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Two and a half years ago

She was late, Aleta was very very late. It was her first day working at the Ark Station Medical. She, along with Clarke, would be shadowing doctors, like her mom and Abby Griffin and it was an amazing opportunity. But, of course, Aleta Correia was late.

She quickly ran down the corridors of the Ark, trying to get to medical as soon as possible. As she ran, she received looks from the onlookers but she wasn't worried about them. Aleta weaved through the different people and turned many corners as she tried to get to where she needed to be.

Running on the Ark probably wasn't a good idea seeing as a guard could stop her at any moment and give her shit. But honestly, Aleta couldn't care less. After a few more minutes of running, she finally made it onto the Government & Science Station and sprinted to medical.

When she finally got there, she was out of breath and rested her hands on her knees as she attempted to get her breathing back to normal. "You're late," a voice whispered softly. Aleta looked up to see Clarke standing in front of her. "I know," Aleta replied, still gasping for air. "You were supposed to be here forty five minutes ago," a new voice said.

Both girls turned their heads to the voice and Aleta sighed when she saw Abigail Griffin. "I know. And I'm very sorry," Aleta apologized. "Do you wanna tell me why you're late?" Abby asked. Aleta shook her head. "Not really. It'll just be an excuse and excuses are useless," she responded.

"You overslept, didn't you?" Clarke asked trying to hold back her laugh. "No," Aleta denied, though it was an obvious lie. "Well, your mother and I had originally planned on having you and Clarke observe a surgery and help treat patients, but since you were late, you won't be doing that. Instead, you're gonna take inventory of all the medicine, make sure it's all accounted for. Jackson will show you what to do," Abby sayid with a smirk.

Aleta's jaw dropped. "Butโ€”" Abby cut her off. "Uh uh, excuses are useless," she mocked, motioning for Clarke to follow her. Clarke gave Aleta an apologetic shrug and followed after her mother. Aleta released an annoyed breath and went to find Jackson.


After many hours of doing boring stuff, Aleta was allowed to leave. She entered her living quarters, releasing a tired sigh. Her father stood in the small kitchen and turned to her as he heard her come in. He smiled but it drops to a look of concern when he saw her face. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asked, walking over to her.

"No dad. Nothing happened. Nothing at all," she replied glumly as she took a seat in a chair. "Why so glum?" He asked. She sighed, "I was late to medical today and Abby stuck me with the boring stuff to do."

"Oh. Well next time, don't be late," her father said, patting her shoulder. Aleta glared at the man and he smiled. "I have a council meeting to attend, but I'll see you later," he said, kissing the top of her head and exiting. Aleta laid her head onto the table and groaned.


The next day, Aleta made sure to wake up early. And the day after that. And after that. Everyday she was to be at Ark Station Medical, she was there early. As time had passed, she had learned a lot and was very grateful for the experience.

Aleta took a quick shower and ate a small breakfast before speed walking to the Go-Sci Station. She arrived early and sighed in relief. "I see you've learned your lesson." Gianna Romano smirked at her daughter. "Are you going to say this every time I get here early?" Aleta asked.

Gianna laughed, "Yup." Aleta pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. When Clarke came in, Gianna gave the girls their assignment. "Today you guys will help with patients. You'll bring them their medicine, get them water, anything that they need. Got it?" She said. The girls nodded before getting to work.

Aleta's first patient was an older woman named Margaret Fuller. She had an asthma attack the night before, according to her chart. "Hi, Ms. Fuller. My name's Aleta. How are you feeling?" She asked the woman. Margaret smiled up at her from her seated position. "I'm alright. Really, no need to make a fuss about me," she replied and Aleta smiled. "Well, I'm gonna check your heart rate and your blood pressure. Standard procedure," she announced.

"You can do that? You're so young," Margaret said in slight amazement and Aleta laughed. "I've been trained in the basics of medicine. I can check your vitals, splint sprains, and I'm very good with stitches," Aleta responded. Margaret smiled, "You're so young and beautiful. You should be worrying about classes and young people things. Is there a special boy in your life?"

