bonus chapter #1: (y/n) osborn

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Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker

Peter walked around New York with his earphones plugged in, humming softly to a song. It's been a week since his adventurous multiverse travel and it's been a week since he last saw your face. Right after he got back to his own world, he couldn't stop thinking of how you were doing abroad and if you could still remember him.

He stopped by at the apartment building where he was renting opened the door to see a woman talking to one of his neighbors. Peter slowly pulled out his earphones as he slowly approached the woman. He heard soft and angelic laughter from the woman's lips and he was eager to know who she was.

Peter shook his head and plugged his earphones back on his ears and walked up the stairs to get into his apartment. Peter opened the door to his apartment and set his backpack down before groaning. "God, what do I do now?"

Before he could open his window up, he heard a knock outside his door. Peter approached the door and opened it revealing the same woman he encountered just minutes ago. "Oh..." Peter softly gasped.

It was you.

You looked exactly the same in his opinion, but of course older and more mature. Your hair was tied up and you were dressed neatly. The same shine in your eyes had never left and it was if Peter was back in his childhood, back to simpler times when you two were just playmates.

"Hi." You greeted with a smile. "I was told that you're one of Harry's friends. Couldn't really remember the names of his friends."

Peter's smile slightly fell. 'She doesn't remember me?' Peter slowly nodded. "Right. You mean Harry Osborn?"

"Yeah, yeah." You nodded. "I was hoping that one of his friends could help me rebuild OSCORP. After my father's death, things have been shitty that I had to go back from Europe."

You glanced down at your phone while Peter continued to stare at you in awe. "Most of Harry's friends were out of New York and you happened to have an experience inside OSCORP, yes?"

Peter shrugged and began to stutter. "I-I mean, I guess—"

"Have you worked there?"

"Well, I have assisted Dr. Curt Connors before."

"Ah, I see." You looked up at Peter who was still awestruck to see you. You opened your mouth to scold him for staring at you but you glanced at his room to find a picture of you, Peter, and Harry when you were kids. Your gaze softened and looked back at Peter. "Have we met before?"

Peter began to stutter. "I—er—well... yes." He nodded. "We were young when we last saw each other so I understand if you don't really remember me now."

Your jaw dropped. "Oh, my God." You softly gasped. "I am so sorry for not knowing you! I had an accident back in Europe and I swear my brain is getting better—"

"Wait, wait, hold on." Peter stopped you from talking. "You had an accident?"

You nodded. "Harry was driving recklessly. It was an accident and he felt extremely guilty about it." You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as you glanced inside Peter's room. "May I, um, come in?"

Peter flinched. "Oh, yeah!" He opened the door wider for you to enter. "My room's a bit messy so I'm sorry in advance."

You stepped inside his apartment and looked around. "You got a decent place." You smiled and found pictures hanging on his wall. While you're wandering around, Peter quickly fixed his mess and even shot a web to his boxers lying on the ground. Just before you could turn around, Peter hid the boxers away and let out an awkward smile at you.

You looked at him and gave him a smile back before looking around his things again. Peter scratched the back of his head, thinking of a topic for you two to talk about. "So, uh, how exactly did you know where I live?"

"I have a friend here who so happens to be one of your neighbors." You answered and lightly brushed your fingers on an old photograph of Harry Osborn and Peter. "She said she knew you so she gave me the room number of your apartment."

You gasped when you spotted his skateboard beside his drawer. "You have a skateboard?" You snapped your head towards him in delight. "Do you know how to ride it?"

Peter shrugged. "A little bit yeah..." He saw a glint in your eye as you stared at his skateboard so he slightly smirked. "Do you want to try?"

When you were kids, you had a bicycle with an extra chair behind. Harry got his scooter while Peter got a skateboard. Peter was still afraid to use his so hr would often sit behind your bicycle and wrap his small arms around your waist as you pedal around the streets.

Now, it was you who was behind Peter, with your arms wrapped around his waist, while he maneuvered his skateboard on where to go on Central Park. Peter even gave you a helmet he got from his aunt so you wouldn't injure yourself if you ever fall.

"Slow down!"

"I am slowing down!"

"No, you're not."

"Look, (Y/n), there's a kid on his bike who's faster than me. See?"

You clutched your arms around his waist while a smile never faded from your face. Peter cracked a smile and drifted to scare you a little bit and he was successful when you yelped and buried your face against his back and your arms hugged him tighter. "I hate you." You mumbled.

You didn't know how you warmed up so fast around Peter, but it felt right. He was still a stranger to you since you couldn't entirely remember him, however, you were willing to spend time with him to recover those lost memories. At the end of the day, you and Peter sat down on a bench in Central Park.

