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"I don't understand why you people won't let me see her," Aleta Correia said to a guard. She was beyond annoyed. Once again, she wasn't allowed to see her friend. I mean sure Clarke was in confinement, more specifically solitary, but Aleta felt that someone should be able to see her.

"You know the rules. She isn't allowed visitors," the guard answered impatiently. Aleta sighed, "But she didn't do anything wrong." The guard barely glanced her way. "She was arrested for treason," he said. "Yeah but she didn't actually commit treason! I've been trying to tell you people this for a year," Aleta replied.

Clarke hadn't done anything wrong. She was sure of it. It didn't make sense to her why she had been arrested and her father floated. The whole thing never sat well with her.

The man sighed in frustration, "Go back to your living quarters or something. The answer is and always will be: no." With a huff, Aleta turned away from the guard before turning to face him again.

"I'll be back," she promised before turning to the exit. "Of course you will," the guard sighed tiredly.

Aleta angrily walked down the hallway and went to the Ark Station Medical, where she knew her mom would be. It was located on the Government & Science Station, which was a fairly long walk from the Sky Box. When she entered, she noticed that it seemed to be busier than usual, which was a little strange. She looked around the room until her eyes landed on dark hair.

She made her way over to her mother, who was rummaging through a medicine cabinet. "Mom," Aleta called, making her mother jump. Gianna Correia turned to face her daughter. She gave her a quick smile before continuing what she was originally doing.

"I'm a little busy sweetheart. Why don't you come back later?" Her mother said. "Mom, they still won't let me see her. It's been a year," Aleta groaned. Gianna turned to face her daughter again. "It's the rules Ali, but don't worry, I'm sure you'll see her again," her mother replied with a tight-lipped smile. The woman knew that it probably wasn't true. It all depended on whether or not Earth was survivable.

Gianna felt guilty for what was going to happen. For what she was going to let happen. But the Ark was dying and they were out of possible solutions.

"Yeah I doubt it," Aleta stated glumly. She looked around the room again before looking at her mom. "What's going on around here anyway?" She asked the older woman. Gianna smiled, a fake smile, and shook her head. "Nothing that you need to worry about," she answered. Aleta narrowed her eyes. She didn't believe what her mom was saying.

Mrs. Correia cleared her throat. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" She asked her daughter. Aleta nodded, "Yeah. I should probably go. I'll see you later." She sent the woman a smile and left the medical center. She walked down one of the many hallways of the Ark, running her hand down the cold wall as she does so.

She walked back to her living quarters on Alpha Station. When she got there, she went to her room and grabbed her notebook. Flipping through the pages, she found the page she was looking for. Smiling down at it, Aleta picked up a slip of paper, placed it inside, and closed the notebook. This would make it easier to find the page; she hated folding the corners.

Aleta walked out of her room and into the living area. A knock sounded on the door and a smile formed on her face. When she opened the door, however, the smile faltered slightly. "You're not Bellamy," she stated. The ginger in front of her glared. "Really? What gave it away? Was it the red hair; the green eyes; paler skin? Or maybe the fact that I'm a girl?" She said sarcastically.

"Okay, I get it," Aleta replied in mock annoyance. Freya Sorenson smiled before slightly pushing Aleta out of the way, stepping into her friend's home. "Is there a reason that you're here?" Aleta asked. "I have some important news to tell you!" Freya exclaimed in an excited manner. Aleta nodded her head, indicating that she wanted her friend to continue. When she didn't, Aleta rolled her eyes. "Okay, what's the news?" She asked.

"Oh, right. Well Timothy wants to hang out with me later to go over some new computer codes," Freya responded, practically jumping up and down. Aleta's eyes narrowed, "You literally came all the way from Tesla, just to tell me that?" Freya grinned, "Well, yeah. Obviously him wanting us to go over computer codes is code for him wanting to spend time with me."

"Or it means that he wants to go over computer codes. Maybe he needs help with it or something," Aleta responded. "Well then why would he ask me to go over codes with him?" The redhead asked in confusion. "I don't know, maybe because you're super smart and a computer nerd," Aleta deadpanned. "At least I thought you were," she whispered afterward.

Freya glared at the brunette. "Thanks Al, for killing my mood," she said. Before Aleta could respond, someone knocked on the door. Freya walked towards it and when she opened it, Bellamy Blake stood on the other side. "And that's my cue," Freya said as she began to exit. "See you later," she added, giving Bellamy a salute before walking out and allowing the door to slide shut.

"Well you sure took your time," Aleta joked, playfully glaring at the boy that stood in front of her. "Yeah, sorry about that. I had something to take care of," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Bell, I'm kidding," she said with a laugh.

Aleta pulled out her notebook and flipped it open to the page that she bookmarked. "So, Ireland seems like it would have been an amazing place to visit. I wrote down everything I could find. I might've gone a little overboard this time. Then again, when haven't I gone overboard?" Aleta said, handing the notebook to Bellamy.