Aleta snorted. "No, there are no boys in my life, Ms. Fuller," she said. "Maggie, call me Maggie," the woman waved her off. "Okay, Maggie." Aleta smiled as she placed the stethoscope on the woman's chest. She checked her heart sounds before moving onto respirations. She asked her to breathe deeply and exhale slowly and repeated the process a couple of times.

"I'm surprised that a boy hasn't snatched you up yet," Maggie admitted. "Why is that?" Aleta questioned, writing down Maggie's respirations in her chart. "Because, you seem to have a bright future ahead of you, it's obvious that you're smart, not to mention beautiful, and kind. I'm a great judge of character," Maggie answered.

"Thank you. I guess there just hasn't been a boy that's caught my eye," Aleta admitted to the woman. "Not yet anyway," Maggie responded. "You're all good for now. I've gotta go check on a few other patients, but I'll be back," Aleta informed. "Take your time. I'm fine," Maggie replied, emphasizing the word 'fine'.

Aleta nodded and went to check on the remainder of her patients. They wereย  all okay so Aleta decided to go back to check on Maggie. "Uh, hello. I need a doctor here," a deep voice said, making Aleta stop and turn to the source. Her eyes landed on a very good looking and built guy. He had tanned skin and curly, dark brown hair that sat messily on his head. He was probably one of the best looking guys she had ever seen.

"Are you a doctor?" He asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Um, no," she answered. "Well can you get one?" He asked with an attitude. He immediately became slightly less attractive to Aleta. "I could, but maybe I can help you out. What are you here for?" Aleta said waiting expectantly.

"Look, you seem nice and all, but unless you know how to stitch an arm, you can't help me," the guy said. Aleta narrowed her eyes, "You know, the attitude, is not necessary. And as a matter of fact, I do know how to stitch an arm. I'd be happy to do it, unless you want a real doctor to do it. But I must say, I'm very good at stitches." She said it as nicely as she could, which was hard because he was being rude.

He paused for a moment and gave her a once over and then rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure, whatever," he said. Aleta narrowed her eyes again and nodded, "I'll go get a suture kit." He nodded once at her before turning away. She walked over to the supply cabinets and glared at him from her position. She really did not like this guy.

"What are you glaring at?" Clarke asked as she walked up behind her friend. Aleta pointed discreetly at him and Clarke took a step closer in order to get a better look. "Huh, he's cute," the blonde noted with a head nod. "Yeah, that's what I thought too. And then he opened his mouth and now I kinda want to punch him. Is that bad?" Aleta responded grabbing a suture kit.

"Yikes. I'd hate to be one of your patients when you become a doctor," Clarke muttered. Aleta turned her glare onto the blonde who smiled sheepishly and shrugged before speed walking away. Aleta made her way back over to the boy and placed some of the stuff in her hands down. "Okay, let me see your arm," she commanded. He hesitated before holding out his arm for her to see. She grabbed his arm and examined the cut. The boy shivered slightly at the coldness of her hands.

"Sorry, my hands are always a little cold," she apologized as she continued to examine his arm. "They're more than a little cold. Is that even normal?" He said. Aleta shrugged, "It's normal for me." She looked down at him and noticed the faint freckles on his face. It made him even more attractive. "Yeah, you're definitely gonna need stitches," she concluded once she looked away from his face. "I could have told you that. Oh wait, I did," he said sarcastically causing Aleta to fake laugh in a mocking manner.

Aleta dropped his arm and grabbed two gloves, slipping them onto her hands. She then grabbed a clean cloth and took his arm again. She gently rubbed the cloth on his arm to clean off some of the blood. "How did this happen?" She asked him. He sighed in annoyance at her question but answered anyway. "Guard training," he stated simply and Aleta scoffed. "Of course you're a guard," she muttered.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He asked, his voice hard and a glare fixed on the girl. Aleta rolled her eyes, "Guards are assholes, and so are you." The boy scoffed. "No I'm not," he said defensively. Aleta shook her head. "I disagree. You've been very rude to me," she noted. She grabbed a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth and poured some of the alcohol on the cloth.