You chuckled softly. "You know, my day is supposed to be filled with me looking for possible employees for OSCORP." You breathlessly told Peter. "I never imagined myself riding on a skateboard with an old friend."

Peter smiled. "Seems like you needed a break."

You leaned your head back as you groaned loudly. "You have no idea! After Harry's imprisonment, I have to be in charge of whatever our father has been working on." You looked at Peter and grinned. "So, I thank you. For helping me have a break. You're like my knight in shining armor."

"Don't you want a prince, (Y/n)?"

"No, I want a knight in shining armor because I know he would save me!"

Peter stared at you for a moment, a feeling of deja vu washing over him and it brought him to make a smile. You chuckled. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Nothing... you used to call me like that before."

From that moment on, you knew you have to remember him. For Peter, he learned that meeting you again was a chance for a new life again... a chance to find new love. Because he knows, Gwen Stacy wants him to become happy instead of moping around.

And this time, he'll make sure to catch you every time you fall.

━━━━ 🧸 ━━━━

Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker

Peter got into a flower shop and picked a few flowers before paying them at the counter. He waited patiently until his phone started ringing. He immediately picked the call up when he saw Mary Jane Watson's name on the screen. "Hey."

"Hi, Pete." Peter heard his wife's sweet voice. "Are you still at work? You're still not home."

"Ah, sorry." Peter apologized before taking the flowers and muttering a small thank you to the cashier. "I'm stopping by at the cemetery."

Peter heard his wife's soft gasp. "It's today, isn't it?"

The man nodded. "It's about time to visit her. It's been a long time since..."

"I understand," Mary Jane replied with a sad smile, knowing how it was painful for Peter for what happened years ago. "I'll meet you there, okay?"

"Alright. Love you."

"Love you too, tiger."

They both hung up and Peter entered his car to start driving. His car wasn't fancy and expensive but it wasn't a cheap one either. It was second-hand but it was working like it was a new car. Peter laid the bouquet of flowers at the passenger's seat before driving away to head to his destination.

Peter soon arrived at the cemetery and parked his car outside. He passed by a few gravestones as he looked for a specific tombstone. Peter shakily took a deep breath as he continued to search until his breath hitched when he finally found it. Peter walked towards the grave and placed down the bouquet filled with your lily flowers.

(Y/n) Lily Osborn
1984 - 2002
A Beloved Daughter
A Great Friend
A Dreamer
Until we meet again, our Angel

Peter stared down at your grave as he reminisced about the memories you both shared together. He wished to go back in time to stop you from going to OSCORP to help Norman or at least to save you from your inevitable doom.

He didn't get to say goodbye...

But a part of him was in relief that the last thing he saw from you was you smiling at him. You were in such a great mood and he was glad you two were on good terms before you died.

Peter wouldn't be able to forgive himself if the last thing you could feel was resentment toward him.

"Sorry for, um, not visiting..." Peter stated as he looked directly at your tombstone. "I couldn't bear myself to see you... well, here. I still can't accept the fact that you're gone."

Peter quickly wiped away a tear that had escaped from the corner of his eye. "Crazy things happened, and... I wish you were here to listen to my unbelievable rants." Peter chuckled softly. "Believe it or not, I met another version of you. And guess what? She's dating the other version of me."

He knew you would laugh or gasp out loud. He could imagine you rambling about multiverse theories and asking him constantly about magic. Peter truly misses his best friend.

"Hey, Pete." Peter turned around and saw Mary Jane approaching him. Mary Jane stood next to her husband and looked down at your tombstone. "I miss her..."

"Yeah, me too, MJ." Peter kissed his wife's hand which was placed on his shoulder. "A lot."

Peter and Mary Jane stayed at the tombstone for a while as they both miss their best friend. They both knew you were gone too soon.

Being someone's soulmate didn't need to be romantic or anything. Peter knew he was your soulmate and you were his. You two were great friends who had an unfortunate fate with you leaving the living world. And right after you died, Peter felt the other part of him died as well.

But seeing the other variant of you being in a relationship with his younger version of himself, Peter was content to see you happy. And he wishes for his other version to meet his (Y/n) and start a new life with her.


There's a theory going on about Gwen Stacy's death because of the events of No Way Home and if it's proven true that she's alive, this story does not follow it (as much as I want her alive) since this story is about Peter and (Y/n).

I also don't know if Tobey's Peter is married to MJ Watson or maybe they're still in the boyfriend-girlfriend relationship so let's pretend they are married for this book, okay? Okay, bye.

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