chapter twelve: disaster in london part two

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"Why did the bus driver stop?" You asked Harrington, who just came back. He came down for a while to ask the driver if it was still safe above since there was a big storm coming.

"The bus driver's gone," Harrington informed.

"What?" All of you exclaimed, and the others started panicking.

"It's okay. Mr. Dell and I have it under control." Harrington tried to reassure.

Dell shook his hands and head. "No, no, no. Don't drag me into this one."

Harrington turned to him and sent him a glare. "I'm doing my best, Julius!" Harrington exclaimed before instructing his students to quickly escape the bus while Dell continued to shout about witches coming back.

After getting off the bus and running away, you observed the large storm that had grown into a large monster and had captured the bus that you had just gotten off of a moment earlier. It was crushed and set on fire. You all might have died if you hadn't escaped that bus in time.

"This way!" Harrington pointed in the direction and you all followed him. You saw Flash stopped in his tracks to take a video of the big storm monster.

"Flash!" You hissed as you pushed him forward to continue running.

"This way, kids! Follow me!" Harrington kept on yelling.

"It's not real, it's not real!" Ned kept telling you and Michelle.

"That one looks pretty real to me!" Michelle yelled at him before flinching when all of you heard an explosion.

All of you stopped to take a good look at the monster. "Earth, wind, fire, water... Oh, no. They've joined forces like Power Rangers!" Dell commented.

"You're thinking of Voltron." Harrington corrected without taking his eyes off the monster.

"Who?" Dell asked.

Harrington rolled his eyes. "Voltron! You're thinking of Voltron!"

"Hey, look. It's Mysterio!" Brad announced as he pointed at the hero, who flew towards the monster and started fighting it. "He's gonna save us!"

Although you and Ned knew better, the rest of the group celebrated the win, certain that Mysterio would save everyone. Your eyes went wide, and you gave Ned a sharp smack on the shoulder. "Wait, Mysterio knows we know."

Ned looked at you with fear in his eyes. "Then we're in danger."

"So are they." You told him. "We should go."

You and Ned ran away with Betty. Flash noticed you four running away, so he joined you as well. Michelle looked at the four of you and was hesitating if she should follow or not. She huffed. "Ugh, fine!" She quickly ran away from the group and followed you as well.

"This is for my family!" You heard Mysterio's yells as he shot a green beam at the monster.

"You hear me, kid?" Happy asked as he glanced at Peter, who was in his new suit and sticking on the window to his left. "Yeah, I can. It's just a little loud out here." Peter replied.

Happy smiled when he saw the new suit that Peter had made. "I like the new suit."

"Thanks." Peter chuckled.

Happy saw the monster fighting Mysterio and saw how huge it was from afar. "Woah... Peter, you sure that's not real?"

"Yeah, it's just a hundred times bigger than I expected."

"Still the play?"

"Uh-huh. We need to get high enough so that it doesn't see me coming."

Happy nodded. "Copy. Stay sticky."

Peter had an idea for something to talk about before leaving, once they were out of the clouds and nearly at the monster. "Hey, Happy."

"Yeah, kid? What is it?" Happy asked.

"We need to have a serious conversation about you and my aunt..!" Peter yelled as he fell from the jet but Happy heard him. He gulped and clutched on the steering wheel tightly and nervously.

"Beck, report!" Fury exclaimed impatiently to Beck.

"Hey, Guterman," Beck whispered through his other earpiece. "I need a response, something quick and decisive..."

"It's all the Elementals. They somehow merged into something... something else." In response, Guterman read aloud from a script.

"Something more powerful." Beck continued to tell Fury. "It's drawing energy from the Earth's core."

After a brief period of silence, Fury turned to face Hill and shot her a deadpan and unamused stare.ย "See, now that's some bullshit."

Hill sighed. Just as she was losing hope, she looked up and saw a familiar figure coming towards the monster. "Is that...?"

Fury looked at it as well and noticed who it was. "Be ready for anything."

Peter closed his eyes just as he was about to enter the illusion. "Oh, it's not real, it's not real, it's not real!"

