her!" Teruhashi pointed at Komi.

'That's another lie. You came over here just to see me and talk to me. Also, to see what Komi wrote but you can't even see it.'

'Crap! Did I forget the girls name already?! What did Nendou say? Coni? Koene? Komi? Komi!' Sparkles surrounded Teruhashi as she got the girls name right.

Komi started to shake.

The sudden bright sparkles scared her.

"Uh... I-Is she okay?" Teruhashi asked, bewildered.

"It's root sickness!" Nendou pointed at Komi.

"W-What?!" The blue haired girl was concerned and very confused.

'It's not root sickness. She just...' Saiki picks up her notepad writing down if it's okay if he tells them. Komi thinks and then quickly nods.

Saiki nods at her acceptance.

'She has extreme social anxiety, also known as sociophobia, meaning that she struggles to communicate with others. She's only struggling. It doesn't mean that she doesn't want to form long-lasting connections or friendships. Such with Nendo, Najimi and Agari.' Saiki turns the notepad so the two of them can see what he wrote.

'When can I stop doing this and go home...'

'Oh, poor thing...' Teruhashi is worried for her.

'What is this feeling...?' Teruhashi feels weird.

'Why am I suddenly wanting to help Komi...'

"Oh... is that so... I'm sorry Komi-San. Maybe I could... help you? Maybe even be... your... friend as well?" Teruhashi suggested.

Komi quickly grabs the notepad from Saiki's grasp. His jaw drops.

'Is Komi actually going to become friends with Teruhashi? Two popular girls being friends and being near me... what have I gotten myself into...'

Komi turns the note pad towards Teruhashi as it reads, "That would be helpful. Especially being my friend, I'd love that." Teruhashi blushed.

'How cute...I mean! Pssh whatever. I'm still prettier than you. Just got to keep up the act!'

'Knew it.' Saiki thought.

"Y-You're welcome, Komi-San!" She rubbed the back of her head and chuckled.

"Oh, yeah, I heard you guys were going out to get my phone number along with Najami's and Askari's!" Nendou pointed out.

'It's... Najimi and Agari...' Saiki corrected Nendou.

"That's what I said?" Nendo looked confused. Saiki mentally facepalmed. 'How did Teruhashi becoming friends with Komi happen so fast...'

'Anyways, yes we're going to.'

A '!' Pops up quickly beside Komi's head and disappears. She looks at Saiki then back down at the notepad for a second and begins writes again.

'She's pausing a lot more than usual today.'

She lifted up the paper. ' "I want to do this by myself." '

Nendou reads it and starts crying. "Oh, that's so sad! When did she become so..." He wipes his tears.

"Oh! Hey, Komi, how you doin'?" Najimi looked at Komi as they're laying their upper body on the desk.

"So, what's up?" They sit up. Komi shakes and shows the flip phone.

In the background, you could see Nendou and Teruhashi hiding behind chairs to see what's happening.

"Huh?!" "Wh-Why is Komi holding a flip phone and aiming it towards me?!" Najimi lifts their legs up onto the chair and puts their hands up. "Saiki, interpret this breach of security!

'Sorry, Najimi. I can only watch from here.'

You could see in the distance if you were with Saiki and the others, that Komi is slowly getting closer to Najimi.

Then there's a piece of paper in Komi's hand in front of Najimi. "A piece of paper?" She then points at her flip phone.

"Cell phone?" Komi looks over to the left and points at numbers on the chalk board. "The date... Numbers?"

Najimi thought for a quick second. "Could it be... that you're asking me for my number?"

"Mm." Komi nodded.

"Yes!" Both Nendo and Teruhashi silently cheered.

'Ugh... Why are you cheering Kokomi? She is supposed to be your enemy!' She scrunched her brows.

"Then instead of writing it down, I can just save it directly for you on... oh, I get it!" Komi eyes were closed and no mouth.

"Alright, then. Saiki's perceptive, but not as perceptive as you and I are. Cause he's dumb!" Najimi sat there with a closed eye smile.

'Wait... why am I included in this?'

Himiko Agari

"Oh, Komi! It's you, hi!" Agari stood up.

"Good morning to you. Could I give you a massage? Or buy you something to drink? Or maybe kick your shoes." Her fingertips touched together, and she smiled, her head slightly tilted.

'Huh? Why is she all of sudden my dad...'

Komi stuck up the flip phone.

"Could it be that you want to take a picture of me being stupid and use it as your wallpaper? Oh, please do that! I'd love it so much!" Agari blushed. Her tongue stuck out. There were hearts in her green eyes.

She gave up.

Komi slowly dragged the flip phone down and had a blank face. Komi decided to go back with the others. Saiki, Nendou and Teruhashi. Saiki doesn't know why they are still here.

"You're back! Great job buddy I'm so proud of you!" Nendou side hugged Komi and basically crushed her.

'Nendou let go she can't breathe...Nendou...Nendou..'

"Huh? What? I'm congratulating my buddy!"

"No not that Nendou, there's a snake biting your crotch!" Teruhashi pointed down there.

"Oh..." He went dead. Komi hot out of his grasp but stood still.

Komi is scared.

๐— ๐—˜๐—ง๐—”๐—ก๐—ข๐—œ๐—” . METANOIA . ๐— ๐—˜๐—ง๐—”๐—ก๐—ข๐—œ๐—”
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‘. (ย  &&. a fan fiction book )ย  !ย  โ”โ”โ”โ”

โ‹† หš๏ฝกโ‹†เญจเญงหšใ€€หšเญจเญงโ‹†๏ฝกหš โ‹†

Next Chapter: ๐๐š๐ฆ๐›๐จ๐จ ๐’๐ก๐จ๐จ๐ญ!
๐–๐จ๐ซ๐๐ฌ: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ”
ใƒŸ๐—๐—ˆ๐—๐–พ | ๐–ผ๐—ˆ๐—†๐—†๐–พ๐—‡๐—ๅฝก

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