"This might sting," she said before placing the cloth on the wound and cleaning it more so that it didn't get infected. The boy didn't even flinch, just continued to glare at her. "I'm not a guard. Just training to be one," he told her after a while. "Well that's good for you," she answered. He rolled his eyes, "Who's rude now?"

Aleta narrowed her eyes. "I wasn't being rude. I was just saying that it's good for you," she said. "Yeah but you said it in a way that made it seem like you don't care," he said narrowing his eyes. Aleta laughed at his words which, for some reason, brought a small smile to the boy's face. She had a nice laugh, he realized. "That's because I don't care," she replied honestly.

She picked up a little glass bottle of lidocaine and a syringe. She stuck the syringe into the little hole on top of the bottle and filled it with some of the liquid. She pushed on the plunger and flicked the syringe with her fingers while some of the liquid came out. Aleta moved the syringe toward his arm. "Whoa whoa whoa! What are you doing?" He asked . "I'm about to numb your arm so that I can stitch your wound," she answered in a 'duh' tone.

"Well, do you have to use that?" He asked, pointing toward the syringe. Aleta looked at the syringe in her hand, then back at him and smirked. "Don't tell me you're afraid of needles," she teased, holding back a laugh. The boy scoffed. "No. I just don't trust you," he said honestly.

"Ouch," Aleta said, feigning hurt. He looked up at her in confusion and began to feel bad, not realizing that she wasn't really hurt by his words. "I wasn't trying toโ€”" he started but she cut him off. "Look, I know what I'm doing and if you'd let me help you, then we could be done with this whole thing. Okay?" She said, giving him a look. Her blue eyes pierced into his brown ones and he looked away and nodded. "Okay then," she muttered.

She stuck the syringe into his arm and pressed down on the plunger. When she was done, she pulled it out. "We'll have to wait a few minutes for the lidocaine to take affect. So, I'll be back," she told him, picking up the used things and taking them with her.

Bellamy stared after her as she walked. He was slightly mesmerized by her. She was beautiful, that much was obvious. But she was also confident. She had amazing eyes and a stunning smile. But, she annoyed him to no end. He didn't like how she acted like she was better than him in some way.

When she returned to him after a few minutes, Bellamy was relieved. He needed her to stitch him up so that he could leave. "Are you numb yet?" She asked and he nodded, not saying a word. She nodded as well and picked up a suture needle and thread. She threaded the needle and prepared to begin. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" He asked nervously.

Aleta sighed, "You doubt me too much. I know what I'm doing dude." She pinched his skin together to close the wound and began suturing his arm. She pulled the needle in and out of his skin expertly and with precision. Bellamy watched her in amazement.

When she was done, she cut the surgical thread and knotted it. "There, all done," she informed. She pulled out a bandage, gauze, and surgical tape. She carefully placed the bandage onto the newly stitched area and taped it in place. She then gently wrapped the gauze around his arm and secured it.

"So, the numbness should wear off in a few hours. I would recommend an antibiotic ointment to help prevent infection. You can ask Jackson over there for some. Tell him I sent you. Make sure to be careful when dressing and taking showers. Also, replace the bandage at least twice a day. Jackson can give you extras. Come back in a week or so to get those stitches removed. And you're all set. Is there anything else you need?" Aleta said, looking at him expectantly.

"No," he said shaking his head. Aleta nodded and turned away. "Thank you," he added as an after thought. Aleta turned to face him in surprise and smiled. "You're welcome," she said.

"I never got your name," he told her. "I never got yours," she said back. "It's Bellamy," he informed. "I like it," she said before she turned again and walked away. "Wait. What's your name?" He calls after her she turned her head. "Take care of yourself," she called back and walked away.

Bellamy stood in shock. He stared after her form until she disappeared into a room. He shook his head before walking in the direction she pointed at and looking for Jackson.


So, obviously this is a flashback. It's of when Bellamy and Aleta first met. I didn't change much in this chapter from the original. I hope you all enjoyed. Be sure to vote and comment. P.S. what do you think their ship name should be? Aletamy? Belleta? I don't know but I would love some ideas.


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