He went inside the illusion and bumped into a drone. Peter stayed on top of it and looked at the whole illusion in amazement. "Woah... that's awesome." Peter jumped down to start shooting webs on the drones to somehow stop the illusion or disable them.

Beck noticed that something was wrong with the drones. "William, I've got drones breaking formation."

"Maybe they hit a flock of birds or something. You're fine." William responded lamely.

"Well, I wanna see what's happening there. I'm taking manual control." By pressing a button, he was able to observe Peter shoot webs at any drone he happened to view through. Beck was looking at Peter through a drone when Peter shot it.

"Do you see anything?" William asked.

Beck locked his gaze on the creature, well aware that Spider-Man was within, foiling his schemes. "Yeah. And I'm gonna kill him."

With each drone, Peter connected it with a web as he shot more. He then pressed his signature spider symbol on his chest after leaping off a drone. His web-shooters emitted electricity, which attacked the drones by passing through the webs. The drones were electrified, and the illusion is slowly fading.

"You got me?" Nick Fury asked when he spotted a drone in front of him, ready to fire.

Maria Hill shot the drone from above and the drone exploded. "I gotcha."

"Boss, the illusion is coming apart," William told Beck.

Beck stared at his illusion in fear. Peter saw him and narrowed his eyes. "I see you." Beck saw Peter coming towards him so he quickly pressed something on his gadget. "E.D.I.T.H., give me some protection."

"Copy," E.D.I.T.H. replied.

Just as Peter was about to attack Beck, a drone sent him away. Beck huffed in annoyance and looked back at his illusion. "Kill it. Just kill the illusion. Kill it."

"No. I'm not gonna kill it. They'll see you." William defended.

"They'll see what I want them to see!" Beck exclaimed in anger. William sighed and turned off the illusion.

"Do you still need the cape?" Janice, who's working on Mysterio's suit, asked.

"Yes, Janice." Beck breathed in and sighed to answer her calmly. "I still need the cape."

You picked out an earpiece from your jacket's pocket and quickly plugged it into your ear. "Come on, Harley. Pick up." You muttered as you continued running.

Harley staggered backward, knocking himself off the couch after hearing your call. With a groan of discomfort, Harley sat up slowly on the floor and picked up his phone. "Yeโ€”"

"Harley!" You yelled.

"Jesus, (Y/n). I'm here. What is it?"

"Beck knows that we know!" You told him so as you steered clear of some people who were sprinting to avoid getting struck or bumped by you.

Harley quickly stood up in panic and surprise. "Where the hell are you now? Are you safe? What do you want me to do?"

"I'm in London, running to safety. I need you to go to my dad's room and take the red watch."

"Watch? For what? To put a timer?!"

"Just do it!"

Harley rushed over to Tony's room and opened the door. He turned to face Tony's bed and noticed the red watch resting on it. He took hold of it and put it on. "I wore it. What should I do?" He asked you.

"Press the screen now!"

Harley followed instructions and did as he was told. Tony had created him an outfit, which included the watch. Harley was taken aback to see that he was suddenly dressed in a suit that resembled Tony's. "Holy shit!"

"Now I want you to help the citizens here and help Peter defeat Beck." To ensure none of your friends would hear you, you gave the command in a low voice. "Make sure Peter is safe."

"Roger that." Harley took off at top speed, soaring upward as quickly as he could towards London.

"The monster was full of drones!" Flash screamed on his phone since he was still doing a livestream on his Instagram. "It's crazy!"

As you continued to flee in the direction of safety, you rolled your eyes at Flash. All of a sudden, a well-known aircraft touched down a short distance from you. Happy emerged and ran in the direction of you and all of your friends.

"(Y/n)! Ned!" Happy called out, causing you and the others to stop.

"Happy!" You and Ned exclaimed in relief. You rushed towards Happy and hugged him. Happy hugged you back in return. "Thank God you're here!"

"I'm glad you're safe, (Y/n)." Happy replied as he pulled away from the hug. "Now, I gotta get you guys outta here! Get on the jet!"