He took it from her and began reading, smiling softly at the words and added doodles on the page. His smile began to falter as he remembered what he needed to do. Aleta turned away from him as he opened his mouth to speak. Before he could say anything though, she began talking.

"They still won't let me see Clarke. It's unbelievable. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna try to break her out or anything. I just wanna see her and figure out what's going on. I mean, treason? If you knew her you'd understand why I find it so hard to believe that she committed treason," she said, fiddling with the little things around her. She tended to fidget when she rambled or ranted. It was one of the things that Bellamy loved about her.

She turned to face him, about to speak again, but stopped when she looked at his face. Really looked at it. He looked nervous and as if something was bothering him, which Aleta quickly took notice of. "What's wrong?" She asked. Bellamy looked uneasy but shook his head. "Nothing," he said too quickly.

Aleta narrowed her eyes at him. "Leti..." Bellamy trailed off, placing the notebook on the table. There was no point in lying to her. She could easily tell when he was lying. "There's something that we need to discuss," he said. The girl grew confused. "Okay, what do we need to discuss?" She asked him slowly. Bellamy sighed and looked away from her. He couldn't bear to look at her because he knew that as soon as he looked into her beautiful blue eyes, he wouldn't do what he knew needed to be done.

He wanted to tell her the truth. He wanted to tell her everything. And he wanted to take her with him. But he knew that he shouldn't, he couldn't risk it. Besides, there was no guarantee that she would have agreed to go with him. In fact, she probably would have tried to stop him. So he did what he didn't want to do.

"I think, that you and I, need a break," he said quietly, refusing to meet her eyes. Aleta blinkedย  multiple times. She was shocked, but mostly confused. "What?" She asked in a mixture of disbelief and confusion. Bellamy inhaled sharply, "We should break up. This isn't working. You and me. It's pointless to just go on, knowing that it doesn't mean anything." He finally looked up at her. There was a pain in both of their chests. Aleta felt like her airways were constricting and it was getting harder for her to breathe. Bellamy felt an ache that began to spread throughout his body.

"Doesn't mean anything? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I don't understand. We've been together for close to two years. Things have been great and now you're deciding that we should break up? Now all of a sudden it doesn't mean anything to you?" Aleta said. She feels anger rising inside of her. She doesn't believe him, something else was going on. "I just don't feel the way I used to feel about you. I don't love you anymore," Bellamy lied.

Aleta paused for a moment before speaking. "I don't believe you. What's really going on Bellamy? Come on, you can tell me," she said, taking a step closer to him. Bellamy stepped back and away from her. The hurt was evident in her eyes and seeing that look on her face upset him. He was the one causing that pain and he hated himself for that. "I gotta go," Bellamy rushed, quickly walking to the door. Aleta stood in place, watching him go. He turned around and looked at her one last time. "I'm sorry, Aleta," he said before walking out.

As he stepped into the hallway, he began to breathe erratically. He fought the tears that were threatening to spill and turned back to the door. He wanted to go back in there and take it all back. He wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss her soft lips. But he knew that he couldn't. He had to walk away.

He had important things to do. He needed to protect his sister.

Bellamy took one last look at the door and finally let the tears roll down his cheeks. He roughly wiped them away and took a deep breath before walking away.

Aleta sat down in a chair. She felt different emotions bubbling up inside of her but currently, she just felt numb. Her entire body ached and her mind was all over the place. She didn't understand what's happening.

It was getting harder to breathe. The more she gasped for breath, the more her lungs felt like they were failing. His words kept echoing in her mind. I don't love you anymore. Each word was like a stab to her chest. Tears began to build up in her eyes and she let them fall. Before she knew it, she was a sobbing mess on the floor. What went wrong? How could it go wrong so quickly? Numerous questions were swimming in her head.

By the time she composed herself, the numbness and pain had gone away. But there was a dull ache left in its wake. She stayed on the floor for a long time, too tired to move. She began to feel angry. Angry at that stupid guard; angry at her parents; angry at Bellamy; angry at herself.

She finally regained some of her strength and stood. She walked over to the table and looked at the notebook that Bellamy put on it. With an angry sigh, she closed the notebook and went to her room. After entering, she slid down the cold metal wall. She looked at the bracelet that dangled from her wrist and sighed. It was gold and had a little charm with the letter 'A' on it. How Bellamy had found it had been a mystery to her.

Aleta looked around the room before closing her eyes and leaning her head back against the wall. She then let out a loud scream of anger and frustration. She kept screaming until it hurt to continue. "Why does my life suck so much?" She muttered, her voice slightly hoarse.

In that moment, she needed her best friend. So she picked herself off of the floor and began to exit her living quarters. Once she was out in the hallway, she began her trek to Mecha.


So if you remember, Bellamy didn't know about the dropship until about twenty minutes before it was sent to Earth. But I'm making it so that he knew about it the day before. I think it flows better with my plot I guess. It's not that big of a change but it's still a change. Also, there aren't that many changes in this updated version of chapter one, but there are a few differences. I hope you enjoyed. Be sure to like and comment and have a good day.


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