"Who are you?" Michelle asked with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I work with Spider-Man, okay?" Happy answered. "You gotta get on that jet."

"You work for Spider-Man?" Flash asked in excitement.

Happy glared at him. "I work with Spider-Man, not for Spider-Man!"

The plane burst into flames after being hit by a drone that shot at it. With dread, Happy's eyes grew wide. "New plan. Into the tower!"

Peter saw the explosion and knew it was Happy's jet. "Oh, my God, Happy, are you okay?"

"Yeah, we're okay." Happy replied.

"Is (Y/n) okay?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. Just do your best."

"E.D.I.T.H., target Spider-Man." Beck ordered E.D.I.T.H. "I'll just kill the kids myself."

You entered the vault containing the Crown Jewels with the others. Happy could tell that the walls were eight feet thick. Happy gestured to the pillars once you were all inside. "Take cover!"

While Ned was with Betty, you hid next to Michelle. Happy was hiding next to Flash, who continued to stream live. He'll stop at nothing to become popular.

Michelle noticed a weapon while you put your bracelet on. Your bracelet had the same potential to become a component of a suit as your father's watch, and in your case, it was the handpiece. It was just what you needed.

Ignoring Happy's warnings, Michelle took the weapon and almost fell to the floor, but she caught it.

"I see you," Beck whispered.

A knight's armor that Ned and Betty had dragged down crashed and made a lot of noise when it hit the ground. The armor gets shot down by the drone. You fired a beam at the drone as Michelle used her weapon to damage it as well while it was preoccupied.

"Go!" Happy commanded.

You rushed into the vault with the crown inside, along with the others. You witnessed Happy attempt, but completely fail, to perform what Captain America does by flinging a shield at the drone.

"How does Cap do that?" Happy groaned in frustration before closing the vault door.

"Happy?" Peter asked, noticing that Happy wasn't talking to him or updating him. "Say something, please. Just let me know you're alive."

"I'm here! I'm here!" Happy responded, causing Peter to sigh in relief. "Oh, Happy! Thank God."

"I bought us some time." Happy informed Peter. His eyes widened when the drone started shooting lasers at the vault's door. "But not much."

"I'm trying to get to Beck, but I can't shake these drones."

You contacted Harley again on your earpiece. "Harley, where are you?"

"I'm here," Harley replied as he stared down at the drones forming the illusion again. "Damn, that's a lot of drones."

"I need you to destroy some drones as a distraction so Peter can get to Beck. Can you do that?"

"Yep. Hang on."

Peter looked down and pressed the button to shoot some webs from his web-shooters but nothing came out. "Great. No webs."

Observing in the situation, he noticed that Beck was being protected by drones stationed to watch the entrance. A blast caught him off guard and made him jump. His eyes grew wide as Beck locked his stare at Harley, who was in his suit, and his eyes widened. "Is that...?"

"Tony?" Peter's heart sank thinking that Tony was still alive in that suit. Harley shot some drones down and looked everywhere for Peter.

Harley came down and faced Peter. Peter blinked a few tears away. "Hey, Pete," Harley spoke up as he removed his helmet.

Peter gasped and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "H-Harley?"

"I'm here to help," Harley told him. "Need a lift?"

Harley received a gentle smile from Peter as he shook his head, grateful that Harley had made the effort to assist with all of this mess. "I can take down Beck. Can you help me divert their focus from me to you?"

Harley nodded. "I'll distract some drones and Beck while you figure out how to get to him." Harley smiled. "Good luck, Peter." After instructing him on what to do, he flew again and flew towards some drones to destroy them.

"Are we gonna die?" Ned asked when some drones joined in to destroy the vault's door.

"Nobody dies on my watch." Happy replied.

"I wasted my life playing video games and we're gonna die!" Ned confessed.

"I have a fake ID." Betty joined in too. "And I've never even used it."

"I post stupid videos daily for people to like me!" Flash cried out but was stopped by Happy. "Hey! If it wasn't for those stupid videos, Spider-Man would have never found you."

Flash's eyes widened and a huge grin formed on his face. "S-Spider-Man... Spider-Man follows me? I saved us, guys!"

"If you saved us, then why are we about to die?" Michelle snapped.

You gasped. "MJ!" You exclaimed with Betty.

"Stop it!" Happy and Ned yelled.

"I'm sorry!" Michelle apologized. "Okay? I just... I'm obsessed with telling the truth even if it hurts other people's feelings." She confessed, feeling a bit guilty.

"At least you get to tell the truth of how you feel than me who still hides her feelings to a guy I like!" You exclaimed.

Your friends looked at you. "Yeah, we know!" You turned to them. "You all knew I like Peter?"


"Wait, really?" Flash gasped, clearly clueless about your feelings towards Peter.

"I'm in love with Spider-Man's aunt." Happy blurted out.

You and your friends turned your attention to Happy whose eyes were closed when he confessed. As your friends expressed their disbelief and disapproval of Happy through looks, you broke into laughter. With confusion, Happy glanced at each of you. "We're sharing, right?"

Peter finally made his way to Beck just as the drones brought the door down. Peter punched Beck's helmet causing the drones, which were about to kill you all, to stop.

"Your lies are over, Beck," Peter said.

"This certainly isn't ideal, but... I have contingencies. E.D.I.T.H?"

Peter groaned in pain as he fell to the ground after a drone abruptly shot a sonic wave towards him. Peter coughed and got to his feet. "Just give me the glasses."

Beck showed the glasses to him with a mocking surprised look. "You want these?" Beck's face into a serious one. "Come and get them."

Peter's in an illusion when the drones form an illusion again. Peter took a deep breath and closed his eyes momentarily. "Come on, Peter-Tingle."

Peter started attacking the drones with his eyes closed with the help of his spider-senses. Beck was surprised and started panicking. "Why aren't these drones firing?" Beck asked E.D.I.T.H.

"You're in the strike zone." E.D.I.T.H. responded. "The chance of getting hit..."

E.D.I.T.H. was cut off by Beck's rage. "No, fire ALL the drones NOW!"

The drones surrounding Beck began firing at Peter, but Peter was able to take them out with ease. Beck fell to the ground when one drone unintentionally shot him down. Peter takes off his mask after taking out the drones that have gathered around him. "Beck!" He called out. Peter looked down when he spotted him bleeding on the ground.

Peter walked towards him and stopped once he was in front of him. "You lied to me. I trusted you."

Beck sighed. "I know. That's the most... disappointing part. You're a good person, Peter. Such a weakness..." Beck pulled out the glasses from his suit and put them up so Peter could grab them. Peter noticed how Beck was handling the glasses like it was a gun. "Stark was right. You do deserve that."

Before Beck could shoot him in the head, Peter reacted swiftly and grabbed his arm next to him. The Beck he was talking to turned out to be an illusory creation from a drone nearby, and the real Beck was standing right next to him. With utter disappointment and exhaustion, Peter turned to face Beck.

"You can't trick me anymore," Peter told him before grabbing the glasses away from him. Peter wore it and looked at the view outside to see the drones. "E.D.I.T.H., turn off the drones!"

"Biometric scan complete. Welcome back, Peter." E.D.I.T.H. greeted. "Shall I execute all cancellation protocols?"

"Do it," Peter commanded. "Execute them all."


The rest of the drones flew away from the place and London is back to safety. Happy blindly took the weapon that Betty's holding. "Give me the spear."

"That's a halberd." Ned corrected with a cough. Happy and Betty gave him a look.

Peter smiled in relief and gazed at the sky when the drones were gone. "Thank you." He whispered. His smile faded away and was back into a serious face when he turned around to face Beck who was lying on the ground. "How could you do all of this?"

"You'll see, Peter," Beck said softly, not bothering to look up at him. "People tend to believe... and nowadays... they'll believe anything." And with that, he took his last breath and died.

Peter once again wore the glasses and let E.D.I.T.H. scan Beck's body. "Is he... is this real?"

"All illusions are down, Peter."

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